外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles-Unit 1

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外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles-Unit 1

Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos! list n. 名单; 清单 crazy adj. 发疯的,荒唐的 shorts n. 短裤 trousers n. 裤子 sunglasses n. 太阳镜,墨镜 weigh v. 重 量有……, 重…… total adj. 总的, 全部的 weight n. 重量 passport n. 护照 Do you like travelling? What will you take for a trip? Do you want to have a trip in America? What must you take if you go to another country? 1 Where Daming and Linging are going: _______________________ 2 What they are going to do: _________________________________ 3 How long they will stay: ____________________________ 4 How many students there are in the group: _________________________ They are going to LA. They are going to do an English course. They’ll stay for about four weeks. They are going in a group of 20. 1. Where is Linging going? Los Angeles. 2. Are many things more expensive in America? Yes, they are. 1 dollars 4 T-shirts 7 passport 2 shorts 5 pens 8 sunglasses 3 Jeans 6 a dictionary 9 notebooks √ √ √ √ √ √ 1 Lingling wants help. Can you help me? 2 Betty is glad to offer help. How can I help? 3 Lingling asks for more help. What else? 4 Betty tells Lingling to remember something important. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your passport. Read the dialogue and find sentences in the conversation which suggest that ... 1. Lingling is leaving at the end of June. ( ) 2. Lingling is going to stay in China. ( ) 3. Betty’s going to stay in LA for four weeks. ( ) 4. It’s sunny and hot in LA in July. ( ) 5. Betty wants Lingling to write to her and send her some photos. ( ) F F F T T Read Part 2 and mark T (True) or F (false). • Can you help me? • How can I help? • Well, it sounds crazy, but… • By the way, ... 1. I’m making a list of things for my trip. make a list “列清单”。 make a list of … “列…的清单”。 e.g. I usually make a list of things before going shopping. 2. I’m leaving at the end of July. at the end of … “在…的结尾,在…的末 端”。 e.g. The hospital is at the end of the street. 3. Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers. shorts“短裤”,用复数。trousers “裤 子”,用复数。另外,sunglasses表示 “太阳镜”,用复数。在表示“一副、 一条”时,用a pair of。 4. If you’ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK. pay for “支付…的费用, 为……付款”。 e.g. My father paid for my driving lessons. 我爸爸支付了我学车的费用。 homestay 指吃住在当地人家里,实际体 验当地人的生活。 5. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your passport. by the way “顺便说一下”,用于转入与刚 才说的主题无关的事。 e.g. By the way, why not drop in for a drink? 顺便问一句,今晚来我家喝一杯怎么样? don’t forget to do sth. “不要忘记做某事”。 等于remember to do sth. e.g. Don’t forget to take your homework when you go to school tomorrow. When you are planning a trip, make a (1) ____ of things to take. Do not go (2) ______ and take too many clothes. For warm countries you can keep cool with (3) ______ and some light(4) _______. crazy list passport shorts total trousers weigh weight crazylist shorts trousers If you travel by plane, your bag cannot (5) _____ too much. For some flights, twenty kilos may be the (6) _____ you can take. To make sure, ask the travel company for help. Remember to check the (7) ______ of your bag. And finally, the most important thing: do not forget to take your (8) ________! total passport crazy list passport shorts total trousers weigh weight weigh weight 1. What clothes should I take to LA? 2. I haven’t got any sunglasses. I’ll buy a pair there. 3. Many things are more expensive in American. 1. What clothes should I take to LA? 2. I haven’t got any sunglasses. I’ll buy a pair there. 3. Many things are more expensive in American. Lingling likes to get things ready earlier. … A: How are you going to travel to LA? B: … A: Where are you going to stay? B: … 并列复合句 1. 并列复合句的定义:由并列连词and, but, or等把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一 起而构成的句子。 例如: Jane has kept the book for three days and she must return it tomorrow. The boy fell off the bike, but he didn’t hurt. 2. 并列复合句的构成: 并列复合句的基本结构是: 简单句+并列连词+简单句 例如: I help him and he helps me. You must put on your coat, or you’ll have a bad cold in such a cold day. 1. The term will end ____ the end of December. A. at B. in C. to D. of 2. My parents gave me _______ as a gift. A. sunglass B. sunglasses C. a pair of sunglasses D. two pair of sunglass A C 3. I went home after I ______ the service in the hotel. A. pay for B. pay off C. paid for D. paid off 4. - _______, where can I find the hospital? -Oh, go straight ahead. A. By the way B. In the way C. On the way A C 1. I thought the actor was famous, ______ none of my friends has ever heard of him. 【2013江苏盐城】 A. and B. or C. so D. but 2. We’re going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Linda’s card. You can come with us _____ you can meet us there later. 【 2013江苏苏州】 A. or B. but C. and D. then D A 3. The shops were closed _______ I didn’t get any milk. 【2013浙江嘉兴】 A. so B. as C. or D. but 4. –Hurry up, _____ you will be late for school. – OK. I’m coming. 【2013浙江台州】 A. and B. but C. or D. so A C 仿照课文对话部分,编写一个去新疆 旅行的对话。

