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圣诞节儿童英语音乐剧 人物介绍: --爸爸 ----妈妈 ---孩子们 ---圣诞爷爷 (外面风吹的很大声) 平安夜前夕,孩子们吃完了饭 On Christmas Eve,children have had the dinner. (爸爸妈妈同时出现,) (the parents both appear) 妈妈在整理桌上的餐具,爸爸则在一旁看着报纸。Mother is picking up the table while father isreading a newspaper 钟声敲响,(钟声)这时妈妈出现,笑眯眯的对着宝贝说:如果今天早点休息,圣诞爷爷会 在你床头的袜子里摆上你喜爱的礼物。mother coming and said: If you sleep early tonight , Santa Claus['sæntə,klɔ:z] will give your gifts in your Christmas socks 孩子们欢呼雀跃,各自整理好自己的物品,纷纷的上床去睡觉。孩子们自己比赛说:谁第一, 圣诞爷爷就会给很大的礼物。Kids cheer up ,then go to bed one by one. They agree with each other and say :Who is the first, Santa Claus give your big surprise 钟声再次敲响(钟声)When the bell goes again 这时圣诞爷爷出现,和麋鹿们一起穿过雪山,爬过了烟囱(圣诞爷爷出现时的音乐)Santa Claus appears with ridding a sleigh [slei] pulled by reindeers['rein'diəs] through the snow mountain and Climbbing over the chimney ['tʃimni]. (圣诞爷爷出现时的音 乐) 圣诞爷爷来到了孩子睡觉的面前,用手摸摸孩子们的脸,亲亲孩子们的脸。跳起了很欢快的 舞,并送上了礼物。Santa Claus coming , he reaches out for their faces and kisses them. He dances happily and sends his gifts. (起床声响起)第二天孩子们起来,妈妈来到孩子们的房间:亲爱的,你们收到礼物了吗? 孩子们说:嗯,我们都收到了礼物。很开心喔。(起床声响起)The next day, when children wake up, mother comes in and asks them :Have you got the gifts, honey? They answer:yeah, we all got it, what a wonderful thing! 这时圣诞爷爷再次出现,对孩子们说:圣诞节快乐 At this time Santa Claus reappears and says to children :Merry Christmas! 孩子们同时说:圣诞节快乐。They all say : Merry Christmas! 圣诞爷爷说:宝贝们,让我们一起跳舞吧(歌舞圣诞) Santa Claus says: My dears, let’s dance together! (歌舞圣诞) 谢幕! (注:粉红色是妈妈的角色由一个小女孩扮演,爸爸由一个小男孩扮演看报纸,紫色是孩子 们的角色由部分幼儿扮演,另外是歌舞,由剩下的幼儿担任,圣诞爷爷由姚老师扮演) 以音乐剧为主,用夸张的肢体语言和神情演出(有些台词请幼儿在家练熟练,到时会录音演 出)

