八年级下英语课件《Could you please clean your room》 (9)_人教新课标

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八年级下英语课件《Could you please clean your room》 (9)_人教新课标

UNIT 3 Could you please clean your room ? 导课练习:请观察一下句子,分析情态动词的意义 1.Can I use your pen?----Yes , you can./No, you can’t . 2.May I come in , please ? ----Yes , you can./No, you can’t . 3.Could I go out for dinner with my friends ?---Yes , you can./No , you can’t. 情态动词:Can, May , Could 的用法 1.共同点:三者均可表示请求,允许。意思 为:”………………可以吗?” 2.不同点: CAN表示请求或允许,多用于口语中, 意为“可以、能”等。 如:Can I help you ? May表示“许可、准许、请求许可”, 此时与 can 同义,可以互换使用 如:May I use your ruler ? Sure ,/Certianly . /Yes , please. No, you mustn’t /No , you can’t . 注意:否定回答不能说成No, you may not . 本单元里,Could 的具体用法 Could用于有礼貌地提出要求或请求准许, 用于疑问句,代替Can.在时间上与can没 区别,但语气要比can委婉,有礼貌。回 答时候要用can , 不能用could .除此之外, 肯定回答还可以用Sure /Certianly/Yes , sure ./No problem ./With pleasure .等。否 定回答还可以用I’m afraid not . . 例句 • 如:1.Could you please lend me your pen ? • -----Yes , here you are ./No, you can’t . • 2.Could I use your phone ? • ------No problem ./ Oh, I ‘m afraid not Could 的其他几种用法: 1.Could 作为can的过去式,表示过去的能力。 2.表示惊讶,怀疑,不相信等态度,主要用 于否定句或者疑问句,此时could 与can无时 间上的区别,但语气比can缓和,情绪要弱。 3.表示可能性,只对将来,现在后者过去某 种可能的推测 4,用于虚拟语气。 Section A 1a Can you help mom do the chores? 1.Do the dishes Sweep the floor Take out the rubbish Make the bed Fold the clothes Clean the living room Work on 与work out • Work on正在使用…从事于… • I’m going to work on it now . • Work out 算出,制定出 • He work on the maths problem last night,but didn’t work it out. A few A few “ 少数;几个”, 修饰可数名词复 数,表肯定 “,”, He left his house a few minutes ago . 她几分钟前离开了家。 Few “几乎没有的, 很少的”修饰可 数名词复数,表 否定 There are few people in the room . 房间里几乎没有人。 A little “一点;少许”, 修饰不可数名词, 表肯定 Could you give me a little milk ? 给我一点牛奶好吗? little “几乎没有的, 很少的”,修饰 不可数名词,表 否定 There was little rain all winter . 整个冬天几乎没下雨 finish • Finish doing sth . 做完某事 • Do you finish washing your clothes ? • Pretty • pretty英 ['prɪtɪ] 美 [prɪti] • adj. 漂亮的;机灵的,聪明的 • adv. 相当,颇 • n. 漂亮的人(或东西) • 1.She must be a pretty girl . • 2.This house is pretty tidy ! • 3.Look at the pretty ! 3b Read the sentences.Underlinethe sentences from the reading the the same thing. 1 Neither of us did any housework for a week. =For one week,she didn’t do any housework and neither did I. 2 My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV. =The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over. 3 You ‘re tired ,but I’m tired ,too. = I’m just as tired as you are. tired 疲惫的,劳累的 We are very tired now tiring adj. 累人的;令人疲倦的;麻烦的,无聊的; 引起疲劳的 This plan is very tiring . excited 激动的,兴奋的 I feel very excited when I hear the exciting news . exciting 令人激动的,令人兴奋的 It is an exciting day . interested 感兴趣的, She is very interested in the interesting new . interesting 令人感兴趣的 The old city is rather interesting ! In front of :在。。。 的前面“, 是指在一定 范围之外 Mary is in front of the car . 玛丽在下车的前 面 In the front of “在。。。 的前部”, 是指在一定 范围内的前 部分 Cathy is in the front of the car 凯西在小车的前 部 3. For one week ,I didn’t do any housework and neither did I. neither did I 倒装句。例如 He doesn’t like the book , neither do I. neither does Mary. neither do we. neither do they. Li Lei can’t dance , neither can I. neither can Mary. neither can we. Neither of …是both of … 的否定句 Both of my parents are teathers .(否定句) Neither of my parents is a teacher . 比较下列词组 1. To one’s surprise让某人惊讶的是 To Mr Li’s surprise,his students found the key on time. 2. Be surprised 感到惊讶 I was surprised when I heard the surprising news. 3.In surprise 惊讶地 He looked at me in surprise. 单项选择。 1. -- Could you please take care of my dog? -- ______. I’m too busy. A. Yes, you can B. Sure C. Sorry, I can’t C 2. -- Could you please ____ his bed? -- Certainly! A. makes B. making C. make 3. -- Could I use your car? -- ______. A. Sure, you can B. Sorry, you can C. Sure, I can C A Q1: Do you help your parents do the chores at home? Q2: Do you ask your parents’ permission for? Q3: Do your parents ask you to do some things for them? What do your parents ask you to do? study hard do chores go to the store /supermarket to buy things for them What do you ask your parents’ permission for? buy drinks and snacks invite friends to a party n.点心; 小吃; 快餐 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bed teenagers teenagers teenagers parents teenagers parents parents teenagers 1a What do teenagers ask their parents’ permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can. Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations. 1b Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: No, you can’t have a party. You have a test on Monday. clean your room take out the rubbish make your bed buy some drinks and snacks borrow some money Parent: Could you please…? Child: Yes, sure. / Sorry, I can’t. I have to ... invite my friends to a party go to the store use your CD player 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bed Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check ( ) the things in 1a that you hear. 1c Listen again. Fill in the chart.1d What are they going to do? Sandy’s mom Sandy invite her friends Sandy and Dave buy some drinks and snacks move the big chairs to the bedroom clean the living room borrow some money clean her room use her mom’s CD player You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things: 1e go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish A: Could you please do the dishes? B: Yes, sure./No, I can’t. I have to do… Discuss the questions with your partner. 1. What do you often do to help your parents at home? 2. Do you think kids should help out with chores at home? 2a The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should do chores at home. Skim the following letters. Which one agrees and which one disagrees? 2b Answer the questions. 1. What is Ms. Miller’s opinion? She thinks doing chores is parents’ job. He thinks it’s important for children to do chores and help their parents with housework. 2. What is Mr. Smith’s opinion? According to Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith, what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores? Pros Cons Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence. Housework is a waste of children’s time. Parents should provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. Doing chores helps children understand the idea of fairness. 2c I. 完成句子,每空词数不限。 1. Ms. Miller thinks children should spend their time on schoolwork in order to ________________________ ____________________. 2. Mr. Smith thinks these days children depend on _______________________. Read the letters again and finish the following tasks. get good grades and get into a good university their parents too much II. 判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )3. Ms. Miller thinks doing chores is not difficult. ( )4. Mr. Smith’s neighbors’ son looked after himself well during his first year in the college. T F 2d Write one sentence with each phrase from the letters. 1. a waste of time It’s a waste of time to water the garden when it is raining. 2. there is no need for… to There is no need for you to go to the town. 3. do not mind I do not mind sweeping the floor. 4. spend time on I spent half of an hour on my homework. 5. in order to He worked very hard in order to get the job. 6. it is not enough to It is not enough to clean up the parks. 7. the earlier…the better The earlier you give up smoking, the better it is for your health. 1. Which letter do you agree with? Why? 2. What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you don’t agree with? 2e Do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not?Discuss this with a partner and take notes.3a children should do chores because…… children should do not chores because…… Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion. Dear Sir or Madam, I think/believe that I agree/disagree that I think it is fair/unfair for children to I think children should/should not Because For example, they should/should not Because Yours truly 3b Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.3b Dear Sir or Madam, I believe that children should do some chores at home. I disagree that children’s only job is to study hard and do well at school. Of course it is important for children to study hard. However,I think it is unfair for children to expect their parents to work hard outside and do all the housework,too. I think children should at least do some simple chores to help their busy parents. For example,they should make their own beds and clean their own rooms because they are the ones who use these. They may not have time to help with the other parts of the house, but they should try to be responsible for their own areas. This will help them to grow up to be independent and responsible adults. Yours truly, Chen Hui 尽责的;承担责任; 负有责任的;懂道 理的 1. do 2. clean 3. make 4. fold 5. sweep 6. take out Self check 1 Make a list of chores using these verbs do some dishes clean the living room make the bed fold the clothes sweep the floor take out the rubbish Self check 2 Are these polite requests or permissions? Write the numbers in the correct places in the chart. 1. Could you please do your homework? 2. Could I watch TV? 3. Could you take out the rubbish first? 4. Could I use your computer? 5. Could I leave now? 6. Could you come back before nine? Requests permissions 1,3,6 2,4,5 A: Could I watch TV after dinner?I want to watch my favorite program. B: Well,have you finished your homework? A: Ah…no,I’ll do it after watching the program. B: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Could you do your homework first? A: Ok. But I’ll miss the first part of the program. Self check 3 Use the questions in activity 2 to write a conversation. 1. It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. 此处代词it仅为形式上的主语, 真正的 主语是to provide … for their children。 我们也可将It is one’s job (duty, …) to do something.视为一个固定的句型, 表 示“做某事是某人的工作(职责等)”。 如: The movie theater provides us with good service.剧院提供给我们良好的服务。 His school provided a house for him. 学校提供给他一间房子。 provide sb with sth provide sth for sb 2. And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. 反正我觉得干点家务也不难。 anyway是一个副词, 若位于句首, 其 后往往会有逗号将其与句子的其他内 容隔开。anyway在此句中的作用是 追加评论, 相当于汉语的“反正; 仍 然; 依然”。如: Sam didn’t get the job, but he’s not unhappy because it didn’t pay well anyway. 萨姆没有得到那份工作, 但他并没有闷闷不 乐, 反正薪酬也不算高。 anyway还可用来表示“不管怎样; 无论如 何”之意。例如: It’s just a cold. But anyway, you should still see the doctor. 这只不过是感冒, 但不管怎样, 你还是应该 看看医生。 3. ill & sick ◆相同点 ill 与sick 都可以表示“生病的”,都可 作表语。如: Alice was ill / sick yesterday. ◆不同点 表示“生病”时,sick 可作定语,但ill 通常不作定语。如: Could you help the sick girl? 【运用】根据句意,用ill或sick填空。 (1) The driver sent the _____ baby to the hospital. (2) My brother is ________. I have to look after him at home. ill / sick sick 4. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 孩子们越早学会独立, 对他们的未来 就越好。 “the+比较级+……, the+比较级+……” 是英语中一个常用的句型结构, 表示 “越……, 就越……”。如: The more he explained, the better we understood. 他解释得越多, 我们就理解得越透彻。 Many people believe that the more a person reads, the wiser he will become. 很多人相信一个人书读得越多就会变 得越聪明。 I. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句 中所缺单词。 1. He was i___ but nobody took him to the hospital. 2. If you don’t study hard, your grades will d______. 3. I like Old Henry because he often p_______ us with hot water. ill drop provides 4. We can d______ on him for help. 5. Mother thinks playing computer games is a w______ of time. II. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当 形式填空。 1. He _________(develop) a farm from nothing. 2. In fact, young people have too much ______ (stress) today. waste depend developed stress 3. He didn’t mind ________(help) me with my English. 4. Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are both my _________ (neighbor). 5. Why did the man make the little boy ________(carry) water?carry helping neighbors

