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1 课题 Unit 4 第 5 课 时 课型 新授 编号 4-5 学科 英语 班级 七年级 领导签字 执笔人 使用人 使用时间 学习目标 1、学习谈论家规。 2、学会使用句型:“ I must…” , “ I have to…” , “ I can /can’t…” 3、能阅读有关谈论规章的文章并完成练习。 学习重 点、难点 能阅读有关谈论规章的文章并完成练习 课时安排 1 课时 自主预习 翻译 1. too many rules ___________ 2. make your bed _____________ 3. be noisy_________________ 4. read a book________________ 5. be strict with sb. __________ 6. make rules to help us_________ 7. 在周末 ________________ 8. 好运! __________________ 展示交流 Step 1 Free talk T: When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to? Step 2 Presentation (1) Learn the new words in 2b. (2) Read the letters and underline the rules for Molly. Check the answers. (3) Read the letters again and finish 2c. Check the answers. Step 3 Group work Discuss the difficulties you found in 2b. Try to understand the letters. Step 4 Consolidation Read the letters aloud. Step 5 Practice (1) Finish 3a. Check the answers. (2) Finish 1, 2 in Self Check. Check the answers. 知识探究 I have to keep my hair short. 我不得不留短发。 点拨:“keep +sb./sth.+形容词”表示“使某人或者某物保持某种状 态”。此句式中的 keep 是动词,意为“保留,保存,保持”。 例如:Too much work keeps me busy and tired.太多的工作让我忙碌 而且疲惫。拓展:keep 的其他用法 1)“keep+形容词”,意为“保持某种状态”。例如:Keep quiet, please! 请保持安静! 2)“keep sb. doing sth.”表示“让某人继续/不断地做某事”。例如: He kept me waiting for an hour.他让我等了一个小时。 巩固提升 ( )1. —Can we speak Chinese? — _______. A. Yes, you can B. OK, you speak C. No, you don’t ( )2. — _________. Your father is sleeping in the room. 2 — Oh, sorry. A. Not talk B. Not talking C. No talking ( ) 3. Don’t eat ________class. A. at B. in C. to 4.Our School Rules! 1. We have kind hands and feet and don’t fight with others. 2. We welcome all visitors. 3. We look after each other. 4. We do the very best we can. 你还能加上几条? __________________________________________________

