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英语论文之定语从句常考难点解析 ‎ ‎  定语从句是高中阶段的一个重要语法内容,很多学生对此掌握的不是很好,现就同学们在使用过程中常碰到的一些稍难问题进行分析讲解,希望有所帮助,如有不当之处, 望大家批评指正。‎ ‎  首先要理解定语从句的概念——修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。看个例子:she is the girl (whom) I met at the party.‎ ‎  从定义我们得出 1) 从句是跟在名词或代词之后的,并起修饰作用。‎ ‎  2)从句部分须缺成分,所缺的成分由先行词充当。分析先行词在从句中所充当的成分来确定用关系代词还是关系副词。‎ ‎  例句中先行词返回从句应为:I met the girl at the party.‎ ‎  The girl 在从句中作宾语,因此用关系代词whom或省略。‎ ‎  咱们在来分析一个句子:I will never forget the day ____ I went to university ‎  先行词the day 返回从句应为:I went to university on the day. The day 在从句中作时间状语,因此用when 或on which.‎ ‎  再来看一下几种定语从句中的稍难现象。‎ ‎  1. 关系代词前有时会出现加介词的情况,如何选择介词?‎ ‎  e.g: The man ____ she is married is an engineer.‎ ‎  和她结婚的那个人是个工程师。‎ ‎  把先行词the man 返回从句为:she is married to the man.‎ ‎  和某人结婚的固定搭配为:be married to sb 因此介词to 不能丢。‎ ‎  先行词为人,用介词+whom. 先行词为物,用介词﹢which ‎  答案为:to whom ‎  再看几组:‎ ‎  ① This is the book _____ I spent five yuan.‎ ‎  ② This is the book______I paid five yuan.‎ ‎  ③ This is the book_____I learnt a lot.‎ ‎  完整的从句分别为:I spent five yuan on the book ‎  I paid five yuan for the book ‎  I learnt a lot from the book ‎  答案为:① on which ② for which ③ from which ‎  由此我们可以看出正确的介词是根据从句所要表达的意思和它的固定搭配选择的。‎ ‎  2. As 的用法 ‎  1) As 用于限定性定语从句时,只用在such ,the same的后面。请看例句:‎ ‎  a. He will repeat such points as are discussed in the book.‎ ‎  b. Such a student as works hard will be sure to succeed.‎ ‎  c. He is not the same playboy as we knew.‎ ‎  2) As引导的非限定性定语从句指代整个句子可位于句首,而which只能位于句末。‎ ‎  e.g: a. As is known to all, the earth is round.‎ ‎  b. The earth is round, which/as is known to all.‎ ‎  这里区别开三个常考句式:‎ ‎  ① It is known to all that the earth is round. 主语从句 ‎  ② As is known to all ,the earth is round 定语从句 ‎  ③ What is known to all is that the earth is round 主语从句表语从句 ‎  3.定语从句中出现插入语(sb think sb know sb believe sb suppose)‎ ‎  时,这类插入语不计入成分。‎ ‎  e.g: He is the boy____ you think is mary′s brother.‎ ‎  A who B whom C / D whose ‎  先行词为the boy ,you think 作为插入语不计入成分,那么the boy 就作为从句的主语。答案为A. 在做此类含插入语的定语从句是,可直接将插入语删掉,在看先行词在从句中作甚么成分以确定关系词。‎ ‎  4.以疑问句开始的定语从句需把疑问句先变成陈述句以确定先行词。‎ ‎  e.g: ① Is this the factory____ your father works.‎ ‎  A that B where C on which D that one ‎  ② Is this factory_____ we visited last year.‎ ‎  A where B in which C the one D at which ‎  第一句变成陈述句为:This is the factory____ your father works.‎ ‎  先行词为 the factory,返回从句中应为:your father works in the factory ‎  因此 the factory 作了从句的地点状语,选B.‎ ‎  第二句变为陈述句为:this factory is____ _____ we visited last year.‎ ‎  主句缺表语,也就是说从句缺先行词。在先行词之后还需关系词。那么,这个题需要先补充先行词再确定关系词。根据句意:这个工厂就是去年我们参观过的工厂。先行词应为the factory.为了避免重复,我们用the one代替。先行词返回从句应在visited之后作宾语。这样,关系词可用which/that或不填。答案为C.因此,做此类题时应先把一般疑问句变为陈述句以确定先行词再做。‎ ‎  5. That 引起的定语从句与同位语从句的区别。‎ ‎  来看两个例子:① The news ______ he told us was very exicting.‎ ‎  ② He has brought us the news ____ our team has won the game.‎ ‎  A what B as C that D where ‎  这两个从句前都为名词,有别于主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和状语从句。‎ ‎  有必要进行比较。第一句的从句缺成分,完整从句为:he told us the news.‎ ‎  需要the news 作从句的宾语,因此,第一句为定语从句,答案为which/that ‎  或不填。第二句中从句不需要the news 充当成分,从句完整并且是对the news ‎  的解释说明,因而此句为同位语从句。只能由that 连接。这两题都选that,‎ ‎  但在第一句中它有指代作用且可以省略。而在第二句中that只起连接作用 ‎  不能省略。‎ ‎  6. 定语从句与并列句的区别。‎ ‎  并列句有and, so,‎ ‎ but等并列连词连接或两个句子用分号连接,这时就不能用引导定语从句的关系词了。‎ ‎  e.g:① Mr Li has three daughters, None of ____ is an engineer.‎ ‎  ② Mr Li has three daughters,but none of _____ is a dancer.‎ ‎  ③ Mr Li has three daughters;______ are doctors.‎ ‎  从结构上看,①小题是定语从句,故用whom ;②小题有but,是并列句,故填代词them;③小题是两个并列分句,无需连接词,缺主语,故用none或they.‎ ‎  7. 区分where 引导的地点状语从句和定语从句 ‎  若是定语从句,则where 前必有被修饰的表示地点的名词;若where前没有名词则视为地点状语从句。请比较:‎ ‎  ① you had better make a mark at the spot where you have any questions.‎ ‎  定语从句 ‎  ② you had better make a mark where you have any questions.‎ ‎  地点状语从句 ‎  参考文献:‎ ‎  ⑴《英语语法新思维》,世界知识出版社 ‎  ⑵《学案与测评》, 武汉大学出版社

