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国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)» 2020-2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155) Part I Questions I—10 Arc on the following two tahies. (30 pointsv 3 points each) ltv« David HiHBs first day M his new school. Here is hh timetable • • Timetable 9.00- 9.45- B 10. 45- 11.30- B 13. 30- 14. 15- 15. 00- 9.45 10. 30 R 11.30 12.15 R 14. 15 15.00 15.45 Monday English Science E Geography History E Math* Music French Tuesday Maths English A Scjcncc A Art Computing Wednesday Science K English Maths K Gym Geography Thursday Spanish Muths Science History English French Gym Friday Computing French Gym English Spanish Geography Maths Rooms For First Year Students Ar! 4 Computing 16 English 21 French 25 Geography 7 Gym Gymnasium History 11 Maths IS Music 9 Science Science Lab 2 Spanish 23 Question 1 一 10: Complete the following sentences hased rm the informulion you Ret from the two tables at>ove. 1. David ha* an__________ lesson on Monday niorninx- 2. There is a fifteen minutere break in the morning between 10. 30 and _ 3. David 料 __________ (Geography lcsson(s) every week. 4. David huN a lesson on Thursday nftrrnuon between 11. 15 and 15. 0U. 5. The ftrat lesson begins at of clock. 6. The lost lesion finishes ot ___________ tn the afternoom 7. David hns ICMMOHCJI) in Room 11 every wcek> & DM vid needn to go to__________ to have Gym les^onHe 9.__________is the firMt lesion after lunch break on Friday. 10< David has French lessons in Room___________ • Read passages I nnd 2 then choose an answer from tbc choice given to complete ntatctncnU Passage 1 Chunges in livelihood Il—20 based on your understanding of the p: RC- (30 pointsv 3 points each) A U IHORI I ATIVE SCHOLARS place Chhui • ■ social development at the f lower ' medium levelF compared lo the rent of the world. Chinn hfin Kone through several twintii «nd tiirng since I949. and many people * n lives hnvr chAriRrd for bdtrr or wornr A rctultf However• today a Ktnrral improvrtnent in cvidrntt Siner 1978 in pitrticulnr. rnnny people1 • liftbutylcM have improved ftt n Krcatcr p«ce than in the previous 30 ye«r»> Chinc»c have not only improved on their diet t clothing• hoimiriH nnd the product* they use every tiny, hut their dinponable income hat alto grown AN well. Hy the end of June 1995. rural and urban bank navinxs mounted to 3.545.8 billion yunn. Figures nhow fhnt Bince the 1990a eammuntcAtionft equipment > hou»c«e Mpurtrnrritu and CAFB have begun to replace TV refriftcratarn and washing mnehinrs ( which in turn repheed bikc»t WAtchrn und Mrving machines At the beginning of the 1980M) HA the UrKrnt individual consumption itemn» According to ■ conRcrviitivr cMtimntct Chinn han about 100> OCX) private car* todny. Seven percent of urbnn rcnidcntR hnve inntailcd hamr phoncm The Chinese Pont mid relccomrnumcntionA MiriiNtry plan^ 120 million new phone linen (ar lhe yenr 2000> or o phonr lor every tirboti hoimchold. Todny fax machines• conipulert «nd mobile phonrn nrr very common nnd fnce A booming rnArkct. Quesllonft 11—15 arc based oa PaMmfc L IL The pAsnnKc in montly taken from____________ . A. a rww ・ paper H* ・ magazine Q ・ novel 12. I hr < China han changed for better since 1949 B. Chine him changed for worse nince 1949 C ・ Chinn hnA gone through many upM and downs 13. Which o( the following is NCT «monR the list of things thm Chinese have improved on? A. Diet. which of the following appenred the hicst as the of replacement? A. Apartments^ C. Watcher _____ urb»n residents have installed home phones. Il 120 million C Seven percent of B ・ Schoolings Q Money (or saving- 14. According to the pAS^age• IL Washing machines. 15. A- 100.000 Png* 2 Teibtube haby born in Chongqing Chongqing.Chinn^s newest municipality* with a population of 30 million, has welcomed 部 first testaube baby: three more arc expected to be bom this year. The boy. weighing three kilograms, was bam on 9 April, 19Q7 nt the Chongqing Mntcmity HzpiuiL The mother hnd been unnblc to conceive because of blocked hdlnpinn tubes. The hospital pioneered the research of assisted reproductive technology in southweM China by hunching a study in 1994. The hospital ha* technology on 67 women 27 percent of whom b 心 nw pregnant. The aid three more teMUube babies, including n set of triplets, will be bom tH» yean Chongqing is the seventh Chinese city to report the birth o( test-tube hab 心 (allowing Beijing. Shanghai. Hangxhou. Shenyang. Huikou and other cities. More than 250 teal-tube babies have been bom in theur niirji since the Beijing in 19B8, Questions 16—20 air bawd on PJI^WRC 2. 】6. Which of the following Matcmcnts i> NOT true >bout Chongqing? A. It Iwjt a population of 40 million* B- It rs Chirw'、ncwcM municipaHty> C ・ i: has juN welcomed its firs! ie5t-tube hftby. 17. The first test-tube baby in Chongqing ____________ . A ・ weigha (our kilogrammes when born K wns a boy C ・ was born at the chongqing children^ Hospital 18. There are supposed to be altogether_____________ louiuhe bobich born in Chongqing this year. A. 4 B.3 C6 19< Among the 67 woment on whom lhe axswicd reproductive technology &§ orcn usedt about _________ .became pregnant- A. 17 a :8 iC 19 20 ・ Which of the following cities ha» not reported the birth of test-tube babies? A. Beijing. B. Scianghai. C. Suzhou* Part ID Question* 21—30 arc ba&cd on Passage 3< (20 poinUe 2 points curb) How to Use London lelqihoncs 1 Telephone calls in Briuin arc m two classes: local call>t anc trunk enUs. Short distance calls of up to about twenty miles are classed as IOCA! colls< nnd CAIIS over longer difttanccs arc clawed 心 trunk calls. 2 In London* telephones now have all-figure numbers which do not include an exchange namet for example! 07) 222- 2870. U you make a Icxrnl telephone call in London to A subscriber in l^ndon* you leave out lhe 07l nnd dial only the ikBt seven ftKures of the number of the person whom you «re calling. To m.tkc A trunk cali co or from London, you dial nil the figures of the subscriber*# number. 3 Th L to R rtnd S to Z. When you look up n person e N number in the tclcphanc directory• you will firn hit n.imr GTI the left sidr of ihr column and his telephone number on the right 勺 dj 4 All calkboxes in London arc on the STD system > which has now been extended to all parts of Britain. The letters STD stand for Subscriber Trunk Dialing• and on this type of telephone you can dial many long-distance numbers direct as well as local numbers. An STD telephone is usually free# and the coin-box has slots for coins* To make a call, you pick up the receiver and dial rhe number before putting any money into the coin-box> When the person whonc number you are ringing answers, there will be n special rapid tone called the paytone> As soon as you hear this, you put your money in the box> The paytonc then stops* and you enn start to spcak< To make a trunk cal! by STD. you dial first the STD code number for the town that you are calling and then the number of the subscriber* For example, the STD code number for trunk calls from London to Bristol is 02721 if you telephone a person living in Bristol whose number is Bristol 294020. you would dial 0272 一 294020. When your time is up the paytone is repeatedi if you wish to continue your talkr you mu»t then put more money into the slot. The length of time allowed is doubled between 6 p ・ m> and 8 dm. Now pay phones work slightly differentlyt however* 5 Bcstdes the STD system9 there is also an International Subscriber Dialing service for making telephone calls to most of the countries of Europet but some calls can only be made frc>E telephones without a coin-box. You can dial direct to many places in France> Belgium* Germany• Luxembourg9 the Netherlands, and Switcerlande 6 A sped A! recorded telephone information service is provided every day for visitorB to London, fhis service gives visitors details of the main events of the day tn and around London. The information is recorded in four languages:English9 French. German and Spanish. When you wake up in the morning and you want to know what the weather will be like in London• dial 246—8901 > ond> if you want to know time, dial 123. Directions: Knid public 3 and then decide which uf the ntntcmcnU after It arr TRUE and which nrr F ・1g On your unwer ihrct. Indicate T fur TRUE or F for FALSE updnst (he number For cacb of Mtmu 21—30 for lhe answers you chootc. 21. Irk phone CAIIB in Britain enn be claniiified into two iypc»f local call* and iniemattonal CAIIB» 22. 1( you call from London to ■ nul)Mrib«r in London> you need to dial 071 finite 23. If you want tu know the trlrphonr number of Mr Williamn, you rwvd tu look it up in the directory for people wheme nnmr bcginn with the Irttcm S to Z< 24. You can usually find a personf« name on the left side of the column in a telephone directory* 25. Only the call-boxes in London arc now on the STD system. 26. To rnnkc « calL you need to put money into the coin-box first and then dial the number after hearing the pay tone. 27. To make a trunk call by STD. you need to dial STD code number first. 28 ・ All calls can be made from telephones with a coin-box^ 29. 1( you go to London, you can even get information over telephone in Chinese. 30. You can even get information A bout weather in London by dialing 246—8901 ・ Part N Qnntlon* 31—35 are based on Passage 4.(20 pointst 4 points each) Passage 4 If you »moke • particularly cignrctteA« you are far more likely than a non*sniokcr to Muffcr or die from several major diseases - notably lunn cnnccr. One nmokcr in four dies prematurcly(il 昼地)because of his smoking. The nwk of dying for A hrTivy smoker ( between the Agest of 35 and 55) is roughly equal to the nnk run by a non-ftmokert 10 years older. Cigarette smoking ・ and to a lesser degree pipe nnd cignr smoking ・ may nggravAtr《使怂 化)or be partly responsible for the development of n wide vuriety of other diBcascSf which include cancer* of the mouth and throat • peptic ulcers ( WStfiS)« and lo»» of tectlv Women who amoke during pregnancy produce babien on average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don't. Take lung cancer for cxamplei Britnin9* lung cancer figures ore the highest in the world* and nsing. Ninety people die everyday. 33• 000 in 1969. Almost all these deaths ran be attributed directly to tobucco Rmoking. The pirospecK of a cure (or lung cancer Aret at present> remote, nnd it is impciMible to estimnte when* if ever, someone will find onr. You would br foolish to rely on wrncone finding a cure before you needed il. One man in eight who dien between the nge <>f 3S and 64 is killed by lung conccr. The figures (or women in lhi» ftge group are lower< about I in 20. This is purlly because women ^mokr lrsst and have not smoked z long< But the figures lire still very hi&h ・ Directions: Rend 4 and then Rhr ・ nhort answer Io ciKh of the questions 31—35 on y«ur answer sheet (20 points# 4 points each) 3L At whin rntr do Ariiokern die prcmmurely bernuM? of their imoking? 32. Whnt kind u( bubicft will he produced by women who smoke during pregnancy? 33. Which country hnn the highest lung ennrer fiKurcn in the world? 34. Which might bi- M morr cfttjnc (or lo»» of teethe cigarcnc »mokinH or |H|K- nmoking? 35. WlinlS the figure of wortn-n killed by lung c«ncrr between the ni(c of 35 and 649 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) P ・ rt I (30 point,. 3 polnls each) 1« Englinh 2. 1Q. 45 X lhree/3 4. French 5. 9.00 6. 15.45 7. two/2 & CrymnaRium 9. Spuninh 10. 25 P»rt H (30 point'. 3 points rach) ILA 16. A 12-C 17. B 13. B 18. C M. A 19. H 15. C 20. C Part III (20 point'. 2 each) 21. F 22. F 23. T 24. T 25. F 26. F 27.T 28. E 29.F 30. T Hurt IV (2() points t 4 p Cigarette smoking* 35. About I in 20«

