小学5年级英语教案:第12讲 天气的表达

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小学5年级英语教案:第12讲 天气的表达

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:五年级 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 M3U2提高训练&天气的表达 教学内容 1. M3U2综合提高复习 2. 能对过去和现在的天气情况进行对比描述 3. 时态综合复习 ‎(TR可根据本次课的需要,选择不同的互动探究方法,如:预习、复习上节课内容、或通过案例分析、趣味故事进行新课导入)‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节设计时间在15分钟。‎ 可以给学生普及一些天气符号的知识,也可以让学生课前准备来考考大家。‎ ‎(TR根据本次课内容,可分为1. 新课或专题讲解; 2. 典型例题; 3. 习题巩固三个模块)‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节教案预期时间60分钟。‎ 1. 分为三个部分,词汇梳理、重点语法、音标学习;建议老师能在本次课中让学生默写出本单元的生词,并在春季班的课堂中进行反复巩固;重点语法讲解透测,多通过互动方式进行操练,以理解为主;在音标的学习中,建议老师先帮学生梳理20个元音,再根据每一单元具体讲解;‎ 2. 在阅读过程中不仅强调阅读技巧,更侧重于学生的积累,可以通过以下几种方式设置阅读教学:‎ ‎① 总结好词好句,并要求迁移到主题写作中;‎ ‎② 根据上下文意思,猜文中单词;‎ ‎③ 根据文章大意,准确表达教师标出的句子意思;‎ 词汇梳理 Words ‎(词汇)‎ cloud云 rain雨 snow雪 storm暴风雨 fog雾 ‎ yesterday昨天 degree度 weather天气 make做 phrases ‎(词组)‎ a long time age很久以前 on the farm在农场 plant some rice种稻子 cut the rice收割稻子 build a new house建造新房子 ‎ the East China Sea中国东海 名词→形容词 rain---rainy cloud---cloudy snow---snowy fog---foggy storm---stormy sun---sunny wind---windy ‎ 重点语法 对天气进行询问 sun/ sunny cloud/ cloudy fog/ foggy storm/ stormy snow/ snowy rain/ rainy wind/ windy 关键句型 ① ‎--What’s the weather like today? ‎ ‎--It’s sunny.‎ ‎②--What was the weather like yesterday? ‎ ‎--It was snowy.‎ ‎③--What is the temperature? ‎ ‎--It’s 12 degrees.‎ ‎④--What was the temperature? ‎ ‎--It was 30 degrees.‎ 音标 Phonetics --- 辅音 ‎/θ/ third think month mouth ‎/ð/ they these mother father I. Read and choose(读一读,根据所给音标,将含有该音标的单词的字母代号写在前面的括号内)‎ ‎( ) 1. /θ/ A. throw B. mother C. sheep D. these ‎( ) 2. /ð/ A. mouth B. those C. month D. third ‎( ) 3. /iə/ A. bear B. where C. hear D. chair ‎( ) 4. /eə/ A. here B. cheer C. ear D. pear II. Read and circle(读一读,圈出下列各组中划线部分发音不同的单词,圈在字母代号上)‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ A. cloud B. grow C. now A. they B. father C. think A. hope B. do C. snow A. weather B. read C. please ‎ A. third B. month C. they A. Read and number(读一读,填上适当的句子完成对话,每句限用一次)‎ A. Do you like sunny weather? B. Sometimes we play in the school.‎ C. But what’s the low temperature? D. Can you play football today?‎ E. The sun is shining. F. What’s the weather like today?‎ Jane and Kim are classmates. Now they are talking about the weather.‎ Jane: Do you like sunny days, Jack? ‎ Kim: Yes. _______________ And I can go to play football with my friends.‎ Jane: Where do you play it? ‎ Kim: Sometimes we play in the park. _____________________________‎ Jane: ______________________________‎ Kim: It’s a cloudy day. But I don’t know the temperature. Let me listen to the radio. … Oh, the high temperature is 30 degrees.‎ Jane: Oh, it’s very hot. __________________________‎ Kim: It’s 24 degrees.‎ Jane: ________________________________‎ Kim: I’m afraid I can’t. It will be rainy this afternoon.‎ Keys:E B F C D B. Fill in the blanks.‎ ‎ This is my room. It’s nice and big. There are some c_______ on the sofa. Next to the window there w________ a chair. Now there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers i________ a vase, a ruler and a pen on the desk. On the wall near the desk there was a picture of flowers. Now it’s a picture of my f_______. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoes under my bed. Of course there is a chair in f________ of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.‎ Keys:cushions, was, in, family, front 此环节教案预期时间20(练题)+15(互动讲解)分钟。‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,或通过优先选择等互动方式讲解练习,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 3. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上;‎ Part I Listening I. Listen and choose.‎ ‎( ) 1. A. Red. B. Yellow C. White.‎ ‎( ) 2. A. On the bed. B. On the sofa. C. Under the bed.‎ ‎( ) 3. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, there was.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. The key to the car. B. The key to the door. C. A book I like.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. They’re moving the furniture. B. They ‘re cleaning the furniture.‎ C. They’re washing the furniture.‎ II. Listen and fill in the missing words.‎ Dad is coming back next week. We want to give him a surprise. So my mother and I are __________ the furniture at home. The __________ was under the window. Now it is __________ the window. The table was in ‎ middle of the living room. Now it is __________ the wall. The lamp was on the small table. Now it is on the shelf. The living room __________ different now. Dad must be surprised when he comes back.‎ Part II Vocabulary & Grammar ‎ I. Look and write(看一看,写一写,每线一词,首字母已给):‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.‎ ‎1. Look, it’s a s_________ day today. The wind blows strongly. snowy ‎2. --- What’s the boy doing? ‎ ‎--- He’s m_________ a snowman. making 1. ‎--- What’s the temperature? ‎ ‎--- It’s thirty d__________. degrees 2. ‎--- Do you like the w__________ days? windy ‎ ‎--- No, I don’t.‎ 3. ‎--- Are there any white c__________ in the sky? clouds ‎--- Yes. ‎ 4. ‎--- Can you see the building clearly? ‎ ‎ --- No, it’s a f__________ day. foggy II. Choose and fill in the blanks.‎ build cushion 37 degrees storm 100 degrees mirror 1. The chair is too hard. I need a ____________. cushion 2. Look at yourself in the __________. mirror 3. It comes with strong wind and heavy rain. It is a ___________. storm 4. The temperature of the boiling water is ____________. 100 degrees 5. George could _____________ a nice house. build III. Choose the best answer.‎ ‎( ) 1. There ______ a ball and two boxes under the chair last night.‎ A. is B. are C. was ‎( ) 2. Put the desk under the window ______.‎ A. one B. first C. the first ‎( ) 3. –Who liked to play football? --Mr. Li______.‎ A. liked B. does C. did ‎( ) 4. It’s ______ heavily outside. I ______ go out and play.‎ A. rain…can’t B. rainy…can C. raining…can’t ‎( ) 5. Ben went ______ at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.‎ A. to home B. back home C. to the home.‎ ‎( ) 6. They are in ______ school but in different______.‎ A. the same…classes B. same…class C. the same…class ‎( ) 7. All the boys like ______ snow ______ winter.‎ A. playing with…on B. to play with…in C. play…in ‎( ) 8. I like going traveling(旅游)by plane. It’s ______ than by train.‎ A. fast B. faster C. Fastest ‎( ) 9. The colour of Jane’s skirt is ______ that of mine.‎ A. the same as B. the same of C. the same to ‎( ) 10. In spring, the wind blows ______. The plants ______ in the wind.‎ A. gentle…dance B. gently…dances C. gently…dance ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 1. 默写本单元单词;‎ 2. 引导学生总结本单元语法点;‎ (1. 包含预习和复习两部分内容; 2. 建议作业量不宜过多,最好控制在学生30分钟内能够完成)‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ ‎1. 规定学生在限定的时间内完成;‎ ‎2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎4.对本节课积分高的学生可以考虑相应减少作业量;‎ ‎5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ I. Read and write(读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式)‎ ‎1. hot(反义词)___________ 2. degree(复数形式)____________‎ ‎3. make(现在分词)__________ 4. strong(副词形式)_____________‎ ‎5. have(过去式)__________ 6. sit(过去式)____________‎ ‎7. wet(反义词)__________ 8. she(名词性物主代词)____________‎ ‎9. January(同类词)__________ 10. three(序数词)____________‎ Keys: cold, degrees, making, strongly, had, sat, dry, hers, March, third II.Translate the sentences.‎ 1. 请照看好您的包。__________________________________.‎ 2. 让我们去学校吧!__________________________________.‎ 3. 亲爱的,高兴点!__________________________________.‎ 4. 不要把书放着。 __________________________________.‎ 5. 禁止吸烟! __________________________________.‎ 6. 不要让猫进来。 __________________________________.‎ Keys: ‎ ‎1. Please look after your bag. 2. Let’s go to school. 3. Dear, cheer up!‎ ‎4. Don’t put the book here. 5. Don’t smoke!/No smoking! 5. Don’t let the cats in.‎ III. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线一词)‎ ‎1. --- How many __________ (month) are there in a year? months ‎--- Twelve. And the __________ (twelve) one is December. twelfth ‎2. --- What __________ (be) the weather like yesterday? was ‎--- It __________ (be) rainy. was ‎3. --- Do you like ___________ (wind) days? windy ‎ --- Yes, and I can __________ (fly) the kites in the park. fly ‎ ‎4. --- Where __________ (be) the farmers? are ‎ --- They _________ _________ (plant) the vegetables in the field(田地中). Are planting ‎5. --- __________ the caterpillar __________ (like) leaves? Does…like ‎ --- Yes, it __________ (like) them very much. likes ‎6. It ________ (be) foggy yesterday morning. But now it _________ (be) sunny. It is twelve _________ (degree). ‎ was, is, degrees IV. Rewrite the sentences.‎ 1. They moved the sofa next to the table.(对划线部分提问)‎ Where did they move the sofa?‎ 2. There are a lot of photos of old Shanghai in the Shanghai History Museum. (对划线部分提问)‎ What are there in the Shanghai History Museum?‎ 3. No swimming. (改成同义句)‎ Don’t swim.‎ 1. The temperature will be twenty-one degrees tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)‎ What the temperature will be tomorrow?‎ 2. George built a house in summer. (对划线部分提问)‎ What did George do in summer?‎ V. Read and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎ Hi, I am Kitty. I am so glad to have my own new bedroom. I hope my bedroom is pink and white because they are my favourite c________. I need a small pink bed. I can s_________ with my doll on it. Next to the bed, I want to put my dresser. It is white and nice. There is a big mirror on it. I can look in the m________ after dressing up every morning. I will put my piano under it. There is a big pink bookshelf in front of the left wall. I can put all my b__________ on it. Beside it, there is a soft sofa. I can read books on it. I want to put a cushion on it. When I read books, I like to hug it. My big white wardrobe is at the corner. All my beautiful c__________ are in it. Of course, my curtain is pink. There are many pictures of Hello Kitties on it. What a warm bedroom!‎ Keys: colour, sleep, mirror, books, clothes VI. Choose the proper words or phrases to fill in the blanks.‎ tea table in front of rug TV cabinet shelf Now we are in the new flat. Look at our living room. It is big and nice.‎ We keep some old furniture and we also have something new. The sofa is __________ the window. It is well-lighted(光线好)for me to read on the sofa. The rug is under the tea table. I can play with Sam on the ________. I can play chess with Dad at the ________. The TV is on a big ___________. I like watching TV with my family. The shelf is beside the lamp. A photo of my family is on the ____________. The living room is big now, so I can have a party with my friends in it. Some friends and neighbors come to my new flat and new neighborhood, I’m very happy.‎ Keys: in front of, rug, tea table, TV cabinet, shelf ‎【预习思考】‎ Words ‎(词汇)‎ furniture家具 bed床 bookshelf书架 cushion坐垫 cupboard橱柜 ‎ lamp灯 sofa沙发 mirror镜子 wall墙 window窗户 give给 move移动 next下一个 ‎

