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外国邀请函4篇 dear mr. , we know that you are an expert on literature. as students in english major, we want to know some details about literature. we should be very grateful if you could give a talk on american literature to students of the english department on saturday, . if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well. we have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom. sincerely yours, 外国客户邀请函范文 外国邀请函(2) 外国客户邀请函 dear sir, we would like to send (your customer name) to visit your country and negotiate cooperate of our company s goods business with enterprises including (the company you want to visit) within (the day you issue the document) will be staying (how long you want to stay in destination) days. if you can approve their visa should be high appreciate! the number of passport: best wishes! (general manager name) (company name) (company stamp and signature) 给国外客户的邀请函 dear honorable consul, my name is xxx{邀请人姓名}, and i reside at {址}. my full details are stated below. i am a citizen of china. i am requesting that you issue a visitor visa to 被邀请人全名{姓名}, in order to allow her to visit me in china. her full details are stated below. 被邀请人全名{姓名} is my {girlfriend or boyfriend or other} and i would like to be able to spend time with her in china for 3month and travelling with her around china. 被邀请人全名{姓名} will be visiting with me from 21. january 20xx to 20. april 20xx{在中国 停留的日期}. during his stay in china, he will stay in hotels. he will be responsible for all of the room and board expenses while he is in china. 被邀请人全名{姓名} will be presenting this letter to you, together with any other evidence requested by the consul. he is assuring you that he will return to to his country , prior to the expiration of their stay in china. inviting person: 被邀请人,姓名,出生年月日,住址,电话, invited person: 邀请人,姓名,出生年月日,住址,电话, your kind consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated. sincerely yours, -------------here write your name use you hand xxx外国人来华访友邀请函格式 外国邀请函(3) 邀请人: 身份证号码: 住址: 联系电话: 邮箱地址: 被邀请人: 被邀请人护照号码为: ‎ ‎ 与邀请人关系: 美国住址: 联系电话: 邀请人邀请被邀请人于**年**月**日到**年**月**日来**省**市旅游,所有费用由邀请人支付,将居住在邀请人家(地址:*****)。 邀请人签名: **年**月**日外国人访华公司邀请函 外国邀请函(4) 市 区 公司 (公司英文名称) 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮政编码: 邀 请 函 (被邀请的公司名称或外国人姓名): 我公司是一间(什么性质)的企业,公司有员工 人、占地 、年营业额 ,主要的经营范围和介绍公司所在行业的地位,生产或销售什么产品等。因(何目的),邀请贵公司(职务)(被邀请人姓名)等 人(见附件1)(具体年月日)来本公司(做什么,写明详细理由或具体商业往来项目)(见附件2)。申请(商务/工作,选其中一个)签证, 个月有效 次入境,停留 天,签证地点在(国家及城市)。被邀请人此次来华相关费用(包括往返机票、住宿、医疗保险和人寿保险等)由( 公司) 负责。敬请接纳为盼! 顺颂 商祺! 附件: 1、被邀请人资料: 姓 名 性别 国籍 出生日期 护照号码 任职部门及职务 年 月 日 年 月 日 2、访华日程:(共 天) 时 间 访问地点 事 由 月 日 月 日 月 日 (公司联系人: , 电话及手机 ) (公司公章) 公司法人签名: 年 月 日 外国邀请函4篇

