外研版英语七年级下册Module 8 Unit 1教学课件

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外研版英语七年级下册Module 8 Unit 1教学课件

外研·七年级下册 Unit 1 Once upon a time… Module 8 Story Time prep. 在……上;到……上 New words n. 头发 n. 金色;黄金;金牌 n. 森林 adv. 一次;一回 hair gold forest once upon decide v. 决定 notice dark pick soon lost adj.迷路的 v.注意到 adj.黑暗的 v.采;摘 adv.立刻;不久 basket n.篮子 little towards knock door answer v.应门;回答 adj.小的 prep.往;向;朝……方向 v.敲 n.门 around prep. 环绕着;围绕 enter bowl hungry right finish v.吃完;喝完;用尽 v.进入 n.碗 adj.感到饿的;饥饿的 adj.合适的;恰当的 push v.推 all alone go for a walk pick up 散步 独自一人的 拿起;举起 once upon a time 从前 New phrases Who is faster? pick answerhungrybasket forestnoticetowardsenter 从前 拿起;举起独自一人finish What fairy tales do you know? the Snow White Cinderella Beauty and the Beast Little Red Riding Hood Goldilocks and the Three Bears 《金凤花姑娘和三只熊》 Listen and check(√) the true sentences. 1. The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. ( ) 2. The story begins: Once upon a time… ( ) 3. Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold. ( ) 4. Goldilocks lived in the forest. ( ) 5. She decided to go for a walk in the park with a basket. ( ) 1 √ √ √ Listening and vocabulary Tapescripts Daming: I’m reading an old English story called Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Do you know it, Tony? Tony: Yes. It’s very famous. Once upon a time there was a little girl with hair the colour of gold. Her name was Goldilocks. She lived near the forest. One day she decided to go for a walk. She walked into the forest with her basket. 很久以前 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. basket decide forest gold hair story 2 1.Who was Goldilocks? 2. Where was she? 3. What did Goldilocks notice? 2. She was near the forest. 3. She noticed a house. 1. Goldilocks was a little girl with hair of gold. Listen and number the pictures in order. 1 23 4 5 6 78 All alone in the dark, dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers. Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest alone? 森林 独自 Listen and read.3 No, she didn’t. And soon she was lost. Goldilocks looked around her. “Where am I?” she asked. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door. Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again. Finally, she pushed the door. It was open. There was nobody there. Oh! Didn’t anyone live in the house? 立刻,不久 环视 门 Just wait a moment, Daming! Goldilocks entered the house and looked into a small room. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them. One bowl was small, one was big and one was very big. Goldilocks was very hungry. She picked up the very big bowl but she didn’t like it—it was very hot. Then she picked up the big bowl, but she didn’t like it—it was cold. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it. 向里看 饥饿的 吃完;喝完;用尽 • Finally, … • Wait a moment ! • … just right. Everyday English 最后,…… 等一下! ……正合适。 1. She ________ some flowers. picked What did Goldilocks do in the forest? 2. And soon she was _____. lost 3. Then she _______ a little house. noticed 4. So she _______ towards it. hurried 5. She _______ on the door. Nobody _________. knocked 6. Finally, She _______ the door. pushed answered 7. Goldilocks _______ the house. entered 8. On a table there were three _____ with some nice food in them. bowls Answer the questions. 1 Did she pick any flowers in the forest? 2 Did she notice a big tree in the forest? 3 Was the door open? No, she didn’t. She noticed a little house. Yes, she did. Yes, it was. 4 4 Was there food in the bowls? 5 Did she want to eat the food? 6 Did she like the big bowl? Yes, there was. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. One day Goldilocks walked into the forest and (1) _______ some flowers. It was very (2) ______ and soon she was lost. She looked (3) ________ her, and saw a litter house, and she walked (4) __________ it. picked around bowl dark enter knock nobody pick push towards dark around towards 5 Then she (5) ________ on the door, but there was (6) _________ in. She (7) _________ the door and (8) ________ the house. There were three (9) ______ on the table, a small one, a big one and a very big one. knocked nobody pushed entered bowls Language points 1. Once upon a time 例:我一个月去一次动物园。 once (adv.) ①“一次;一回” I go to the zoo once a month. ②“曾经;一度” 例:我曾经去过上海。 I once went to Shanghai. 2. Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold. My grandma’s hair is white. 例:我奶奶的头发是白的。 他有几根灰白色的头发 hair 作不可数名词, 意为“头发”; 作可数名词, 意为“(一根根)头发,毛发” He has a few grey hairs. 3. She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket. decide 意为“决定” decide decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 名词 decision make a decision (to do sth.) 做决定(做某事) e.g. He made a decision to be a teacher. 4. All alone in the dark, dark forest… all alone “独自一人的”,或“独自一人地”, 相当于all by oneself. dark(adj.) “黑暗的,深色的”,反义词“light” e.g. The old man wears a dark shirt. e.g. He finished the work all alone. 5. Goldilocks looked around her. look around “环顾四周,向四周看” around (prep.) “环绕着;围绕” (adv.)“大约;四周,周围” 例:她环顾四周,但什么也没看到。 She looked around her but saw nothing. sit around the table show sb. around around 3 o’clock 围着桌子坐 大约三点钟 带领某人参观 6. Then she noticed a little house. notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事 notice (vt.) “注意到” (n.)“布告;公告” 例:我注意到她正在房间里哭。 I noticed her crying in the room. notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事 7. …knocked on the door. knock (vi.) “敲门(窗)” 常与介词at/ on 连用。 例:有人在敲门。 Someone is knocking at/on the door. (n.) “敲击声” 听!有人在敲窗户。 Listen! There is a knock on the window. 8. Nobody answered, so she knocked again and again. answer (vt.) “答复;回答” 其后常接door, question, phone 等名词。 例:可以麻烦你帮我开下门吗? Could you please answer the door for me? (n.)“答案” 没有人接电话。 No one answers the phone. 9. Finally, she pushed the door. push (vt.) “推,推动” 例:请按下绿色的按钮。 Please push the green button. pull“拉” 别挤,每个人都轮得到。 Don’t push, everyone will get a turn. 反义词 10. Goldilocks entered the house and looked into… enter (vt.) “进入” 相当于come/go into,其后不加介词into。 He entered high school. entrance“入口” 吴老师拿着一本书进入了教室。 Teacher Wu entered the classroom with a book. 名词 例:他上了高中。 11. She picked up the very big bowl but … pick up “拿起;举起;捡起” 是“动词+副词”型动词短语,名词作宾语,放在 up前后均可;代词作宾语,必须放在up前。 例:你应当把书捡起来。 You should pick books up. You should pick up books. decided /t/ /d/ /ɪd/ finished knocked liked noticed picked pushed stopped answered entered hurried lived Listen and notice the different ways the speaker says the word. 6 Pronunciation and speaking Now listen again and repeat. 1 Goldilocks walked into the forest. 2 She noticed a litter house. 3 She knocked on the door. 4 She liked the food. Listen and repeat. 7 — How does the story begin? — Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. She had hair of gold… Work in pairs. Tell the story. 8 She _______(walk) in the forest and ________(pick) some flowers. Soon she _____(be) lost. She ______ (look) around her. Then she _________(notice) a little house. She ________(hurry) to the house. She _________(knock) again, and again. Finally, she _______(push) the door. She ________(enter) the house. walked picked was looked noticed hurried knocked pushed entered Have a try! She ________(look) into a small room. On a table there ________(be) three bowls. But she didn’t _______(like) the big bowl. The little bowl ______(be) just right. She _________(finish) all the food in the little bowl. looked were like was finished Many old stories begin with the phrase “once upon a time”. When you tell a story like Dong Yong’ s Wife, Chang’e Flies to the Moon, or Jingwei Decides to Fill the Sea in English, you can begin with this phrase. When you read this phrase, you will know that it begins an old story. Summary 重点单词:hair gold once upon decide notice dark around towards knock push answer enter hungry 重点短语:once upon a time go for a walk all alone pick up 重点句型:On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them. 1.He will come back ______(不久). 2.The ______(金色) watch is very beautiful. 3.He _______(决定) to leave Guangzhou yesterday. 4.The girl was _______(迷路的) last week. 5.The ______(篮子) is too old. Let’s buy a new one. soon gold decided lost 根据句意及汉语提示填空。 Exercise basket 1. She decided ______ her friend about it. A.to tell B. tell C. telling D.to telling 单项选择。 2. There was a purse on the ground, and she_______. A. pick it up B. pick up it C. picked it up D. picked up it 3. Tina ______ in the street last week. A. gets lost B. got lost C. gets lose D. is lost 4. I said it ______, but he didn’t understand (明白) me. A. again and again B. once upon C. one more D. again more 5. She was _____ in the city. A. got lose B. lost C. loses D. got lost 6. Who knocked ______ the door? A. on B. with C. in D. of

