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核心高频 688 词汇 序 考 单词 音标 词义 号 频 1 310 personal ['pə:sənl] adj. 私人的 2 289 tie [taɪ ] v. 系,联系 3 237 still [stɪ l] adj. 静止的; adv. 甚至, 仍然 4 228 offer ['ɔ :fə] v. 提供 5 202 addition [ə'diʃ ən] n. 增加 6 188 success [sək'ses] n. 成功 7 187 produce [prə'dju:s] v. 生产, 引起 8 185 expect [iks'pekt] v. 预料, 期待 9 178 cause [kɔ :z] v. 引起; n. 原因, 事业 10 177 state [steɪ t] n. 情形, 状态; v. 声明 11 169 manage ['mæ nidʒ ] v. 管理, 设法(to) 12 166 directly [di'rektli] adv. 直接地 13 165 improve [im'pru:v] v. 改善, 提高 14 162 wonder ['wʌ ndə] n. 奇迹; v. 想知道 15 160 present ['preznt] adj. 当前的,出席的; v. 呈现;n. 礼物 16 160 underline [.ʌ ndə'lain] v. 在…下面划线, 强调 17 159 mislead [mis'li:d] v. 误导 18 157 complete [kəm'pliːt] v. 完成; adj.完成的 v. 导致(to), 带领, 19 154 lead [li:d] 过(…的生活); n. 领头位臵 20 153 sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 敏感的 21 147 valuable ['væ ljuəbl] adj. 贵重的 22 146 courageous [kə'reɪ dʒ əs] adj. 勇敢的 23 144 tend [tend] v. 趋向, 照顾(to) 24 141 matter ['mæ tə] n. 事情; v. 要紧 25 136 realise ['riəlaiz] v. 意识到, 实现(梦想) 26 131 acceptable [ək'septəbl] adj. 可接受的 27 131 consider [kən'sidə] v. 考虑, 认为 28 126 support [sə'pɔ ːt] v. 支持 29 125 fit [fit] adj. 适宜的, 健康的; v. 安装(in), 适合 30 124 hang [hæŋ] v. 悬挂 31 123 protect [prə'tekt] v. 保护 32 113 professional [prə'feʃ ənəl] adj. 专业的; n. 职业, 专业 33 112 widen ['waidn] v. 使变宽 34 105 require [ri'kwaiə] v. 要求 35 104 creative [kri'eɪ tɪ v] adj. 创造性的 36 104 deal [di:l] v. 处理(with); n. 交易 37 100 popularity [.pɔ pju'læ riti] n. 普及, 流行 38 99 attend [ə'tend] v. 出席, 关心(to), 处理 (to) 39 98 prefer [pri'fə:] v. 更喜欢 40 97 wild [waild] adj. 野生的 41 93 quality ['kwɔ liti] n. 质量, 品质 42 91 perform [pə'fɔ :m] v. 执行, 表演 43 90 promise ['prɔ mis] n. 诺言; v. 允诺, 答应 44 90 necessarily ['nesəserili] adv. 必然地 45 90 store [stɔ ː(r)] v. 储存; n.商店 46 88 general ['dʒ enərəl] adj. 普遍的 47 87 condition [kən'dɪ ʃ n] n. 情况, 条件 48 87 vary ['vɛ əri] v. 改变, 不同 49 85 suffer ['sʌ fə(r)] v. 遭受 (from) 50 84 speech [spiːtʃ ] n. 演讲 51 83 respect [ri'spekt] v. 尊敬, 尊重; n. 尊敬, 尊重 52 82 disappoint [disə'pɔ int] v. 使失望 53 82 simplify ['simplifai] v. 简化, 使简单 54 81 raise [reiz] v. 举起, 筹集, 提出 55 80 refer [ri'fə:] v. 涉及, 提到, 查阅(to) 56 79 achievement [ə'tʃ i:vmənt] n. 成就 57 79 particular [pə'tikjulə] adj. 特别的 58 78 prevent [pri'vent] v. 阻止 59 78 regular ['regjulə] adj. 有规律的, 定期的 60 78 connect [kə'nekt] v. 连接, 联系 (with) 61 78 subject ['sʌ bdʒ ɪ kt] n. 主题, 实验对象; adj. 服从的 62 75 physical ['fizikəl] adj. 物质的, 身体的 63 75 check [tʃ ek] n. 支票, 检查; v. 核对 64 75 position [pə'ziʃ ən] n. 位臵, 立场; v. 定位, 安臵 65 74 concern [kən'sɜ ːn] v. 关心 (about), 涉及 66 74 force [fɔ :s;fəurs] v. 强迫; n. 力量 67 74 satisfy ['sæ tisfai] v. 使满意 68 71 organize ['ɔ :gənaiz] v. 组织, 安排 69 70 charge [tʃ ɑ:dʒ ] n. 费用, 指控; v. 要价(for),管理,充电 70 70 favor ['feivə] n. 好意; v. 偏爱 71 70 damage ['dæ midʒ ] v. 损害; n. 损害 72 69 publish ['pʌ bliʃ ] v. 出版, 发行 73 68 focus ['fəukəs] n. 焦点; v. 聚焦 (on) 74 68 affect [ə'fekt] v. 影响 75 65 feed [fiːd] v. 喂养 (on) 76 65 weigh [wei] v. 称(重量), 重达 77 64 pressure ['preʃ ə] n. 压力, 压强 78 64 credit ['kredɪ t] n. 信用 79 64 visible ['vizəbl] adj. 可见的 80 63 operate ['ɔ pəreit] v. 操作,经营,动手术 81 62 warn [wɔ :n] v. 警告 82 60 relate [ri'leit] v. 有关联 (to), 陈述 83 60 strength [streŋθ] n. 力量 84 60 stress [stres] v. 强调; n. 压力, 强调 85 60 attack [ə'tæ k] n. 攻击; v. 攻击 86 60 determine [di'tə:min] v. 下决心 87 60 volunteer [vɔ lən'tiə] n. 志愿者; v. (自愿) 做 88 59 lack [læ k] n. 缺乏; v. 缺乏 (of/in) 89 59 equipment [i'kwipmənt] n. 设备 90 58 expense [iks'pens] n. 花费 91 58 deliver [di'livə] v. 递送, 发表(演讲) 92 57 compare [kəm'peə(r)] v. 比较 (with), 比喻 (to) 93 57 spread [spred] v. 延伸, 传播 94 57 seek [si:k] v. 寻找 95 56 distant ['distənt] adj. 遥远的 96 56 original [ə'ridʒ ənl] adj. 原始的, 最初的 97 55 impress [im'pres] v. 使...有印象 (on) 98 54 remind [ri'maind] v. 提醒 (of) 99 54 communicate [kə'mjuːnɪ keɪ t] v. 交流 (with) 100 52 range [reindʒ ] n. 范围; v. 涉及 (from...to...) 101 52 guidance ['gaidəns] n. 指导 102 51 avoid [ə'vɔ id] v. 避免 103 51 opportunity [,ɔ pə'tju:niti] n. 机会 104 51 emotion [i'məuʃ ən] n. 情绪 105 50 equal ['i:kwəl] adj. 相等的; v. 等于 (to) 106 50 contain [kən'tein] v. 包含 107 50 hardly ['hɑ:dli] adv. 几乎不 108 48 announce [ə'nauns] v. 宣布 109 48 reward [ri'wɔ :d] v. 奖赏; n. 报酬 110 48 desire [di'zaiə] n. 渴望; v. 渴望 111 47 promote [prə'məut] v. 促进, 促销, 升迁 112 47 gather ['gæ ðə] v. 聚集; n. 聚集 113 47 similarity [,simi'læ riti] n. 相似, 类似 114 46 advance [əd'vɑ:ns] n. 前进; adj. 提前的 115 46 percent [pə'sent] n. 百分比 116 46 character ['kæ riktə] n. 个性, 人物 117 45 frighten ['fraitən] v. 使惊吓 118 44 accessible [æ k'sesəbl] adj. 易接近的, 可得到的 119 44 potential [pə'tenʃ əl] adj. 潜在的; n. 潜力 120 44 review [ri'vju:] v. 复习; n. 复习, 评论 121 43 replace [ri'pleis] v. 取代 122 43 greedy ['gri:di] adj. 贪婪的 123 43 shock [ʃ ɔ k] n. 震惊; v. 使震惊 124 42 judge [dʒ ʌ dʒ ] v. 判断;n. 法官,裁判 125 42 praise [preiz] n. 称赞; v. 称赞 126 42 recover [ri'kʌ və] v. 恢复 127 42 confuse [kən'fjuːz] v. 使困惑 128 42 spot [spɒ t] n. 地点; v. 发现 129 42 attempt [ə'tempt] v. 企图, 尝试 (to); n. 试图 130 42 available [ə'veiləbl] adj. 可利用的 (to) 131 42 destruction [di'strʌ kʃ ən] n. 破坏, 毁灭 132 41 construct [kən'strʌ kt] v. 建造, 构造 133 41 function ['fʌ ŋkʃ ən] n. 功能; v. 起作用 134 41 argument ['ɑ:gjumənt] n. 观点 (on/about), 争论 135 40 labor ['leibə] n. 劳力 136 40 private ['praivit] adj. 私人的, 秘密的 137 40 repeat [ri'pi:t] v. 重复 138 40 spirit ['spɪ rɪ t] n. 精神 139 40 suppose [sə'pəʊ z] v. 假设, 认为 140 40 desert ['dezət,di'zə:t] n. 沙漠; v. 遗弃 141 39 exchange [iks'tʃ eindʒ ] n. 交换; v. 交换 (for) 142 39 fairly ['fɛ əli] adv. 公正地, 相当地 143 39 regret [ri'gret] v. 后悔; n. 后悔 144 39 strict [strɪ kt] adj. 严格的 (with) 145 39 fellow ['feləu] n. 同事, 家伙 146 39 gradually ['græ djuəli] adv. 逐渐地 147 39 belief [bi'li:f] n. 信念, 信仰 148 39 imagination [iˌmædʒ i'neiʃ ən n. 想象力 ] 149 39 official [ə'fiʃ əl] adj. 正式的, 官方的 150 38 account [ə'kaunt] n. 帐户, 事情; v. 说明(for) 151 38 persuade [pə'sweid] v. 说服 152 38 figure ['figə] n. 人物; v. 算出,领会(out) 153 38 seldom ['seldəm] adv. 很少 154 38 eager ['i:gə] adj. 渴望的 (to) 155 37 recommend [.rekə'mend] v. 推荐, 建议 156 37 remove [ri'mu:v] v. 移除 157 37 unique [ju:'ni:k] adj. 唯一的 158 37 risk [risk] v. 冒...的危险 (of); n. 危险, 风险 159 37 economic [,i:kə'nɔ mik] adj. 经济的 160 36 pollution [pə'lu:ʃ ən] n. 污染 161 36 literature ['litərətʃ ə] n. 文学 162 36 consume [kən'sju:m] v. 消耗, 消费 163 36 stick [stɪ k] v. 粘住, 坚持 (to) 164 36 devote [di'vəut] v. 致力于 (to) 165 35 predict [pri'dikt] v. 预言 166 35 complain [kəm'pleɪ n] v. 抱怨 (to/about) 167 35 annoy [ə'nɔ i] v. 使恼怒 168 35 apply [ə'plai] v. 应用 (to),申请 (for) 169 35 handle ['hæ ndl] v. 处理 170 35 object [əb'dʒ ekt] v. 反对 (to); n. 目标, 物体 171 35 select [si'lekt] v. 挑选 172 35 opposite ['ɔ pəzit] adj. 相反的, 对面的 173 35 solution [sə'lu:ʃ ən] n. 解决办法 174 34 struggle ['strʌ ɡl] n. 斗争, 挣扎; v. 斗争,挣扎(against) 175 34 approach [ə'prəutʃ ] v. 靠近; n. 途径,方法 (to) 176 34 urgent ['ə:dʒ ənt] adj. 紧急的 177 34 delight [di'lait] n. 高兴 178 33 talent ['tæ lənt] n. 天赋, 才华 179 33 track [træ k] v. 跟踪; n. 小路 180 33 arrange [ə'reindʒ ] v. 安排 181 33 wealth [welθ] n. 财富 182 33 security [si'kju:riti] n. 安全 183 32 entire [in'taiə] adj. 全部的 184 32 positive ['pɔ zitiv] adj. 积极的 185 32 rarely ['rɛ əli] adv. 很少 186 32 reflect [ri'flekt] v. 反射, 反映 187 32 contact ['kɔ ntæ kt] v. 接触, 联系 (with); n. 接触, 联系 188 32 hesitate ['heziteit] v. 犹豫 189 31 permit [pə'mit] v. 允许 190 30 rapid ['ræ pid] adj. 迅速的 191 30 colleague ['kɒ liːɡ] n. 同事 192 30 conclude [kən'kluːd] v. 总结 193 30 host [həust] n. 主人, 主持人; v. 主办, 主持 194 30 version ['və:ʃ ən] n. 版本 195 29 accommodation [ə.kɔ mə'deiʃ n] n. 住处, 适应 196 29 possess [pə'zes] v. 拥有 197 29 collection [kə'lekʃ n] n. 收集 198 29 survive [sə'vaɪ v] v. 幸存 199 29 feature ['fiːtʃ ə(r)] n. 特征 200 29 appreciate [ə'pri:ʃ ieit] v. 欣赏, 感激 201 29 embarrass [im'bæ rəs] v. 使尴尬 202 28 profit ['prɔ fit] n. 利润, 利益; v. 获利 203 28 ancient ['einʃ ənt] adj. 古老的 204 28 historical [his'tɔ :rikəl] adj. 历史的 205 28 victim ['viktim] n. 受害者 206 28 broaden ['brɔ :dn] v. 变宽, 扩大 207 27 plastic ['plæ stik] n. 塑料; adj. 可塑的 208 27 primary ['praiməri] adj. 主要的, 首要的, 初级的 209 27 reaction [ri'æ kʃ ən] n. 反应 (to) 210 27 represent [.repri'zent] v. 展示, 代表 211 27 response [ri'spɔ ns] n. 反应, 响应 (to) 212 27 surround [sə'raʊ nd] v. 包围 213 27 average ['æ vəridʒ ] adj. 平均的 214 27 smooth [smu:ð] v. 使顺利,使光滑; adj. 顺利的,光滑的 215 26 cast [kɑ:st] v. 投射, 掷 216 26 chemical ['kemikəl] adj. 化学的; n. 药品 217 26 prison ['prizn] n. 监狱 218 26 purchase ['pə:tʃ əs] v. 购买; n. 购买 219 26 straight [streɪ t] adj. 直的,直接的 220 26 switch [swɪ tʃ ] v. 转换(on) 221 26 treatment ['triːtmənt] n. 对待, 治疗 222 26 aware [ə'wɛ ə] adj. 意识到的 (of) 223 26 narrow ['næ rəu] v. (使)变窄; adj. 狭窄的 224 26 hire ['haiə] v. 雇请 225 26 shoulder ['ʃ əuldə] n. 肩膀; v. 肩负 226 25 content ['kɔ ntent,kən'tent] n. 内容,目录; adj. 满意的 (with) 227 25 contribute [kən'tribju:t] v. 贡献, 致力于 (to) 228 25 concept ['kɒ nsept] n. 概念 229 25 concert ['kɒ nsət] n. 音乐会 230 25 conflict ['kɒ nflɪ kt] n. 冲突 231 25 decade ['dekeid] n. 十年 232 25 sincere [sin'siə] adj. 真诚的 233 24 release [ri'li:s] v. 释放; n. 释放 234 24 constant ['kɔ nstənt] adj. 持续不断的 235 24 conduct [kən'dʌ kt] v. 实施 236 24 overcome [ˌəuvə'kʌ m] v. 战胜, 克服 237 23 recycle [ri:'saikl] v. 循环 238 23 translate [træ ns'leɪ t] v. 翻译 239 23 fond [fɔ nd] adj. 喜欢的 (of) 240 23 grateful ['greitfəl] adj. 感激的 (to) 241 23 guard [gɑ:d] v. 保卫; n. 看守 242 23 motivate ['məutiveit] v. 激发 243 22 pause [pɔ :z] v. 停顿; n. 暂停 244 22 celebrate ['selibreit] v. 庆祝 245 22 trick [trɪ k] v. 欺骗; n. 诡计 246 22 anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti] n. 焦虑 247 22 debate [di'beit] v. 辩论; n. 辩论 248 22 delay [di'lei] v. 推迟; n. 耽搁 249 22 deserve [di'zə:v] v. 值得 250 22 schedule ['skedʒ ul] n. 时间表; v. 安排, 预定 251 22 specific [spi'sifik] adj. 特定的, 具体的 252 21 concentrate ['kɔ nsentreit] v. 专心, 集中 (on) 253 21 quit [kwit] v. 停止, 放弃 254 21 stare [steə(r)] v. 凝视 (at) 255 21 sympathy ['sɪ mpəθi] n. 同情 256 21 alternative [ɔ :l'tə:nətiv] adj. 供选择的; n. 替换物 257 21 analyze ['æ nəlaiz] v. 分析 258 21 ancestor ['æ nsistə] n. 祖宗 259 21 aspect ['æ spekt] n. 方面 260 21 disability [disə'biliti] n. 残疾 261 20 admire [əd'maiə] v. 钦佩, 羡慕 262 20 adolescent [.æ də'lesnt] adj. 青春期的; n. 青少年 263 20 faithfully ['feiθfəli] adv. 忠实地 264 20 previous ['pri:vjəs] adj. 以前的 265 20 reliable [ri'laiəbl] adj. 可靠的 266 20 legal ['li:gəl] adj. 合法的, 法律的 267 20 compete [kəm'piːt] v. 比赛(with/for/against) 268 20 symbol ['sɪ mbl] n. 象征 269 20 trap [træ p] n. 陷阱 270 20 apologize [ə'pɔ lədʒ aiz] v. 道歉 (to sb for sth) 271 20 mistaken [mi'steikən] adj. 错误的 272 20 vehicle ['vi:ikl] n. 车辆, 交通工具 273 20 brief [bri:f] adj. 短暂的, 简短的 274 20 sharp [ʃ ɑ:p] adj. 急剧的, 锋利的, 灵敏的 275 20 ordinary ['ɔ :dnri] adj. 平凡的, 普通的 276 19 absorb [əb'sɔ :b] v. 吸收, 吸引 277 19 ceremony ['seriməni] n. 典礼 278 19 maintain [mein'tein] v. 维持 279 19 consequence ['kɔ nsikwəns] n. 后果 280 19 citizen ['sɪ tɪ zn] n. 市民 281 19 violence ['vaiələns] n. 暴力 282 19 bid [bid] v. 出价, 投标 283 19 bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦的, 痛苦的 284 19 shame [ʃ eim] n. 羞愧 285 19 bury ['beri] v. 埋葬 286 18 accurate ['æ kjurit] adj. 精确的 287 18 adapt [ə'dæ pt] v. 适应 (to), 改编 288 18 regardless [ri'ga:dlis] adv. 不顾(of) 289 18 commercial [kə'mɜ ːʃ l] adj. 商业的 290 18 confidence ['kɒ nfɪ dəns] n. 信心 291 18 amaze [ə'meiz] v. 使吃惊 292 18 amuse [ə'mju:z] v. 娱乐 293 18 attach [ə'tæ tʃ ] v. 附上, 系上 (to) 294 18 typical ['tipikəl] adj. 特有的, 典型的 295 18 negative ['negətiv] adj. 消极的, 负面的 296 18 species ['spi:ʃ i:z] n. 种类,(单复同)物种 297 18 occasion [ə'keiʒ ən] n. 场合, 时机 298 17 cautious ['kɔ :ʃ əs] adj. 谨慎的, 小心的 299 17 engage [in'geidʒ ] v. 从事 (in), 订婚 300 17 expose [ik'spəuz] v. 揭露, 暴露 (to) 301 17 political [pə'litikəl] adj. 政治的 302 17 convenient [kən'vi:njənt] adj. 方便的 303 17 assess [ə'ses] v. 评定, 评估 304 17 astonish [əs'tɔ niʃ ] v. 使惊讶 305 17 guarantee [ˌgærən'ti:] v. 保证; n. 保证 306 17 decline [di'klain] v. 下降, 拒绝; n. 衰落 307 17 background ['bæ kgraund] n. 背景 308 17 mysterious [mis'tiəriəs] adj. 神秘的 309 17 block [blɔ k] n. 街区; v. 阻塞 310 17 emergency [i'mə:dʒ ənsi] n. 突发事件 311 17 sink [siŋk] v. 下沉 (into) 312 16 abandon [ə'bæ ndən] v. 放弃, 抛弃 313 16 adjust [ə'dʒ ʌ st] v. 调节, 使适应 (to) 314 16 capital ['kæ pitl] n. 首都,资本; adj. 大写的,资本的 315 16 charm [tʃ ɑ:m] n. 魅力 316 16 evaluate [i'væ ljueit] v. 评价 317 16 exploit ['eksplɔ it] v. 利用, 开发 318 16 poison ['pɔ izən] v. 毒害 319 16 migrate ['maigreit] v. 迁移, 迁徙 320 16 current ['kʌ rənt] adj. 现在的 321 16 combine [kəm'baɪ n] v. 结合 (with) 322 16 sweep [swiːp] v. 打扫, 席卷 323 16 trade [treɪ d] n. 贸易 324 16 appointment [ə'pɔ intmənt] n. 约会 325 16 guilty ['gilti] adj. 内疚的 (of), 有罪的 326 16 moral ['mɔ rəl] adj. 道德的 327 16 wander ['wɔ ndə] v. 漫步, 闲逛 328 15 charity ['tʃ æ riti] n. 慈善 329 15 jog [dʒ ɔ g] v. 慢跑 330 15 ensure [in'ʃ uə] v. 确保 331 15 poverty ['pɔ vəti] n. 贫困 332 15 precise [pri'sais] adj. 精确的 333 15 conservation [.kɔ nsə:'veiʃ ən] n. 保护, 保存 334 15 consult [kən'sʌ lt] v. 咨询, 请教 335 15 crime [kraɪ m] n. 罪行 336 15 complex ['kɒ mpleks] adj. 复杂的 337 15 forbid [fə'bid] v. 禁止 338 15 federal ['fedərəl] adj. 联邦的 339 15 gap [gæ p] n. 缺口, 差距 340 15 apparent [ə'pæ rənt] adj. 明显的 341 15 unexpected ['ʌ nik'spektid] adj. 想不到的,意外的 342 15 unwilling ['ʌ n'wiliŋ] adj. 不愿意的 343 15 habitat ['hæ bitæ t] n. 栖息地, 产地 344 15 retire [ri'taiə] v. 退休; n. 退休 345 15 defend [di'fend] v. 保卫, 辩护 346 15 withdraw [wið'drɔ :] v. 撤回, 取回 347 15 participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] v. 参加, 参与 (in) 348 15 enable [i'neibl] v. 使能够 349 14 accompany [ə'kʌ mpəni] v. 陪伴 350 14 chief [tʃ i:f] adj. 主要的,首要的; n. 首领 351 14 explode [iks'pləud] v. 爆炸 352 14 precious ['preʃ əs] adj. 珍贵的 353 14 register ['redʒ istə] v. 注册, 登记 354 14 remark [ri'ma:k] v. 评论; n. 评论 355 14 curiosity [ˌkjʊ əri'ɒ səti] n. 好奇心 356 14 theory ['θɪ əri] n. 理论 357 14 thick [θɪ k] adj. 厚的 358 14 affordable [ə'fɔ :dəbl] adj. 支付得起的 359 14 atmosphere ['æ tməsfiə] n. 大气, 氛围 360 14 household ['haushəuld] n. 家庭 361 14 humo(u)r ['hju:mə] n. 幽默 362 14 whisper ['wispə] v. 耳语, 私语 363 14 wipe [waip] v. 擦 364 14 optimistic [ˌɔ pti'mistik] adj. 乐观的 365 14 significant [sig'nifikənt] adj. 重要的 366 14 region ['ri:dʒ ən] n. 地区, 范围 367 13 addiction [ə'dikʃ ən] n. 上瘾 (to) 368 13 facility [fə'siliti] n. 设施 369 13 recall [ri'kɔ :l] v. 回忆 370 13 remote [ri'məut] adj. 偏远的 371 13 resist [ri'zist] v. 抵制, 抵抗 372 13 tax [tæ ks] n. 税 373 13 fascinate ['fæ sɪ neɪ t] v. 使入迷 374 13 ambition [æ m'biʃ ən] n. 雄心 375 13 appeal [ə'pi:l] n. 呼吁; v. 吸引, 呼吁(to) 376 13 associate [ə'səuʃ ieit] v. 联系 (with) 377 13 declare [di'klɛ ə] v. 声明 378 13 minor ['mainə] adj. 较小的, 次要的 379 13 severe [si'viə] adj. 严重的 380 13 slip [slip] v. 滑倒, 溜走 381 12 academic [æ kə'demik] adj. 学术的; n. 教授 382 12 pile [pail] n. 堆, 大量 383 12 pirate ['paiərit] n. 海盗, 盗版者 384 12 chain [tʃ ein] n. 链条, 一连串 385 12 essential [i'senʃ əl] adj. 本质的 386 12 psychology [sai'kɔ lədʒ i] n. 心理, 心理学 387 12 reserve [ri'zə:v] v. 预定, 保留; n. 自然保护区 388 12 resort [ri'zɔ :t] n. (度假)胜地 389 12 consist [kən'sist] v. 由…组成 (of/ in) 390 12 contest ['kɔ ntest,kən'test] n. 竞赛; v. 竞赛 391 12 command [kə'mɑːnd] v. 命令, 获得 392 12 comprehension [ˌkɒ mprɪ 'henʃ n n. 理解 ] 393 12 tough [tʌ f] adj. 艰难的, 棘手的 394 12 trend [trend] n. 趋势; v. 倾向 395 12 assignment [ə'sainmənt] n. 分配, 任务 396 12 assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手 397 12 bargain ['bɑ:gin] n. 便宜货;v. 讨价还价 398 12 destination [.desti'neiʃ ən] n. 目的地 399 11 adopt [ə'dɔ pt] v. 采用, 收养 400 11 cheat [tʃ i:t] n. 骗子; v. 欺骗 401 11 cheque [tʃ ek] n. 支票 402 11 preserve [pri'zə:v] v. 保护, 保存 403 11 propose [prə'pəuz] v. 计划,提议,求婚 404 11 manufacture [.mæ nju'fæ ktʃ ə] n. 制造, 制造业; v. 制造 405 11 crisis ['kraɪ sɪ s] n. 危机 406 11 confirm [kən'fɜ ːm] v. 确定 407 11 foundation [faun'deiʃ ən] n. 基金会, 基础 408 11 appropriate [ə'prəupriət] adj. 适当的 409 11 approve [ə'pru:v] v. 赞同, 同意 (of) 410 11 astronaut ['æ strənɔ :t] n. 宇航员 411 11 grant [grɑ:nt] v. 授予, 认为 412 11 routine [ru:'ti:n] n. 例行公事; adj. 常规的,例行的 413 11 impractical [im'præ ktikəl] adj. 不切实际的 414 11 distinguish [di'stiŋgwiʃ ] v. 区别 (from) 415 11 vital ['vaitl] adj. 至关重要的 416 10 absence ['æ bsns] n. 缺乏, 缺席 417 10 peak [pi:k] n. 山峰, 顶端 418 10 temporary ['tempərəri] adj. 暂时的 419 10 architect ['ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师 420 10 universal [.ju:ni'və:səl] adj. 普遍的 421 10 grasp [grɑ:sp] v. 领会, 抓住; n. 抓住, 领会 422 10 decrease ['di:kri:s,di:'kri:s] v. 降低; n. 降低 423 10 beneficial [ˌbeni'fiʃ əl] adj. 有益的 (to) 424 10 define [di'fain] v. 定义 425 10 vast [vɑ:st] adj. 广阔的 426 10 witness ['witnis] v. 目击; n. 目击者, 证人 427 10 wrap [ræ p] v. 包, 裹 428 10 candidate ['kæ ndidit] n. 候选人 429 9 affair [ə'fɛ ə] n. 事件 430 9 acquire [ə'kwaiə] v. 获得, 学到 431 9 certificate [sə'tifikit] n. 证书, 执照 432 9 champion ['tʃ æ mpjən] n. 冠军; v. 保卫 433 9 estimate ['estimeit] v. 估计 434 9 exhausted [ig'zɔ :stid] adj. 精疲力竭的 435 9 refresh [ri'freʃ ] v. 恢复精神 436 9 contract ['kɔ ntræ kt] n. 合同; v. 订合同 437 9 critical ['krɪ tɪ kl] adj. 批评的,决定性的 438 9 civil ['sɪ vl] adj. 国内的,公民的 439 9 compose [kəm'pəʊ z] v. 组成, 编排 440 9 splendid ['splendɪ d] adj. 极好的 441 9 strike [straɪ k] v. 打; n. 罢工 442 9 threaten ['θretn] v. 威胁 443 9 tragedy ['træ dʒ ədi] n. 悲剧 444 9 transform [træ ns'fɔ ːm] v. 转换 445 9 trial ['traɪ əl] v. 试验; n. 审讯 446 9 fantasy ['fæ ntəsi] n. 幻想 447 9 fetch [fetʃ ] v. 取来 448 9 frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv. 频繁地 449 9 glance [glɑ:ns] v. 扫视 (at); n. 一瞥 450 9 assume [ə'sju:m] v. 假定, 设想 451 9 uncertain [ʌ n'sə:tn] adj. 不确定的 452 9 urban ['ə:bən] adj. 城市的 453 9 harbour ['hɑ:bə] n. 港口 454 9 harmony ['hɑ:məni] n. 和谐 455 9 identify [ai'dentifai] v. 识别, 鉴定 456 9 impact ['impæ kt] n. 影响 457 9 distinct [di'stiŋkt] adj. 不同的 458 9 scratch [skræ tʃ ] v. 抓 459 9 burst [bə:st] v. 爆发(into/ out),闯入 460 9 cancel ['kæ nsl] v. 取消 461 9 skip [skip] v. 跳过 462 8 pedestrian [pi'destriən] n. 路人 463 8 peer [piə] n. 同辈; v. 凝视 464 8 casual ['kæ ʒ juəl] adj. 不经心的,偶然的 465 8 erupt [i'rʌ pt] v. 喷发 466 8 principle ['prinsəpl] n. 原则 467 8 loose [lu:s] adj. 宽松的, 松散的 468 8 correspond [.kɔ ris'pɔ nd] v. 对应 (to) 469 8 advocate ['æ dvəkeit] v. 提倡 470 8 ashamed [ə'ʃ eimd] adj. 感到惭愧的 (of) 471 8 automatic [.ɔ :tə'mæ tik] adj. 自动的 472 8 decorate ['dekəreit] v. 装饰 473 8 rough [rʌ f] adj. 粗糙的, 艰难的 474 8 honorable ['ɔ nərəbl] adj. 光荣的 475 8 illegal [i'li:gəl] adj. 非法的 476 8 negotiate [ni'gəuʃ ieit] v. 协商 (with) 477 8 vivid ['vivid] adj. 生动的 478 8 scan [skæ n] v. 扫描, 浏览 479 8 sculpture ['skʌ lptʃ ə] n. 雕塑 480 8 selfish ['selfiʃ ] adj. 自私的 481 8 burden ['bə:dn] n. 负担; v. 使...负重 482 7 absolute ['æ bsəlu:t] adj. 绝对的, 完全的 483 7 accomplish [ə'kɔ mpliʃ ] v. 实现, 完成 484 7 accuse [ə'kju:z] v. 控告 (of), 指责 485 7 administration [əd.mini'streiʃ ən] n. 管理, 行政 486 7 perception [pə'sepʃ ən] n. 观念, 洞察力 487 7 radiation [.reidi'eiʃ ən] n. 辐射 488 7 reject [ri'dʒ ekt] v. 拒绝, 排斥 489 7 mild [maild] adj. 轻微的, 温和的 490 7 symptom ['sɪ mptəm] n. 征兆, 症状 491 7 treasure ['treʒ ə(r)] n. 财富 492 7 tuition [tju'ɪ ʃ n] n. 学费 493 7 foster ['fɔ stə] v. 培养; adj. 收养的 494 7 freezing ['fri:ziŋ] adj. 冰冻的 495 7 annual ['æ njuəl] adj. 每年的 496 7 antique [æ n'ti:k] adj. 古老的; n. 古董 497 7 arise [ə'raiz] v. 出现 498 7 unemployment ['ʌ nim'plɔ imənt] n. 失业 499 7 gravity ['græ viti] n. 重力 500 7 rural ['ru:rəl] adj. 农村的 501 7 scare [skɛ ə] v. 受惊吓 502 7 murder ['mə:də] n. 谋杀; v. 谋杀 503 7 horizon [hə'raizn] n. 地平线 504 7 noble ['nəubl] adj. 高贵的, 贵族的 505 7 desperate ['despərit] adj. 绝望的 506 7 weaken ['wi:kən] v. 削弱 507 7 seize [si:z] v. 抓住 508 6 acknowledge [ək'nɔ lidʒ ] v. 承认 509 6 payment ['peimənt] n. 支付, 报酬 510 6 priority [prai'ɔ riti] n. 优先 511 6 procedure [prə'si:dʒ ə] n. 程序 512 6 quote [kwəut] n. 引用; v. 引述 513 6 luxury ['lʌ kʃ əri] n. 豪华, 奢侈 514 6 contemporary [kən'tempərəri] adj. 当代的 515 6 cooperate [kəu'ɔ pəreit] v. 合作 (with) 516 6 classify ['klæ sɪ faɪ ] v. 分类 517 6 tight [taɪ t] adj. 紧的 518 6 tropical ['trɒ pɪ kl] adj. 热带的 519 6 fierce [fiəs] adj. 强烈的, 凶猛的 520 6 flexible ['fleksəbl] adj. 灵活的 521 6 fortunate ['fɔ :tʃ ənit] adj. 幸运的 522 6 giant ['dʒ aiənt] adj. 巨大的 523 6 aggressive [ə'gresiv] adj. 好斗的,上进的 524 6 anniversary [.æ ni'və:səri] n. 周年纪念 525 6 undoubtedly [ʌ n'dautidli] adv. 无疑地 526 6 deed [di:d] n. 行为 527 6 barely ['bɛ əli] adv. 几乎不 528 6 rival ['raivəl] n. 对手; v. 竞争 529 6 salary ['sæ ləri] n. 薪水 530 6 hurricane ['hʌ rikən] n. 飓风 531 6 demonstrate ['demənstreit] v. 证明, 演示 532 6 beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep. 在…之下 533 6 brilliant ['briljənt] adj. 卓越的, 杰出的 534 6 shortcoming [ʃ ɔ :tˌkʌ miŋ] n. 缺点 535 6 optional ['ɔ pʃ ənl] adj. 任选的 536 6 paradise ['pæ rədais] n. 天堂 537 6 emphasis ['emfəsis] n. 强调 (on), 重点 538 6 calculate ['kæ lkjuleit] v. 计算 539 5 permanent ['pə:mənənt] adj. 永久的 540 5 capture ['kæ ptʃ ə] v. 捕获, 占领 541 5 justice ['dʒ ʌ stis] n. 正义 542 5 keen [ki:n] adj. 热衷的 (on), 敏锐的 543 5 pure [pjʊ ər] adj. 纯的, 纯粹的 544 5 pursue [pə'sju:] v. 追求 545 5 reform [ri'fɔ :rm] v. 改革; n. 改革 546 5 legend ['ledʒ ənd] n. 传奇 547 5 clarify ['klæ rəfaɪ ] v. 阐明 548 5 subordinate [sə'bɔ ːdɪ nət] adj. 下级的, 次要的 549 5 swallow ['swɒ ləʊ ] v. 吞下 550 5 transfer [træ ns'fɜ ː(r)] v. 转移 551 5 trigger ['trɪ ɡə(r)] v. 触发 552 5 fasten ['fæ sn] v. 使固定, 系 (to) 553 5 fulfill [ful'fil] v. 完成 554 5 arrest [ə'rest] v. 逮捕 555 5 unbelievable [.ʌ nbi'li:vəbl] adj. 难以臵信的 556 5 unconscious [ʌ n'kɔ nʃ əs] adj. 无知觉(意识)的 557 5 unforgettable ['ʌ nfə'getəbl] adj. 难忘的 558 5 valid ['væ lid] adj. 有效的 559 5 deadline ['dedlain] n. 截止时间 560 5 restore [ri'stɔ :] v. 修复, 恢复 561 5 reveal [ri'vi:l] v. 显示, 表明 562 5 immigrant ['imigrənt] n. 移民 563 5 opponent [ə'pəunənt] n. 对手 564 5 shrink [ʃ riŋk] v. 缩水, 收缩 565 5 skeptical ['skeptikəl] adj. 怀疑的 566 4 abstract [æ b'stræ kt] adj. 抽象的, 理论的 567 4 abuse [ə'bju:z] n. 滥用; v. 滥用 568 4 accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit] v. 积累 569 4 accustom [ə'kʌ stəm] v. 使习惯 (to) 570 4 pesticide ['pestisaid] n. 杀虫剂 571 4 capability [.keipə'biliti] n. 能力 572 4 cater ['keitə] v. 迎合(for) 573 4 fancy ['fæ nsi] v. 想象, 喜欢 574 4 polish ['pɔ liʃ ] v. 磨光, 完善 575 4 portable ['pɔ :təbl] adj. 手提式的 576 4 protest ['prəutest] v. 抗议 (against) 577 4 stimulus ['stɪ mjələs] n. 刺激 578 4 summarize ['sʌ məraɪ z] v. 概述 579 4 superior [suː'pɪ əriə(r)] adj. 上层的,较高的(to) 580 4 surgery ['sɜ ːdʒ əri] n. 外科手术 581 4 thoroughly ['θʌ rəli] adv. 彻底地 582 4 trail [treɪ l] n. 小径 583 4 tremble ['trembl] v. 发抖 584 4 format ['fɔ :mæ t] n. 板式; v. 设计 585 4 fundamental [.fʌ ndə'mentl] adj. 基本的;n. 基础 586 4 anonymous [ə'nɔ niməs] adj. 匿名的 587 4 appetite ['æ pitait] n. 食欲 (for), 嗜好 588 4 arouse [ə'rauz] v. 引起 589 4 awful ['ɔ :ful] adj. 糟糕的 590 4 vain [vein] adj. 徒劳的 (in ~ 徒劳无功) 591 4 restless ['restlis] adj. 不安的 592 4 reverse [ri'və:s] v. 逆转; adj. 相反的 593 4 moderate ['mɔ dəreit] adj. 适度的 594 4 offence [ə'fens] n. 冒犯, 犯罪 595 4 delicate ['delikit] adj. 脆弱的, 精细的 596 4 wag [wæ g] v. (狗) 摇摆 (尾巴); n. 摇摆 597 4 breakthrough ['breik,θru:] n. 突破 598 4 reluctant [ri'lʌ ktənt] adj. 不情愿的,勉强的 599 3 accent ['æ ksənt] n. 口音, 重音 600 3 adequate ['æ dikwit] adj. 足够的 601 3 pavement ['peivmənt] n. 人行道 602 3 prejudice ['predʒ udis] n. 偏见 603 3 prosperity [prɔ s'periti] n. 繁荣, 兴旺 604 3 resemble [ri'zembl] v. 与…相似 605 3 resolution [.rezə'lu:ʃ ən] n. 解决, 决心 606 3 mature [mə'tjuə] adj. 成熟的 607 3 latter ['læ tə] adj. 后者的 608 3 lean [li:n] v. 倚, 倾斜 609 3 compound ['kɒ mpaʊ nd] n. 化合物 610 3 tolerate ['tɒ ləreɪ t] v. 容忍, 忍受 611 3 transmission [træ ns'mɪ ʃ n] n. 传输 612 3 approximately [ə'prɔ ksimitli] adv. 大约地, 近似地 613 3 artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃ əl] adj. 人造的 614 3 athletic [æθ'letik] adj. 运动的, 健壮的 615 3 awkward ['ɔ :kwəd] adj. 尴尬的 616 3 damp [dæ mp] adj. 潮湿的 617 3 dash [dæ ʃ ] v. 猛冲; n. 猛冲 618 3 restrict [ri'strikt] v. 限制 619 3 sacrifice ['sæ krifais] v. 牺牲 (for); n. 祭品 620 3 minimize ['minimaiz] v. 使减 (缩) 小到最低 621 3 miracle ['mirəkl] n. 奇迹 622 3 multiple ['mʌ ltipl] adj. 多种多样的 623 3 neglect [ni'glekt] v. 忽视, 忽略 624 3 notorious [nəu'tɔ :riəs] adj. 臭名昭著的 625 3 degrade [di'greid] v. 降解, 退化 626 3 depart [di'pɑ:t] v. 离开, 死亡 627 2 accelerate [æ k'seləreit] v. 加速 628 2 adore [ə'dɔ :] v. 爱慕, 崇拜 629 2 perspective [pə'spektiv] n. 看法 630 2 category ['kæ tigəri] n. 种类 631 2 exclude [iks'klu:d] v. 排除 632 2 pregnant ['pregnənt] adj. 怀孕的 633 2 random ['ræ ndəm] adj. 随机的 (at ~ 随机地) 634 2 rebel ['rebl,ri'bel] v. 造反; n. 造反者 635 2 leak [li:k] v. 渗出, 泄露 636 2 starve [stɑːv] v. 挨饿 637 2 sting [stɪ ŋ] v. 叮 638 2 sustainable [sə'steɪ nəbl] adj. 可持续的 639 2 temptation [temp'teɪ ʃ n] n. 诱惑 640 2 tiresome ['taɪ əsəm] adj. 令人厌倦的 641 2 tourism ['tʊ ərɪ zəm] n. 旅游业 642 2 transition [træ n'zɪ ʃ n] n. 过渡, 转变 643 2 allocate ['æ ləkeit] v. 分配 644 2 angle ['æŋgl] n. 角度 645 2 aptitude ['æ ptitju:d] n. 潜能 646 2 assertive [ə'sə:tiv] adj. 坚定的 647 2 attribute ['æ tribju:t] v. 把 ... 归于 (to); n. 品质 648 2 decisive [di'saisiv] adj. 决定性的 649 2 retain [ri'tein] v. 保持, 保留 650 2 retreat [ri'tri:t] n. 减少,撤退;v. 撤退 651 2 miserable ['mizərəbl] adj. 悲惨的 652 2 illusion [i'lu:ʒ ən] n. 错觉 653 2 numerous ['nju:mərəs] adj. 许多的 654 2 defect [di'fekt] n. 缺陷 655 2 deliberately [di'libəritli] adv. 故意地 656 2 democratic [ˌdemə'kræ tik] adj. 民主的 657 2 demolition [ˌdemə'liʃ ən] n. 破坏, 毁坏 658 2 boundary ['baundəri] n. 边界, 分界线 659 2 slim [slim] adj. 苗条的;v. 变苗条 660 1 abnormal [æ b'nɔ :məl] adj. 不正常的 661 1 abundant [ə'bʌ ndənt] adj. 丰富的 662 1 persist [pə'sist] v. 坚持 (in) 663 1 cherish ['tʃ eriʃ ] v. 珍爱 664 1 lately ['leitli] adv. 最近 665 1 exclaim [iks'kleim] v. 呼喊 666 1 lighten ['laitn] v. 照亮 667 1 conscience ['kɔ nʃ əns] n. 良心 668 1 time-consuming ['taimkən.sju:miŋ] adj. 耗费时间的 669 1 ambiguous [æ m'bigjuəs] adj. 模棱两可的 670 1 applause [ə'plɔ :z] n. 鼓掌 671 1 assemble [ə'sembl] v. 聚集 672 1 attain [ə'tein] v. 获得 673 1 vacant ['veikənt] adj. 空的 674 1 deceive [di'si:v] v. 欺骗 675 1 bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌ pt] adj. 破产的 676 1 restrain [ri'strein] v. 抑制 677 1 resume [ri'zju:m] n. 简历; v. 继续 678 1 revenge [ri'vendʒ ] v. 报复; n. 报复 679 1 revive [ri'vaiv] v. 复苏 680 1 modify ['mɔ difai] v. 修饰, 更改 681 1 obesity [əu'bi:siti] n. 肥胖 682 1 delete [di'li:t] v. 删除 683 1 volatile ['vɔ lətail] adj. 不稳定的,易变的 684 1 bound [baund] adj. 必定的 (to) 685 1 worthwhile ['wə:θ'wail] adj. 值得(做)的 686 1 overwhelm [,əuvə'welm] v. 打击, 压倒 687 1 simulate ['simjuleit] v. 假装, 模仿 688 1 simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli] adv. 同时地 核心扩展 138 词汇 序 单词 音标 词义 号 1 pursue [pə'sju:] v. 追求 [扩展]: pursue knowledge/dream 追求知识/梦想 [派生]: pursuit n. 追求 in pursuit of 追求 [2008江苏阅读]:In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of the dreams. 译: 实际上,Jack 横跨全国就是为了追求梦想。 [同义]: seek, go for, chase 寻求, 追求 2 quit [kwit] v. 停止, 放弃 [扩展]: quit doing, give up doing 放弃做… [扩展]: quit school, withdraw from school, drop out of school 辍 学 [2011天津阅读]:Why did the author quit school in her second year of college? 译: 为什么作者会在他大二的时候辍学呢? 3 raise [reiz] v. 举起, 筹集, 提出 [2012福建阅读]:Money is raised by the Newspaper. 译: 这笔款是通过报纸筹集的。 [扩展]: raise money 筹款 raise children 抚养孩子 raise question 提出问题 [辨析]: arise 出现 rise 升起 arouse 唤起 arouse interest 唤起兴趣 [2012山东单选]:A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 译: 许多高大的建筑物出现在了这一年前的废墟上。 [2009全国卷一单选]:The calf was washed away by the rising water. 译: 幼崽被上涨的河水冲走了。 [2007山东阅读]:She made great efforts to arouse students’ interest in literature. 译: 她费了很大的努力来唤起学生们的兴趣。 4 range [reindʒ ] n. 范围;v. 涉及 [扩展]: out of reach 够不着 within reach 够得着 range from...to... 从...到...范围 a wide range of 各式各样的 [2007浙江阅读]:Topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking. 译: 话题涉及的范围从美好的事物到饮酒的危害。 [2010重庆阅读]:We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide range of things. 译: 我们谨慎地开始了谈话并且谈论了各式各样的事情。 5 reaction [ri'æ kʃ ən] n. 反应 [2010广东阅读]:Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops. 译: 当他们吃谷物的时候,有些人可能会对这些化学物质产生不良反应。 [近义]: feedback n. 反应,反馈 [派生]: react v. 反应 [扩展]: react to, respond to , in response to 对...作出反应 [2006北京阅读]:I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. 译: 我已经看到了人们是如何对艾滋作出反应的。 [2011陕西阅读]:Every system of the body responds to laughter in some important or positive way. 译: 身体的每个系统会以某种重要或积极的方式对笑声产生反应。 6 realise ['riəlaiz] v. 意识到, 实现(梦想) [2012陕西阅读]:Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible. 译: Brad 意识到脱口秀已经结束了,阅读已是不可能了。 [扩展]: realise one's dream 实现某人的梦想 dreams come true 梦想实现 7 recycle [ri:'saikl] v. 循环 [2006湖北听力]:To collect the sorted rubbish and then recycle it. 译: 把垃圾分类收集,然后将其回收。 8 refer [ri'fə:] v. 涉及, 提到, 查阅 [2011安徽写作]:When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages. 译: 当我遇到困难时,我通常会选择查阅相关的学习材料或者网页。 [扩展]: reference book 参考书 refer to the dictionary 查字典 look up the word in the dictionary 查字典 [扩展]: 词根 fer-“拿” infer... from... 从...中推测出 prefer... to... 偏爱... suffer from 遭受... differ from 与...不同 [2008江西听力]:What can we infer from the conversation? 译: 从对话中我们能推测出什么? [2011浙江阅读]:People still prefer to buy goods online. 译: 人们仍然偏爱在网上购物。 [2010安徽阅读]:Most industries in the world suffer from water shortages. 译: 在世界上的大多数工业都在遭受水资源的短缺的问题。 [2007重庆单选]:Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose. 译: 人类的面部表情不同于那些动物的是因为人们可以在某种程度上有意地 控制面部表情。 9 regardless [ri'ga:dlis] adv. 不顾 (of) [扩展]: regard...as... 把...看作... regardless of 不管,不顾 [2006天津阅读]:Regardless of these differences, there is something in common in the learning and modification(修正)of attitudes. 译: 除了这些不同点,在学习和态度的修正上是有一些相同之处的。 10 reject [ri'dʒ ekt] v. 拒绝, 排斥 [2012陕西阅读]:There are plenty of well-qualified candidates, so it is not wrong to reject someone who might disappoint my customers. 译: 这儿有大量的有资历的候选者,所以拒绝一个可能会让我顾客失望的人 是没有错的。 [近义]: refuse, decline, turn down 拒绝 [2012山东阅读]:In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford. 译: 尽管受到多次邀请,他总是谢绝参观牛津。 [2006福建单选]:The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned down. 译: 如果工人们提出的要求被拒绝了,他们就会罢工。 [扩展]: 词根 ject-“投” project n. 工程 inject v. 注入, 插入 subject n. 主题 object n. 物体; v. 反对 11 reliable [ri'laiəbl] adj. 可靠的 [2012浙江阅读]:Dad was an honest and reliable man. 译: 爸爸是一个诚实可靠的男人。 [扩展]: rely on, depend on 依靠 [2011浙江阅读]:Customers rely on their phones to obtain services. 译: 顾客们依靠他们的电话来获得服务。 12 remark [ri'ma:k] v. 评论; n. 评论 [派生]: remarkable adj. 卓越的 [2012山东阅读]:Murray was at the port to wave goodbye to his remarkable friend. 译: Murray 在港口向他杰出的朋友挥手告别。 [扩展]: marked, outstanding, excellent, brilliant , eminent 卓越 的 [2011福建单选]:Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. 译: 1911年成立的清华大学,是大量杰出人物的家。 13 remind [ri'maind] v. 提醒 [派生]: reminder n. 提醒物 [扩展]: accuse sb. of 控告某人 inform sb. of 使某人知道... convince sb. of 说服某人相信 warn sb. of 警告某人 persuade sb. of 劝服某人 remind sb. of 提醒某人 [2006上海春单选] :Both sides have accused of the other breaking the contract . 译: 双方都控告对方违背合约。 [经典例句]:Please inform me by letter of your plans. 译: 请来信把你的计划告诉我。 [经典例句]:I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 译: 我完全相信你的忠诚。 [2010江西阅读]:Bristling (直立的) fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals. 译: 在许多动物中,毛发竖起是一个明显的攻击性的警告。 [经典例句]:How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 译: 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意? [2007上海翻译]:I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview. 译: 我忘了提醒他面试的时间了。 14 replace [ri'pleis] v. 取代 [派生]: replacement n. 替代物 [扩展]: alternative n. 替代物 in place of v. 替换 take place of v. 取代 substitute v. 代替; n. 代替品 replace A with B 用 B 替换 A [2006北京完形]:He could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others. 译: 他能用对他人的爱来替换他巨大的悲痛。 15 represent [.repri'zent] v. 展示, 代表 [派生]: representative n. 代表 [2009安徽阅读]:The ox is a representative of the farming culture of China. 译: 牛是中国农业文化的代表。 [同义]: stand for, on behalf of 代表 [2009湖北阅读]:What did the “service pins” stand for in the eyes of the little girls? 译: 在这个小女孩的眼中 “service pins” 代表了什么? [经典例句]:The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 译: 代理人代表他的委托人说话。 16 require [ri'kwaiə] v. 要求 [2010天津阅读]:Why are visitors required to turn off their mobile phones? 译: 为什么游客被要求关闭他们的手机? [派生]: requirement n. 要求 [辨析]: request v. 请求 demand v. 强烈要求 command v. 命令 [扩展]: demand for 对...的要求 demanding adj. 要求多的 [2012辽宁阅读]:This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station (ISS). 译: 在国际空间站,这种类型的日程表对长期的任务来说,要求过高。 17 reserve [ri'zə:v] v. 预定, 保留; n. 自然保护区 [2010福建阅读]:We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour. 译: 我们将只能预留这个水池一个小时。 [扩展]: reserve sth. for sb. 为...人而保留... [派生]: reservation n. 预定 cancel the reservation v. 取消预定 [近义]: book v. 预定 order v. 订购 18 resist [ri'zist] v. 抵制, 抵抗 [2008北京阅读]:We will be much better able to resist diet products. 译: 我们将能够更好地抵制减肥产品。 [派生]: resistant adj. 抵抗的 resistance n. 抵抗 [扩展]: resist the temptation 抵制诱惑 19 respect [ri'spekt] v. 尊敬, 尊重; n. 尊敬, 尊重 [扩展]: self-respect n. 自尊 [2006上海阅读]:Yellow is linked with confidence, self- respect and friendliness. 译: 黄色和自信、自尊及友好联系在一起。 20 manage ['mæ nidʒ ] v. 管理, 设法 (to) [派生]: manager n. 管理者 management n. 管理 manageable adj. 易管理的 [扩展]: succeed in doing sth, .manage to do, make it 成功做某事 [2009全国卷一阅读]:How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast-flowing water? 译: Ma Shwe 是怎么成功将她的幼崽从激流的河水中救出来的? 21 migrate ['maigreit] v. 迁移, 迁徙 [2010江苏阅读]:Millions of people will migrate to the western regions. 译: 数百万的人将迁移到西部地区。 [派生]: migration n. 移民 [辨析]: immigrate v. 迁入外国 emigrate v. 迁出本国 22 conscience ['kɔ nʃ əns] n. 良心 [2009上海阅读]:He want to remind the thief of his conscience. 译: 他想唤醒这个小偷的良知。 [扩展]: a clear conscience 无愧于心 conscious adj. 意识到的 unconscious adj. 失去知觉的 consciousness n. 意识 be aware of 意识到 awareness n. 意识 [2012浙江阅读]:Apply these principles in your everyday life in a conscious way. 译: 请有意识地将这些原则应用到你的日常生活中。 23 consequence ['kɔ nsikwəns] n. 后果 [2012山东阅读]:Nauru’s heartbreaking story could have one good consequence — other countries might learn from its mistakes. 译: Nauru 令人心碎的故事可能会有一个好的结果---其他国家会引以为鉴。 [派生]: consequent adj. 作为结果的 consequently adv. 因此,所以 [扩展]: therefore, thus, as a result 因此 24 consider [kən'sidə] v. 考虑, 认为 [2010安徽单选]: Some find today’s technology a gift. Others consider it a curse.. 译:有人认为如今的科技是一个礼物,有人却认为是个祸害。 [扩展]: consider/ treat/ think of/ regard... as... 把...看作 [2010北京单选]:some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others. 译:有人认为是缺点的在别人看来却是优点。 [派生]: considerable adj. 相当大的 considerate adj. 考虑周到的 consideration n. 考虑 take into consideration 考虑到 25 consist [kən'sist] v. 由…组成 [2012浙江阅读]: But life doesn't consist entirely of these things 译:但是生活并不是完全由这些事情组成 [派生]: consistent adj. 持续的 consist of 组成 be composed of, be made up of 由…组成 [2012广东阅读]:It is made up of people from the highest income groups in the United States. 译:它是由来自美国最高收入群体当中的人组成。 26 constant ['kɔ nstənt] adj. 持续不断的 [派生]: constantly adv. 不断的,经常的 [2011江苏单选]:Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence. 译:教师必须不断地更新他们的知识以保持他们的专业技能。 [扩展]: 词根 st-“站” constant adj. 经常的 instant adj. 立即的 distant adj. 遥远的 [同义]: continuous adj. 连续的 persistent adj. 连续的 lasting adj. 永久的 27 consult [kən'sʌ lt] v. 咨询, 请教 [2010江苏单选]: Why not consult with Frank? 译:为什么不咨询一下 Frank? [扩展]: consult sb about 向某人咨询某事 sth [派生]: consultation n. 咨询 consultant n. 顾问 28 contain [kən'tein] v. 包含 [2011上海阅读]: Any web log may contain the latest information of the year. 译:任何网络日志都可能包含这一年最近的信息。 [派生]: container n. 容器 [扩展]: 词根 tain-“保持” attain v.获得 obtain v.获得 sustain v.维持 maintain v.维持 [2009江苏阅读]: They developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships. 译:他们发展一种成功沟通的能力以便于维持他们的关系。 [同义]: include v. 包括 hold v. 包括 29 contribute [kən'tribju:t] v. 贡献, 致力于 [2010北京阅读]: Many graduates clearly do contribute to national wealth. 译:许多毕业生显然为国家的繁荣做出了贡献。 [扩展]: contribute oneself to…, devote oneself to…, dedicate oneself to…, commit oneself to… 致力于... [经典例句]:He committed himself to serving the people all his life. 译:他把他的一生都献给了服务人民这项事业中。 [扩展]: 词根 tribute-“宝藏” contribute 奉献 attribute 把...归因于 (to) distribute 分发 give away 分发, 赠送 [2007安徽阅读]: some fast food restaurants give away tickets in magazines. 译:许多快餐店在杂志上赠送优惠券。 30 courageous [kə'reɪ dʒ əs] adj. 勇敢的 [派生]: encourage v. 鼓励 encouragement n. 鼓励 courage n. 勇气 [2010上海单选]:you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 译:你应该鼓起勇气面对挑战。 31 credit ['kredɪ t] n. 信用 [扩展]: credit card 信用卡 [派生]: credible adj. 可信的 credibility n. 可信, 可靠 incredible adj. 不可信的 32 compare [kəm'peə(r)] v. 比较, 比喻(to) [2012安徽完形]:It seemed a small challenge compared to the one I was about to face. 译:和我即将要面对的那个相比较,这似乎只是一个小挑战。 [扩展]: compare...with..., in comparison to..., 比较 33 compete [kəm'piːt] v. 比赛 [扩展]: compete with 与...竞争 [2009重庆单选]: Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. 译:生活像一场长跑,在这场长跑中我们和别人竞争来超越自己。 compete for (为...)争夺 contestant n. 竞争者 [派生]: competition n. 比赛 competitor n. 竞争者 competitive adj. 有竞争力的 competent adj. 有能力的 34 complain [kəm'pleɪ n] v. 抱怨 [扩展]: complain to sb 向某人抱怨某事 about sth [2010北京阅读]:Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk. 译:Betty 向 Steve 抱怨 Sara 从不给她说话的机会。 [派生]: complaint n. 抱怨 35 complex ['kɒ mpleks] adj. 复杂的 [派生]: complexity n. 复杂 [扩展]: complicated adj. 复杂的 [2012上海单选]: "Genius" is a complicated concept. 译:“天才”是一个复杂的概念。 35 compose [kəm'pəʊ z] v. 组成,编排 [派生]: composition n. 作文,作品,合成物 37 concern [kən'sɜ ːn] v. 关心,涉及 [扩展]: concern about 对...的关心 [2010重庆单选]:The news shocked the public, leading to great concern about students’ safety at school. 译:这个新闻震惊了公众,引发了人们对学生校园安全问题的极度关心。 as far as I am concerned 就我而言 [同义]: concerned, worry, anxious 担心 38 conclude [kən'kluːd] v. 总结 [2009重庆阅读]: What can we conclude from the recent study? 译:从最近的研究中我们可以总结出什么? [扩展]: 词根 clud-“关闭” include v. 包含 exclude v. 排除 conclusion n. 结论 [扩展]: in conclusion 最后 39 conduct [kən'dʌ kt] v. 实施 [扩展]: conduct experiment 做实验 40 strict [strɪ kt] adj. 严格的 [2009辽宁阅读]: When people write as if some strict critics are looking over their shoulder. 译:当人们开始写东西的时候,就好像有严格的批评家在他们身后盯着他们。 [扩展]: be strict with sb in sth 对某人在某事上严格 [派生]: restrict v. 约束 restriction n. 约束 41 strike [straɪ k] v. 打; n. 罢工 [扩展]: It strikes sb that 让某人想起 [2011天津阅读]:It always struck me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you’re in the midst of it, it just seems normal. 译:我总是想,当你在面临一个来自外界的巨大挑战时,它总是看起来很艰 巨?但是当你真正深处其中,它不过就很平常。 [派生]: striking 显著的 [2010全国一阅读]:Its most striking feature, though, is only found in the young. 译:它的最显著的特征只在幼年被发现。 42 subject ['sʌ bdʒ ɪ kt] n. 主题; adj. 服从的 [派生]: subjective n. 主题; adj. 主观的 [扩展]: be subjected to 屈从... [2011上海阅读]:We’ll be subjected to a still greater amount of nonsense and lies. 译:我们将屈从于大量的废话和谎言。 [同义]: yield, bend, submit, obey, compromise 屈服,服从,妥协 [2008江苏任务型] :It is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement. 译:通过妥协和协议来做出决定,通常是明智的。 43 success [sək'ses] n. 成功 [派生]: successful adj. 成功的 succeed v. 成功 [扩展]: succeed in doing, manage to do 成功做成某事 [2011山东阅读]:How did the Jacobses manage to solve their problem? 译:Jacobses 是如何成功解决他们的问题的? 44 suffer ['sʌ fə(r)] v. 遭受 [扩展]: suffer from 遭受 [派生]: sufferings 痛苦 [2006北京阅读]:To tell people about the sufferings of her father. 译:告诉别人他父亲的痛苦。 [扩展]: undergo 遭受 go through 经历 pull through 渡过难关 [2008宁夏阅读]:You must be in good health and prepared to go through a period of body exercises. 译:你必须身体健康,并且准备好经历一段时期的体能练习。 45 superior [suː'pɪ əriə(r)] adj. 上层的, 较高的 [扩展]: superior class 上层阶级 be superior to 优越于 [2012重庆阅读]: The thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them. 译:他们可能永远不会有这种优越于别人的感觉。 be inferior to 次于 46 suppose [sə'pəʊ z] v. 假设, 认为 [2006四川阅读]:Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150. 译:假设你的孩子想要一辆价值150美元的新自行车。 [扩展]: be supposed to 应该 [2008安徽阅读]:You are expected to work 5:00--6:00 pm weekdays 译:在周末你需要从5点工作到下午六点 47 accessible [æ k'sesəbl] adj. 易接近的, 可得到的 [2010全国一阅读]:The garden is accessible (可进入的) to wheelchair users. 译: 使用轮椅的残疾人是能够进入到花园的。 [派生]: access n. 接近 accessory n. 附件, 配件 [扩展]: have access to... 获得, 有权利进入 [2010上海单选]: One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. 译: 她偏爱城市生活的原因之一是她可以很容易地找到商店和饭馆。 [同义]: available adj. 可得到的 48 absence ['æ bsns] n. 缺乏, 缺席 [派生]: absent adj. 缺席的, 缺乏的 [扩展]: be absent from 缺席 [2006重庆单选]: Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class that he had to meet his uncle at the airport. 译: 没有人相信他不到场的原因是他不得不去机场接他叔叔。 [同义]: presence n. 出席, 到场 49 absorb [əb'sɔ :b] v. 吸收, 吸引 [扩展]: absorb energy/heat/water 吸收能量/热量/水分 [同义]: take in 吸收 [扩展]: be absorbed in, focus on, concentrate on 专心致志于 [2012北京单选]:When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping. 译: 当他完全沉浸在工作中,这是经常发生的事,他经常废寝忘食。 [2009 安徽阅读 ] : When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. 译: 和一群人见面时,集中注意记下两三个名字。 50 acceptable [ək'septəbl] adj. 可接受的 [派生]: accept v. 接受 acceptance n. 接受 unacceptable adj. 不能接受的 [反义]: reject, refuse, decline, turn down 拒绝 [2006福建单选]: The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned down. 译: 如果工人们之前提出的要求被拒绝他们就会罢工。 51 accompany [ə'kʌ mpəni] v. 陪伴 [2010福建阅读]:Three teachers will accompany the students, and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers. 译: 三个老师会陪着学生,并且每15个人的组会有一个远足指导者陪伴。 [扩展]: company n. 同伴, 公司 companion n. 同伴 peer n. 同辈, 同等的人 52 account [ə'kaunt] n. 帐户,事情;v. 说明(for) [2011江西阅读]: The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. 译: Winners Club 是一个专门为青年人设计的银行账户。 [2012广东阅读]:Sports account for the growing amount of income. 译: 体育运动是收入不断增加的原因。 [扩展]: take ...into account/consideration 把...考虑在内 [2011福建阅读]:The difficulty is that it did not take the human mind into account. 译: 困难在于它没有把人类思维考虑在内。 [派生]: count v. 数, 有重要意义 accountant n. 会计师 53 accuse [ə'kju:z] v. 控告, 指责 [扩展]: accuse sb of/charge sb with 指责/控告某人 [2010湖北阅读]:The teens accuse their parents of misleading them. 译: 年轻人指责他们的父母误导他们。 [派生]: accusation n.控告,指责, 理由,借口 54 accustom [ə'kʌ stəm] v. 使习惯 [派生]: custom n.习惯, 风俗, 惯例 accustomed adj. 习惯的 [扩展]: accustom oneself to doing 使自己习惯于... be accustomed to+n/doing 习惯于(做)某事 [2011安徽阅读]: We’ve become so accustomed to noise, there’s almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial. 译: 我们已经如此的习惯了噪音,以至于我们从不认为沉默是有好处的。 55 acquire [ə'kwaiə] v. 获得, 学到 [2012天津阅读]:Virginia Berninger says it’s important to help children acquire the skill of writing by hand. 译: Virginia Berninger 说帮助孩子获得手写的技能是重要的。 [扩展]: acquisition n.获得, 所获之物 [同义]: obtain, attain, gain, achieve, get access to 获得 [2007湖南写作]:Staying alongside host families enables students to get enough practice for the short time of their studying so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. 译: 和寄宿家庭住在一起可以让学生在很短的学习时间里得到足够的练习, 这样他们的语言获得才会有可能更快。 56 adapt [ə'dæ pt] v. 适应(to), 改编 [派生]: adaptation n. 改编,适应 [2008上海阅读]:A Climate Adaptation Fund has been established to help poor regions. 译: 为了帮助贫困地区,一个气候适应基金会已被建立了。 adaptable adj. 能适应的, 可改编的 adaptive adj.适合的, 适应的 [同义]: suit, fit in with, adjust to 适应 [2010江西阅读]: We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing. 译: 我们如此习惯于持续不断的活动以至于我们觉得坐着什么都不做很难。 57 advance [əd'vɑ:ns] n. 前进; adj. 提前的 [派生]: advanced adj. 先进的, 高级的 advancement n. 前进, 进步 advantage n. 优势 [扩展]: in advance 预先 [2011北京阅读]:When students were told my rule in advance of the class, some of them were not happy. 译: 当在课前被告知我的规则时,一些学生不是很开心。 [反义]: postpone/put off/delay v. 推迟 [2008上海阅读]:“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked. 译: “我们能推迟会议么?”她问道。 58 persist [pə'sist] v. 坚持 [派生]: persistent adj. 坚持的, 连续的, 固执的 perseverance n. 坚定不移 [扩展]: persist in, insist on, hold on, stick to, carry on, keep on 坚持, 坚决做... [2009山东阅读]:The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. 译: 唯一的困惑是有如此多的人坚持对这些信息听而不闻。 59 cast [kɑ:st] v. 投射, 掷 [2011浙江阅读]:Again she cast a look toward the window 译: 她再一次地向窗户看了一眼。 [同义]: throw away 扔掉 [扩展]: forecast v. 预想, 预报 broadcast v. 广播, 散布 60 cause [kɔ :z] v. 引起; n. 原因, 事业 [同义]: produce, result in, lead to, give rise to, contribute to 引起,导致 [2008重庆阅读]: Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety? 译: 为什么有更多商品可以选择会导致不安? [扩展]: cause of, reason for ...的原因 [2010湖北阅读]:The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict. 译: 在引起冲突的原因上青年人和他们的父母意见一致。 61 character ['kæ riktə] n. 个性, 人物 [同义]: personality, characteristic, feature 个性,特征 [经典例句]:For generations they have been a feature of Indian life but now they can't earn a living for fear of arrest. 译: 几百年来他们一直都是印第安生活的一个特征,但是现在他们因害怕被 逮捕都不能生存了。 62 charge [tʃ ɑ:dʒ ] n. 费用, 指控; v. 要价(for), 管理, 充电 [2012全国二阅读]:They always charge a lot for the service. 译: 他们的服务总是要价很高 [扩展]: in charge of ... 管理, 负责 in the charge for 由… 管理/负责 take charge of 掌管 charge for 要价 [2009山东阅读]: The court is in charge of removing dangerous products. 译: 法院负责消除危险的产品。 [2010天津阅读]:A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company. 译: 一个人努力去掌管一个大公司的一切事务。 63 cherish ['tʃ eriʃ ] v. 珍爱 [同义]: treasure, value, precious 珍视 64 concentrate ['kɔ nsentreit] v. 专心(on), 集中 [扩展]: concentrate on, focus on 专注于... [2009安徽阅读]:When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. 译: 和一群人见面时,集中精力去记住两到三个人的名字。 [派生]: concentration n. 专心, 集中 65 keen [ki:n] adj. 热衷的(on), 敏锐的 [扩展]: be keen on... 喜欢, 热爱 [近义]: be eager to do, long for, desire to do 渴望 [2008宁夏阅读]: He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends. 译: 他几年前搬到那儿了,我迫不及待地想认识他的新地方见他的新朋友。 66 lack [læ k] n. 缺乏; v. 缺乏 [同义]: a lack of (in), shortage of, be short of 缺乏 [反义]: rich, plentiful, abundant 丰富的 [2012湖南阅读]: Its raw materials are abundant in nature 译:它的原材料在自然界是很丰富的。 67 engage [in'geidʒ ] v. 从事, 订婚 [派生]: engagement n. 订婚 [同义]: be engaged in /doing, be busy with, be occupied with 忙于做某事 [2011天津阅读]:The Program aims to encourage students to be active citizens and engage themselves in making a difference in society. 译: 这个项目的目的是鼓励学生成为积极主动的公民,并且使他们自己忙于 对社会作出贡献。 68 equal ['i:kwəl] adj. 相等的; v. 等于(to); n. 平等 [派生]: equality n. 平等 equalize v. 等于 equally adv. 相等地 be equal to/with 与...相等,平等 [2008广东阅读]: But family experts warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents. 译:但是家庭专家警告说新的平等会导致对父母的尊重减少。 69 evaluate [i'væ ljueit] v. 评价 [派生]: evaluation [2009北京单选]:The way the guests are treated in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service. 译:顾客在旅馆里被对待的方式影响他们对其服务的评价。 [同义]: assess, rate, estimate 评估,评价 70 expect [iks'pekt] v. 预料, 期待 [派生]: expected adj. 预料到的 expectation n. 预料, 期望 unexpected adj. 没有预料到的 [扩展]: expect sb to do/ look forward to doing 期望某人做某事 be expected to do sth 被期望做某事, 应该做某事 expect that 期待,预料某事 [扩展]: 词根 spect-“看” suspect v. 怀疑 respect v. 尊重 perspective n. 观点 inspect v. 检查 aspect n. 方面 [2009安徽阅读]: Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. 译: 很少有人在大家都做自我介绍时期望你能记住他们的名字。 71 expense [iks'pens] n. 花费 [扩展]: daily expense 日常花费 [同义]: tuition, fee, fare, payment 花费,费用 [2011山东阅读]:They blamed the government for the tuition increase. 译: 他们因为费用的增加而责怪政府。 72 explode [iks'pləud] v. 爆炸 [派生]: explosion n. 爆炸, 爆炸声 explosive adj. 爆炸(性)的 73 exploit ['eksplɔ it] v. 利用, 开发 [2012北京阅读]: There is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm. 译: 涉及到荒地是否可以没有伤害地被开发利用,有一个实际的问题。 [同义]: take advantage of 利用 74 expose [ik'spəuz] v. 揭露, 暴露 (to) [派生]: exposure n. 暴露, 揭露 exposition n. 博览会 [扩展]: exhibition n. 展览会 be exposed to... 暴露于... [2008上海阅读]: They are too young to be exposed to financial issues. 译: 他们太年轻了,不能面对经济上的问题。 [扩展]: 词根:pos/pon-“放” deposit v. 寄存; n. 定金 propose v. 向...提议 put forward 提出 suppose v. 推测, 假设 [扩展]: be supposed to/should 应该 compose v. 作曲, 编排 be composed of 由...组成/构成 [2009浙江单选]:I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. 译: 我已经到了我人生的一个转折点,在这里我应该要自己做决定了。 [2006陕西阅读]:Anna flew to Australia from Britain to propose to him. 译: 安娜从英国飞到澳大利亚向他求婚。 [2007山东阅读]:She helped students compose songs by themselves. 译: 她帮助学生们自己编排歌曲。 75 pollution [pə'lu:ʃ ən] n. 污染 [派生]: pollutant n. 污染物 pollute v. 污染 polluted adj. 被污染的 polluter n. 污染者,污染源 [扩展]: white/air/noise/soil pollution 白色/空气/噪音/土壤污染 green/alternative energy 绿色、可替代能源 low carbon energy 低碳能源 76 possess [pə'zes] v. 拥有 [派生]: possession n. 拥有 in possession of/ own 拥有 in the possession of 为…所拥有 [2010重庆阅读]: Human beings, as biologists have suggested, possess an inborn desire to connect with and understand other life forms. 译: 正如生物学家们表明的那样,人类拥有一种天生去联系和理解其他生命 形式的渴望。 77 predict [pri'dikt] v. 预言 [派生]: predictable adj. 可预知的 unpredictable adj. 不可预知的 prediction n. 预言, 预报 [扩展]: foresee 预见 foreseeable 可预见的 78 prefer [pri'fə:] v. 较喜欢 [派生]: preferable adj. 偏爱的 preference n. 偏爱 [扩展]: have a preference for 对...偏爱 give priority to 给...优先权 in preference to 偏爱 have privilege of doing 有做某事的特权 [2011重庆阅读]: The review remarked that Mr. Lomborg’s “ preference for unexamined materials is incredible”. 译: 观点评论道 Mr Lomborg“对未检查过的材料的偏爱是不可信的”。 [同义]: prefer to do A rather than do B, prefer doing A to doing B, would rather do A than do B 比起 B 来更宁愿做 A [2010安徽阅读]:They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there. 译: 跟乡村比,他们更喜欢城市,因为他们的工作在那。 [2012天津阅读]:This indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper. 译: 这表明学生更喜欢用纸和笔写东西。 79 preserve [pri'zə:v] v. 保护, 保存 [2009湖北阅读]: We need to know more about how to preserve parrots. 译: 我们需要了解更多如何保护鹦鹉的方法。 [派生]: preservation n. 保护, 保存 [扩展]: 词根 serv-“保留” converse v. 谈话; adj. 相反的 conversation n. 谈话 reserve v. 保留, 预留 reservation n. 预留 [2010福建阅读]: We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour. 译: 我们只能预留游泳池一个小时。 80 pressure ['preʃ ə] n. 压力, 压强 [扩展]: blood pressure 血压 air pressure 气压 stress n. 压力 intense adj. 紧张的 anxious adj. 焦虑的 depressed adj. 忧愁的 81 procedure [prə'si:dʒ ə] n. 程序 [同义]: 进程 process course [2012广东阅读]: The words come out in the same tone(腔调) with a fixed procedure. 译: 言语以同样的强调按照一个既定的程序产生。 82 produce [prə'dju:s] v. 生产, 引起 [派生]: production n. 生产 product n. 产品 productive adj. 多产的 producer n. 制造者 [同义]: turn out, manufacture, yield 生产,制造 [2006北京阅读]:The researchers then changed this detail into a manufacture d (人为促生的) memory through leading questions 译: 研究者们然后就把这一细节变成了通过直接提问的人为促生的记忆。 83 promise ['prɔ mis] n. 诺言; v. 允诺 [派生]: promising 有前途的 [扩展]: keep one's promise 守信用 break one's promise 食言 promise to do /that/sb sth 承诺做某事 [2007浙江阅读]: Aimed at parents with young children, this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families. 译:以有小孩子的父母为目标,这份充满活力的杂志承诺会丰富家庭生活。 [2007浙江阅读]:For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of prison. 译: 六年来,Bonner 一直信守诺言远离监狱。 84 promote [prə'məut] v. 促进, 促销 [扩展]: promote sb to do sth 促进某人做某事 get promotion 获得晋升 [2010陕西阅读]:More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam. 译: 更多的广告商开始通过垃圾邮件来提升他们的销售额。 85 propose [prə'pəuz] v. 计划, 向…提议 [派生]: proposal n. 提出 [同义]: put forward, come up with, raise 提出 [2012湖北完型]:I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. 译:我倾向于接受电视上的专家提出的任何观点。 [2006陕西阅读]:Anna flew to Australia from Britain to propose to him. 译:安娜从英国飞到澳大利亚向他求婚。 86 undoubtedly [ʌ n'dautidli] adv. 无疑地 [派生]: doubt n. 怀疑 doubtful adj. 怀疑的 [扩展]: There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问… [2009浙江阅读]: There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her. 译: 当我走向她的时候, 头脑中丝毫没有疑问。 [辨析]: It is no wonder that… 难怪… [2008江西单选]:With the rush-hour traffic and the heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late. 译: 赶上上下班交通和大雨, 难怪你迟到了。 [反义]: suspect, skeptical, suspicious 怀疑的 87 unemployment ['ʌ nim'plɔ imənt] n. 失业 [同义]: dismiss, fire, out of work 解雇, 失业 [反义]: employ, employment, hire 雇用, 就业 88 unexpected ['ʌ nik'spektid] adj. 想不到的 [派生]: expect v. 期待, 预料 expectation n. 期待, 预料 expected adj. 预期的, 预料的 [扩展]: be expected to do 被预计/期待... [2008安徽阅读]: You are expected to work 5:00--6:00 pm weekdays. 译: 你平时应该在早上5-6点开始工作。 [扩展]: expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事 [2012山东单选]: You can’t expect me to finish all this work in so little time. 译: 你不能指望我在如此短的时间内完成所有的工作。 [扩展]: 前缀 un- “否, 反, 非” unbelievable adj. 难以臵信的 uncertain adj. 不确定的 unconscious adj. 无意识的 undoubtedly adv. 无疑地 unemployment n. 失业 unforgettable adj. 难忘的 unsatisfied adj. 不满意的 unwilling adj. 不愿意的 89 unwilling ['ʌ n'wiliŋ] adj. 不愿意的 [扩展]: be unwilling to do sth 不情愿做某事 [2011上海听力]: She is unwilling to move into a new flat. 译: 她不愿意搬到新公寓。 [同义]: be reluctant to do 不情愿做... [2006福建阅读]: The schools are reluctant to take time off. 译: 学校不愿意放假。 [反义]: be willing to do 愿意做 [2012广东阅读]: Advertisers are willing to pay high fees to reach high-income consumers. 译:广告商愿意支付高额费来赢得高收入消费者。 volunteer to do 自愿做 [2008江苏单选]: It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. 译:如果我们所有人在派对后都愿意帮忙的话,就不会花很久来做清洁工作。 be ready to do 乐意做 [2012福建阅读]: Call now, the Jitterbug product experts are ready to answer your questions. 译:现在打电话,商品专家 Jitterbug 会很乐意回答你的问题。 be prepared to do 愿意做 [2010全国二单选]: Neither side is prepared to talk to unless we can smooth things over between them. 译:两方都不愿意和对方进行对话,除非我们能够顺利处理他们之间的矛盾。 90 urgent ['ə:dʒ ənt] adj. 紧急的 [同义]: emergent adj. 紧急的 [派生]: emergency n. 紧急情况 [同义]: urge v. 催促, 力劝 [扩展]: urge sb to do [2006四川阅读]: We urge you to make 2006 the year that you come out and have an Ontario Parks experience! 译: 我们力劝各位2006年走出家门,来 Ontario Parks 进行一次精彩的体验! 91 handle ['hæ ndl] v. 处理 [同义]: solve, resolve, settle, deal with, cope with, do with, attend to 解决 [2009全国一阅读]: Instead, let him attempt to solve things by himself. 译: 相反, 让他自己试图解决问题。 [2012浙江阅读]: Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. 译:学会处理冲突可以帮助学生处理他们和朋友、老师、父母、老板和同事 的关系。 [2009福建阅读]: The new law is partly intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel. 译:新的法律部分是为了解决外国卡车司机忽视载重限制和开车时间的问题。 [2010重庆阅读]: However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. 译: 但是,它教会了我独立解决问题。 [2012浙江阅读]: Pay careful attention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stress than you can cope with. 译:要特别注意那些显现你处于你无法承受的压力之下的迹象。 [2012全国二阅读]: The wind direction tells you what to do with the sail. 译: 风向告诉你如何处理航行问题。 [2009全国一作文]: At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. 译: 大约在今天下午1点,Tracy 打电话说她明天早上不能在 Bolton 咖啡馆 和你见面,因为她有一些重要的事情要处理。 92 decrease ['di:kri:s,di:'kri:s] v. 降低; n. 降低 [同义]: decline, retreat, drop, fall 下降 [2006湖南阅读]: The decline in reading, therefore, equals a larger retreat (下降) from participation in public and cultural life. 译: 因此, 阅读量的下降让人们更少地参与公共和文化生活。 [2008四川阅读]: While the average mother with a child under one puts in 90 hours weekly, the figure drops to 80 hours from one to four and to 66 hours from five to ten. 译: 母亲带一岁一下的孩子一周要用90个小时,而照顾1-4岁的孩子这个数 字会下降到80个小时,5-10岁的小孩66个小时。 [2008浙江阅读]: They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford dryers, housing prices will fall. 译: 他们担心如果买家认为他们未来的邻居买不起烘干机, 房价就会下降。 [反义]: go up, rise, climb, increase, boom, grow 上升 [2011浙江阅读]:We played all our fresh string into the boys’kites and they went up higher and higher. 译: 我们把新拿来的线系到男孩子门的风筝上面,之后风筝越飞越高。 [2010湖北阅读]:The amount of clothes bought had risen sharply. 译:衣服的购买量急剧下降。 [2012湖北阅读]:A stressful journey to work gets your blood pressure climbing. 译: 紧张的工作之旅让你的血压上升。 [2010江苏阅读]: So the wolf population has greatly increased. 译: 因此狼的数量已经急剧上升。 [2007山东阅读]: Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile. 译: 或许读书热只影响到了高端受教育群体。 [2012江苏阅读]: In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said. 译: 她说:此外, 一些专家预计,到2050年不断增长的人口会消费70%多 的粮食产量。 93 decisive [di'saisiv] adj. 决定性的 [派生]: decision n. 决定 [扩展]: determination n. 决心 decide v. 决定 [扩展]: decide to do sth 决定做某事 [2011辽宁完形]: This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle. 译: 今年,我决定做一些事情,重新找回我作为一个仁慈的叔叔的称号。 [同义]: be determined to, make up one's mind to 决定做某事 [2012江西阅读]:Jason was determined not to go against their father’s wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. 译: Jason 决定不违反他爸爸的愿望,但是 Mark 比他哥哥更具有冒险精神。 [2008四川改错]: I have made up my mind to spend the vacation far from home for first time in my life. 译:我生命中第一次下定决心远离家乡去度假。 94 beneficial [ˌbeni'fiʃ əl] adj. 有益的 [扩展]: be beneficial for/to sth… 对…有益 [2009北京阅读]: In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students. 译: 事实上, 音乐教育对所有的学生都是有益和重要的。 [2011江西写作]: What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health. 译:此外,骑车对我们来说是一种好的锻炼方式,同时对我们的健康也有益。 [同义]: be helpful 有用的 [2012辽宁阅读]:Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends. 译: 下面是关于如何交朋友的一些有用的建议。 [扩展]: do good to 对…有益 [2008安徽阅读]: People believe that climbing can do good to health. 译: 人们认为爬山对健康有益。 [扩展]: benefit from 从…中受益 [2011江苏阅读]:Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. 译: 今天我们从无数的发明和创新中受益。 [反义]: be harmful to/for, do harm to 对…有害 [2012安徽阅读]:Overdue milk will be harmful to health. 译: 过期的牛奶对健康有害。 [2006福建写作]: All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health. 译: 所有这些坏习惯肯定对我们的健康有害。 95 risk [risk] v. 冒...的危险; n. 危险, 风险 [扩展]: risk doing sth, take the risk, at risk of doing 冒险做… [2012陕西阅读]: But a breathless speaker never stops to let us think about what he or she is saying and risks confusing us. 译: 但是一个上气不接下气的演讲人从不会停下来让我们思考他在讲什么, 而且会冒让我们困惑的危险。 [2008浙江阅读]: His parents were determined to take the risk and push him hard to go through his work everyday because they wanted to prove that, given the opportunity, he could do anything. 译: 他的父母决定冒险,逼他每天完成工作,因为他们想要证明只要给机会, 他能做任何事。 [2009山东阅读]: The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. 译: 最近几年 Fusses 一家冒险加入了成千上万的失去家园的美国人当中。 [同义]: in danger 处在危险当中 [2012全国二阅读]: This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. 译: 这可能会让他们的宠物处在生病的危险当中。 96 object [əb'dʒ ekt] v. 反对; n. 目标 [派生]: objective adj. 客观的 objection n. 反对 [扩展]: object to 反对 [2010上海单选]: Unless our manager objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. 译:除非我们的经理反对 Tom 加入俱乐部, 否则的话我们应该接受他作为俱乐部一员。 [同义]: oppose, protest 反对,抗议 [2012广东阅读]: I have been consistently opposed to feeding a baby regularly. 译: 我一直反对按照时间点来喂婴儿。 [2006重庆阅读]: Even before this tragedy, animal rights activists protested against keeping wild animals in unnatural conditions and forcing them to suffer for the profit of circus organizers. 译: 甚至在悲剧发生之前, 动物权益保护主义者就抗议把野生动物放在非 自然地条件下饲养,并强迫他们为那些马戏团组织者的利益而承受痛苦。 [反义]: advocate, approve of, in favor of 提倡 [2012广东阅读]: I hope this research will put an end to advocating strictly timed baby feeding practices. 译: 我希望这个研究能结束提倡严格按照时间喂养婴儿的习惯。 [2009江西单选]: At present, one of the arguments in favor of the new airport is that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area. 译:目前,赞成建新机场的一个观点是它能够给这个地区带来很多就业机会。 97 destruction [di'strʌ kʃ ən] n. 破坏, 毁灭 [扩展]: destory v. 破坏, 毁灭 [同义]: damage, spoil, injure, hurt, harm 破坏,损坏 [2008上海听力]: It spoiled Juana's reputation. 译: 它毁坏了 Juana 的名誉。 [反义]: protect, preserve, conserve, safeguard 保护 [2009湖北阅读]: We need to know more about how to preserve parrots. 译: 我们需要知道更多关于如何保护鹦鹉的措施。 [2011湖南阅读]: Since 1950, all African elephants have been conserved as one species. 译:自1950年来,所有非洲大象都已经被作为一个物种来保护。 98 devote [di'vəut] v. 致力于 [派生]: devotion n. 奉献 [扩展]: devote oneself to doing 致力于 [2011全国一阅读]: Near the end of the nineteenth century, companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies”. 译: 到19世纪末 致力于制作广告的公司渐渐作为“广告机构”而闻名。 [同义]: contribute oneself to doing, commit oneself to doing, dedicate oneself to doing 致力于 99 disappoint [disə'pɔ int] v. 使失望 [派生]: disappointed adj. 失望的 disappointment n. 失望 [扩展]: 前缀 dis- “否定, 分散” dislike v. 不喜欢 disappear v. 消失 disability n. 残疾 100 distinguish [di'stiŋgwiʃ ] v. 区别 [扩展]: distinguished guests 贵宾 distinguish A from B 把 A 从 B 中区分开来 [2011北京阅读]: It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence. 译:它也包含一些相关技巧,例如区分事实和观点以及评价证据合理性。 101 schedule ['skedʒ ul] n. 时间表; v. 安排,预定 [派生]: scheduled 预定的, 排好的 [2011江苏阅读]: Now, Shay was scheduled to be next at bat. 译: 现在, Shay 是定好下一个要击球的人。 [扩展]: be scheduled to do 计划做… [同义]: plan to do, mean to do, intend to do 计划做… [2012上海阅读]: Now Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures. 译:现在 White 先生回来了,他计划写一本关于他探险的书。 102 select [si'lekt] v. 挑选 [派生]: selection n. 选择 selective adj. 选择性的 [扩展]: choose to do 选择做… [2012天津阅读]:You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or creator.译:生活中你有很多机会选择成为一个受害者还是创造者。 [扩展]: have no choice but to do 别无选择… [2012陕西单选]:If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but to meet an even greater challenge. 译: 如果他做这个工作, 他除了接受更大的挑战将别无选择。 103 sharp [ʃ ɑ:p] adj. 急剧的,锋利的 [派生]: sharply adv. 急剧地 sharpen v. 削尖 [扩展]: sharp turn 急转弯 sharp pain 剧烈的疼痛 104 withdraw [wið'drɔ :] v. 撤回, 取回 [派生]: withdrawal n. 撤回, 收回 [扩展]: withdraw money 取钱 withdraw from school 辍学 [2011天津阅读]: I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. 译: 我选择休学照顾她。 105 operate ['ɔ pəreit] v. 操作, 经营, 动手术 [派生]: operator n. 经营者, 操作员 [扩展]: operation on ...的手术 [2007全国二阅读] : With Dr. White’s new idea, the operation on the damaged brain can last as long as 30 minutes. 译: Dr. White 的新想法认为对于受损大脑的手术可能要持续30分钟的时间。 [辨析]: cooperate (with) v. 合作 [2011安徽任务型]: A difficult person will be easier to cooperate with if understanding is achieved. 译:如果理解能够实现, 一个交流困难的人会更容易合作。 106 ordinary ['ɔ :dnri] adj. 平凡的, 普通的 [同义]: common adj. 普通的 normal adj. 正常的 regular adj. 定期的 107 original [ə'ridʒ ənl] adj. 原始的, 最初的 [派生]: origin n. 起源 originally adv. 最初, 起初 [扩展]: originate…from 起源于 [2012重庆完形]:My early intention of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature. 译:关于搞园艺,我最初的意图并非起源于对自然的热爱。 108 participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] v. 参加, 参与 [派生]: participation n. 参加, 参与 [扩展]: participate in 参加 [2011天津阅读]: In the spring of 2006, about 36,000 students in the USA participated in the Alternative Break Program. 译:2006年春季,在美国大约有36, 000名学生参加了 Alternative Break 项目。 [同义]: take part in, attend sth 参加 [2011重庆单选]:Are you going to take part in the speech contest? 译: 你打算参加演讲比赛吗? [2010四川完形]: Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. 译: 最近我飞到拉斯维加斯参加一个会议。 109 emphasis ['emfəsis] n. 强调, 重点 [同义]: emphasize v. 强调, 着重 [2007安徽阅读]: Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. 译: 不同的文化或多或少都会强调建立友谊的重要性。 [扩展]: put/lay/place emphasis on... 把重点放在..上 110 similarity [,simi'læ riti] n. 相似, 类似 [扩展]: be similar to 和…相似 [2010安徽阅读]: American cities are similar to other cities around the world. 译: 美国的城市和世界上其他的城市相似。 [辨析]: be familiar with/to sb/sth 对...熟悉 [2012山东阅读]: This kind of technology is familiar to them. 译: 他们熟悉这种技术。 [2010浙江阅读]: He is probably not very familiar with the person he has called. 译: 他或许不熟悉他打电话找的那个人。 112 tend [tend] v. 趋向, 照顾 [派生]: tendency n.趋势, 倾向 [扩展]: have a tendency for 有做某事的趋势 [扩展]: trend of doing sth 有做某事的趋势 [2011江西阅读]:Humans have the tendency to fight. 译: 人类有了反抗的趋势。 [扩展]: tend to do 倾向于做某事 [2012浙江阅读]:A simple fact that overloaded people often tend to forget. 译: 一个简单的事实就是超负荷的人们通常趋向忘记。 [同义]: attend to, see to, look after, take care of 照顾某人 [扩展]: tense adj. 紧张的 intense adj. 紧张的 attend v. 参加, 照料 extend v. 延伸, 伸展 pretend v. 假装, 装作 intend v. 想要, 打算 [2012江西阅读]:Dad’s only been pretending to work. 译: 爸爸只能假装去工作。 [2012上海阅读]:Now Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures. 译: 现在 Mr.White 回来了并且打算写一本关于冒险的书。 113 tolerate ['tɒ ləreɪ t] v. 忍受 [派生]: tolerance n. 宽容, 忍耐 [2012浙江阅读]:If you have any of these symptoms, change your life goals and decrease your tolerance of stress. 译: 如果你有任何症状,改变你的生活目标,减轻你对压力的忍耐度。 tolerant n. 宽容的 [同义]: stand, bear, put up with, endure 忍耐, 容忍 bearableadj. 可忍受的 [2006天津写作]: Second, the sound of the film was so loud that I could hardly bear it. 译: 第二点,电影的声音太大了以致于我几乎忍受不了。 114 tough [tʌ f] adj. 艰难的, 棘手的 [2010浙江单选]:She is willing to play against any tough players. 译: 她乐意和任何一个棘手的选手比赛。 [辨析]: rough adj. 汹涌的, 艰难的 [2011全国卷二阅读 ]:She found writing helped her get through the rough days. 译: 她发现写作帮助她渡过了那段艰难的日子。 [扩展]: rough road 艰难的道路 rough sea 波涛汹涌的大海 115 translate [træ ns'leɪ t] v. 翻译, 解释 [2009辽宁阅读]: Human ideas are translated into symbols. 译: 人类的想法被翻译成了符号。 [派生]: translation n. 翻译,解释 [扩展]: translate A into B 把 A 翻译成 B [2010天津阅读]:They translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules. 译: 他们把生活翻译成了能教会孩子一些基本规则的精彩戏剧。 [扩展]: 前缀 trans-“穿越” transform v. 转换, 改变 [2011福建阅读]:Edmonton's Downtown Park is transformed into one huge stage where artists are able to share their talents. 译: Edmonton's Downtown 公园变成了一个艺术家展示才能的巨大舞台。 transformer n. 变压器 transformative adj. 转化的, 变化的 [2012江苏阅读]:We will fail to teach them that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them. 译: 我们将不能教会他们阅读是能够转化成属于他们的东西。 transfer v. 转移, 移动 [2012江苏阅读]:A former excellent student of mine had transferred out of a selective high school. 译:我以前的一个优秀学生从一所精英中学里转学了。 transmission n. 传输, 播送 transmit v. 传输, 传送 [2010江西阅读]:Too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains. 译: 过多的使用手机或许会对我们的大脑传送有害的辐射。 transition n. 过渡, 转变 116 figure ['figə] n. 人物; v. 算出, 领会 [扩展]: figure out 想出, 解决 [2009浙江阅读]:The only problem is that I can’t figure out why she’d want to date a guy like me. 译:唯一的问题是我不明白为何她会和我这样的人约会。 work out 做出, 解决 [2011山东阅读]: The Jacobs family did work out a solution. 译: Jacobs 一家确实想出了解决方法。 find out 发现,弄明白 [2009江西阅读]They were determined to find out if she really was a witch. 译: 他们决定去弄明白她是否真的是个女巫。 117 fit [fit] adj. 适宜的, 健康的; v. 安装, 适合 [同义]: proper, appropriate, suitable adj. 恰当的, 合适的 [2006四川阅读]:The work on the ship is not suitable for a married person. 译: 船上工作不适合已婚人士。 [扩展]: fit in 安装, 适合 [2011浙江单选]: My schedule is very tight right now, but I'll try to fit you in. 译: 我的计划很紧凑, 但是我会尽力配合你。 [同义]: be equipped with, be armed with 装备,带着 [2009上海阅读]:Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and life stories of writers without end. 译: 带着这种抱负, 她将无休止的阅读作家们的小说和人生故事。 118 force [fɔ :s;fəurs] v. 强迫; n. 力量 [派生]: enforce v. 强制, 实施 reinforce v. 加固, 增强 [同义]: strengthen v.加强, 变坚固 [2012北京阅读]:They will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges. 译: 他们会加强自身的能力去接受崭新,刺激的数学挑战。 [扩展]: labor force 劳动力 be forced to do sth 被迫做某事 [2011安徽阅读]:The British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. 译: 大不列颠政府被迫给予南爱尔兰国独立。 [辨析]: force v. 强迫; n. 力量 strength n. 体力, 优势 power n. 权力, 能源 [2011湖北阅读]:Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. 译:双方都想和平,但都不觉得有权力来停止这场冲突。 energy n. 精力, 能源 119 fulfill [ful'fil] v. 完成 [扩展]: fulfill a task 完成任务 [2008上海阅读]:The children may fail to fulfill their academic potential. 译: 孩子们或许不能发挥他们的学术潜力。 [同义]: accomplish v. 完成 [2011安徽任务型读写]:In any case, a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners. 译: 在任何情况下, 微笑和好的行为举止可以为我们带来很多东西。 achieve v. 完成 [2007重庆阅读]:Horses help us achieve many of our aims. 译: 马帮助我们完成了很多目标。 realize come true 120 gather ['gæ ðə] v. 聚集; n. 聚集 [2010上海单选]:However serious a problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 译: 不论你或许面临的问题有多严重,有应该鼓起勇气去迎接挑战。 [辨析]: collect v. 收集, 聚集 accumulate v. 积累, 聚集 [2009陕西阅读]:After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积 累) from thousands of years of experience in family health care. 译:毕竟,许多健康知识是从几千年以来的家庭卫生保健经验中积累而来的。 assemble v. 集合, 收集 121 general ['dʒ enərəl] adj. 普遍的 [扩展]: in general 大体上, 一般来说 [2012全国二阅读]:For example, in American culture (文化) the smile is in general an expression of pleasure. 译: 举例, 一般来说在美国文化中,微笑是一种快乐的表达方式。 generally speaking 一般来说 [扩展]: 词根 gene-“基因” generalize v. 概括, 归纳 generate v. 产生, 发生 generation n. 代, 产生 [2008广东阅读]:Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. 译: 现今, 代沟并没有消失,却在很多的家庭中变得更深。 genetic adj. 遗传的, 基因的 122 affect [ə'fekt] v. 影响 [2009北京阅读]: The shape of furniture may affect people's feelings. 译: 家具的形状或许会影响人们的情绪。 [派生]: affection n. 喜爱, 感情 affective adj. 情感的 [辨析]: effect n. 效果, 影响 effective adj. 有效的 [2006重庆阅读]:It is now time for us to take effective steps to make sure that circus animals are treated properly. 译: 现在该是我们采取有效的措施来确保马戏团动物受到合理的对待。 efficient adj. 效率高的 efficiency n. 效率 [扩展]: have an effect on 对……有影响 [2009湖南任务型读写]:Secondly, every stage of clothing production has a significant effect on the environment. 译: 第二点,衣服生产的每一阶段都对环境影响深远。 [同义词]: have an influence on, have an impact on 对...有影响 123 aggressive [ə'gresiv] adj. 好斗的; 有进取心的 [派生]: aggression n. 进攻, 侵犯 [扩展]: aggressive 攻击行为 behavior [扩展]: 词根 gress-“走” progress n. 进步, 发展 [2007山东阅读]:Children on the project showed noticeable progress in reading. 译: 参与该项目的孩子在阅读上显示出了明显的进步。 ingress n. 进入, 入口 egress n. 外出, 出口 transgress v. 违背, 越界 congress n.议会, 立法机关 124 apologize [ə'pɔ lədʒ aiz] v. 道歉 [扩展]: apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 [2007浙江单选]:You should apologize to her, Barry. 译: Barry,你应该向她道歉。 [派生]: apology n. 道歉 [扩展]: make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 125 appeal [ə'pi:l] n. 呼吁; v. 吸引, 呼吁 [扩展]: appeal to sb for sth 为某事向某人呼吁 [2009广东写作]:The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals. 译: 作者呼吁我们善待动物。 appeal to 吸引 [2010安徽单选]: To be honest, his singing didn't appeal to me much. 译: 老实说, 他的歌声并不吸引我。 126 apply [ə'plai] v. 应用, 申请 [扩展]: apply to sb for sth 因某事向某人申请 [2011陕西阅读]:In early autumn I applied for admission to college. 译: 在初秋我想大学提出了入学申请。 [派生]: application n. 申请, 应用 [2007安徽阅读]:As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2007. 译:作为一名中国学生,你可以在07年7月14日递送申请书。 applicant n. 申请人 127 appreciate [ə'pri:ʃ ieit] v. 欣赏, 感激 [扩展]: appreciate doing sth 感激做某事 [2011浙江阅读]:I appreciate your understanding. 译: 我感谢你的理解。 I really appreciate it! 我真的很感谢。 128 approach [ə'prəutʃ ] v. 靠近; n. 途径, 方法 [2010上海阅读]:The wisdom of the new approach has some scientific support. 译: 新方法的明智之处在于有一些科技支持。 [辨析]: method n. 方法 [2008宁夏阅读]:You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. 译: 你也将会想要培养自己记笔记的方法。 measure n. 措施,测量 way n. 路线, 方法 130 aptitude ['æ ptitju:d] n. 潜能 [2009北京阅读]:I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude. 译: 我接受了机构免费提供的测试来检测我的写作潜能。 [扩展]: have an aptitude for sth 在某方面有潜能 [同义词]: have capability of doing, be capable of doing sth, be competent to do sth, be competent in doing sth 有能力做... 131 arise [ə'raiz] v. 出现 [2010山东阅读]:Problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. 译: 当这些电池比设备本身更大更重时,问题就会出现。 [同义]: appear v. 出现 [2012北京阅读]:The research also found that stress appears to affect decision-making differently in men and women. 译: 研究发现压力出现对于男人和女人在决断力上的影响不同。 emerge v. 浮现, 显现 [2006上海春完形]:Many questions have emerged, encouraging the debate over home schooling against public schooling. 译: 在鼓励关于家庭教育和学校教育的辩论中,许多问题已经出现。 spring up v. 出现 [2011天津阅读]:As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. 译: 结果是,读书俱乐部和邻里读书小组在城市中兴起。 132 arouse [ə'rauz] v. 激起, 唤起 [扩展]: arouse one's interest 激发兴趣 [2007山东阅读]: She made great efforts to arouse students’ interest in literature. 译: 她尽巨大努力激发学生对于文学的兴趣。 arouse one's awareness 唤起意识 133 ashamed [ə'ʃ eimd] adj. 感到惭愧的 [扩展]: be ashamed of doing sth 羞愧做某事 [2010广东阅读]:When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. 译: 当我在美国成长时,我为妈妈的中国式英语感到羞愧。 [同义]: be guilty of doing sth 对...感到惭愧 [派生]: shame n. 羞愧, 耻辱 [2012全国二阅读]:Admitting failure is shameful. 译: 承认失败是可耻的。 shameful adj. 可耻的 134 assertive [ə'sə:tiv] adj. 坚定的 [同义]: decisive adj. 决定性的, 果断的 [2008天津阅读]:According to Cisneros, what played the decisive role in her success? 译: 根据 Cisneros,是什么在她的成功中起着决定性的作用? firm adj. 坚定的, 严格的 steady adj. 坚定的, 稳定的 [反义词]: hesitate v. 犹豫, 不情愿 [扩展]: hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事 [派生]: hesitation n. 犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫 [2008福建写作]:Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation . 译: 因此我毫不犹豫地毛遂自荐。 135 associate [ə'səuʃ ieit] v. 联系 (with) [扩展]: associate...with... 将...与...联系起来 [2010福建阅读]:Too much TV has been associated with violence, overweight and loneliness. 译: 太多的电视已经和暴力,超重以及寂寞联系在一起。 [同义]: relate...to..., link ...to/with..., connect... with..., join...to..., combine...with..., attach...to... 和……联系 [2010重庆阅读]:Human beings possess an inborn desire to connect with and understand other life forms. 译: 正如生物学家们表明的那样,人类拥有一种天生去联系和理解其他生命 形式的渴望。 [2006浙江阅读]:Team work combined with social work . 译: 团队合作和社会工作结合一起。 [2007广东阅读]:They can also attach themselves to blood vessels in the brain. 译: 他们也能把自己附着在大脑里的血管。 [扩展]: attach importance to... 重视 [派生]: association n. 联合, 结合 link n. 联系, 连接 connection n. 联系, 连接 join n. 连接处 combination n. 结合 attachment n. 附着, 依赖 [2011山东阅读]:Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers. 译: 20世纪70年代, 科学家们一直在寻找把大脑和电脑联系在一起的方法。 [反义]: separate v. 分开,隔开 divide v. 隔开, 分开 isolate v. 隔离, 孤立 136 assume [ə'sju:m] v. 假定, 设想 [2011湖北阅读]:I had assumed it was important to always be honest with my patients. 译: 我认为对病人坦诚一直很重要。 [派生]: assumption n. 假定, 设想 [扩展]: It is assumed that… 据认为 It is believed that… 人们相信/认为 It is reported that… 据报道 [2012福建阅读]:It is acknowledged that this change may be difficult for some school staff. 译:对于一些学校员工来说这种改变或许很困难是大家公认的。 [2010江苏阅读]:It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves. 译: 据报道,北美的保护组织一直在争论狼的好处和危险。 [扩展]: 词根 sume-"拿" consume v. 消耗 consumption n. 消耗 presume v. 假定, 推测 resume v. 再继续 137 unconscious [ʌ n'kɔ nʃ əs] adj. 失去知觉的, 无意识的 [派生]: consciousness n. 意识, 知觉 [2010湖北阅读]:Humans can experience another state of consciousness around their sleeping. 译: 人类能在睡觉时体验另一种意识状态。 unconsciousness n. 无意识, 意识不清的 subconscious adj. 潜意识的, 下意识的 [同义]: come to oneself 苏醒 138 underline [.ʌ ndə'lain] v. 在…下面划线, 强调 [2009上海阅读]: But it underlines a fact that is often neglected. 译: 但是它强调一个经常被忽视的事实。 [同义]: emphasis n. 强调, 重点 [2006江苏阅读]:Our emphasis is on the latter. 译:我们的重心放在后者。 stress n. 强调, 压力 accent n. 强调, 口音 attach importance to 重视查看更多