八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (12)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (12)_人教新课标

Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Review Sure , I’d love to. On Saturday, October 21st, it’s my birthday. Sorry , I can’t. Unit 5 课程 又一的;再一的 音乐会 (who的宾格)谁;什么人 lesson another concert whom 日历;日程表 明天 后天 calendar tomorrow the day after tomorrow 周一至周五的任一天 邀请;邀请书 训练 weekday invitation training 化学 美国的 课题;作业;项目 比赛 chemistry American project match 整个的;完整的 从一边至另一边 顺便来访 空闲的 whole over come over free 直到……之时 till 特德(男名) 凯(女名) 利萨 伊丽莎 文斯 Ted Kay Lisa Eliza Vince Unit 5 课程 又一的;再一的 音乐会 (who的宾格)谁;什么人 日历;日程表 明天 后天 周一至周五的任一天 邀请;邀请书 训练 化学 美国的 课题;作业;项目 比赛 整个的;完整的 从一边至另一边 顺便来访 空闲的 直到……之时 特德(男名) 凯(女名) 利萨 伊丽莎 文斯 lesson another concert whom calendar tomorrow the day after tomorrow weekday invitation training chemistry American project match whole over come over free till Ted Kay Lisa Eliza Vince 补全对话 A: Hey, Dave, ______ you go to the movies on Saturday? B: I’m _____ I can’t. I have too _____ homework this weekend. A: That’s too _____. Maybe ________ time. B: Sure, Joe. Thanks ______ asking. Can sorry much bad another for Hi Henry, Thank you _____ your invitation. I’m sorry I _____ visit you this week. I _____ really busy. This evening I’m ______ to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I _____ to go to the dentist. (Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have tennis ________ with the school team. And I have to ______ for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies ______ some friends. _____ you come to the movies with us on Friday? Write soon. Sonia for can’t am going have training study with Can 1.有钢琴课 2.举办生日聚会/在聚会上 3.去看病 4.去看牙医 5去上我的吉他课 6太多的孩子/树 7太多的牛奶 8太冷 9.和校队进行网球训练 10.下个假期看望我 11.保持安静 (2种) 12. 完成地理作业 / 看完这本杂志 13.来我家 have a piano lesson have a birthday party/ at the party go to the doctor go to the dentist go to my guitar lesson too many children / kids too many trees too much milk (much) too cold have tennis training with the school team visit/see me next vacation keep quiet / be quiet finish the geography project finish reading the magazine come over to my house 14.讨论科学报告 15.在平日 16.练习弹钢琴 17.所有的水 18.一整天 (2种) 19.整个城市 20.整整5天 21.全班同学 (2种) 22.所有工人 23.给我看另一件上衣 24.真的很忙 /度过繁忙的一周 /忙于购物 /忙着写作业 discuss the science report on weekdays practice playing the piano all the water all day // the whole day the whole city five whole days all the class // the whole class all the workers show me another coat be really busy have a busy week be busy going shopping be busy with one’s homework be busy doing one’s homework 根据句意写出单词 1.Today is Wednesday,      is Thursday. 2.There is a football     at 5:00 pm on TV. 3.Would you like to go to a     with me tonight? 4.     is my favorite subject. 5.I go to work on    , but I am free on weekends. 填词组 1.Can you my house Wednesday evening to discuss the report? 2.Please ! I’m trying to study. 3.I can’t join you because I help my mom on weekdays. 4. for the invitation. 5.I am busy. I have to my chemistry test on Thursday. 6. , but I have to finish my homework first. tomorrow match concert Chemistry weekdays come over to keep quiet have to Thank you study for I’d love to Exercises 译句子 1.你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(2种) 2.当然,愿意来。 3./报歉,不能。我要去听音乐会。 4.今天是什么日子? 3号,周三。 今天星期几? 今天几号? 5.它是在什么时候? 10月1号周六,4点40分。 6.为什么不去看篮球赛? 译句子 Can you come to my birthday party? /Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure, I’d love to. I’m sorry I can’t. I’m going to the concert. What’s today? It’s Wednesday the third. What day is (it) today? What’s the date today? When is it? It’s on Saturday, October 1st at four-forty. Why not go to the basketball match/ game? 7.不,他不能。 他不得不为化学考试而学习。 8.这周末我有太多的作业要做。 9.太糟了,也许下次吧。 10.当然,谢谢邀请。 11.它是生日聚会。 12.来加入我们吧。 13.非常感谢你的邀请。 14.赶快给我写信。 15.直到晚上10点我都有空。 No, he can’t . He has to study for the chemistry test. I have too much homework to do this weekend. That’s too bad. Maybe another time. Sure. Thanks for asking. It’s a birthday party. Come and join us! Thanks a lot for your invitation. Write to me soon. I’m free till 10:00 pm. For whom: Lisa. Time: Friday, June 30, at four-thirty Place: Lisa’s house, 15th Street Come and have fun! It’s a Birthday Party! An invitation 六月三十号四点半莉萨要在位于15大街的家中举办生 日聚会,替她写一邀请函。 原因 为谁 时间 地点 结束语 According to the invitation. Then fill in the blanks in the conversation. Lisa: Hi, Simon, ______you come to my ________? Simon: _______ is it? Lisa: It’s ___ Friday, June 30th ____ four- thirty. Simon: Great! I’d love to. Can at party When on 用适当的句子完成对话 A. Excuse me, sir. B. I hope they will C. What should we bring? D. Sure. Let’s go. E. That sounds like a good idea. Jack: We are invited to our teacher’s house for dinner tomorrow.     Lucy: It’s not necessary to bring anything at all. Jack: Really? But we shouldn’t go there without anything. Lucy: If you really want to bring something, we could bring some candies or toys for the kids. Jack: But I’m not sure whether they’d like them. Lucy:     I usually bring some flowers when it’s hard to choose a suitable present. Jack:   I may also buy a small vase(花瓶). Lucy: Great! Jack: That’s settled. Will you go with me to buy some flowers Lucy:     C. What should we bring? B. I hope they will. E.That sounds like a good idea. D. Sure. Let’s go. Exercises Daily Exercises 对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示谢 绝,记住下面的原因和理由,并且翻译成汉语。 -- Can you come to my party? -- I’m sorry I can’t. I _________________. • 1. have to go to my guitar lesson • 2. have to go to play soccer • 3. have too much homework • 4. have to go to the doctor • 5. have to study for a test • 6. have a piano lesson • 7. have to go to my cousin’s birthday party • 8. am not feeling well 巩固词组(Ask and answer in pairs) A.Can you come to my party? B.Sorry, I can’t. I have to_________. 1.为考试而学习 2.看医生 3.上钢琴课 4.帮助我的父母亲 5.拜访我的姑姑 study for a test go to the doctor have a piano lesson help my parents visit my aunt 1、 星期三你能来参加我的生日晚会吗? Can you come to my birthday party on Wednesday ? 2、当然,我很乐意去。 Sure , I’d love to ./ I’d like to . 3、这个周末我有太多的作业要做。 I have too much homework to do this weekend . 4、很抱歉,我要去看电影。 I’m sorry , I’m going to the movies . Exercises 5、来加入到我们当中。 6、你星期四下午要干什么? 7、我得去上我的吉他课。 8、你能在星期日晚上顺便来我家吗? 9、Jim 不得不完成化学课题。 Come and join us . What are you doing on Thursday afternoon ? I have to go to my guitar lesson . Can you come over to my house on Sunday evening? Jim has to finish the chemistry project . 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I’m sure he would love (come) . 2、Are the boys (listen) to the radio ? 3、I’m sorry (make) you (cry) . 4、Can you come to (Lucy) birthday party ? 5、We’re (real) busy this week ? 6、The students (visit) the Great Wall the day after tomorrow . 7、He is the (twenty) to get there . 8、We’re discussing where (go) . 9、Thanks a lot for (give) me the book . 10、Jim (begin) (learn) Chinese two years ago . 11、The old man asked the policeman (help) him. 12、Jack went home after he finished (read). listening to come to make cry Lucy’s to go really are visiting twentieth giving began to learn to help reading 1、There are so many new word in the (二十九) lesson . It’s hard to understand . 2005.河北 twenty-ninth 2、If our school team wins the last two (比赛), we will be the top . 2005. 江苏南京 matches 3、Cathy isn’t tall , but she sits in the (第六) row . 2005.浙江温州 4、Everyone had a good time at Backy’s (二十) birthday. 2005. 河北荆门 5、--- Do you want cake ? 2005. 浙江金华 --- Yes , I usually eat a lot when I’m hungry . A、other B、the other C、another D、others sixth twentieth C 6、--- How about going out for a walk with us ? 2005. 安徽 --- I wish I could , I have to finish my homework first . A、and B、so C、but D、or 8、--- When you (leave) for Beijing ? --- The day after tomorrow . 2005. 山东济南 7、The railway station is very (远) from here . You need to take a bus . 2005.浙江衢州 C far are leaving Write an e-mail to a friend. Say why you can’t visit him or her next week. Hi __________, Thanks for the invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit next week. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ Write soon. _________ Sunday go bike riding Monday have tennis training Tuesday have a piano lesson Wednesday visit my grandma Thursday go to a movie Friday see a dentist Saturday exercise

