人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 21)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 21)课时训练

Lesson21 课时训练 一、汉译英 1. (天气)晴朗的 __________ 2. 令人愉快的 __________ 3. 炎热的 __________ 4. 温暖的 __________ 5. 寒冷的 __________ 二、连线题 (1) Good idea! A. 给你。 (2) Here you are. B. 好主意! (3) play with the kite C. 去动物园 (4) go to the zoo D. 放风筝 (5) go swimming E. 去游泳 三、单项选择 ( ) 1. Shall we go ________? A. to school B. school C. the school ( ) 2. Which ________ you like? A. / B. do C. does ( ) 3. ________ I have some cold water? A. Do B. Can C. What ( ) 4. —Where are you from? —________ A. I’m Kate. B. I’m from China. C. I’m 7. ( ) 5. Which class are you ________? A. in B. on C. at 四、连词成句 1. A. weather B. today C. the D. How’s ____________________________________________________________________? 2. A. go B. Let’s C. shopping ____________________________________________________________________. 3. A. now B. cloudy C. It’s ____________________________________________________________________. 4. A. we B. Shall C. swimming D. go ____________________________________________________________________? 五、根据课文内容填空 A: Dad, it’s (1)________ today. Shall we go (2)________? B: Good idea! (3)________. A: Mum, (4)________ I have some cold water, please? C: Here (5) ________. A: (6)________, Mum. 参考答案 一、 1-5 fine; nice; hot; warm; cool 二、 (1)-(5) BADCE 三、 1-5 ABBBA 四、 1. DCAB 2. BAC 3. CBA 4. BADC 五、 (1)-(6) hot; swimming; Let’s go; can; you are; Thank you

