八年级上英语课件Section A (1a-2d)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件Section A (1a-2d)_人教新课标

Section A(1a-2d) 人教版八年级上 1 housework 2 hardly 3 ever 4 once 6 7 8 9 10 hardly ever sometimes never often always 基础巩固练 提示:点击 进入讲评 5 movies 11 12 13 14 15 C C D D B 答案呈现 16 17 18 19 20 went to the movies uses the Internet swing dance kind of What / How about 能力提升练 答案呈现 21 22 23 24 25 B A D E C 基础巩固练 一、根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. I always help my mother do the ___________(家务). 2. He ___________(几乎不)plays computer games. He thinks it’s boring. 3. Have you __________(曾经)travelled around another country? 4. My father takes me to have a trip ________(一次) every year. 5. Do you often go to the _________ (电影)on weekends? housework hardly ever once movies 二、 从方框中选择正确的单词或短语填空。 6. It __________rains in summer here, so people need water very much. 由后半句“人们非常需要水” 可知此处应该是几乎不下雨。 hardly ever 7. Tom usually does his homework at home, but__________ he does it at school. sometimes 前半句提到汤姆通常在家做作业,“but” 表转折后意为他有时也在学校做作业。 8. Kate goes to school early every day, so she is_______ late for school. 她每天都早去学校,所 以从不迟到。 never 9. —How __________does your brother play soccer? —Every day. 对频率进行提问用“How often”。 often 10. Sally is a good girl. She is ________ helping other students. 在进行时态中,always指“时常,往往” 句意为“她常帮助其他同学”。 always 三、单项选择。 11. [2017·重庆]We’ll have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will_______ forget the days we spent together. A. always B. often C. never D. usually√ 根据常识可判断句意为“但是我 将不会忘记我们在一起的时光”。 12. Jenny always works _______. She_______ plays computer games. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard 因为她努力学习,所以应该是几乎不玩电脑游 戏。hardly意为“几乎不”,表示否定意义。 √ 常用搭配:work hard 努力学习 13. —What’s your favorite TV __________? —Animal World. It’s very fun. A. sport B. color C. subject D. program 体育运动 颜色 主题 节目 “动物世界”应该是 一个电视节目。√ 14. [2018·沈阳]— _______ do you brush your teeth? —Twice or more a day. A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often 根据答语可知,问句是 在对频率进行提问。 √ 15. [2018·兰州]— _________times have you visited Gansu Science Museum? — Only once. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How soon √ 根据答句“Only once. ”仅仅一次, 可知问句是对次数进行提问。 how many对可数 名词的数量提问。 表示“次、回” 是可数名词。 四、根据汉语意思填空,每空一词。 16. 上个周末我和父母一起去看电影了。 Last weekend, I________ _______ _______ _________ with my parents. 看电影是“go to the movies”, 注意时态是一般过去时。 went to the movies 17. 萨莉经常在周末上网。 Sally often _________ _________ _________ on weekends. uses the Internet 上网是“use the internet”, 注意主语是第三人称单数。 18. 你妹妹喜欢摇摆舞吗? Does your sister like the __________ __________? 以第三人称为主语的一般疑问句。 swing dance 19. 你喜欢哪种水果? What ________ ________ fruit do you like? 表达“什么种类”用what kind of。 kind of 20. 和我一起去买东西怎么样? _________ ________ going shopping with me?What / How about 在表达提出某种建议的意思“... 怎么样;... 好吗?” 时用“How about/What about+v.-ing形式” 。 五、补全对话。 A: Hello, Fiona! ________ 21 B: Well, that day is quite full for me. 结合答语,可知是在问对 方忙不忙。 B B: Well, that day is quite full for me. A: Really? __________22 B: I have to go to the library in the morning and go to the movies with my friends in the afternoon. A的回答“really”表达对上句回答的 一种惊讶,22题也应该承接此语境。 A 首先根据B的回答,可能会推测22题在 问对方要做什么。选项中没有符合的, 因此不能根据下文选择答案。 B: I have to go to the library in the morning and go to the movies with my friends in the afternoon. A: _______ 23 B: Yes, I go there twice a week. 答语回答用“yes”,可知23题应该 是个疑问句,再结合上句正在谈论 图书馆话题,根据选项可知答案。 D B: Yes, I go there twice a week. A: _______24 B: What about you? What do you usually do on Saturday? B回答“一周去两次图书馆” ,结 合选项A应该在说对方很爱看书。 E B的回答是在问对方怎样,另起 一话题。可知24题与下文无关。 B: What about you? What do you usually do on Saturday? A: I often go to the sports club. _______25 B: Sounds wonderful! Maybe I can go there with you next Saturday. A: That’s great! 25题应该是说关于“运动” 的事情。 C

