冀教版英语四上Lesson 14优质课件

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冀教版英语四上Lesson 14优质课件

Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 14 Lead-in Where’s the school? I can show you. Where’s the classroom? I can show you. Where’s the library? I can show you. Where’s the playground? I can show you. New words 在 …… 附近 near 远的;遥远的 far 从 …… 来;离 …… from 离 …… 远 far from 这(那)个;这(那)些 the Near or far? far near Li Ming is near the school. Now Li Ming is far from the school. Activity The apple is ________ the desk. near The apple is ________ the desk. far from Language points 1. Li Ming is near the school. 李明在学校附近。 描述 某人或某物在某处附近 时,可以用句型“ 主语 +be 动词 +near+ 地点 . ” 。在此句型中, be 动词随着主语人称和数的变化而变化。 例句:我的家在图书馆附近。 My home is near the library. 2. Now Li Ming is far from the school. 现在李明离学校很远。 描述 某人或某物离某处远 时 的 句型 : 主语 +be 动词 +far from+ 地点 . 在此句型中, be 动词随着主语人称和数的变化而变化。 例句:操场离教室远。 The playground is far from the classroom. Is the library far from here? Excuse me, where’s the library? I can show you. Is it far from here? No. It’s near. Let me help you. Thank you. This way, please. Here it is! Thanks! Play roles Excuse me, where’s the playground? I can show you. Is it far from here? No. It’s near. Here it is! Thanks! Language points 1. Is it far from here? 它离这里远吗? 询问某处离这里是否远时 的 常用句型 : Is+ 地点 +far from here? 答语: Yes, it is./No, it’s near. 例句:那个公园离这里远吗?是的,远。 Is the park far from here? Yes, it is. 2. Let me help you. 让我来帮助你吧。 此句是由 let 引导的 祈使句 ,用于表示 建议、劝导、请求、命令、警告 等。 句型结构: Let+ 人称代词宾格( us, me, him… ) + 动词原形 (do, go…)+ 其他 . 例句:让我们唱首歌吧。 Let’s sing a song. 3. This way, please. 这边请。 给别人 带路时 的礼貌用语 : This way, please. Go/Walk this way, please. 例句: — 打扰一下。请问会议室在哪里? — 这边请。 Excuse me. Where’s the meeting room? This way, please. Let’s do it! Pair work. Point and talk. home Where’s your home? Is it far from the school? No. It’s near the school. Play roles home Where’s your home? Is it far from the zoo? No. It’s near the zoo. home Yes. It’s far from the zoo. Where’s your school? Is it far from the zoo? home No. It’s near the restaurant. Where’s your school? Is it far from the restaurant?

