牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 5《Good manners》单元综合检测

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牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 5《Good manners》单元综合检测

Unit 5 Good manners 一、单项选择 ( )1.Don’t forget to ___”Thank you!” when someone opens the door for you. A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk ( )2.Listening to music is a good way to help us be more__ A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relax D. relaxes ( )3.Japan is _____ the east of China and Russia is _____ the north of China. A. in; on B. in; to C. to; in D. to; on ( )4.This silk dress ________ so smooth. It’s made in China. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels ( )5.Though the old man is _________, he doesn’t feel ____________ A. alone, lonely B. lonely, lonely C. lonely, alone D. alone; alone ( )6.________ hamburgers are junk food, many children still like them. A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Though ( )7.Remember, boys and girls ,_________ you work,________ result you will get. A. the better; the harder B. the harder; the good C. the hard; the better D. the harder; the better ( )8.---What do you think of Shanghai Expro? ---I knew nothing about it ____ I watched TV and read newspaper last week. A. after B. when C. as soon as D. until ( )9.---Why does Joe feel so upset? ---She failed the exam and she has no friends_______ A. talking B. to talk C. to talk with D. talking with ( )10.Surprised and happy, Tony stood up and ______ the present from his boss. A. accepted B. received C. refused D. reached ( )11.---Jeff, I can’t stop playing computer games! ---For your eyes, my dear friend, I’m afraid you ______. A. may B. must C. have to D. can ( )12.The teacher said that the moon _______ around the earth. A. went B. goes C. go D. is going ( )13.I ______, but I don’t play it very often now. A. used to play tennis B. was used to play tennis C. am used to play tennis D. use to play tennis ( )14.---How much did you ______ buying the new bike? ---Three hundred yuan. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend ( )15.---How’s the weather tomorrow? ---I don’t know if it ______ tomorrow. ---Well, if it ______, I won’t go out with you. A. will rain, will rain B. rains; rains C. rains; will rain D. will rain; rains ( )16. Li Lei hasn't come yet. I don't know what to him. A. is happened B. has been taken place C. has taken place D. has happened ( )17-How do you usually study for a test? -I study__________. A. with seeing English-language videos B. with watching English-language videoes C. by watching English-language videoes D. by watching English-language videos ( )18. The words that we should pay attention to __________ on the blackboard. A. being written B. are written C. is writing D. writing ( )19. While traveling to Canada, you should give yourself a day to the time and know the way nearby. A. used to B. be used to C. use to D. be used ( )20. I this free life on the land now although I hate it. A. used to; used to B. used to; be used to C. am used, be used to D. am used to, used to 二、完型填空 It was very cold that day. It was __1__ heavily and the ground was covered with __2__ snow. The shepherd thought it was dangerous to __3__ the hill and it was difficult for the sheep to find some __4__ there. So he decided to stay in the __5__ room. He put some hay(干草) in a pen(围栏) __6__ the sheep could eat it when they were __7__. The dog, who felt cold outside, lay on the __8__ hay and soon went to sleep. At noon the sheep wanted to eat the hay. They were __9__ afraid of the dog and __10__ could get close to it. At last the __11__ sheep came to the hay. Before he started to eat, the dog heard it and opened his eyes. He barked(吠) loudly to __12__ him. The sheep ran away __13__. Looking at the unnatural(不近人情的) dog, the sheep began to talk __14__.“What a selfish(自私的) dog!” said one of the sheep. “He cannot eat the hay, and yet refuses to __15__ those who can to eat!”( )1. A. raining B. snowing C. blowing D. shining ( )2. A. thick B. thin C. beautiful D. Big ( )3. A. play on B. live on C. climb up D. go to ( )4. A. cake B. grass C. fruit D. vegetables ( )5. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm ( )6. A. in order to B. so as to C. so that D. in order ( )7. A. hungry B. sick C. full D. Free ( )8. A. hard B. soft C. thin D. wet ( )9. A. both B. either C. all D. Neither ( )10. A. none B. neither C. any D. Some ( )11.A.smallest B. youngest C.weakest D. Strongest ( )12. A. meet B. greet C. warn D. receive ( )13. A. easily B. happily C. sadly D. Quickly ( )14.A. angrily B. happily C. quietly D. Politely ( )15. A. let B. ask C. forget D. allow 三、阅读理解 (A) On a hot African(非洲) morning, Leila was lying on her stomach and an elephant was walking towards her. Leila waited. Then she pushed the button on her camera. “And I got my best photo of an elephant ever, by lying under my car,” Leila explained. “I wanted to get close to the elephants, but of course this was dangerous; they had their babies with them. So every morning I used to park my car in the open near the path. They used to take the same path every morning when they left the water hole. After a week, they were used to seeing my car. So the next morning, I lay under it and got my photo!” Many of the best wildlife photos come from good planning. In Africa, photographers set up their hides near water holes. They also set up hides near forest paths, as animals use the same paths every night. For bird-watching, many lakes have hides. Inside the hides, bird-watchers can watch all day in the shade out of the wind and rain. Good wildlife photos are needed for books, postcards, magazines and newspapers. But a success rate of 1 in 20 is good. ( )1.Leila got her best photo of an elephant ___________. A. near a lake B. under her car C. in a hole D. inside the hides ( )2.Photographers in Africa set up hides near forest paths, because ___________. A. animals take the same paths B. the hides are out of the wind and rain C. they must park their cars there D. the paths are safe for them ( )3. Which of the following is true? A. The success rate of taking wildlife photos is 50% at most. B. The elephant was frightened when she saw Leila. C. Bird-watchers usually watch birds near forest paths in Africa. D. About 5% of good wildlife photos will be accepted by a magazine. ( )4. How can photographers take good photos from the passage? A. By making good preparation. B. By using a good camera. C. By setting their hides . D. By lying under the cars. ( )5. What does the underlined word hides mean? A. 隐匿处 B.住所 C.帐篷 D.洞穴 (B) There was little rain in some place for two years and a lot of people died of hunger. So a man reported a famine(饥荒)to an official(官员). The official asked, "How much wheat have you harvested?" "Thirty percent of the normal yield(正常产量的 30%)," the man replied. "How much cotton?" "Twenty percent." "How much rice?" "Twenty percent." The official got mad, "You've already had seventy percent of the harvest, how dare(敢)you trump up(谎报)famine then?" The man said, "I've never seen such a terrible famine in my life of a hundred and several scores of years." "How could you have lived so long?" asked the official. "Look, I'm over seventy years old. My eldest son is over forty and my second son is over thirty. The total(总数)is a hundred and several scores of years." All the people hearing this had a good laugh over that. ( ) 6A great ______ happened in the place. A. flood B. disease C. drought D. war ( ) 7.The man said ______. A. people had a bad harvest B. some of the crops were bad C. people lost their farms D. people had little food ( )8.The word “mad” in the story means ______. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. excited ( )9.The official didn’t think ______. A. the people were hungry B. the drought was serious enough C. the people had to be helped D. the famine was terrible enough ( )10.Hearing the clever answer, people laughed at ______. A. the old man B. the official C. the hungry people D. the policemen nearby the road (C) Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. Incorrect glasses may not be good for the children under 10. You may see better with glasses that are specially made for you. Watching too much television may be bad for your eyes. This is not true for everyone. People with easily affected eyes may find they get red and achy (痛) from watching TV for long. Carrots will help you see in the dark. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene (β 胡萝卜素). The body can change beta-carotene into vitamin A, and too little beta-carotene can cause night blindness. However, a lot of research shows that night blindness is more likely to be connected with some other vision problems. ( ) 11. According to the passage, one can see better by _______ . A. eating more carrots B. staying away from TV C. performing eye exercises D. wearing specially-made glasses ( ) 12. Night blindness can be caused by _____. A. wearing incorrect glasses B. watching TV for long C. too little beta-carotene D. too much vitamin A ( ) 13. Watching TV for a long time may cause _______. A. night blindness B. easily affected eyes C. no eye trouble for some people D. vision problems for everyone ( ) 14. The purpose of this passage is to tell people _______ . A. to have more carrots B. how to protect their eyes C. of the importance of their eyes D. something more about their eyes ( )15. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Eating too many carrots can cause night blindness. B. Watching too much TV may do harm to everyone. C. Wearing wrong glasses may do harm to children's eyes. D. The human body is unable to change beta-carotene into vitamin A. (D) Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years, and today it is still one of the favourite drinks in the world. Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of or several cups of coffee. They have always said that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way. So they say a cup of coffee is necessary for them in the morning. Do you know what in the coffee makes our bodies and brains(大脑) active? It is caffeine( 咖 啡 因 ). Caffeine may increase a person’s mental and physical abilities(精力和体能). For example, two cups of coffee will make you breathe faster and augment body heat. All this makes you heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous. Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods. A little caffeine is probably not harmful. But much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless. ( )16. A good title for this passage is . A. Coffe e Is Harmful B. Coffee and Tea C. Caffeine and Health D. Caffeine Is Useful ( )17. The word “augment “ means . A. increase B. drink C. stop D. drop ( )18. From this passage, we may know that drinking a cup of coffee late at night might . A. give you a headache B. make you fall sleep C. keep you awake D. be dangerous ( )19. Caffeine is found in . A. tea and water B. fish and meat C. coffee and jam D. coffee, tea and some other foods ( )20. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years. B. Caffeine does no harm to our body. C. Two cups of coffee will make you breathe faster. D Caffeine may increase human’s mental and physical abilities. 四、词汇(每空一词) 1.The boy had a________(疼痛 in his head and had to see a doctor. 2. The town has its own_________(公共的)library. 3. He Jiong is a famous talk show_______(主持)of Hunan TV Station. 4 His job is to make sure that drivers________(遵守)the traffic rules. 5 Don’t________(触摸)the paint until it is dry. 6 The box is too heavy for him to ________(推) 7 The fans cheered________(大声地)for their football team. 8 I need to have a _________(亲密的) friend to talk about my study and life. 9 It’s not right to_________(摘) the flowers in our school. 10 Don’t__________(解释)it. I don’t want to know your excuse. 五、适当形式填空 1.Amy is too young _________(join)us in visiting the USA. 2.The day before yesterday,we had a_________(discuss) about our project. 3.We should treat everyone around us___________(polite). 4.I’m sorry that you didn’t finish the task__________( successful) 5. It’s a long way,so it’s hest for us to take turns_________(drive) 六、任务型阅读(每空一词) Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was born in Gary, Indiana. He was the seventh child out of nine children in his family. Michael was often bodily abused(虐待) by his father, beaten up and also verbally(口头地) abused, but his father’s being strict led to Michael’s success. Michael was always an entertainer(表演者). Even when he just joined school, he would perform in front of friends and classmates. Michael started his professional(职 业的) music career at the age of 11, becoming a member of The Jackson Five. He’s well-known for increasing the popularity(流行) of MTV through his music videos. Some of the music videos that are good examples of this fact are Beat It, Billie Jean and Thriller. Michael attracted his fans and audience with his style of singing, dressing, and his special dance moves, especially “Moonwalk”. The moonwalk is something that people from every part of the world loved and tried to follow. With the help of Michael Jackson, 39 charities worked very well. Through his work, he raised and donated the most money to charity, much more than any other showman. He had great love for children, especially the poor ones, and he felt children were the next best thing after God. Michael planned to start a 50-concert tour(巡回演出) in July 2009. Sadly, on 25th June, 2009, Michael passed away at home. Michael Jackson was a great performer, showman and entertainer. It’s not likely that there will ever be another entertainer like Michael Jackson again in the near future. Title Michael Jackson Childhood He was 1 on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He had 2 brothers and sisters. He was often abused bodily and verbally by his father. He loved 3 in front of friends and classmates at school. Music career He became a 4 of The Jackson Five at 11. Through his music videos, MTV became much more 5 . He created some good music videos like Beat It, Billie Jean Thriller and so on. He had his own attractive style of singing, dressing, and special dance moves. Charity 39 charities were 6 by Michael Jackson. He was the showman who donated the most 7 to charity. He 8 children very much, especially the poor ones. Death He died on 25th June, 2009 9 realizing his plan of a 50-concert tour. Evaluation (评价) He was a good charitable person. It’s likely that there will be 10 entertainer like him in the near future. 1______________2________________3_________________4________________5___________ __ 6______________7________________8_________________9________________10__________ __ 七、缺词填空 Teenagers are very busy at school now and often forget to think about their diets and sports. The truth is that healthy eating and regular exercise are t __1___ways to keep fit. D___2___your teenage years, it is important to give your body enough e___3___it needs. Young girls need about 2,200 calories a day. Usually boys need a bit m___4__ , many doctors suggest, 2,800 calories for teenage b___5____ . 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. D ___6____enough water will improve your dry skin and give you healthy body. Physical a____7____ , such as playing basketball and swimming, are something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts (专家) suggest that teenagers spend at l___8____ 30 minutes exercising a day, five times a week. After you exercise a bit, your body produces something that makes you feel r____9____ and comfortable. It can even help you sleep better at night and let you p ___10____more attention when you study. 1. 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八、翻译句子 1、正如谚语所言“没有付出就没有回报”。 _______________________________________________________________________________ __ 2、多年的辛苦努力之后我堂弟已经让梦想变成现实。 _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ 3、我发觉大量关于餐桌礼仪的建议很有用。 _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ 4、当你在不熟悉的国家,你应该很有礼貌地行为。 _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ 5、如果他们在街上撞到你,他们会说“抱歉”。 _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ 九、写作 我们正在建设美好的校园,和谐的校园。作为一名中学生,我们应该具有哪些良好的文明礼 仪?请同学们以此为话题写一篇作文,要求至少写出五条建议。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________

