新教材高中英语Unit1课件 人教版必修第二册

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新教材高中英语Unit1课件 人教版必修第二册

Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Section A Listening and Speaking 词汇一   creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的 ◆教材原句 Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China. 来自不同国家的学生正在创造性地为保护中国的一座寺庙而努力。 ◆要点必记 in a creative way 创造性地 create vt. 创造;创作 creation n. 创造;作品 creatively adv. 创造性地;有创造力地 creativity n. 创造性,创造力 题组练 · 领悟方法 ◆单句语法填空    ( 1 )[词汇复现] There is a temple on the mount , which shows the      ( creation ) design of ancient people. ( 2 )[词汇复现] When you investigate a problem , you must think   ( creative ) . ( 3 ) The dress is a wonderful      ( create ) in green , gold , and white. ( 4 ) Scientists disagree about how the universe       ( create ) . ( 5 ) Nowadays , there is a sharp increase in children’s      ( create ), for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents. creation was created creative creatively creativity 词汇二   former ( 1 ) adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的 ( 2 ) n. 前者 ◆教材原句 By studying old photos of the former palace... 通过研究以前宫殿的老照片 …… ◆要点必记 the former 前者 the latter 后者   the former... the latter... 前者 …… 后者 …… 单句写作 ( 1 )[词汇复现] Of these two things________ _________ (前者) must give way to the latter. ( 2 ) Tears and sweat are similar , ______ ________ (前者) is only in exchange for the sympathy , while ______ ________ (后者) can win success for you. the former the former the latter 词汇三   preserve ( 1 ) vt. 保存;保护;维持 ( 2 ) n. 保护区 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) preserve...from/against ( doing ) sth. 保护 …… 免受 …… preserve sth. for... 为 …… 而保存某事物 preserve endangered species from extinction 保护濒危物种不致灭绝 preserve these traditional customs 保留这些传统习俗 be well preserved 保存完好 in the preserve 在保护区内 nature preserve 自然保护区 ( 2 ) preservation n. 维护;保护;保持;保养 词汇四   promote vt. 促进;提升;推销;晋级 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) promote sb. to... 提升某人为 …… be promoted to... 被提升为 …… promote sb. from...to... 将某人从 …… 升职到 …… get promoted 升职 ( 2 ) promotion n. 提升;提拔;促销活动 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) Fortunately , Helen has been promoted      general manager. ( 2 ) He worked hard and was soon       ( promote ) . ( 3 ) Joining the firm as a clerk , he got rapid       ( promote ), and ended up as a manager. ( 4 ) His       ( promote ) to the sales manager took everyone by surprise. to promoted promotion promotion ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The organization was set up to preserve the endangered species      dying out. ( 2 )[词汇复现] The villagers are asked       ( preserve ) the ancient temple and other cultural relics . ◆单句写作 ( 3 )[词汇复现] The ancient temple and other cultural relics _____ _____ _______ (保存良好) . from to preserve are well preserved 词汇五   application n. 申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序) ◆教材原句 International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App 国际青年营成员创建泰山应用程序 ◆要点必记 app n. 应用程序;应用软件( application 的缩略形式) hundreds of job applications 数百封求职信 make an application ( to sb. ) for sth. (向某人)申请 …… fill in an application form 填写申请表 ◆词语积累 apply v. 应用;申请 applicant n. 申请人 apply... to... 把 …… 应用到 …… apply oneself to 致力于,专心于 apply ( to sb. ) for... (向某人)申请 …… ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) Due to the       ( apply ) of this medical technology , more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage. ( 2 ) [ 2015· 福建卷] To my delight , I was chosen from hundreds of       ( apply ) to attend the opening ceremony. ( 3 ) Now lots of new technologies can be applied to       ( solve ) problems in industry. ( 4 ) I am writing to apply      the position as a volunteer in the English festival. ◆单句写作 ( 5 ) Over the past months , the coach ______ _ ______ ______ _______ _______ ( 一直专心于) selecting the best athletes. ( 6 ) We should ______ ______ ______ ________ (把理论运用到实践中); otherwise , it is no use. application applicants solving for has been applying himself to . apply theory to practice 词汇六   take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动) ◆教材原句 A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating... 一群参加泰山国际青年营的高中生正在创建 …… ◆要点必记 take part 参加(无宾语时,不用 in ) take an active part in 积极参加(当 part 前有形容词修饰时,形容词前要加不定冠词) play a part in 在 …… 中起作用;在 …… 中扮演角色 play an important part in 在 …… 中起重要作用;在 …… 中扮演重要角色 ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) My teacher gave me a chance to ______ ______ ______ (参加) designing the class poster. ( 2 ) There will be a debate tomorrow. All those who want to ______ _______ (参加), please raise your hands.   ( 3 ) Many athletes are dreaming of ________ _______ ________ 参加) the Olympic Games. ( 4 ) They organized a debate , but I _____ ______ ______ (没有参加) . ( 5 ) Nowadays women are _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ (正积极参与) social activities.   take part in take part taking part in taking an active part in didn’t take apart ◆辨析填空( take part in/join in/join/attend ) ( 6 ) My sister      the League last month and she has decided to       the activities to help the aged in town as a volunteer. ( 7 ) Ten strong young Chinese students are required to       the boat race. ( 8 ) I shall      an important conference next week. ( 9 ) You can enjoy matches without      a club or belonging to a team. ( 10 ) All my family      me      wishing you a quick recovery. joined take part in take part in/join in attend joining join in

