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2021 国家开放大学电大本科《商务英语 3》期末试题及答案(试卷号: 1380) 一.女际用 IB1MH I。分,8 小 U2 分) l-s 正确的偈句霓成下列对语,并将答髯序号耳在 UH 域上。 L — Excuse me« ___________________________ It nundii for Rtrrngth&v wenkrirsaesf upportuntliri mid fhrrMf>. A. hnw do you know by SW( >T> H. whul tlu you menn by SWOT? C. what U your meaning by SWOT? 2. KathytTd like you tn meet Magxic Jncnbs< — ——_ • MnRKiiu Youerc 血 inq n gr What about the RcAcnrch and (k-vrlopment Dcpiittment? 4 GIMMI aftrrnonn^ Can I help you? - A drpDMt account or n currcni account? A. Thsk you. Td like hi urdrr a checkbook. • I5r Sorry. 1 don*t h»vr n hnnk account At ML 「• Ym, I'd like to open HH acruunt, 5. 一__________________________ UnuAlly• (hr sirnilnr coniractu »i^ne(l with other curiMKncc# ore brined on 12 months. A. Whnt ia tlu* dradlmr for the con%trurlion7 B. How lonx is yuur cariRigninrnt tcrrnt normally? C ・ Wha! t C. which 1(X Somriime* A aituaiion will ........_______ ・ direct »tylc of mannH^nirnL A. call out H. call on C. call for 11. I have monthly remhunem _ to nic from thr Curuda Emba«By •nd I 'd like to huve the money paid into an iiccounfe A. «cni B. wend C. beinw sent 12. One of tho iidv«nt«Kc9 of online bnnkinx is that it AIIOWB you »n trnnwy between uccuuntu rffectively< At deposit 斯 P ・ y C> traniifcr I 山 ink our mArkriing tenm in Mnd the ufter-Milcii wervier in (ARI «nd eHeetive. A. qualirying R. quAlihed C being quAlified M. Hlrajir find onclcmd our brochure and other le«(lct>_________________our range of »ervicc*. A, outlined & outline C> oullitiinK 15. Servin* ovrr»eA» iiiMomcr* tuny often hr done by phonra. fnxr^« letter* or rmmlt 一 **> rnuny pcr» i ria I ued ,B. individunlucd C. irnprri#hxcd 18. 1 hry _________ the royfthieat includtriK patent rt|(hit proprietary icclinnluKyi copy nght. tnidemnrk right • and no on. A, point hnw fo 19. 1( you need other tnx regiMrAfionii in Addition to lhe AHN. you moy nerd to provide ________ mformntiun. A ・•cadonul H ・ additional < Mckhcttvr 20. ___ _ you9d haw to tell me huw your order it KOI ng to " A, l#m nervous Bk 11 m wnrrivd (?. !*m nfrmd 三、阐读理解(共计 40 分,18 小题 4 分) 21 — 25 18:明读短文,从 A、B.C 三个选项中选出一个正孀答案■弁将答室序号写在答坂上。 Passage 1 In bu/inefis. people haw to deal in person with nil kinds of people. When talking to people within your company who don't sprnk yaur language• you may have to use Englishi these people may be colleagues or cb-workers • who may work with you tn yaur own departments in another pan of the hnildinR or in Another branch. And you miy also have to deal with people from outride the urganizationi clienTSt $uppher&> visitors and members of the public. Moreoverw these people may be friends or jsirAngrr!; people oi your own age. or people who are younger ar older than you. The rchtiOBship you hnve with a person det ermines the kind of hngiuge you UMC< For example < itf 5 not appropriate to suy 'Hi ・ haw nrc you!' when mcciing thr Mnnngjng Director of a large compAny or to sAy 1 Good mumitig • ilf s a Hreat pleasure to meet you * when being introduced to a person you'll be working closdy with in the «me team. People usually form an impression of you from the way you speak nnd behave ■ nor just from the way you du your work- People in different coiintries have different Kleo% of what sounds friendly• polite or sincere - and ol whal sounds rude or unfriendly! nnd new homes possible. B.肓作(一 85 作文,共 20 分) 31. 根辑要求写作文・ You have mode an appointment with your client* but failed to keep it. Write a letter of apology to your client according to the information below. . (1) apulugixc for your failure to keep the appointmenti (2) explain your reason to yaur client: (3) express your wi»h to make another appointment. 试题答案及评分标准 —•交际用谓(共计 10 分.每小 n 2 分) I—5 JB:逸择正砺的语句完成下列对话.并将答*序号琦在答剧纸上. 1- B 2- A 3. C L C 5. H 二,可正与馆构(共计 30 分,每小 H 2 分) N_20 .:朝侬下而的句干.从 AJIJ 三个 i&qj 中选出_个能堵入空白处的正《1 堪璃,并将答 *序号现在答 《8 城上. 1. A IL A 12. C 13. B 15. C 9. A 三.《li*理*»(共 I。分.每小 IS [分) 21-25■:WiXfflA.从 A、H、C 三个选 18 中选出一个正碑答案,并将答案序号可在答 81 蛾上。 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. A 26-WH:根揖短文内害判断饴出的 ta 句是否正碗,正瑞的号“1。钳谟的耳“FL 并格有案写 在答■峨上. 26. T 27. T 28. F 29. T 30. F 四•胃作(共 20 分) 3L 根据要求与作文. 范文 r m sorry, my dear friend. I know that everything I've done so far has been-------- futile. But I don't want you to misunderstand me, because I have something urgent to do, so I didn,t keep the appointment on time. I know you "prime minister stomach can punt the boat" to this matter, I am very sorry, but, I do not want this matter to affect our feelings, so, forgive me, thank you, dear friend I'll take a rain check. I hope you're okay with it 16. C 17, A 19. H 20. C

