沪教牛津版五年级上英语Unit 6 Family life课件

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沪教牛津版五年级上英语Unit 6 Family life课件

Unit 6 Family life 沪教牛津 · 五年级上册 Lead-in What can you do? I can sing. I can play the guitar. Look! What are they doing? They are reading. They are reading books in the living room. They are watching TV. They are watching TV in the living room. She is sleeping. She is sleeping in the bedroom. New words living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 浴室;卫生间 their 他们的;她们的;它们的 light 灯;光 watch 观看;观察 TV 电视;电视机 before 在 …… 以前 Listen and say Kitty, where are you? I’m in the living room. I’m doing my homework. Ben, where are you? I’m in my bedroom, Dad. I’m making a model plane. Where are you, May? Are you in the kitchen? No. I’m in the bathroom. I’m washing my hair. Dad, where are you? I’m in the kitchen. I’m cooking dinner. Come and help me, please. Where are the Lis? What are they doing? Write and say. Mr Li Mrs Li Kitty Ben living room kitchen bathroom bedroom Mr Li is in the kitchen. He’s cooking dinner. Mr Li is in the kitchen. He’s... Mrs Li is in the bathroom. She’s washing her hair. Ben is in his bedroom. He’s making a model plane. Kitty is in the living room. She’s doing her homework. Language points 1. I’m doing my homework. 我正在做家庭作业。 这是一个现在进行时态的句子。现在进行时态表示 当前正在进行的动作 。其基本结构是 “ be 动词 (am/ is/ are) + v.-ing (现在分词)” 。 例句: I ’m watching TV now. 我现在正在看电视。 2. —Kitty, where are you? 凯蒂,你在哪里? —I’m in the living room. 我在客厅。 “ where are you? ”是一个由 where 引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问 人或物品的具体位置 ,其结构是 “ Where is/are + 人 / 物?” ,它的回答是 “人 / 物 + is /are + 介词短语 . ” 例句: —Where is your mother? 你的妈妈在哪里? —She is in the kitchen. 她在厨房里。 Look and learn bathroom bedroom kitchen living room 浴室;卫生间 卧室 厨房 客厅 Say and act 晚上好。现在是“地球一小时”。许多人关掉了他们的灯。 Good evening. It’s Earth Hour now. Many people turn off their lights. Alice: Hi, I’m Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now we’re looking at the stars. 艾丽斯:嗨, 我是艾丽斯。我通常在晚上和我的父母 看电视,但是现在我们正在看星星。 Kitty: Hello, my name’s Kitty. My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story. 凯蒂:你好,我的名字叫凯蒂。我和我哥哥本通常在睡 前读故事书,但是现在祖母正在给我们讲故事。 Sally: Hi, I’m Sally. I usually do my homework at night, but now I’m playing word games with my family. 萨莉:嗨,我是萨莉。我通常在晚上做家庭作业,但 是现在我正在和我的家人玩文字游戏。 Complete the reporter’s notes. It is Earth Hour now. Alice is not _________ TV with her parents. She is __________at the stars with them. Kitty and her brother are not ________ storybooks. Their grandma is ________them a story. Sally usually _______ her homework at night. Now she is ________word games with her family. watching looking reading telling does playing Language points 3. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening. 我通常在晚上和我的父母看电视。 watch TV 的意思是 “看电视” 。 watch 是及物动词,意为“观看;注视”,常指看 电视、看比赛 等。 例句: They are watching a football match. 他们正在观看一场足球赛。 拓展: look 和 see (1)look 为不及物动词,强调 “看”的动作 。当 look 后接宾语时,要与介词 at 连用,即 look at ;当 look 单独使用时,用于引起对方的注意。 (2)see 为及物动词,意为“看见”, 强调看的结果 。 例句: ________my living room, it is big and clean. 看我的客厅,它既大又干净。 ________ ! That’s my bedroom. 看!那是我的卧室。 I _______ many nice food. 我看见了许多美味的食物。 Look at Look see Play a game play word games watch TV cook dinner wash hands cook dinner Where are you? I’m in my bedroom. I’m cooking dinner. Ha! Ha! watch TV Play games. Where are you? I’m in the kitchen. I’m watching TV. Ha! Ha! wash hands Where are you? I’m in the living room. I’m washing hands. Ha! Ha! play word games Where are you? I’m in the bathroom. I’m playing word games. Ha! Ha! Think and write Mrs Brown Mr Brown Peter Sally Paul Mrs Brown is ______________ in the ___________. Mr Brown________________________________. Peter____________________________________. Paul_____________________________________. Sally_____________________________________. reading a book living room is washing the dishes in the kitchen is drawing pictures in the living room is playing with his toys in his bedroom is doing her homework in her bedroom. Sing a song London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady. London Bridge is falling down Learn the sounds Br ian likes ice cr eam. He likes br ead too. He puts some ice cr eam On the br ead, And eats the ice cr eam With the br ead. br br ead ice cr eam cr 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

