八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (9)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (9)_人教新课标

Unit 8 apple shake strawberry shake Check Your Vocabulary teaspoon 茶匙 ingredient 材料;原料 watermelon 西瓜 yogurt 酸奶 ['ti:spu:n] [in'gri:diənt] ['wɔ:təmelən] ['jɔgət] ['blendə] blender 搅拌机 Today, let’s make a banana milk shake together~ How do you make a banana milk shake? First ____ the bananas.peel And ______the bananas.cut up Next ____the bananas and ice cream into the blender. put blender 果汁机 Next _____the milk into the blender. pour Then _______the blender. turn on Finally ______the milk shake. drink How do you make a banana milk shake? • First, peel….. • And, cut up….. • Next, put…. into…. • Next, pour…into…. • Then, turn on… • Finally, drink… Three (apples) How many apples can you see? Four (bananas) How many bananas can you see? A glass of water. water can you see?How much Two cups of coffee. How much coffee can you see? 谁能找出其中的奥秘? How many 和How much之间 有什么联系? 小小发现家 Leading: two glasses of water four teaspoons of yogurt 1、How many + 可数名词 复数+ 一般疑问句 2、How much + 不可数名词+ 一般疑 问句 (注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定 要有容器量词) eg. a glass of water a teaspoon of yogurt Summary (aims) • How do you make a banana milk shake? • First …And…Next…Next…Then…Finall y… • How do you make fruit salad? • First …Next…Then…Finally… • ingredients: banana, milk, apple, watermelon, honey and yogurt • Phrases: a cup of…/ a teaspoon of … 重点语法 4. put…into…把…放进… Put your book into your bag. 把…译成… Put the sentences into English. 3.pour….into…把…倒进..里 Pour the milk into the cup. •mix up 混合,搅拌 •Finally mix it all up. •最后搅拌在一起。 1.turn on –turn off ; turn up—turn down eg.Turn on the light. You watchTV too long,turn it off. The radio is too loud, turn it down. 重点短语 turn on 打开(电器) It’s dark, please turn on the light. 天黑了,请打开灯。 记住由turn 构成的短语: turn off关掉;turn down关小;turn up 开大; turn on 打开;in turn 依次地;by turn 轮流地 add [ v. ]加;增加;加添 If you add 3 to 5,you get 8. 五加三等于八。 短语:add...to...把……加到……上 If you ____5____1,you get six. A. put; into  B. mix; up  C. add; to D. add; up check [ v. ] 核对;检查 Check your papers carefully before you hand them in. 交卷前仔细检查。 1)常见短语:check in(旅馆、飞 机等)登记  check over 检查 • slice of...一片 • I need another two slices of bread. • 我还需要两片面包。 • 1)后面的名词通常为不可数 名词。slice有单复数变化。 • 2)不可数名词和数词连用, 通常要加量词。 Here’s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! 这是制作火鸡三明治的方式。 1)这是一个倒装句,其主语是后 面的a recipe for a great turkey sandwich; 2)great此处表示“丰盛的”。 一翻译 1 剥,削 ________ 2 倾倒________3 打开________ 4 一份香蕉奶昔 ________________________ 5 一勺酸奶 ____________________ 二 下面是制作香蕉奶昔的过程,按先后顺序 填入正确的动词或短语. 1 ___________ three bananas. 2 ________ the bananas. 3 ________ the bananas and ice cream into the blender. 4 ________ the milk into the blender. 5 ________ the blender for about three minutes. peel pour turn on a banana milk shake a teaspoon of yogurt Peel Cut up Put Pour Turn on exercises v 根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. How _______ (many) yogurt do we need? 2. He can drink three cups of _____ (juice). 3. How many _____________ (watermelon) do you want? 4. Let’s _______(make) banana and apple milk shake. 5.How many people ______(be) there in your town? 6. He often ________________ (turn) the TV when he comes home. much juice watermelons make are turns on v 句型转换 1. There is an apple in the picture.(提问) _____ ____ in the picture? 2. There is an apple in the picture.(提问) How _______ ______ ______ there in the picture? 3. This book is five dollars. (提问) _____ _____ is this book? What is many apples are How much 单项选择 1 Can you help me cut ______ the potatoes? A to B into C for D up 2 Please bring me ______ . A two cup of coffee B two cup of coffees C two cups of coffees D two cups of coffee 3 First, ______three oranges. A peeling B peel C peels D to peel 4 Can the girl ______ a salad by herself ? A make B makes C making D made 5 The children ran ______ the classroom at once. A on B into C in D of 6 I want to make a banana milk shake. Please tell me, ______ milk do I need, and ______ bananas do I need? A how much; how many B how many; how many C how much; how much D how many; how much • Make your own milk shake or fruit salad at home, and share with your family. • (制作自己喜爱的Milk shake或 fruit salad,并与你的家人分享。)

