译林版七年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 3 Study skills

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译林版七年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 3 Study skills

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town! Study skills A: Hi, Grant. What’s up? B: Hi, Eve. Can I ask you a question? A: Sure. What is it? B: You like kung fu movies, right? A: I love kung fu movies, and I like Black Eye Li. He’s an Asian movie star. B: I saw one of his movies. It was really good. A: Black Eye Li is so cool. Stress in sentences What should we stress? How do we stress them? Why do we stress them? When we speak English, we often stress important words. These words are usually the content words. is a He doctor. Content words include: Nouns Verbs (except “to be” and affirmative helping verbs) Adjectives and adverbs Some prepositions (especially negative ones such as “without”) We do not usually stress less important words. These words are usually the structure words. is a .He doctor Structure words include: Articles Most prepositions Most pronouns (especially object pronouns such as “him”, “her” and “It”) Conjunctions I’ll be driving to the market to buy something to eat. My aunt is a teacher in a middle school. Mr Lin is going to visit the USA next month. I’ll be driving to the market to buy something to eat. When we read the stressed words, the tone should go up. Practice One I’m working at the store. I’m selling women’s shoes. I started working there last week. Practice Two Millie: Where are you going, Daniel? Daniel: I’m going to the bookshop. Millie: What are you going to buy? Daniel: My pen is broken. I want to buy a new one. Millie: I need some exercise books. Can I go with you? Daniel: Sure. We can stress some of the words to express the special meanings. different stress different meaning Mr Li owns a four-bedroom flat. (It is Mr Li that owns a four-bedroom flat.) Mr Li owns a four-bedroom flat. (He does not rent the flat from others.) Mr Li owns a four-bedroom flat. (It is a four-bedroom flat, not another kind of flat.) Mr Li owns a four-bedroom flat. (It is a flat, not a house.) Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. I want to buy a CD at the bookshop. a. I am talking about what I want to do, not what I do not want to do. Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. I want to buy a CD at the bookshop. b. I am talking about a bookshop, not another kind of shop. Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. I want to buy a CD at the bookshop. c. I am talking about a CD, not something else. Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sunday morning. Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. a. I am talking about watching TV, not another activity. Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sunday morning. Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. b. I am talking about Daniel, not another student in the class. Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sunday morning. Stress different words according to the meanings you want to express. c. I am talking about Sunday morning, not another morning. Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read the sentences on page 39. 2.Write some sentences and practise stressing some words.

