人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 6

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人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 6

Unit Six Shopping umbrella scarf 返回首页 sunglasses Le t’s le arn The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Can I help you? gloves Sure. 返回首页 看图说单词! 词汇练习 返回首页 umbrellascarf sunglasses gloves 返回首页 Compl ete and say It’s hot, so I put on my T-shirt. A:Can I help you? B:Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6, please. A:Of course. Here you are. C:John, are they OK? B:No. They’re too small. C:Hmm. OK. Let’s try size 7. B:They’re just right! C:Good! 返回首页 Le t’s ta lk 词汇学习 try on 买衣服或鞋子时,我 们通常先试穿一下,然后决定要不 要买。那么怎样表达试穿呢?我们 要用到“try on”: Can I try it/them/服饰类单 词+on?(我能试穿它/它们 /……吗?) 例如:The dress is very pretty. Can I try it on? 返回首页 too too除了以前学 过表示“也”以外,常见的意思还 有“太,过于”,放在形容词和副 词前面。 例如:It’s too hot. So I put on my T- shirt. They’re too small. Let’s try size 7. 返回首页 有用的Can I help you? 在购物或餐饮场所,我们总能听到服务员礼貌地 说“Can I help you?”这句话作为日常用语,意思 是“我可以帮你吗?”“我能为你做什么?”,实际 意 义要根据场合而定。 例如: —Can I help you?你想买点什么? —Yes. I want some oranges.是的。我想买些橘子。 —Can I help you?你想吃点什么? —Yes. I want some chicken.是的。我想吃鸡肉。 返回首页 句型学习 大显身手 返回首页 选词填空。 1.This skirt is big. 2.These are nice. 3.The gloves are nice. Can I try them ? to too is are onin too are on OK. Here you are. Can I help you? 返回首页 Le t’s pl a y Yes. Can I try these on? Oh, they’re too big! computer dinner girl wall homework nurse card little people world 返回首页 Le t’s sp l work sir turn circle park mall Two little birds are sitting on a wall. One is big and the other is small. A cute little girl is playing with a ball. Be careful, little girl! Don’t knock them off the wall! nice cheappretty 返回首页 Le t’s le arn expensive Look at that dress. It’s pretty. Yes, it is. ¥ 20 ¥ 150 ¥ 15 ¥ 450 返回首页 返回首页 Let’ s pla y A:Sarah, how do you like this skirt? B:It’s very pretty. C:Can I help you? A:Yes. How much is this skirt? C:It’s $89. A:Oh, that’s expensive! B:I like it, Mum. A:Sorry, Sarah. It’s too expensive. 返回首页 Le ’s ta lk 询问价格 在本单元我们学习到了“how much”,在这里,它的 意思是“多少钱”,用来询问物品的价格。 返回首页 句型学习 物品是单数或 不可数名词 How much is+物品? It’s+数字+货 币单位. 问 答 物品是复数名 词 How much are+物品? They’re+数字 +货币单位. 问 答 返回首页 That scarf is pretty. How much is it? It’s 10 yuan. I’ll take it! It will be cold soon. You have 50 yuan. Choose three things. Le t’ s ac t 句型练习 看图说话。 —How much… —It’s/They’re… 返回首页 ¥ 120 ¥ 30 ¥ 50 ¥ 10 ¥ 15 返回首页 Rea d and wri te Today all sunglasses and gloves are five yuan! They are very cheap. We have many nice scarves, too—red, yellow, brown and more! Umbrellas are cheap, too. We have many pretty colours for you. Come and see us today! How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggity tail. With his tail so short and his ears so long, I do hope that doggie’s for sale. 返回首页 Le t’s sin g How much is that doggie in the window? 大显身手 服装秀要开始了。 我们来看看爸爸和 孩子们所穿的着装! 返回首页 返回首页 Can I help you? Yes. The dress is nice. Can I try it on? Of course. Here you are. How much is it? It’s 80 yuan. OK. I’ll take it. lYes. The dress is nice. l Can I try it on? lOf course. Here you l are. lIt’s 80 yuan. lHow much is it? lOK. I’ll take it. lCan I help you? 以下是两个人的对话,请你将打乱顺序的对话重新排列!

