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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【考点解读】‎ ‎ 1. 掌握倒装的必备条件及倒装的具体应用。‎ ‎ 2. 熟知强调句的基本结构及其疑问句句式、特殊疑问句式,注意其与结构相似的主从复合句的区别。‎ ‎ 3. 掌握省略的一些基本原则,在行文中正确地使用省略。‎ ‎ 4. 掌握祈使句、感叹句的基本形式及用法。‎ ‎ 5. 掌握反义疑问句的构成和用法。‎ ‎【命题趋势】‎ 近两年高考试卷中的语篇型语法填空题对特殊句式的考查很少,但强调句型、倒装句、there be句型等均为高中教学的重点内容,所以在高考备考中,考生仍然需要掌握这部分内容,以便有充分的知识储备和较强的综合能力应对高考。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 倒装是英语中常见的一种语言现象,它具有强调、修饰等作用。倒装可分为完全倒装和部分倒装。‎ 一、完全倒装 完全倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时或一般过去时。常见的结构有:‎ ‎1. There be句型:其中be可换成live, lie, stand, remain, exist, come, go, seem (appear/ happen/ used) to be等表示"存在"意义的词。‎ ‎☛There entered a strange little man. 走进来一个奇怪而身材矮小的人。 ‎ ‎☛Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. 从前,海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。‎ ‎2. 以here, there, off, out, in, up, down, away, now, then, on等表示方向、位置或时间、地点的副词开头的句子,谓语是come, go, be等动词时,并且其主语为名词时,通常使用完全倒装。‎ ‎☛Now, here goes the story. 现在,这个故事是这样的。‎ ‎☛Then came another question. 然后又一个问题被提出来了。‎ ‎☛Away flew the bird. 那只鸟飞走了。‎ ‎☛Suddenly, in came a man with a mask on his face. 突然进来一个蒙着面的男人。‎ 在以there, here, up, down, out, in等副词开头的句子中,当主语是代词时,句子不倒装。‎ ‎☛There they are.他们在那边。‎ ‎3. 表示地点的介词短语,常将其放在句首,构成完全倒装,用于表示强调。此时句子的谓语动词通常是不及物动词,且主语为名词。‎ ‎☛In the cottage lives a family of six. 在这间小屋里住着一家六口。 ‎ ‎☛Near the bridge was an old cottage. 在桥的附近有一间古老的小屋。‎ ‎☛Next to this one is another grand hotel which is beautifully decorated. ‎ ‎ 这家饭店隔壁还有一家装修得很漂亮的大饭店。‎ ‎☛On either side of the great avenue stood many buildings. 这条大街的两侧都耸立着许多大楼。‎ ‎4. 表语(充当表语的可以是形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语、副词等)置于句首,一般是主语较长或结构为较复杂的句子。‎ ‎☛Gone are the days when he was looked down upon. ‎ ‎ 他被人瞧不起的日子已经一去不复返了。‎ ‎☛In the armchair lay a cat, half asleep. 一只猫躺在扶手椅上,半睡半醒。‎ ‎☛Standing around the teacher were her students. ‎ ‎ 老师周围站着的都是她的学生。‎ ‎☛Also discussed were the problems we had met with in our studies. ‎ ‎ 同时还讨论了我们在学习中碰到的问题。‎ ‎☛First to unfold was the map of the world. 首先要打开的是世界地图。‎ ‎5. such位于句首。‎ ‎☛Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这些。‎ 二、部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分,如助动词或情态动词,置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语部分不含有助动词或情态动词时,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。‎ ‎1. 为了避免句子内容出现不必要的重复,常用"so+be动词/助动词/情态动词)+主语"或"neither/nor+be动词/助动词/情态动词)+主语"的倒装句式。其中第一个句式表示"与前面所述的肯定情况相同",第二个句式表示"与前面所述的否定情况相同"。‎ ‎☛His brother is a college student, so is mine. 他弟弟是大学生,我弟弟也是。‎ ‎☛He used to have his further study abroad, so did I. 他曾去国外深造过,我也去过。‎ ‎☛One of my friends cannot speak foreign languages, neither can his wife. ‎ ‎ 我的一个朋友不会说外语,他的妻子也不会。‎ ‎☛They are not now preparing for their final examinations, nor are we. ‎ ‎ 他们没在为期末考试做准备,我们也没有。‎ 表示赞同某人的看法时,用"So+S+do/does/did."。‎ ‎☛—I told you that I would come.我告诉过你我会来的。‎ ‎—So you did.你确实说过。‎ ‎2. 含有否定意义的词或短语置于句首时(否定词修饰主语除外),句子通常采用部分倒装。这类词或短语常见的有:not, never, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, rarely, scarcely, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, not until..., no sooner...(than), hardly...(when), not only...(but also)。‎ ‎☛Never have my sisters been to Hong Kong before. 我的妹妹们以前从未去过香港。‎ ‎☛So far as I know, seldom does Mary come back to see her mother. ‎ 就我所知,玛丽很少回来看她妈妈。‎ ‎☛Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. 你在哪儿都不会找到这个问题的答案的。‎ ‎☛By no means are these goods satisfactory. 这些货物一点儿也不令人满意。‎ ‎☛Not until twelve o’clock did he go to bed last night. 他昨晚直到十二点钟才睡觉。‎ ‎☛Not only was the city polluted, but (also) the streets were crowded. 不仅城市被污染,而且街道也很拥挤。‎ not until后接从句时,主句部分倒装,从句不倒装;no sooner...than, hardly...when, not only...but also中,no sooner, hardly, not only所在的分句/句子部分倒装,后一分句(主句)不倒装,这种结构常用过去完成时。但在neither...nor结构中,前后两个分句均要倒装。‎ ‎☛Not only did he complain about the food, but also he refused to pay for it. 他不仅抱怨饭菜的质量,而且拒不付款。‎ ‎☛Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience started cheering. 他刚演讲完,观众便欢呼起来。‎ ‎3. as, though引导的让步状语从句,其中表语、状语等放在as或though之前。 ‎ ‎☛Successful as he is, he is not proud. 尽管他取得了成功,但他并不骄傲。‎ ‎☛Try as I might, I could not lift the stone. 尽管我用尽力气,我还是举不起这块石头。‎ ‎☛Too much as/though I like it, I can’t afford it. 虽然我非常喜欢它,但是我却买不起。‎ ‎ as/though引导的让步状语从句具有以下特点:(1)表语提前,形容词最高级前的the、单数可数名词前的a/an要省略。(2)主谓结构的句子,谓语动词(原形)提前时,主语后要补出相应的助动词。‎ ‎☛Shortest as he is, he is the cleverest of the three. 虽然他是三个人中最矮的,却是最聪明的。‎ ‎☛Child as he is, he knows some of the family secrets. 尽管他还是个孩子,他却知道家里的一些秘密。 (注意child前无冠词)‎ ‎4. so/such...that...句型中,so/such部分放在句首,该部分须采用部分倒装。‎ ‎☛So serious was the situation that everybody faced a test. 形势如此地严峻,每个人都面临着一场考验。‎ ‎☛In such a hurry did she leave that she forgot to lock the door. 她匆匆离去,以至于忘记了锁门。‎ ‎5. 句子以were, had, should开头,省略if的虚拟条件句。‎ ‎☛Had they not helped us, we could not have done it so successfully.如果没有他们帮助我们,我们不可能把那件事办得如此成功。‎ ‎☛Should he come, say "Nobody in" to him. 万一他来了,对他说:"公司没人。"‎ ‎☛Were I you, I would go with them. 我要是你的话,我就跟他们一起去。‎ ‎6. only与副词、介词短语及状语从句连用放在句首时。‎ ‎☛Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 叫了三次之后,他才来参加会议。‎ ‎☛Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 只有当病得很重时,他才卧床休息。‎ ‎ only修饰主语时,句子不倒装。‎ ‎☛Only Mary knows the answer.只有玛丽知道答案。‎ ‎7. 频度副词及短语,如:often, always, once, many a time, now and then, every other day等位于句首时。‎ ‎☛Many a time has he given me good advice. 他多次给我好的建议。‎ ‎☛Often have I seen these Young Pioneers do good deeds. 我经常看到这些少先队员做好事。‎ ‎8. 表祝愿的句子常用倒装。‎ ‎☛May our friendship last forever! 愿我们的友谊长存!‎ ‎☛May your company become prosperous! 祝贵公司生意兴隆!‎ ‎9. 某些感叹句也用倒装语序。‎ ‎☛Isn’t it a beautiful garden! 多么美丽的花园啊!‎ ‎☛Have you ever seen such a naughty kid like him! 你见过哪个孩子像他这么调皮!‎ ‎【巧学妙记】★部分倒装口诀:‎ 副词开头要倒装,人称代词非如常;‎ only修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装;‎ 否定意义副连词,位于句首须倒装;‎ 表语前置主语长,衔接自然常倒装;‎ such代词作表语,引起主谓要倒装;‎ not only开头句,前一分句须倒装;‎ had, were, should虚拟句,省略if半倒装。‎ ‎1. (2017•江苏) _______ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.‎ ‎ A. It were B. Were it ‎ ‎ C. It was D. Was it ‎【参考答案】B ‎ ‎ ‎2. (2016•江苏)Not until recently________the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.‎ ‎ A.they had encouraged B.had they encouraged ‎ C.did they encourage D.they encouraged ‎【参考答案】C ‎【试题解析】考查时态和倒装。根据时间状语"recently"可知本句应用一般过去时。Not until+状语位于句 首,句子采用部分倒装的语序,因此本题选择C。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. 强调句型的基本结构 ‎ 强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。‎ ‎ 强调句型的一般疑问句:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分?‎ ‎ 强调句型的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is/was it+that+其他成分?‎ ‎☞Is it in 2012 that the 30th Olympic Games will be held in London?‎ ‎ 是在2012年第30届奥运会将在伦敦举行吗?‎ ‎☞How was it that your brother succeeded in finishing the difficult task?‎ ‎ 你哥哥是怎样成功完成了那个困难的任务的?‎ ‎2. 强调句型强调的成分 强调句型强调的成分:主语、宾语、状语。被强调部分指人时,用who或that皆可;指物时,只能用that;被强调部分是时间、地点,原因或方式状语时,不用when,where,why或how而用that。‎ ‎☞ It was the beautiful lady that/who I met in the hotel yesterday.‎ ‎ 我昨天在旅馆里遇到的正是这位漂亮女士。(强调宾语)‎ ‎☞ It was in Beijing that we visited the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube.‎ ‎ 正是在北京我们参观了鸟巢和水立方。(强调地点状语)‎ ‎☞ It is my mother who/that reminds me to get up on time every day.‎ ‎ 每天都是我妈妈提醒我按时起床。(强调主语)‎ ‎3. 强调句型的时态 如果原句中谓语动词的时态是现在或将来时间范畴的时态(如:一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时/现在完成进行时、一般将来时、将来进行时、将来完成时等),用It is+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。‎ 如果原句中谓语动词为过去时间范畴的时态(如:一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时等),则用It was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。‎ ‎☞ It is you that/who are to blame. 是你该受谴责。‎ ‎☞ It was at the railway station that we first met 10 years ago. 我们10年前第一次相逢是在火车站。‎ ‎4. 在强调句型中,强调原句中的主语时,that/who后的谓语单复数的确定。‎ 在强调句型中,若强调原句中的主语,that/who后的谓语动词的单复数应与被强调的主语的单复数形式保持一致。‎ ‎☞ The little boy has broken a beautiful jar. →It is the little boy who/that has broken a beautiful jar.‎ ‎☞ They are going to attend your birthday party tomorrow. →It is they who/that are going to attend your birthday party tomorrow.‎ ‎5. 对not...until结构的强调 not...until结构的强调句型为"It is/was not until...that..."在这一固定句型中,由于not已经前移,that后只能用肯定形式。‎ ‎☞ He didn’t go to bed until ten o’clock.→It was not until ten o’clock that he went to bed. 直到10点他才睡觉。‎ ‎☞ I didn’t realize it until I got off the bus.→It was not until I got off the bus that I realized it.‎ ‎6. 如何识别强调句型 强调句型中的it is/was和that无实际意义,去掉后,句子结构仍然完整、正确,句意仍然明确;而其他句型去掉it is/was和that后,句意不完整。‎ ‎☞ It is for three hours that they have worked. 他们已经工作三个小时了。(强调句型)‎ ‎☞ It is a wonder that he is still alive. 他还活着真是个奇迹。(it作形式主语)‎ ‎7. 使用强调句型的几个注意事项 ‎(1)若被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与被强调的主语保持一致。‎ ‎☞It is he who/that often helps me with my English.是他经常帮我学英语。‎ ‎☞It is trees that we plant on the hillside every year.我们每年都在山坡上种的是树。‎ ‎(2)若被强调成分是作主语的代词,用主格;若是作宾语的代词,则用宾格。‎ ‎☞It was he that helped me yesterday.昨天帮我的人是他。‎ ‎☞It was me that he helped yesterday.他昨天帮的人是我。‎ ‎(3)强调句中只用两种时态,即一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was...that/who...,其余的时态用It is...that/who...。‎ ‎☞It is you who/that are to blame.是你该受到指责。‎ ‎(2017﹒天津卷)It was when I got back to my apartment ______ I first came across my new neighbors.‎ A. who B. where ‎ C. which D. that ‎【参考答案】D ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 为了避免重复或为了使句子更简练,在一些句子中常常省去某一个或某几个成分,这种语法现象在英语中叫省略。‎ 省略是避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法手段。运用修辞手段的目的之一就是节约用词、避免重复。一般说来,只要不会损害结构或引起歧义,能省略的地方就应省略。省略的结果,不但使句子结构显得紧凑,而且句子中几个关键词的意义也更突显出来。‎ 一、介词的省略 ‎1.在英语中一些与动词、名词、形容词搭配的介词常被省略,而只保留后面的动名词。‎ ‎ spend time/money(in)doing sth. have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.; prevent/stop sb.(from)doing sth.‎ ‎ ☛We spends half an hour(in)doing some reading every day.‎ ‎ 我们每天花半小时读书。‎ ‎ ☛He has some trouble(in)learning English.‎ ‎ 他学英语有困难。‎ ‎ ☛What prevented you(from)going there?‎ ‎ 什么事阻止了你去那里?‎ ‎2.表示时间的介词at,on和in用在next,last,this,each,these,yesterday,every,tomorrow等词之前,一般可省略。‎ ‎ ☛We have a final exam(in)every term.‎ ‎ 每学期我们都举行一次期末考试。‎ 二、使用so,not等的省略 ‎ 英语中,当句中有think,believe,hope,expect,suppose,guess,afraid等词时可以使用so,not或其他手段来省略上文或问句中的一部分或整个句子。‎ ‎ ☛—Do you think our team will win?你认为我们队会赢吗?‎ ‎ —I think so.我认为是这样。‎ ‎ ☛—It is said that tomorrow is a fine day.据说明天天气很好。‎ ‎ —I hope so.我希望是真的。‎ 三、简单句的省略 ‎1.感叹句的省略。目的是突出感叹的部分。‎ ‎ ☛What a beautiful girl(she is)!(她是)多么漂亮的女孩呀!‎ ‎2.疑问句的答语省略。‎ ‎ 为避免重复而省略疑问句的答语,这也是常见的一种句式省略。‎ ‎ ☛—Are you a student?你是一名学生吗?‎ ‎ —Yes,I am(a student).是的,我是(一名学生)。‎ ‎3.There be句型的省略。‎ ‎ ☛ (Is there)Anything wrong?发生了什么事吗?‎ ‎4.名词所有格修饰的名词若表示店铺、住宅、教堂或上下文已暗示或明确指出过的事物时可省略名词。‎ ‎ ☛I go to the supermarket instead of the butcher's(shop)to buy meat.‎ ‎ 我去超市而不是去肉铺买肉。‎ ‎5.主语的省略 ‎ 在祈使句和其他不容易引起歧义的情况下,特别是在口语中,主语常常省略。常见的为祈使句中的you和I,疑问句中的主语。‎ ‎ ☛Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(beg前省略了主语I)‎ ‎ ☛Take care! 保重!(take前省略了主语you)‎ ‎ ☛Looks as if it will rain.看起来象要下雨。(looks前省略了主语it)‎ ‎6.谓语的省略 ‎ 有些结构中为了避免与前面的谓语动词重复,常省略后面的谓语或谓语的一部分。‎ ‎ ☛We'll do the best we can.我们将尽力而为。(can后面省略了动词do)‎ ‎7.表语的省略 ‎ 在有些句子中,为了避免与前面的表语重复,常省略后面的表语。‎ ‎ ☛He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth.‎ ‎ 他还是像年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been后面省略了a lover of sports)‎ ‎8.宾语的省略 ‎ 当同一主语的并列谓语不同时发生时,省略最后一个宾语以外的所有宾语。有些双宾语动词如ask,owe,pay,teach,tell,show等的直接或间接宾语都可以省略掉一个。‎ ‎ ☛Let's do the dishes.I'll wash and you'll dry.‎ ‎ 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了宾语dishes)‎ 四、比较结构的省略 ‎ 在“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构中和由than和as引导的比较句式中,常会有一些成分在上下文清楚的情况下被省略。‎ ‎ ☛The sooner(you do it),the better(it will be).(你做得)越快,(结果就会)越好。‎ ‎ ☛He is cleverer than any other boy(is).他比其他男孩聪明。‎ ‎ ☛The higher(you stand),the farther(you can see).站得高,看得远。‎ 五、并列句中的省略 ‎ 在由and或but连接的并列句中,常省略一些重复的词或词组。‎ ‎ ☛I am a teacher and my husband(is)a doctor.我是个老师,我丈夫是个医生。‎ ‎ ☛The news made me angry,but(the news made)her happy.这条消息使我生气,但却让她高兴。‎ 六、主从复合句中的省略 ‎1. 宾语从句中,连词that常省略,但当有多个并列宾语从句时,只能省略第一个that。‎ ‎ ☛I know(that)he is an actor and that he is a singer.‎ ‎ 我知道他是一名演员,也是一位歌唱家。‎ ‎2.表示条件、时间、地点、方式或让步等的状语从句的谓语含有be动词,且从句的主语又和主句中的主 ‎ 语一致,或者主语是it时,常把从句中的主语连同be动词一起省略。‎ ‎ ☛If(it is)necessary,I'll go with you.如果有必要的话,我和你一起去。‎ ‎ ☛Be careful when(you are)crossing the street.过马路时要当心。‎ ‎3.宾语从句中的省略。若引导定语从句的关系代词在从句中作宾语,该关系代词一般可省略;引导定语从 ‎ 句的关系代词作主语时和后面的be动词同时省略。‎ ‎ ☛The question(that/which)the teacher asked was very difficult.老师问的问题很难。‎ ‎ ☛The boy(who is)standing by the door is my little brother.‎ ‎ 站在门那儿的男孩是我弟弟。‎ ‎ ☛The building(which/that is)being built is our library.‎ ‎ 正在建的楼是我们的实验室。‎ 七、动词不定式的省略 ‎1. 在动词不定式结构中,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式结构中的动词原形,只保留to。但不定式中的have ‎ 和be不能省略。‎ ‎ ☛—Would you like to go with us? 你愿意和我们一起去吗?‎ ‎ —I'm glad to,but I have to finish my homework. 我很乐意去,但是我得完成作业。‎ ‎ ☛She has succeeded in the final examination but in fact,she ought to have(succeeded in the final examination).‎ ‎ 她在期末考试中取得了成功,而实际上,她本就该获得成功。‎ ‎ ☛He is a writer now as he used to be.他像从前一样还是一位作家。‎ ‎2.在used to,ought to,have to,would like/love to,wish to,be going to等结构中,常常省略to后面的动 ‎ 词原形。‎ ‎ ☛I'll hand it in if I have to.如果必须要交的话,我会交上的。‎ ‎3.感官动词和使役动词的后面作宾补的不定式要省略to;但此类动词的被动语态中的to不可省略。‎ ‎ ☛I saw him enter the classroom just now.‎ ‎ =He was seen to enter the classroom just now.我刚才看见他走进了教室。‎ ‎4.介词but,except(除了)前有实义动词do的具体形式时,后面的不定式不带to。‎ ‎ ☛All he could do was nothing but wait and see.他所能做的只有等着瞧。‎ 八、虚拟语气中的省略 ‎1.虚拟条件句常省略if,而将were,had,should提前,构成部分倒装。‎ ‎ ☛Had you come here yesterday,you would have met him.‎ ‎ =If you had come here yesterday,you would have met him.如果你昨天来这儿的话,你就会见到他了。‎ ‎2.动词advise,suggest(建议),propose,demand,insist(坚持要求),require,command,recommend,order ‎ 等后的宾语从句及It is...that...主语从句中常省略表虚拟语气的should。‎ ‎ ☛We insisted that he(should)go with us.我们坚持要求他和我们一起走。‎ ‎ ☛It is necessary that a child(should)learn more words by heart.孩子有必要多记一些单词/字。‎ ‎ ☛It is suggested that we(should)go to see the film.有人建议我们去看这部电影。‎ ‎ (2016·浙江) Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths _______ since their ‎ ‎ highest in 2005.‎ ‎ A. had not fallen B. would not fall ‎ ‎ C. did not fall D. would not have fallen ‎【参考答案】D ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 一、祈使句 ‎1. 祈使句的否定式和强调式 ‎(1)祈使句的否定式是在整个结构前加don't或never。‎ ‎ ☞Never come late.绝不要迟到。‎ ‎ ☞Please don't forget to take your medicine.请别忘了吃药。‎ 注意 ‎ ‎ 以let开头的祈使句的否定形式通常是在let's或let us/me后加not。‎ ‎ ☞Let's not waste our time arguing about it!咱们别浪费时间争论此事了!‎ ‎(2)祈使句的强调式是在整个结构之前加do。‎ ‎ ☞Do give my regards to your parents!务必/一定代我向你父母问好!‎ ‎2. 祈使句表假设的情况 ‎ 祈使句常用于固定句式“祈使句+and/or/otherwise+一般将来时陈述句”,若前后表顺承关系,用and;若前后表转折关系,用or或otherwise,祈使句则相当于一个条件状语从句。‎ ‎(1)祈使句+and+陈述句=名词短语+and+陈述句=if条件状语从句+主句 ‎ ☞Have a little patience and we'll look into it soon.‎ ‎ =Just a little patience and we'll look into it soon.‎ ‎ =If you have a little patience,we'll look into it soon.‎ ‎ 耐心点,我们很快就会调查此事的。‎ ‎(2)祈使句+or+陈述句=if...not...+主句 ‎ ☞Work harder,or you'll fail.‎ ‎ =If you don't work harder,you'll fail.‎ ‎ 工作努力点,要不然你就会失败。‎ 二、感叹句 ‎ 表示强烈情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐、惊、恐等)的句子叫感叹句,通常由what或how引导。‎ ‎1. 基本形式 ‎(1)What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!‎ ‎ ☞What a clever boy he is!多么聪明的男孩啊!‎ ‎ ☞What terrible noise they are making!他们弄出多难听的声音啊!‎ ‎ ☞What wonderful ideas you have!你们的想法真不错!‎ ‎(2)How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+主语+谓语 ‎ ☞How difficult a problem it is!它可真是个难题!‎ ‎(3)How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!‎ ‎ ☞How clever the boy is!多么聪明的男孩啊!‎ ‎2.其他形式的感叹句 ‎(1)how直接修饰谓语动词:How+主语+谓语!‎ ‎ ☞How (much) we love our motherland!我们多么热爱自己的祖国啊!‎ ‎(2)常见的其他形式 ‎ ☞How can you be so silly!你怎么这么傻!‎ ‎ ☞The designs and the colours!多美的图案和色彩!‎ ‎ ☞To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire!竟然把那样一套衣服卖给了一个百万富翁!‎ ‎ ☞Could one have believed it!谁能相信这个!‎ ‎ ☞If only I'd known!我早知道就好了!‎ 三、反意疑问句 ‎ 反意疑问句又可叫做附加疑问句,由“陈述句+反意问句”构成。反意问句的动词总是助动词、情态动词或be动词的某种形式,反意问句的主语用代词充当。基本原则是“‎ 前否后肯,前肯后否”。‎ ‎1. 陈述部分含有must的反意疑问句 ‎(1)陈述句部分谓语动词含有must时,must如表示“必须”,反意问句用mustn't,如表示“必要”,则用needn't;‎ ‎ 如mustn't表示“不允许,禁止”,其反意问句部分用must或may。‎ ‎ ☞You must get to school at ‎8 a.m.,mustn't you?你必须早上八点到学校,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞We must start working right now,needn't we?我们立即开始工作了,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞You mustn't smoke here,must/may you?你不能在这里吸烟,是吧?‎ ‎(2)当must表示推测,作“一定,准是”讲时,反意问句部分根据must后的谓语动词形式及含义采用相应的动词形式。‎ ‎ ☞You must be tired,aren't you?你一定很累,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞He must have done it last night,didn't he?他一定是昨天晚上做的,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞Tom must have been to Shanghai before,hasn't he?汤姆以前去过上海,是吗?‎ ‎2. 陈述部分含有used to和ought to的反意疑问句 ‎(1) 陈述部分谓语动词是used to时,用didn't或usedn't两种方式反问。‎ ‎ ☞He used to go swimming in summer,didn't/usedn't he?他过去常常在夏天游泳,是吗?‎ ‎(2) 陈述部分谓语动词是ought to时,用oughtn't或shouldn't反问。‎ ‎ ☞He ought to be praised for what he has done,oughtn't/shouldn't he?‎ ‎ 他应该为他所做的一切而受到表扬,是吗?‎ ‎3. 当陈述部分有neither,none,nobody,nothing,few,little,never,hardly,seldom等否定意义或半否定 ‎ 意义的副词时,反意问句应用肯定形式。‎ ‎ ☞Nobody understood his speech,did they?没有人听懂他的演讲,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞His sister seldom argues with people,does she?他姐姐很少和人争论,是吗?‎ 注意 ‎ ‎ 陈述部分出现含有否定意义的前缀或后缀的词时,反意问句仍用否定结构。‎ ‎ ☞He is unfit for his job,isn't he?他不适合这份工作,对吗?‎ ‎ ☞You dislike playing computer games,don't you?你不喜欢玩电脑游戏,是吗?‎ ‎4. 含有宾语从句的反意疑问句 ‎ 当陈述部分带有宾语从句时,疑问部分的主语与助动词应和主句保持一致。‎ ‎ ☞He never said she would come,did he?他从未说过她要来,是吗?‎ 注意 ‎ ‎①当陈述部分谓语动词是think,believe,suppose,expect,imagine且主语为第一人称时,疑问部分的主语 ‎ 和谓语动词均应和宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,且应注意否定转移;但如果主语不是第一人称,反 ‎ 意问句则与主句保持一致。‎ ‎ ☞I don't believe he will succeed,will he?我认为他不会成功,他会吗?‎ ‎ ☞We think they have finished their homework,haven't they?我们认为他们已完成了家庭作业,不是吗?‎ ‎ ☞Mary thinks you will come to the party,doesn't she?玛丽认为你将来参加聚会,是吗?‎ ‎②并列句的反意疑问句则根据最接近的分句来完成。‎ ‎ ☞We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter,will you?‎ ‎ 我们忘了带票,请让我们进去,可以吗?‎ ‎5. 陈述部分谓语动词是dare,need时,如果作情态动词,用dare,need本身反问;如果作实义动词,则用 ‎ do的适当形式反问。‎ ‎ ☞You daren't climb the rock,dare you?你不敢爬上这块石头,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞The little girl doesn't dare to go alone at night,does she?小女孩不敢走夜路,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞We need to help them,don't we?我们需要帮助他们,是吗?‎ ‎6. 陈述部分谓语动词have作“有”解时,可用don't或haven't反问;作其他意义解释时用do的某种形式 ‎ 反问。‎ ‎ ☞He hasn't any sisters,does/has he?他没有姐妹,是吗?‎ ‎ They have to receive strict training beforehand,don't they?他们不得不事先接受严格的训练,是吗?‎ ‎7. 感叹句的反意疑问句 ‎ 陈述部分是感叹句时,一律用be或助动词的否定形式反问。‎ ‎ ☞What a naughty boy he is,isn't he?多调皮的男孩啊,不是吗?‎ ‎ ☞How hard she works,doesn't she?她工作多么勤奋,不是吗?‎ ‎8. 祈使句的反意疑问句 ‎ 祈使句的反意疑问句的构成,必须按其句子结构及讲话人的语气来决定其反意部分,有四种形式。‎ ‎(1)祈使句的肯定形式,其反意问句表示“请求”时,通常用will you;表示“邀请,劝说”时,用won't you。‎ ‎ ☞Be sure to write to us,will you?一定要给我们写信,好吗?(表示“请求”)‎ ‎ ☞Come to have dinner with us this evening,won't you?今晚跟我们一起吃饭,好吗?(表示“邀请”)‎ ‎ ☞Try to be back by two,won't you?设法两点之前回来,好吗?(表示“劝说”)‎ ‎9. 反意疑问句的回答 ‎ 反意疑问句的回答,不是根据汉语习惯来确定用yes还是no,而是根据答语的内容来确定,不管主句为否定,还是反意问句为否定,回答时只看所提到的事情是否已/会发生。如果发生了,用肯定回答,否则用否定回答。要特别注意陈述部分是否定结构,反意问句部分用肯定形式时,回答的yes要译成“不”,no要译成“是的”。‎ ‎ ☞—He likes playing football,doesn't he?他喜欢踢足球,不是吗?‎ ‎ —Yes,he does.不,他喜欢。‎ ‎ —No,he doesn't.是的,他不喜欢。‎ ‎ ☞—You haven't seen the film,have you?你没有看过这部电影,是吗?‎ ‎ —Yes,I have.不,我看过。‎ ‎ —No,I haven't.是的,我没有看过。‎ ‎10. 陈述部分主语和反意问句主语的对应关系 ‎ 在反意问句中,代词用人称代词I,we,you,he,she,it或they,谓语动词用助动词、情态动词或be动词。‎ ‎ ☞You wouldn't like to take these pills,would you?你不想吃这些药,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞His father can't name the plant,can he?他父亲叫不出这种植物的名字,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞You like traveling,don't you?你喜欢旅游,是吗?‎ ‎ ☞This is very important,isn't it?这非常重要,是吗?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 题组一 基础过关 Ⅰ. 单句改错 ‎1. In no way he will give up his dream until he succeeds at last.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. It is the best play I have ever seen, and never before had I seen a film of so high quality.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3. West of our city lie a very old temple with a very touching story.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. Not only I am interested in fishing, but I become a member of a club to improve my skills.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5. Not until I went through his paper I found what rapid progress he had made in writing.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎1. he will→will he 2. had→have ‎3. lie→lies 4. I am→am I ‎5. I found→did I find Ⅱ. 句型转换 ‎1. My parents lent me the money. If they hadn't done that, I couldn't have afforded the trip.‎ ‎ My parents lent me the money. ________, I couldn't have afforded the trip.‎ ‎2. I didn't say hello to the boy until he greeted me first.‎ ‎ Not until he greeted me first ________ ________ ________ hello to the boy.‎ ‎3. Unless we are permitted, we'd better not tell others about that.‎ ‎ ________ ________, we'd better not tell others about that.‎ ‎4. The villagers found some strange creatures that they hadn't seen before in that lake.‎ ‎ It was ________ ________ ________ ________ the villagers found some strange creatures that they hadn't seen before.‎ ‎5. Work hard and you'll pass the final exam.‎ ‎ You will fail the final exam ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ ‎6. The answers the students gave were quite puzzling.‎ ‎ ________ ________ the answers the students gave were!‎ ‎7. He speaks French fluently, and his wife also speaks French fluently.‎ ‎ He speaks French fluently, ________ ________ his wife.‎ ‎8. He was determined to study abroad, no matter what the cost was.‎ ‎ He was determined to study abroad, ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎1. Otherwise 2. did I say ‎3. Unless permitted 4. in that lake that ‎5. unless you work hard 6. How puzzling ‎7. so does 8. whatever the cost was ‎ ‎ 题组二 真题在线 ‎1.(2016﹒天津卷)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel __________ the coach picks up tourists.‎ ‎ A. who B. which ‎ ‎ C. where D. that ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客车是在旅店接送游客的。使用强调句,结构是:It is/was+ 强调部分+that+其余部分,如果强调部分是人,也可以用who ‎,这句话强调的是地点状语at the hotel。故 选D。‎ ‎2.(2015·湖南卷)It was when we were returning home __________ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.‎ ‎ A. which B. that ‎ ‎ C. where D. how ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎ ‎3.(2015·重庆卷)Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century __________ his musical gift was fully recognized.‎ ‎ A. while B. though ‎ ‎ C. that D. after ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】句意:马赫死于1750年,但直到19世纪他的音乐天赋才被承认。这里是对not...until结构的 强调,结构为It is/was not until...that...,故选C项。‎ ‎4.(2015•天津)Only when Lily walked into the office________that she had left the contract at home.‎ ‎ A.she realized B.has she realized ‎ ‎ C.she has realized D.did she realize ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:直到Lily走进办公室,她才意识到她把合同忘在家里了。"Only+状语从句/介词短语/副词" 作状语放在句首时,主句多用部分倒装;由宾语从句中的过去完成时可知,主 句应用一般过去时。‎ ‎5.(2015·湖南)Only after talking to two students ________ that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.‎ ‎ A. I did discover B. did I discover ‎ ‎ C. I discovered D. discovered ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎ ‎6. (2014·福建) no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.‎ ‎ A. Were there B. Had there been ‎ ‎ C .If there are D. If there have been ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】对现在情况的虚拟,条件句中用一般过去时,主句用“ would/ should/ might/ could +动词原形。 虚拟条件句中有had, should, were时,可以将if去掉,然后把had, should, were提到主语前面。所以选 A。句意:如果没有现代的通信,我们将会等上几周的时间才能得到来自世界的新闻。‎ ‎7.(2016·浙江)—The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go. ‎ ‎ —_________.See you at 8:10‎ A. So long B. Sounds great ‎ C. Good luck D. Have a good time ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎【解析】句意:"电影在八点半开始,我们走之前可以迅速吃点东西。""听起来很棒。8点10分见。"sound great实际上是省略句,完整的句子是The idea sounds great.和上文提出的建议吻合。故选B。 ‎ ‎8.(2015·江苏)It is so cold that you can’t go outside _____ fully covered in thick clothes.‎ ‎ A. if B. unless ‎ ‎ C. once D. when ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】句意:外面太冷了,你不要出去,除非用厚衣服完全裹起来。unless fully covered为"连词+省 略结构",补充完整为unless you are。故选B。‎ ‎9. (2015·北京) If ________for the job, you’ll be informed soon.‎ ‎ A .to accept B. accept ‎ ‎ C. accepting D. accepted ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:如果录用你了,我们将很快通知你。本句条件状语从句中省略了主语you,与accept构 成被动关系,用过去分词accepted。故选D。‎ ‎10. (2014·福建) no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from ‎ ‎ around the world.‎ A. Were there B. Had there been ‎ C .If there are D. If there have been ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎ ‎11. (2013·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ________.‎ A. not to do B. not to ‎ C. not do D. do not ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】本题考查动词不定式的省略。根据句意可知,警察要求司机不要把车停在路边。“要求某人做 某事”用ask sb to do sth;“被要求做某事”用be asked to do sth。 but后的完整表达应该是:The driver was asked by the police not to park his car near the roadside.‎ 为避免重复,题干中的空缺处是一个省略了的动词 不定式。故选B。句意:司机想把车停在路边,但警察要求他不要这样做。‎ ‎12.(2014·四川卷)Was it because Jack came late for school __________ Mr Smith got angry?‎ ‎ A. why B. who ‎ ‎ C. where D. that ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:是因为杰克上学迟到史密斯先生才生气的吗?去掉it was和空处后本句意思完整,不缺 少成分,由此判断本句是强调句型,被强调部分是because引导的状语从句,故选D。‎ ‎ ‎ 题组三 名校模拟 ‎1.— The authority concerned must have taken stricter measures to ensure traffic safety next year, ________it?‎ ‎ —Yes, definitely.‎ ‎ A. didn’t B. mustn’t C. hasn’t D. won’t ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎ ‎2.It was the first time ______ I ______ face to face with the president.‎ ‎ A. when; had come B. that; have come ‎ ‎ C. when; came D. that; had come ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查强调句型和时态。句意为:这是我第一次和总统面对面。此处为强调句型,其基本结构为:it+be+被强调部分+that+其余部分,由前面的“was the first time”判断此处用过去完成时。‎ ‎3.It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.‎ ‎ A. when B. that ‎ ‎ C. at that time D. just then ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查强调句型。句意为:两个美国人是在1969年乘坐宇宙飞船登上月球的。此处为强调句型,其基本结构为:it+be+被强调部分+that+其余部分。‎ ‎4.When you meet danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at you back ______ a strong ‎ ‎ motherland.‎ ‎ A. does stand B. stands ‎ ‎ C.is standing D.is stood ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查倒装句。句意为:当你在外国遇到危险时,请记住在你的身后有一个强大的祖国做后盾。介词短语作地点状语位于句首,且谓语动词为stand,sit,lie,come,walk等,采用完全倒装语序。 ‎ ‎5.We were walking quickly because she just wanted to get home, and .‎ ‎ A.so did I B.so I did ‎ ‎ C.I did so D. did I so ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查倒装。句意为:我们走得快是因为她想快点到家,我也是。so+助动词/be动词+主语表示第一个人的情况也适用于第二个人。‎ ‎6.Just as Oprah Winfrey puts it, _____thankful for what you have and you’ll end up having more.‎ ‎ A.be B. being ‎ ‎ C.to be D. having been ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查祈使句。句意:正如Oprah Winfrey所说的那样,对你所拥有的心存感激,最后你将会拥有得更多。祈使句+and+陈述句意为“……,你将会……”,表示一种正面的结果。‎ ‎7.Only when _________hard __________ make your dream come true.‎ ‎ A.do you work; you can B. you work; you can ‎ C.do you work; can you D. you work; can you ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查倒装句。句意:只有你努力工作,你的梦想才能实现。“only +状语”置于句首时,句子用部分倒装;但修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。“your dream come true”表示可能性,故用情态动词can。故选D。 ‎ ‎8.Try ______she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.‎ ‎ A. if B. when C. since D. as ‎【答案】D ‎ ‎ ‎9.Not until one of my classmates patted me on the shoulder to myself.‎ ‎ A.I came B. did I come ‎ ‎ C. had I come D. I had come ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查倒装和时态。句意:直到我一个同学拍了一下我的肩膀,我才回过神来。根据句意及句中的"patted "可知,空处也应用一般过去时;又not until位于句首时,主句需用部分倒装。故选B项。‎ ‎10.The old president of that company must have donated most of his money to the charity and those in ‎ ‎ need, ?‎ ‎ A. didn’t he B. doesn’t he ‎ ‎ C. hasn’t he D. mustn’t he ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

