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第五单元练习题 一、 单词辨音,每个单词读三遍。(10 分) ( ) 1、 A、 rice B、 fish C、 pass ( ) 2、 A、 bread B、 food C、 noodles ( ) 3、 A、 for B、 fork C、 food ( ) 4、 A、 beef B、 knife C、 chicken ( ) 5、 A、 soup B、 spoon C、 show 二、 听一听,为下面图片排列顺序,每个句子读三遍。(10 分) 1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) 三、听一听,与听到的内容相同打对号√,不同打错号×,每个句子读三遍。(10 分) ( )1、I’d like some vegetables and soup. ( )2、I can use chopsticks now. ( )3、Pass me a plate, please. ( )4、What would you like for dinner? ( )5、I like Chinese food, too. 笔试部分(70 分) 一、 根据图片把下列单词补充完整。(16 分) 1、br__d 2、_gg 3、m_lk 4、w_t_r 5、r_c_ 6、b__f 7、ch_ck_n 8、f_sh 二、 单项选择题。(10 分) ( )1、What would you like? A、I’d like some beef. B、Let me try. C、Help yourself. ( )2、How much? A、Here’s a fish. B、Great. C、Five yuan. ( )3、Can I have some rice, please? A、Thanks. B、Sure. C、Let me try. ( )4、Mom, can I help? A、Yes. Pass me a fork. B、Me too. C、I’d like an egg. ( )5、See you tomorrow. A、Thank you. B、Good night. C、See you. 三、 认真看一看,为下面单词选择相应的汉语。(20 分) A、蔬菜 B、筷子 C、叉子 D、面条 E、汤 F、谢谢你 G、饥饿的 H、 刀 I、盘子 J、勺子 1、( ) hungry 2、( ) thank you 3、( ) fork 4、( ) soup 5、( ) chopsticks 6、( ) knife 7、( ) vegetable 8、( ) plate 9、( ) noodles 10、 ( )spoon 四、 认真读一读,为下面的句子选择相应的答语。(14 分) ( )1、What would you like for dinner? ( )2、Can I have some noodles, please? ( )3、I like Chinese food. ( )4、Is this your bedroom? ( )5、What can you see in my room? ( )6、How much? ( )7、Where are the keys? A、They’re in the door. B、Yes, it is. C、I’d like an egg, some milk and a hamburger. D、Six yuan. E、Sure. Here you are. F、Me too. G、I can see a chair and a desk. 五、 阅读理解,根据对话内容判断正误(√或×)。(10 分) Mike: Mom, I’m hunger. What’s for dinner? Mom: Wait and see. What would you like? Mike: I’d like some noodles, some beef, some fish and soup. Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy? Amy: I’d like some fish and vegetables, please. Mom: What would you like, dear? Dad: I’d like some noodles and some fish. Mom: Everything’s ready. Amy: Thank you, Mom. Mike: Great! Dad: Thanks. ( )1、Mom: What would you like? Mike: I’d like some noodles and some vegetables. ( )2、Mom: What would you like? Amy: I’d like some fish and vegetables. ( )3、Mom: What would you like? Dad: I’d like some rice and some fish. ( )4、Mom: Everything’s ready. Mike: Great. ( )5、There are five people in Mike’s family. 听力答案 一、 fish, bread, food, knife, spoon. 二、1、I’d like some chicken. 2、Give me a plate. 3、I’d like some rice. 4、I’d like some beef. 5、Give me a spoon. 三、1、I’d like some vegetables and water. 2、I can use chopsticks now. 3、Pass me a knife, please. 4、What would you like for breakfast? 5、I like Chinese food, too. 笔试部分答案 一、 略 二、A C B A C 三、G F C E B H A I D J 四、C E F B G D A 五、× √ × √ ×

