宁夏六盘山高级中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

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宁夏六盘山高级中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

- 1 - 宁夏六盘山高级中学 2021 届高三年级第一学期期中考试 英语试卷 第一部分 听力(共两节;满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回 答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1 . Where does the woman want to go? A. A library. B. A hospital. C. A bank. 2 . How does the man feel about the new teacher? A. He dislikes the teacher. B. He admires the teacher. C. He thinks the teacher is humorous. 3 . What do we know about the man? A. He applied for a new job. B. He ran a computer company. C. He knew nothing about computers. 4 . What are the speakers talking about? A. Family. B. Careers. C. Health problems. 5 . How does the woman sound? A. Excited. B. Lucky. C. Confused. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你都 有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6 . What is the man’s holiday plan? A. To visit Dalian with his parents. - 2 - B. To visit America with his parents. C. To visit Beijing with his friends. 7 . How long is the woman’s trip? A. 5 days. B. 7 days. C. 8 days. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8 . What will the man do on Saturday? A. Shop with the woman. B. Attend a wedding. C. Stay at home. 9 . What does the woman want to buy? A. A dress. B. A bicycle. C. A backpack. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10 . How many people are there in the woman’s family? A. 13. B. 23. C. 30. 11 . What’s the man going to do for Christmas? A. Go to a party. B. Travel to Canada. C. Visit his friends. 12 . What does the man promise the woman? A. To teach her to ski. B. To bring her a gift. C. To visit her family. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13 . Who is the pen for? A. The man’s son. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s wife. 14 . What color pen does the man want? A. A purple one. B. A black one. C. A yellow one. 15 . How much does the pen with a red leather cover cost? A. $ 20. B. $ 23. C. $ 25. 16 . What will the man probably do? A. Buy another pen. B. Return to the store tomorrow. C. Wait for the woman’s call. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17 . When was Shakespeare and Company first opened? A. In 1919. B. In 1941. C. In 1951. 18 . What service did Ms. Beach’s bookstore offer? - 3 - A. Giving food to readers. B. Teaching people how to write. C. Offering beds for writers. 19 . Why was Ms. Beach’s bookstore closed? A. She faced strong competition. B. She didn’t have enough money. C. She was forced to close it. 20 . What do we know about Mr. Whitman? A He used to work at Ms. Beach’s bookstore. B. He followed Ms. Beach’s ways of doing business. C. He was a regular customer of Ms. Beach’s bookstore. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节:(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Several new films on ordinary people’s contributions were released in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). A kaleidoscope (万花筒) of heroes Patriotism and realism reflected in My People, My Country are the top two elements that have won the audiences’ hearts. “In the seven stories in My People, My Country, the protagonists (主角) are no longer the main creators of history,” Zheng Yang, a teacher, said after watching the movie. “We don’t want to simply sing praises of China’s achievements over the past 70 years; we want to show that all the achievements have been made thanks to the Chinese people’s efforts,” Chen Kaige, told People.com.cn in a video interview. A miraculous escape The Captain, directed by Andrew Lau, is based on a real incident. On May 14, 2018, a Sichuan Airlines flight from Chongqing to Lhasa in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, made a miraculous escape when a cockpit window broke. It caused a sudden drop in the air pressure inside the aircraft, leading to the co-pilot almost being sucked out. He was saved by his seat belt. The temperature plunged to minus 40 degrees Celsius. - 4 - But against great odds, Captain Liu Chuanjian managed to land the plane and keep all 128 onboard safe. It was regarded as a miracle in civil aviation history. Peak performance The Climbers, is based on two expeditions (探险) by Chinese climbers to Mt. Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. In 1960, three Chinese climbers, were the first to reach the summit from the dangerous northern side, becoming the first men to do so. However, the feat was not recognized internationally as the team failed to provide any evidence. To vindicate the Chinese climbers, a gigantic team of over 400 members was put together in 1975. During this expedition, nine climbers reached the top. The expedition also measured the height of the peak—8,848.13 meters. 1. What’s the common in the seven stories in My People, My Country? A. They are all based on real incidents. B. They are all about common people. C. They are all about heroes in the history. D. They are all about the founding of China. 2. What does the underlined phrase “against great odds” probably mean? A. Out of question. B. Around the corner. C. All of a sudden. D. Through thick and thin. 3. Which is the best title for the whole passage? A. People’s Heroes B. The Great Escape C. The New Expedition D. People’s Expectation 【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了为庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年,上映的几部关于普通人贡 献的新片,包括《我和我的祖国》、《中国机长》和《攀登者》。 【1 题详解】 - 5 - 细节理解题。根据 A kaleidoscope (万花筒) of heroes 部分关键句“In the seven stories in My People, My Country, the protagonists (主角) are no longer the main creators of history.”(在《我和 我的祖国》的七个故事中,主角不再是历史的主要创造者。)和“We don’t want to simply sing praises of China’s achievements over the past 70 years; we want to show that all the achievements have been made thanks to the Chinese people’s efforts.(我们不想简单地歌颂中国 70 年来取得的 成就,我们要表明,所有的成就都是中国人民努力的结果。)可知,在《我和我的祖国》的七 个故事中,主角不再是历史的主要创造者,而是普通人,电影想要表明的是中国 70 年来取得 的成就是中国人民努力的结果。由此可知,在《我和我的祖国》这部电影中,七个故事的共 同点是它们都是关于普通人的故事。故选 B 项。 【2 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据 A miraculous escape 部分关键句“On May 14, 2018, a Sichuan Airlines flight from Chongqing to Lhasa in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, made a miraculous escape when a cockpit window broke.”(2018 年 5 月 14 日,四川航空公司一架从重庆飞往中国 西南西藏自治区拉萨的航班,驾驶舱窗户破裂,但奇迹般地逃生的事情。)可知,在《中国机 长》这部电影中,讲述了在驾驶舱窗户破裂的危险情况下,机组人员和乘客克服重重困难逃 生的故事。由此可推断出,画线短语所在句表示,但机长刘传建“克服重重困难”,成功降 落飞机,并确保机上 128 人的安全,“Through thick and thin”意为“不畏艰难,历尽千辛万 苦”,符合句意。故选 D 项。 【3 题详解】 主旨大意题。通读文章,结合第一段内容 “Several new films on ordinary people’s contributions were released in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).”(为庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年,上映了几部关于普通人贡献的新片。) 可知,文章主要介绍的是为庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年,上映的几部电影,电影中主要 介绍的是普通人对我们的祖国做出的贡献。“People’s Heroes”意为“人民英雄”,能够概括 文章主要内容,普通人就是我们生活中的英雄。故选 A 项。 B What Does the Length of Your Fingers Say About You? - 6 - Are you the peace-loving type or the ambitious go-getter? Your finger length might be a clue. Take a look at your fingers. Would you believe me if I told you that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality? I know that it sounds like one of those silly tests you see on Facebook, but I have to admit that it is exactly correct for me. Here’s how it works. Look at your three middle fingers of your hand. Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? Or are the two of the same length? Find the situation that best matches your hand and see if what follows is an accurate description of your personality. Longer ring finger: The Sweet Talker If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, research shows that you’re likely a charming type, and you can probably talk yourself out of any situation. Others often find this personality type irresistible and will go to great lengths to help you. You’re more likely to take risks, and you’re good at problem-solving. People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers. Longer index finger: The (Over) Confident One If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, chances are you are full of confidence—possibly even to the point of being over-confident and proud. You are not necessarily introverted (内向的), but you do enjoy time to yourself, especially when you’re trying to complete a project. You are a dream pursuer who can make things happen, but you may be shy when it comes to taking the first step in a relationship. You are also probably happy with what you have, but you’re always wishing for more. Index and ring finger are of the same length: The Peacemaker If your index finger and ring finger are roughly of the same length, you are likely to avoid conflict at all costs and seek to keep the peace in your relationships. You are well-organized, faithful - 7 - and sympathetic. But deep down under all of that caring and peace-loving, you also have a hot-tempered side that can appear unexpectedly when you’re pushed too far. You will try your hardest to avoid a fight. How well do these descriptions match your personality? I was surprised at the accuracy in my case, but I’m not going to tell you which one it was! 4. Which of the following hand could be an engineer’s hand? A. B. C. D. 5. We can learn from the passage that the author ______. A. is very charming and helpful B. always tries hard to avoid a fight C. often takes silly tests on Facebook D. thinks the descriptions suit him well 6. What does the passage intend to tell us? A. How accurate the description of the test is. B. The length of fingers can reveal personality. C. Why your fingers are not of the same length. D. Personality is determined by your finger length. 7. Where can you probably find the text? A. A popular magazine. B. An official report. C. A public advertisement. D. A biology textbook. 【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 【解析】 本文主要介绍了根据手指长度判断人的性格。食指比无名指长,食指比无名指短或者二者一 样长都反应出不同的性格。 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。由 Longer ring finger 一段中 People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.可知,无名指较长的手可能是工程师的手,故选 A。 【5 题详解】 细节理解题。由第一段中 I was surprised at the accuracy in my case, but I'm not going - 8 - to tell you which one it was!(我对我的例子的准确性感到惊讶,但我不打算告诉你是哪 一个!)可知,作者觉得这个测得特别准,而没有提到他属于那种类型,故选 D。 【6 题详解】 主旨大意题。由首句 What Does the Length of Your Fingers Say About You?你的手指长度 告诉了你什么?第一段 Are you the peace-loving type or the ambitious go-getter? Your finger length might be a clue. Take a look at your fingers. Would you believe me if I told you that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality?(你是爱好和平的人还是雄心勃勃的干将?你的手指长度可能是一个线索, 看看你的手指,如果我告诉你,你的手指长度的关系 彼此可以预测你的个性,你会相信我 吗?),接下来文章都在介绍不同的手指长度对应什么样的性格,所以全文告诉我们手指长度 可以反映出人的性格,故选 B。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。A. A popular magazine.一本流行杂志 B. An official report.一份官方报告 C. A public advertisement.公共广告 D. A biology textbook.生物学教科书。根据常识, 这篇文章只能出现在流行杂志上,与其它期刊不符,故选 A。 C There is beauty in each moment of our lives, but often we're too distracted to notice it. Instead, we spend much of our time worrying about the future or regretting the past, and this habit can have negative consequences for our mental and physical health. That's why many people today are turning to the practice of mindfulness(正念减压法). Simply put, mindfulness means focusing on the present moment. Let's say you're sitting in traffic after a long day's work. Rather than dwelling on(老是想着)an unpleasant incident that occurred earlier or worrying about your schedule for the next day, you might direct your attention to the sound of the rain drops battering the windshield or to a specific image before you. By directing your attention to the here and now, you automatically shift your focus away from self-image, success, and other stress-inducing concerns. Such a shift in consciousness helps us form more meaningful connections with others and handle problems with greater ease. It also lets us appreciate life's many little pleasures. So, it's not surprising that mindfulness has been found to help in the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and even physical problems related to stress, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, - 9 - and upset stomachs. How do you practice mindfulness? While it's often associated with meditation, you don't actually need to be in a particular place or position to cultivate it. In fact, it can be incorporated(使 并入)into almost any daily activity, including eating, walking, showering, or doing the dishes. Let's take this last activity as an illustration: Begin by bringing your attention to your breath. Inhale(吸入)through your nose allowing the air to expand your belly, and exhale through your mouth. Notice the sensations as each breath goes in and out. As you engage in the task of washing the dishes, direct your awareness to the scent of the soap, the sound of the running water, and the feel of the suds(肥皂泡沫)between your fingers. Simply be aware of these and any other immediate sensations without forming any judgments about them. At times, this process may not be relaxing, especially when what you're doing is boring or unpleasant. Nevertheless, by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater happiness. 8. Why is the example of “sitting in traffic” mentioned in Paragraph 2? A. To appreciate beauty at the present moment. B. To explain the meaning of mindfulness. C. To describe the traffic accident in the street. D. To attract the reader's attention to the traffic. 9. Which of the following is the benefit of mindfulness? A. Finding out problems in study more easily. B. Helping cure diseases like high blood pressure. C. Allowing us to enjoy small pleasures in life. D. Making friends with other people in the traffic. 10. From the passage, mindfulness can be practised by_____________. A. finding a particular place to cultivate it B. bringing our attention to our breath C. burying ourselves in washing the dishes D. putting it to use in our everyday life 11. What is the passage mainly about? - 10 - A. The reasons why people begin to practise mindfulness. B. The differences between mindfulness and meditation. C. The benefits of mindfulness and the way to practice it. D. The ways we should keep healthy mentally and physically. 【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. C 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇说明文。生活中的美时刻在我们身边,但常常对它视而不见。我们时常担心未来、 悔恨过去。那何不试试用“正念”找回真正的人生。 【8 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章第二段,作者以 sitting in traffic 为例,旨在通过举例方式来进一步解释 说明本段主题,即“mindfulness means focusing on the present moment. ”(正念减压法指的就 是关注当下)。故选 B 项。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“It also lets us appreciate life's many little pleasures.”(它同时可以帮 助我们欣赏生活中的小确幸)可知,正念能帮助我们享受生活中许多小乐趣。故选 C 项。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“In fact, it can be incorporated into almost any daily activity, including eating, walking, showering, or doing the dishes.”(事实上,它可以被融入到我们生活的方方面 面,包括饮食、步行、洗浴甚至是洗盘子)可知,正念可运用到我们的日常生活中。故选 D 项。 【11 题详解】 主旨大意题。结尾段阐述正念减压的好处,即“by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater happiness.”(通过践行正念减压 法,我们可以学着接受生活当中出现的各种境遇,长此以往,会给我们带来更多的幸福感)。 纵观本文,先介绍了正念减压法的含义和好处,然后告诉我们怎样进行正念减压训练。故选 C 项。 【点睛】考查阅读理解主旨大意时,需要注意排除绝对化或片面的选项,要放眼全文,从首 段和末段寻找文章的主旨大意。小题 4 就是根据结尾段阐述正念减压的好处,即“by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater - 11 - happiness.”(通过践行正念减压法,我们可以学着接受生活当中出现的各种境遇,长此以往, 会给我们带来更多的幸福感)。纵观本文,先介绍了正念减压法的含义和好处,然后告诉我们 怎样进行正念减压训练,从而概括出文章主旨大意。 D He really did look like a tourist, with a camera around his neck and a bottle of sunscreen cream sticking out of his bag. The fat man sat on the terrace (平台),sipping lemonade and pretending to look at a tourism brochure. His sunglasses masked his eyes, but I knew he wasn't looking at the brochure: he hadn't turned a page for the last ten minutes. As I brought him his dishes, he coughed up a "thank you" and looked at me briefly. I tried not to stare at the tiny scar across his left eyebrow. I walked back inside with my empty tray, shaking my head. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place him. Then it hit me. The car accident. The mysterious stranger who helped me out of my crashed car, just before it exploded. I rushed back to his table. He was gone. I moved his saucer and found his tip, along with a card:I am deeply grateful to you. The night o£ your car accident, I was on my way to rob a jewelry store. Saving your life brought things back in a right way. I now live an honest life, thanks to you. God bless you! Mr. D. I shivered(震颤).The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club. Seeing human kindness through his heroic gesture turned my life around and brought faith back into my life. I unfolded the tip he left. Among the singles was a grand (—千块)with a pen mark underlining “In God We Trust.”I said a silent prayer for him and got back to work, smiling. 12. Why did the fat man look like a tourist? A. Because he used money not the same as the locals. B. Because he carried what tourists usually have on. C. Because he doesn't look like a native citizen. D. Because he ordered strange food and drinks. 13. How did the writer knew the man didn't read the brochure? A. He was drinking all the time. B. He sat still with his sunglasses. C. The page remained unturned. D. He was staring at the writer. 14. What can we infer from the last paragraph? - 12 - A. They kept in touch with each other since then. B. The writer had been searching for the man. C. The man became a rich man years later. D. The writer didn't go to that interview. 15 What is their attitude towards each other? A. Sympathetic. B. Grateful. C. Worried. D. Trusty. 【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B 【解析】 【分析】 本文为记叙文。一个要去抢劫的陌生人在车祸中救了作者的命,改变了双方的生活,让这个 要抢劫的人恢复正常的生活,让作者看到了人性的善良,重拾生活的信心。后来两人在作者 工作的地方重遇,他给作者留下小费和卡片来感谢作者,作者也为他祈祷。 【12 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段“He really did look like a tourist, with a camera around his neck and a bottle of sunscreen cream sticking out of his bag. The fat man sat on the terrace (平台),sipping lemonade and pretending to look at a tourism brochure.” 他看起来真的像个游客,脖子上挂着相 机,包里还带着一瓶防晒霜。胖子坐在露台上,喝着柠檬水,假装在看旅游手册。由此可知, 胖子带着旅客常带的东西,故选 B。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“he hadn't turned a page for the last ten minutes.” 他已经十分钟 没有翻页了。可知他是假装在看宣传册。故选 C。 【14 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段“The car accident. The mysterious stranger who helped me out of my crashed car, just before it exploded.”可知, 那个神秘的陌生人在我的车爆炸前帮我从撞坏的车 中出来。最后一段“The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club....” 车祸发生的那天晚上,我正要去一家非法舞蹈俱乐部参加面试...... 。由此可推断出 作者去面试前发生车祸而没有去面试。故选 D。 【15 题详解】 推理判断题。第三段“I moved his saucer and found his tip, along with a card:I am deeply grateful - 13 - to you. T... thanks to you. God bless you! Mr. D.”可知,我移了他的盘子,发现了他给的小费, 还有一张卡片:“我非常感激你。愿上帝保佑你!D 先生”。第四段“The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club. Seeing human kindness through his heroic gesture turned my life around and brought faith back into my life. I said a silent prayer for him and got back to work, smiling.” 车祸当晚,我正前往一家非法舞蹈俱乐部接受面试。他的英雄行 为让我看到了人性的善良,使我的生活发生了变化,并使我对生活重挫拾信心。...我默默地为 他祈祷,由此可知,这个人救了作者的命并让其对生活重拾信心,作者为此感谢他。由此可 推断出他们想互感激。故选 B。 【点睛】推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常 常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。如第 3 小 题属于推理判断题。推理判断题。根据第二段“The car accident. The mysterious stranger who helped me out of my crashed car, just before it exploded.”可知, 那个神秘的陌生人在我的车爆 炸前帮我从撞坏的车中出来。最后一段“The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club....” 车祸发生的那天晚上,我正要去一家非法舞蹈俱乐部参加 面试...... 。由此可推断出作者去面试前发生车祸而 i 没有去面试。故选 D。。根据事实细节来 推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而 得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句 话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理, 也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切 忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 Ancient Rome was one of the world’s most powerful empires more than 2,000 years ago. The Romans’ Ideas about roads, laws, government and buildings still influence us today. Italy is shaped like a boot. The Colosseum (角斗场) in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire, in the first century A.D. ____16____. It is a popular tourist attraction today. Italy is well-known for its designers, who create cars, handbags, clothes, shoes and other items that are in demand for their style and fine workmanship. - 14 - Today, the economy of Italy is stronger than in the past. ___17___. Today, manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income. There are some big companies, but Italy has many smaller companies, too. ___18___. The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobs, so it is not as prosperous. Italy is a member of the European Union, a group of countries that join together for better trade. The currency, or money, they use is called the “euro”. Food and eating good meals are important to Italians. ____19____. Popular foods include pasta, risotto, minestrone and pizza. McDonald’s is also popular there. Many families still eat their main meal in the middle of the day. ____20____. Families spend a lot of time together. A. The family is very important to the Italian way of life. B. The country used to depend on agriculture. C. Mountains cover about three-fourths of the country. D. It could seat about 50,000 people, who went to see fights between animals and people. E. While there are some supermarkets, many people shop at small, neighborhood markets. F. Italy has several islands off the coast. G. The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center. 【答案】16. D 17. B 18. G 19. E 20. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了古罗马文明沿袭下的意大利在经济农业家庭生活的各个方面。 【16 题详解】 根据前文 The Colosseum (角斗场)in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire, in the first century A.D.(古罗马斗兽场建于公元一世纪的罗马帝国时期)可知,此处在介绍古罗马斗兽 场,D. It could seat about 50,000 people, who went to see fights between animals and people.(它可 以容纳大约 5 万人,这些人去看动物和人之间的争斗)符合语境。故选 D。 【17 题详解】 根据下文 Today, manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income.(今天,制造业和旅游 业是主要的收入来源)可知,B. The country used to depend on agriculture.(这个国家以前是依靠 - 15 - 农业)符合语境,此处在进行今夕对比。故选 B。 【18 题详解】 根据下文 The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobs, so it is not as prosperous.(南 方没有提供那么多的制造业工作,所以也不那么繁荣)可知,此处应该是提到北方的情况。G. The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center.(这个国家的北部是主要的制造 中心)符合语境。故选 G。 【19 题详解】 根据上文 Food and eating good meals are important to Italians.(食物和吃好饭对意大利人来说很 重 要 ) 可 知 , E. While there are some supermarkets, many people shop at small, neighborhood markets.(虽然有一些超市,许多人在小型的社区市场购物)在介绍购物的地点,符合语境。故 选 E。 【20 题详解】 根据下文 Families spend a lot of time together.(家人花很多时间在一起)可知,A. The family is very important to the Italian way of life.(家庭对意大利人的生活很重要)符合语境。故选 A。 【点睛】下面总结一些七选五的解题技巧 1、先看选项。跟完形填空不一样,七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我 们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外,通过 阅读选项,有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该 选项排除。 2、再看空前空后。由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系, 因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句 子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。 3、注意代词或定冠词。在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代 词,因为我们知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,然后通过代词在句子中所做的成 分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。 4、注意一些特殊疑问词。如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍, 因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的,比如对 why 的回答,后面要有 because 等表 原因的词,对 when 的回答,后面要有表时间的状语,对 where 的回答,后面要有表地点的名 词,对 how 的回答,后面要有方式状语等。 5、注意一些连词。如一些表示转折的连词 but,However,yet,though,nevertheless 等,另外 - 16 - 还有一些表示并列关系的连词如 and,also,as well as,neither nor,either or,not only...but also, on one hand....on the other hand 等。因为这些连词可以表现句子与句子之间的关系,通过不同 的连词我们可以推知句子与句子之间不同的关系。 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给出的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 Afel was only a very small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. It had lots of pictures of children ____21____ in big white fields. He asked, “Mum, what are those white fields?” His mother laughed, “That’s snow, and they are making a snowman!” She tried to ____22____ what snow was. Afel didn’t really ___23___ because there was no real snow where he lived. But he showed great ____24____. One day when he was 12, Afel was watching a programme on TV at his uncle’s house. The programme was full of snow. And not only snow — there were people ___25___ across the snow. They looked like fantastic birds. They had hats covering all their heads and big goggles over their eyes. And on their feet, they had ___26___ shoes. “What are those?” he asked his uncle ____27____. “Skis” replied his uncle. “And those people are called skiers.” At that moment, he ____28____ to be a skier. He asked his uncle what the programme was. “The Winter Olympics,” said his uncle. “It’s like the normal Olympics, but for ____29____ where you need snow — ski jumping, bobsleigh (长橇), those sorts of things. They _____30_____ it every four years.” Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Beijing, in 2022. “Perfect,” he thought. “Enough _____31_____ for me to become a brilliant skier.” “But there’s no snow here!” people told him. “Where are you going to ski?” Afel ____32____ them. He made himself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood. He tied them to his feet and practised skiing _____33_____ two sticks in his hands. He practised again and again until he could _____34_____ quite quickly across the sand. He _____35_____ to fly down the hills like the people on TV, but he couldn’t. “Never mind,” he thought. “It’s a _____36_____…” “How will you go to the Olympics?” people asked him. “Our country doesn’t ____37____ have - 17 - a team that goes to the Winter Olympics. We have good runners and win lots of medals at the Olympics. But no skiing, no.” Afel didn’t _____38_____. So every night, out in the middle of the desert, Afel now practises skiing down sand hills. He _____39_____ that the yellow sand and brown earth are as gold as the medal he will bring home with him, when he is the _____40_____. 21. A. drawing B. playing C. dancing D. hiking 22. A. announce B. stress C. conclude D. explain 23. A. mind B. respond C. understand D. regret 24. A. interest B. concern C. patience D. confidence 25. A. walking B. riding C. running D. flying 26. A. strong B. strange C. fashionable D. comfortable 27. A. politely B. hopefully C. excitedly D. nervously 28. A. promised B. claimed C. agreed D. decided 29. A. projects B. fields C. sports D. courses 30. A. gain B. have C. accept D. mark 31. A. time B. energy C. experience D. determination 32. A. avoided B. ignored C. corrected D. criticized 33. A. pushing B. pulling C. holding D. waving 34. A. roll B. march C. jump D. move 35. A. needed B. prepared C. pretended D. attempted 36. A. start B. chance C. solution D. strategy 37. A. even B. often C. shortly D. finally 38. A. refuse B. inquire C. care D. complain 39. A. dreams B. predicts C. assumes D. realizes 40. A. authority B. champion C. genius D. celebrity 【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. B - 18 - 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了小男孩 Afel 从未见过真实的雪,但他对雪很感兴趣,梦想 能成为一名滑雪运动员参加冬奥会。虽然他人对他的行为并不支持,但他不在乎他人看法, 坚持自己的梦想。虽然没有雪,但他利用沙漠里的沙子来练习。 【21 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:里面有许多孩子们在白色的大田野里玩耍的照片。A. drawing 画画; B. playing 玩耍;C. dancing 跳舞;D. hiking 远足。结合下文,孩子们是在田野里(雪地里) 堆雪人,这是在玩耍。故选 B 项。 【22 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她试图解释雪是什么。A. announce 宣布;B. stress 强调;C. conclude 下结论;D. explain 解释。结合上文,他不知道那些白色的田野(雪地)是什么,妈妈回答他, 并向他解释什么是雪。故选 D 项。 【23 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Afel 并不真正明白,因为他住的地方没有真正的雪。A. mind 介意; B. respond 回应;C. understand 理解,明白;D. regret 后悔。因为他没有见过真正的雪,所以 对于妈妈的解释他不能理解。故选 C 项。 【24 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他表现出极大的兴趣。A. interest 兴趣;B. concern 担忧;C. patience 耐心 ;D. confidence 信心。根据上文,他主动问问题,可见,虽然他不知道雪是什么,他 对雪产生了极大的兴趣。故选 A 项。 【25 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不仅是雪,还有人在雪中飞舞。A. walking 走路;B. riding 骑车; C. running 奔跑;D. flying 飞行。结合后一句话里的他们看起来像奇异的鸟一样,以及舅舅的 解释:他们在滑雪,可见他们是在雪地里“飞舞”(滑雪速度很快)。同时在 15 题那里“He ____15____ to fly down the hills like the people on TV”有原词再现,故选 D 项。 【26 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们的脚上穿着奇怪的鞋子。A. strong 坚强的;B. strange 奇怪 的,陌生的;C. fashionable 时尚的;D. comfortable 舒适的。根据上文,他从没见过雪,所以 当他看到人们在雪地里穿的鞋子会觉得奇怪和陌生。故选 B 项。 - 19 - 【27 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:“那是什么?”他兴奋地问叔叔。A. politely 有礼貌地;B. hopefully 有希望地;C. excitedly 激动地,兴奋地;D. nervously 紧张地。结合上文,他虽然没见过雪, 但是对雪有很大的兴趣,所以在电视上看见“雪地”的运动,他很兴奋。故选 C 项。 【28 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,他决定成为一名滑雪运动员。A. promised 承诺;B. claimed 声称;C. agreed 同意;D. decided 决定。结合下文第 11 题,他想成为一名杰出的滑雪运动员, 所以,此刻他是下定决心想成为一名滑雪运动员。故选 D 项。 【29 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:它就像普通的奥运会,但是是为那些需要雪才能进行的运动,比 如跳台滑雪、滑大雪橇比赛这类项目(而举行的)。A. projects 方案;B. fields 田野;C. sports 运动;D. courses 课程。跳台滑雪、滑大雪橇比赛都属于冬奥会比赛项目,是一种体育运动。 故选 C 项。 【30 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。他们每四年举办一次。句意:A. gain 获得;B. have 拥有,组织,举办; C. accept 接受;D. mark 做标记。结合上文,这里的 they 指的是冬奥会,冬奥会也是四年举办 一次。故选 B 项。 【31 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:时间足够让我成为一名优秀的滑雪运动员。A. time 时间;B. energy 能量;C. experience 经验;D. determination 决心。结合上文,下一届冬奥会是 2022 年在北京 举行,他认为“太棒了”,有充足的时间让他成为优秀的滑雪运动员。故选 A 项。 【32 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Afel 不理睬他们。A. avoided 避免;B. ignored 忽视,不理睬;C. corrected 纠正;D. criticized 批评。上文中,其他人提醒他(或者嘲讽他)这里没有雪,你打 算到哪里去练滑雪。Afel 没有被这些困难打倒,而是自己想尽方法创造条件练习,即他忽视 了他人(的提醒)。故选 B 项。 【33 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他把它们绑在脚上,手里拿着两根棍子练习滑雪。A. pushing 推动; B. pulling 拉;C. holding 握住;D. waving 挥手。滑雪的装备包括脚上的滑雪板,手上握着的 雪杖。所以他是握着两个棍子充当雪杖。故选 C 项。 - 20 - 【34 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一遍又一遍地练习,直到能在沙地上快速移动。A. roll 滚动;B. march 行进;C. jump 跳;D. move 移动。此处指的是滑雪动作,应该是快速移动。故选 D 项。 【35 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他试图像电视上的人一样从山上飞下来,但他做不到。A. needed 需要;B. prepared 准备;C. pretended 假装;D. attempted 尝试,试图。这里是指他练习时 试图学习电视里的运动员那样,飞下山去。故选 D 项。 【36 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没关系,”他想“这只是一个开始……”A. start 开始;B. chance 机会;C. solution 解决办法;D. strategy 策略。结合最后一段 So every night, out in the middle of the desert, Afel now practises skiing down sand hills. 所以每天晚上,在沙漠中央,Afel 练习从沙 丘上滑雪。所以这次未能成功时,他安慰自己只是开始(假以时日,是可以做到的)。故选 A 项。 【37 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们国家甚至没有参加过冬奥会的队伍。A. even 甚至;B. often 经 常;C. shortly 短暂地;D. finally 最后。这里依然是其他人对他行为的不敢苟同,用 even 来突 出人们认为他的想法不切实际。故选 A 项。 【38 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Afel 不在乎。A. refuse 拒绝;B. inquire 询问;C. care 在乎,介意; D. complain 抱怨。结合上文,Afel(坚持自己的梦想)一直不在乎他人的看法,坚持练习。故选 C 项。 【39 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他梦想等他成了冠军,眼前这黄色的沙子和棕色的土地,就像他 将带回家的奖牌一样金光闪闪。A. dreams 梦想;B. predicts 预测;C. assumes 假定,设想;D. realizes 意识到。上一句话提到,现在他还在每天练习,所以成为冠军,获得金牌是梦想中的 事。故选 A 项。 【40 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他梦想等他成了冠军,眼前这黄色的沙子和棕色的土地,就像他 将带回家的奖牌一样金光闪闪。A. authority 权威;B. champion 冠军;C. genius 天才;D. celebrity 名人。只有成为冠军才能获得金牌。故选 B 项。 - 21 - 【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。要遵循“上 下求索”的原则来查找信息。如第 5 题,要求判断雪地里人在干什么,该题可以根据后一句 话里的他们看起来像奇异的鸟一样,以及舅舅的解释:他们在滑雪,可见他们是在雪地里“飞 舞”(滑雪速度很快)。同时在 15 题那里“He ____15____ to fly down the hills like the people on TV”有原词再现,故选 D 项。 第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Smartphones allow us to do some great things. The apps we download allow us to do even more with our phones. One app that encourages creativity is Tik Tok, also ____41____(know) as Douyin. It is an app used for making videos that can be shared with others. It ____42____(provide) short clips of popular songs. People can use the songs as background music in their videos. Its users are ____43____(certain) creative! Some record themselves playing games such as bungee jumping. Users can edit ____44____(they) videos with a variety of different effects. The end results can be quite _____45_____(impress). Tik Tok ____46____(praise) for being a positive form of social media since it came into ____47____(exist). Compared to other social media platforms, it isn’t filled ____48____ ads. Users with popular videos can become very recognizable within the apps. They are like celebrities with other users waiting for their next video to come out. Tik Tok is ____49____ entertaining form of social media. It is fun for anyone _____50_____ likes to be original or enjoys the happiness of others. 【答案】41. known 42. provides 43. certainly 44. their 45. impressive 46. has been praised 47. existence 48. with 49. an 50. who 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了手机应用程序——抖音,介绍了其特色以及优点。抖音是 - 22 - 一种娱乐形式的社交媒体。对于那些喜欢原创或享受他人幸福的人来说,这是一种乐趣。 【41 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:Tik Tok 也被称为抖音,是一款鼓励创造力的应用程序。短语 be known as“被称为……”,此处省略 be 动词,用过去分词作状语。故填 known。 【42 题详解】 考查动词时态。句意:它提供流行歌曲的短片段。陈述客观事实应用一般现在时,主语为 it, 谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填 provides。 【43 题详解】 考查副词。句意:它的用户当然是有创造力的!修饰后文形容词 creative,应用副词 certainly, 作状语。故填 certainly。 【44 题详解】 考查代词。句意:用户可以用各种不同的效果编辑他们的视频。修饰名词 video 应用形容词性 物主代词 their。故填 their。 【45 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:最终的效果可能会相当令人印象深刻。结合上文 The end results can be 可 知应填形容词 impressive“令人印象深刻的”,作表语。故填 impressive。 【46 题详解】 考查动词时态语态。句意:抖音自成立以来就一直被誉为积极的社交媒体。结合后文 since it came into 可知应用现在完成时,主语 Tik Tok 与谓语动词 praise 为被动关系,故用现在完成时 的被动语态,主语是单数,助动词用 has。故填 has been praised。 【47 题详解】 考查名词。句意:抖音自成立以来就一直被誉为积极的社交媒体。结合句意表示“成立,存 在”可知短语为 come into existence。故填 existence。 【48 题详解】 考查介词。句意:与其他社交媒体平台相比,它并没有充斥着广告。结合句意表示“充满” 可知短语为 be filled with。故填 with。 【49 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:抖音是一种娱乐形式的社交媒体。form 为可数名词,此处表泛指应用不定 冠词,且 entertaining 是发音以元音音素开头的单词,应用 an。故填 an。 【50 题详解】 - 23 - 考查定语从句。句意:对于那些喜欢原创或享受他人幸福的人来说,这是一种乐趣。此处为 定语从句修饰先行词 anyone,先行词在从句中作主语,先行词为 anyone,指人,关系代词应 用 who。故填 who。 第四部分 写作 (共两节,共 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()花掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown, he came to China for the first time, to Shapotou in last weekend. Having told about the history of Ning Xia, he was amazing at this wonder. He was struck by the beautiful of the mixture of sand and water. I took photo of him, which would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was very interested in the activities of protecting the environment that he was eager to join in and sign her name. Both Shapotou and the Ning Xia people deep impressed him so he decides to visit more places of interest when free. 【答案】1. he→who 2. 将 last 前的 in 去掉 3. having 后加 been 4. amazing→amazed 5. beautiful→beauty 6. photo→photos 7. very→so 8. sign→signed 9. her→his 10. deep→deeply 【解析】 【分析】 - 24 - 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述作者上周六带着第一次来中国的外教布朗先生参观沙坡头, 了解宁夏的历史,沙坡头和宁夏的人们给布朗先生留下深刻印象的故事。 【详解】1.考查定语从句。句意:上周末,我带着第一次来中国的外教布朗先生去了沙坡头。 分析句子可知,he came to China for the first time 为定语从句,修饰先行词 Mr. Brown,关系词 在从句中作主语,指人,应用关系代词 who 引导该从句,that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。故 将 he 改为 who。 2.考查介词。句意:同上。分析可知,last week 为本句的时间状语,意为“上周”,前面不能加 介词。故将 last 前的 in 去掉。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:听说了宁夏的历史后,他对这个奇迹感到惊奇。Having told 和逻辑 主语 he 之间为被动关系,应用现在分词的完成式的被动形式 Having been told。故在 having 后 加 been。 4.考查形容词。句意:同上。分析句子可知,这里是指人感到惊奇,而不是令人惊奇的。修饰 人,用 v+ed 形式的形容词。故将 amazing 改为 amazed。 5.考查名词。句意:他被沙与水的混合物的美丽所震撼。分析句子可知,by 为介词,后面应 用名词作宾语。beauty 当“抽象意义的美”讲时,是不可数名词。故将 beautiful 改为 beauty。 6.考查名词的数。句意:我给他拍了照片,那将是他美好的回忆。分析句子可知,photo 是可 数名词,根据语境,我应该是给他拍了不止一张照片,应用复数形式。故将 photo 改为 photos。 7.考查固定句型。句意:在顶端,布朗先生对保护环境的活动非常感兴趣,他渴望加入并签上 他的名字。so…that…,意为“如此......以致于”,引导结果状语从句,根据句意,故将 very 改 为 so。 8.考查时态。句意:同上。分析句子可知,sign 和 was eager to 为并列谓语,前半句用一般过 去时,后面也应用一般过去时,描述发生在过去的事情。故将 sign 改为 signed。 9.考查代词。句意:同上。根据文章,可知 Mr. Brown 是男士,并且从句的主语是 he,那么签 署他的名字,也应是男士的“他的”。故将 her 改为 his。 10.考查副词。句意:沙坡头和宁夏的人们都给他留下了深刻的印象,于是他决定有空的时候 多去参观一些名胜古迹。分析句子可知,deep 在句中修饰动词 impressed 作状语,应用副词形 式。故将 deep 改为 deeply。 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分) 52. 假如你是李华,你校外籍教师 Chris 计划在寒假回国。他想挑选可以代表中国文化特色的 礼物送给母亲。请给他写一封邮件,向他推荐礼物。内容包括: - 25 - 1. 推荐礼物; 2. 推荐原因; 3. 表达祝愿。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【答案】Dear Chris, I am more than pleased to know that you are planning to bring home gifts representing the Chinese culture for your mother, and I am writing to offer my advice. My first suggestion is Qipao, a fine piece of traditional Chinese clothing with unique and exceptional design. I am sure your mother will look absolutely gorgeous in it. In addition to Qipao, the Chinese knot is also highly recommended because it stands for unity and attachment in Chinese culture, which will be a proper gift to demonstrate your deep love and strong emotional bond towards your mother. It’s safe to say your mom will love it once she understands the profound meaning behind the Chinese knot. I sincerely hope your mother will like the presents and wish you a happy winter vacation. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 【分析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给外籍教师 Chris 写封邮件,信中向他推荐可以代表中国 文化特色的礼物送给母亲。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现在时和一般将来时。 结构:总分法 总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求: 1. 推荐礼物; 2. 推荐原因; 3. 表达祝愿。 - 26 - 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) more than pleased; plan to; suggestion; unique and exceptional design; Chinese knot; highly recommended; stand for; profound; sincerely hope 第三步:连词成句 1. I am more than pleased to know that you are planning to bring home gifts representing the Chinese culture for your mother, and I am writing to offer my advice. 2. My first suggestion is Qipao, a fine piece of traditional Chinese clothing with unique and exceptional design. 3. I am sure your mother will look absolutely gorgeous in it. 4. In addition to Qipao, the Chinese knot is also highly recommended because it stands for unity and attachment in Chinese culture, which will be a proper gift to demonstrate your deep love and strong emotional bond towards your mother. 5. It’s safe to say your mom will love it once she understands the profound meaning behind the Chinese knot. 6. I sincerely hope your mother will like the presents and wish you a happy winter vacation. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表并列补充关系:In addition to 2.表因果关系:Because 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 【点睛】[高分句型 1] I am more than pleased to know that you are planning to bring home gifts representing the Chinese culture for your mother, and I am writing to offer my advice. (运用了 that 引导宾语从句) [高分句型 2] In addition to Qipao, the Chinese knot is also highly recommended because it stands for unity and attachment in Chinese culture, which will be a proper gift to demonstrate your deep love and strong emotional bond towards your mother. (运用了 because 引导原因状语从句和 which 引导非限制性定语从句) - 27 -

