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国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读(2)》2025-2026 期末试题及答案(试卷 号:1354) Section I NewWords |A| Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right (3 points each) L _____ ____dcterTninc A. unusual 2. _________afford B. disadvantage 3. _____ ____reflect G Hide, part > or characteristic 4. _____ nontrAditional D. fact in the form of a number 5. _____ ____drawback E. control 6. _____ ____statistic Ft decide on 7._____ ____discipline G. hnivc enough money (or 8. _____ ____ aspect H.show 9. _____ ____involves h fees (moneys) (or school 10. _ _____ tuition J ・ include* [B| Fill in the blanks with words from the box below# (3 points each) acquire focusing research cspacity identical Ntnictures communication jourmd percent produce Rut ia thin language? What distinguishes 11 from true language? Do ehinips actually have the _ _for hnguAgc? There is much dmagrccmcnt about thi»< Some people argue that chimpji can 13 only the vocabulary of a 2 1/2-ycftr -old human. They al»o point out that n nentcncc such as w luina tomorrow acwrr snake river monster11 is not exnctly Shakespearean EnRliah. It goes without snying that there in a gap between the language ability of chimps and humans. But clearly • thiz gup ia not an wide z we used to think it wan. Recent 14 now !5 on the 16 Rnd activity of the brain< Biologists have looked st one small area of the brain• the planum temporalc, which humans IIHC to understand and 17 language. In chimps, this is larger on the left aide of the brain thnn on the right. !n the 18 Science> researchers tel) un that this is Messentially 19 Hfo the planum ttmparale in humans. This is not surprimng to people who believe thnt chimps do have the capacity for language. After allf they say. 99 20 of the genetic material in chimps and humans is identicals making chimps our closest relative. Section 11 Reading Comprehension [A.' Rrnd thr pairaiigr Then answer the question» Uiat follow. (5 poinU each) The Cozunwni Union A The Consumers Union (CU) was founded in 1936 to give infortnation and advice to the public about g(h und aervicen. By doinx research in Inboratones and conducting tcntsi on products• ncicniiAtn were nble to rate them, or tell i( they were gcxxl ur bod. They started by tenting food like milk and crrcnl 一 and then pcrnoniil products like woap and utockingju There were three catcKorirn in fhrir ratingst Hext Huy. A/XP Acctpiuble > and Not Acc^ptablf. l^tert CU brgnn testing cars nnd home appliances> such m fanat mdiosit nnd other umAll machinea. B In the Mmr year it wo» founded* the orxanization begm publishing a magazine for itM rntmbcr»t Con^umert Union Rtfporti • lintinK thr rntinw^ o( products that they tejited. In 1940. CU «ent out n qur^tiannuire. that in. a li^t of quesiionrit to it* members> anking them to rntc the products that they used. Thin questionnaire beenme no (xipuhr that it has continued until today. 1n 1942. the magfiiinetH name wag ehnnged to Cantumtr Report and »uld to the gcnernl public C By thr 1950M> the number of people buying Comurntr Rrp the poor qunlity of color TV sctMt the contamination of milk by nuclear tenting« nnd other ncwn thal was controverxiaL or CNuned debnte> !n the I960,, the mngttxine reported that the price of auto insurance varied widely• or w«n differenr t urnonK cotnpaniciu In the 1970s. it reported on the pollution of Amcnca's drinking water by(ACtorics< These articles won nationftl prtxen been use they informed the public nbout problem* that needed to he Bolved D In thr !980nt CR b“An publijihing sprcinl newsletters for different readers on corn* trnveL With, and even one for chtldrcn on how to rnm and save money* In the 1990*t the Connumcrs Union moved to a new tenting nnd rmairch center with 50 modern lAborntoricx tn Yonkernt New York. By thin Umc?・ CR had over 5 million Engine readcra ■nd 1 million online rcadcrik After 70 ycarst this orgnnuntion in still protecting consumers from the fnlue chimi of ndvrrtincrn nnd the dnwem of unsafe productA< . -• For each question t choose the best answer hused on (hr frading p 心"xe Write At Bt C or D on your Answer Sheet. 21. The Conaumeni Union BUrtcd to publish a magazine_______________ . A. in 1936 B. in 1940 G in the 1980B IX in the 】990 ・ 22. The magazine was sold only to members until_______________• A. 1936 B. 1940 a 1942 a 1960 23. In the 195O». CR didn't report on______________ . A. bad TV nets B ・ contaminAted milk Q tobacco's dnngers D. polluteddrinking w/itcr 24. The mAgazine won prircs because _ _ • A. it rnted products 11 it told lhe public about problems C. some products were not acceptable D> there were so mnny problems 25. After 70 years• people____________. A. are still reading CR R are tired of reading CR C. believe the false claims of advertisers D. buy unsafe products Read the passage^ Then answer the questions that follow. (3 points each) Elephant Communication A Researchers at Stanford and Cornell Universities arc studying communication patterns of the savannah# or plains elephants• and forest elephants of sub-Saharan Africa- They have made many audio and video recordings• matching the sound and behavior of the elephants in order to understand the meaning from observed patterns B Their findings arc that elephants use many senses to communicate: sight• smellr tastei hearing> and touch* For example> when two female elephants greet each other after a long separation* they stand side by side, flapping their cars, touching and smelling each other with thetr trunkge making rumbling sounds. The longer they've been separatedt the louder and more demonstrative they act when they meet again, C Elephant rumbling is a low< infrasonic sound of 12—20 Hertz (Hz) that humans cunnot hear. ( Humtin range is between 20—20• 000 Hz. ) Researchers hnve divided this rumbling into three main signals> contact 9 "Let's and mating. The contact call is used by elephants that arc milen awny to communicate their location to other herds. All day. female leaders rumble to other groups> who nimble bar, They stay far apart to ensure enough food for all the members and later meet ul n wAtcrni(c hole and greet each other. D Another type of rumbling is the aLet * A ROH signal of a head female when she wantA to leave a place after drinking or resting. Facing the direction the wants to go. she rumbles until the others begin to answer nnd follow hen The third type in the mEing rumble that a male in musth emits. Females in A herd usually answer him. although none of them mny be receptive• because they male only once every four ywirs. However^ when the male hears them. he (revels to the group to assess the situation. E A Hnnl interesting form of communication among elephants IK the way they act toward their dead. If they come upon elephant bones• they stand around touching the skulh and tusks with their trunks. When rcHearchcrs left the bones of other large animaise like rhinos or buffaloes9 in these placesf elephants examined them briefly, but they touched only rlephjint rcrnnins. In Indio • where elephants are often killed by trains • other elephnnts come to the scene to win?” and mourn the dead oncs< Decide whether the following KtatemenU nrc true or MM. Write 11T"* for True and MFn for False on the Answer Sheet. 26. Researchers arc studying ckphAntii in order to understnnd their communication patterns. 27. When fenmlc clephAnta greet each other after a long Reparation• they rumble and walk nway, 28. Elephant rumbling has several meanings. 29. Fhe word emits in paragraph【)probably rnennn producra> 30. The word rcmmnR in purftKrsph E i» clonrM in rnmninx to atay* behind. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Section I New worth [A| Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. (3 points each) h F 2. G 3. H 4. A 5. B 6.D 7.E 8 ・ C 9. J 10 J [B] Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 point* each) 11. communication 12. capacity 13 ・ acquire 14. research 15. focusing 16. structures 17. produce 18. journal 19. identical Section H Reading Comprehension 20> percent [X] For each questiont choose the best answer based on the reading passage* (5 points cnch) 2L A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A N Decide whether the following statements are troc or false. Write MTM for True and "F" for False on the Answer Sheet. (3 points each) 2& T 27. F 28. T 29. T 30. F

