外研版七年级下册英语课后作业课件Module3-Unit 2

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外研版七年级下册英语课后作业课件Module3-Unit 2

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Please wait for me. I have______ to tell you. A. other something B. something other C. else something D. something else ( )2. —Why is she going to England? —______she wants to see Big Ben herself. A. Because B. But C. Then D. And A D ( )3. Do you want to make______? A. friend B. a friend C. friends D. friendly ( )4. —______on Sunday? —She's going to wash her clothes. A. When is she going to wash her clothes B. What does she do C. What's she going to do D. Where is she going to do ( )5. There is going to______a basketball match. A. is B. have C. be D. has C C C 二、翻译句子 6. 这个周末我想去观光。 ___________________________________________ 7. 你想和我们去散步吗? ___________________________________________ I want to go sightseeing this weekend. Would you like to go for a walk with us? 8. 大家都喜欢和她交朋友。 ___________________________________________ 9. 我总是在学校里过得很愉快。 ___________________________________________ 10. 他一直期待着见到那个明星。 ___________________________________________ Everyone likes to make friends with her. I always enjoy myself at school. He is looking forward to meeting that star. 三、语法选择   I like weekends, because I can do what I like.  11  Sunday morning, I am going to  12  late. After breakfast, I'm going to have a rest and begin  13  my homework at about 9: 30. My mother  14  me to clean my room  15  it's too dirty. Oh, how I hate(讨厌) doing housework! At 11:30 I'm going to my grandma's home with my parents. We are going to have lunch there.  16  the afternoon, I am going to play computer games and surf the Internet. I enjoy  17  the Internet because I can make net  18 . In the evening, I must study. My father is going to help me  19  my English. After that, I am going to take a shower(淋浴) and then go to bed, I don't want to watch TV, but my mother   20  it. This is my weekend, what about yours? ( )11. A. On B. In B. At B. After ( )12. A. go up B. get up B. go to bed B. have lessons ( )13. A. do B. to doing B. to do B. did ( )14. A. want B. to want B. wanting B. wants ( )15. A. because B. when B. after B. so ( )16. A. At B. In B. On B. Between ( )17. A. use B. to use B. using B. to used ( )18. A. friend B. friends B. many friends B. a lot of friends ( )19. A. does B. to doing B. doing B. with ( )20. A. likes watch B. likes to watching C. like watching D. likes watching A C A C B B B D D D 四、完形填空 Dear Maria, How are you in the UK?Do you want to know my 21  for the winter holiday?I usually 22  my winter holiday in Xi'an, 23  this year I'm going to visit my aunt in Shanghai.She's my father's sister and  24  has got a daughter called Sun Han.Her English is not 25 .My aunt wants me to   26  her English.I think that's great.There are a few nice  27  to go in Shanghai, 28  Shanghai Library and Fudan University.I'm going to stay in Shanghai  29  two weeks.I'm sure I will have a  30  time. Mo Hawen ( )21. A. answers B. questions C. study D. plans ( )22. A. choose B. take C. spend D. share ( )23. A. or B. but C. still D. because ( )24. A. we B. he C. she D. they ( )25. A. good B. bad C. fit D. tidy ( )26. A. play with B. come out C. help with D. go out ( )27. A. places B. libraries C. universities D. bridges ( )28. A. as well as B. such as C. on sale D. over there ( )29. A. for B. with C. in D. by ( )30. A. dull B. free C. great D. busy B A A B C C C D A C 五、阅读理解(B篇) May is six years old. She has a brother, Andrew. Andrew is sick(生病的).An operation(手术) can save him. But May's parents don't have much money. It is a morning. May hears her parents talking about her brother. Her father says only a miracle (奇迹) can save him. May takes out all her money and runs to a shop. “What do you want? ” asks the shop owner. “I want to buy a miracle.” May answers.“My brother is sick and only a miracle can save him. So how much is a miracle? ” Another man in the shop asks May, “What kind of miracle do you want? ” “I don't know. ” “How much do you have? ” the man asks. “One dollar.” May answers. “That's enough,” says the man. That man is a good doctor. At last, Andrew has an operation. And three months later, Andrew is well. ( )31. How many people are there in May's family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. ( )32. May goes to the shop to_____. A. buy some food B. buy a miracle C. help the shop owner D. talk with the shop owner ( )33. May is a_____girl. A. shy B. smart C. kind D. funny C B B ( )34. Which of the following is TRUE? A. A man saves Andrew. B. May's parents don't have jobs. C. May's parents find a good doctor. D. The shop owner gives money to May. ( )35. What's the best title (标题)? A. A good doctor B. A happy family C. A busy morning D. A one-dollar miracle A D 六、短文填空   My uncle is going to have a holiday next week. He is going to England 36. _____ plane. He is going to 37. ____________. First, he is going to travel by bus and stay in 38. _____ hotel.Then he is going to visit London. London is a beautiful 39. _____. There 40. _____ lots of parks and gardens. He is going to visit the big parks. After that, he is going to the threatre 41. _____ the cinema. My uncle loves English culture. He is going to visit the British Museum. 42. _____ can tell you a lot of interesting stories. Finally, he is going to 43. _____ many places by gosightseeing a city are and It visit of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on. He loves holidays. He always44. _____ me a present when he is on holiday. I'm looking forward 45. _____that. buys to

