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外资银行自我介绍 外资银行英文面试自我介绍攻略: 模拟面试如果有可能的话,请一个有银行面试经历的同学给你1个mock interview,会让你很快的进入状态的,模拟面试后,你自己也可以给自己打分,并进行改进。 你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。 Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention. 你可以介绍自己是: Problem solver 解决问题能手 Creative thinker 充满创意 Accurate 小心谨慎 People person 与人相处融洽 Team player 合群 Organized 组织力高 This doesn't mean that you just say, "I'm a great problem solver." Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job. 事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。 另外,自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。因为银行工作都是比较忙的。 外资银行英文面试自我介绍范文: It is my honor to be here today. I want to make a brief introduction of myself. I graduated from XXX university, I'm major in XXX. I have been working in XXX company in a xxx position for xxx years. My job duty is mainly ....(talking about your previous job) As China opens its capital market, more & more foreign banks now have the authority to operated RMB business. Standard Chartered Bank has a great name all over the world.I sincerely want to join SCB & to be one of its staffs. Base on my education & past working experience, I've learned how to .....& also put it into practice by handling my daily work. (talking about the JD job duty, say that you're qualified for the position, but donot say it directly, you should give some examples to prove it.) I think the most important thing is communication. I represent my company when I'm talking to the customers. Sometimes there might be some misunderstanding only because of lack of communication.....blabla... (Show you're professional.....) I'm appreciated for this opportunity that you gave me.Thank you for your time..... 银行面试如何自我介绍 银行面试如何做自我介绍,银行面试自我介绍应注意的问题:不要天花乱坠的说个没完,到最后发现已经不着边际了。围绕中心介绍才是最好的方法。 1、分析自己哪种类型的人是银行所看重的。如果你的经历较少,建议你先将自己的经历仔细分析和挖掘一下,考虑这些经历可以着重说明你具备哪种技能,进而在今后的面试中将面试官向这些方面引导,胜算会更大。 2、分析行业真正的去了解银行业,知道这个行业在做什么、未来的发展方向怎样以及他们之间的核心竞争力差异等等。在中国活跃的投行有那么几家,在管理运作和优势劣势方面仍有一定的不同,要通过新闻等各种渠道了解它们。 3、分析目标公司知道这个公司的优势在哪里,曾经做过哪些交易和拥有的大客户,他们的文化等等。 4、分析你要申请的部门和职位银行有很多部门,工作性质差异非常大,对每个人的要求也就不太一样。而且,在列举公司业绩的时候也要有的放矢。在面试IBD的时候强调这些,并不一定能够有效的刺激面试官的神经。 5、熟悉求职简历上写的都是自己曾经做过的事情,没有理由不知道具体的内容。银行里的人喜欢看细节、刨根问底,希望你对简历上所有的细节都100%了解并可以很好的陈述,从而不至于面试官误认为你是在欺骗。 6、模拟面试如果有可能的话,请一个有银行面试经历的同学给你一个模拟面试,会让你很快的进入状态的,模拟面试后,你自己也可以给自己打分,并进行改进。查看更多