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‎09年成人高考高起点英语复习笔记一 第一章 名词 ‎  1.名词的数 ‎  A、常见的不可数名词 ‎  1.Fluids(流体):‎ ‎  air空气, smoke烟, water水, oil油, ink墨木, juice果汁,‎ ‎  rain雨水, tea茶, coffee咖啡, wine酒,beer啤酒 ‎  2.Substances(物质):‎ ‎  paper纸, glass玻璃,wood木头,iron铁, chalk粉笔,‎ ‎  fruit水果,meat肉, beef牛肉, mutton羊肉,chicken鸡肉,‎ ‎  sugar糖, salt盐, rice米, sand沙子, dust灰尘,‎ ‎  gold黄金 ‎  3.Abstracts(抽象名词):‎ ‎  health健康, wealth财富, honesty诚实, friendship友谊,‎ ‎  wisdom智慧, attention注意力,luck运气, progress进步,‎ ‎  work工作, room空间, news新闻, information消息,‎ ‎  love爱, trouble 麻烦, happiness幸福, silence寂静 ‎  4.Subjects(学科):‎ ‎  physics物理, chemistry化学, mathematics数学,history历史,‎ ‎  geography地理, English英语, biology生物, music音乐 ‎  B. 、可数名词的复数形式 ‎  1.直接在词尾加-s,如 desks, maps, cats, pens cars, farms ‎  2.以-s, -x, -ch, sh结尾的词加-es :glasses, classes, buses, boxes, foxes, watches, matches, brushes, dishes(例外:stomachs 胃)‎ ‎  3.以-O 结尾的词:‎ ‎  Negroes, heres, potatoes, tomatoes(有生命的名词加-es);‎ ‎  photos, pianos, kilos, radios, zoos studios(无生命的名词加-es)‎ ‎  4.辅音字母+y 结尾的,把y 变为i再加es :‎ ‎  city-cities, story-stories, baby-babies, dictionary-dictionaries,‎ ‎  factory- factories, fly- flies, diary-diaries ‎  但是,元音字母+y——直接+s toy——toys ‎  5.以 -f, -fe结尾的单词,去掉f,-fe 再加 ves:‎ ‎  knife-knives, wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves,‎ ‎  thief-thieves, leaf-leaves ‎  例外:roof-roofs屋顶, belief-beliefs信仰, gulf-gulfs海湾 ‎  safe-safes, handkerchief-handker chiefs手帕 ‎  6.特殊变化:‎ ‎  man-men woman→woman ‎  child→children, tooth→teeth,‎ ‎  goose→geese鹅 foot→feet,‎ ‎  mouse→mice, looker-on→lookers-on 旁观者 ‎  passer-by→passers-by过路人,‎ ‎  editor-in-chief→editors-in-chief总编辑,‎ ‎  man-doctor→men doctors,‎ ‎  woman-doctor→women doctors;‎ ‎  fish, deer, Chinese, sheep单复数同形。‎ ‎  C、 只有复数形式的名词 ‎  1.下列名词,只有复数形式,只能接复数形式的动词:‎ ‎  clothes衣服, fireworks烟火, wages工资, thanks谢意,‎ ‎  remains残留物,sweets糖果 ‎  2.由相同两部分构成的名词,只有复数形式,只能接复数形式的动词:‎ ‎  scissors剪刀, glasses眼镜, trousers裤子,shoes鞋,‎ ‎  socks袜, gloves手套 ‎  这些名词如表示数量,要以 pair为单位,如:‎ ‎  a pair of shoes一双鞋 two pairs of shoes 两双鞋 ‎  a pair of glasses一副眼镜 two pairs of glasses两副眼镜 ‎  3.某些集合名词,本身即为复数,所以不能加-s,也不能以one, a, every等词来修饰,如:‎ ‎  this people(×) these peoples(×) these people(√)‎ ‎  that police(×) those polices(×) those police(√)‎ ‎  2.名词的所有格 ‎  名词所有格的构成 英语名词所有格有两种:'s属格和of属格。‎ ‎  1)'s所有格 ‎  ①单数名词加-'构成,如:‎ ‎  Hellen's car海伦的汽车; the doctor's glasses医生的眼镜;‎ ‎  a dog's tail 狗的尾巴; the manager's secreatry 经理的秘书 ‎  ②复数名词以-s结尾的只加-',不以-s结尾的加-'s,如:‎ ‎  the girls' school女子学校; ladies' hats女帽;‎ ‎  the students' Library学生阅览室;Women's club妇女俱乐部;‎ ‎  Children's toys儿童玩具; men's hats男帽 ‎  ③复合名词在最后一词后加-'s,如:‎ ‎  Somebody else's umbrella别人的伴伞;‎ ‎  my brother-in -law's car我姐夫的汽车 ‎  2) of所有格的用法:‎ ‎  主要用于表示无生命的名词,一般采用"the +所有物+of +(the, that, my ——) + 所有者"的形式,如:‎ ‎  the door of this classroom这间教室的门;the leaves of the tree树叶;‎ ‎  the name of our school我们学校的名字。the door of the house,‎ ‎  a map of China.‎ ‎  3)双重属格的用法:‎ ‎  a friend of +名词所有格or 名词性物主代词,主要用来表示人的所有关系,例如:‎ ‎  a friend of my brother's, two plays of Shakespeare's,‎ ‎  some children of Mr. Brown's, these ideas of yours,‎ ‎  those dirty shoes of James'.‎ ‎  双重属格的名词前不能用the和one来修饰。‎ ‎  Note:of my own属于我自己的on my own我独自地 ‎  4)特殊所有格 ‎  若一样东西为两人共有,后一个人名用所有格,在最后一词后加-'s;如:‎ ‎  Tom and John's room汤姆和约翰(共同)的房间;‎ ‎  Lily and Lucy's school莉莉和露茜(共同)的学校。‎ ‎  如果属于二人分别拥有,则在两个名词之后分别加-'s,且其后名词应为复数。如:‎ ‎  Mary's and John's pens玛丽和约翰(各自)的钢笔;‎ ‎  Mike's and Henry's desks迈克和亨利(各自)的书桌 ‎  John and Tom's room(only one room);‎ ‎  John's and Tom's rooms(two rooms:one for John and one for Tom)‎ ‎  「例如」The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice's mother.‎ ‎  You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith's and Mr. Black's cars is.‎ ‎  5)在表示"某人家","店铺"时,所有格后面的名词常常省略:‎ ‎  at Mr. Green's(在格林先生家); at my brother's(在我兄弟家);‎ ‎  at the tailor's(在裁缝店); at the barber's(在理发店);‎ ‎  at the doctor's(在诊所)‎ ‎  6)noun+to ‎  I don't quite remember the key________the question though I answered it correctly.‎ ‎  A.of B.to C.for D.about ‎  3.名词的常用考点 ‎  考点1.牢记六个不可数名词 不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用数词,但是可用some, any ‎  information,weather,fun,progress,advice,furniture,‎ ‎  a. ________ important information it is!A. What B. What an ‎  b. ________ nice weather it is today! A. What B. What a ‎  c. ________ fun it is! A. What B. What a ‎  d. Physics has made great progress in this century. And so has maths.‎ ‎  e. The doctor gave my father some advice on how to stop smoking.‎ ‎  f. She has to clean all the furniture in all the bedrooms in two hours.‎ ‎  g.It was fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.‎ ‎  [A] such great [B] so great [C] such a great [D] so great a ‎  考点2.有些名词的复数形式可以表示特别的意义 ‎  papers(报纸;文件); works(工 厂;著 作); looks(外 表);‎ ‎  hairs(几 根 头 发); times(时 代); sands(沙滩);‎ ‎  drinks(饮料); manners(礼貌); arms(武器);‎ ‎  forces(军队) glasses ‎  牢记五个名词单复数形式可以表示特别意义的名词 ‎  word / man difficulty room people population ‎  a.当 word和man用作不可數名词时,前面不加冠词,也不用复数形式时,它们的意义是:word(消息;通知),man(人类)‎ ‎  Word came that the headmaster would come to talk to us.(消息)‎ ‎  Please send me word of your arrival.(通知)‎ ‎  Labor created man.(人类)‎ ‎  Quite a lot scientists have studied the origin of man in the last century.‎ ‎  b.have some difficulty in doing sth.‎ ‎  c.I am afraid that there isn't _____left for you two in my car. There are already five people in ‎ it.‎ ‎  A.many room B.any rooms C.any room many rooms ‎  d……people作集合名词用时,后面的谓语动词总是用复数形式 ‎  The people in the village like the new teacher.‎ ‎  但是,作"民族"解释时是可数名词,有复数形式:peoples;作"全体公民"解释时,动词用复数形式。‎ ‎  the peoples of Asia(亚洲各民族)‎ ‎  The Chinese people are a great people.(中华民族是一个伟大的民族。)‎ ‎  e.population具有集合名词的一般用法 ‎  A:The population of China is largethan that of India.‎ ‎  (中国人口比印度多。)‎ ‎  B.Eighty percent of the population of China are peasants.‎ ‎  (中 国80%的人 口是农民。)‎ ‎  考点3.集合名词的数 ‎  一般地说,集合名词只以单数形式出现。常见的有:family,police,cattle,team,people,government,class,group,audience(观众),public(公众),crew(全体船员)等。当这些名词作主语时,若表示一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;若表示集体的每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ ‎  His family is a big family./ The whole family are watching TV now.‎ ‎  The government welcomes the proposal.(政府欢迎该建议。)‎ ‎  The government are discussing the proposal.(政府官员正在讨论该建议。)‎ ‎  注意:‎ ‎  (1)police和cattle后面的谓语动词总是用复数形式 ‎  Many cattle are kept on the farm.‎ ‎  Several hundred police are on duty.‎ ‎  考点4.of+抽象数=相应的形容词 ‎  of+geat+抽象名词=very+相应的形容词 ‎  of+no+抽象名词=not+相应的形容词(or -less, un-)‎ ‎  这样的抽象名词主要有:importance,value,use,help ‎  The dictionary is of great use/help.=The dictionary is very useful/helpful.‎ ‎  The meeting is of great importance.=The meeting is very important.‎ ‎  Ginseng is of great medicine value. (西洋参具有很高的药用价值。)‎ ‎  Your advice is of great value to us=Your advice is very valuable to us ‎  His suggestion is of no use=His suggestion is not useful ‎  That program is of great interest to the children ‎  =That program is very interesting to the children ‎  但是,of+color/age/height/width常用来表示具有同样的颜色、年龄、高度、宽度等等。‎ ‎  These two jackets are of the same color.(这两件夹克衫颜色一样。)‎ ‎  We're of the same age.(我们年龄一样大。)‎ ‎  考点5.to+抽象名词常表示喜、怒、哀、乐 ‎  to one's surprise(令人惊讶地);to one's joy/delight(令人高兴地);‎ ‎  to one'sdisappointment(令人失望地);to one's shame(令人羞愧地)‎ ‎  考点6.名词作定语 ‎  名词作定语一般用单数 ‎  eg. mountain areas山区 apple pies苹果派 ‎  color TV's彩色电视机 machine guns机关机 ‎  the school bus学校的班车 ‎  a shoe shop/ a stone bridge/ a mountain village/‎ ‎  the ticket office/ war stories/ book leaves/ vegetable garden ‎  [例外]savings account储蓄存款帐户 women's college女子学院 ‎  girls's high school女子中学 ‎  man,woman作定语与后面的名词的数一致 ‎  eg,a man doctor——two men doctors ‎  sports运动,作定语一般用复数 eg. A sports car/ sports shoes/ a sports meet/ the sports field ‎  sport(单数)表示具体的运动项目 eg.Which sport were you in yesterday?‎ ‎  「例句」I walked too much yesterday and ________are still aching now. (CET-4 1995,6)‎ ‎  A) my leg's muscles B) my muscles of leg ‎  C) my leg muscles D) my muscle's of the leg ‎  本题为名词作定语,不用所有格形式,故正确答案为C.‎ ‎  类似的用法还有:a woman doctor,a straw hat,a paper cover.‎ ‎  「例句」Now people use the word MS instead of Miss or Mrs before the name of______ in business 'letters.‎ ‎  A)woman manager B)women manager ‎  C)woman managers D)women managers ‎  考点7.复合形容词中的名词必须用单数 ‎  eg. two-minute ride seven five-yuan notes ‎  a nine-foot-tall tree a three-year old三岁的小孩 ‎  a seven-day holiday七天的假期 ‎  a 200-meter-high building二百米高的大厦 ‎  注意名词所有格和复合形容词的用法 ‎  eg.二十分钟的路程 twenty minutes' walk ‎  a twenty-minute walk ‎  「例句」Despite the wonderful acting and well developed plot the movie could not hold our________ attention. (CET-1996,1)‎ ‎  A) three-hours B) three-hour C) three-hours' D) three-hour's ‎  three-hour为复合形容词,作定语不能加's.另外,复合形容词作定语,其中名词保持单数,故A、C、D都不对。正确答案为B.三个小时的电影也可以表达为:three hours' movie . ‎  考点8.表示时间的名词前有one,some,this,that,last,next,every,all等修饰时,前面不再用介词:‎ ‎  eg. 1. One day I happened to meet her on my way back from school.‎ ‎  2.He kept washing all day.‎ ‎  3.Next morning I will leave for the USA to study English.‎ ‎  考点9.最高级形容词前如有名词,要用所有格形式,如有数词,要用序数词形式,如:‎ ‎  the world's highest mountain世界最高的山 ‎  the country's largest library国家最大的图书馆 ‎  the second longest river in China中国第二长河 ‎  考点10. 表示数量的hundred,thousand,million,dozen,(打),score(二十)的用法 ‎  (1)表示确定数目时,不加s:five hundred(thousand,million)students;six dozen pens ‎  (2)表示不确定数目时,加s并且与of连用:hundreds of students;dozens(scores)of people ‎  (3)many, several等修饰dozen,score时,不用复数,也不用of:many/several dozen pencils,但是当名词前有限定词或事物本身为人称代词,必须加 of:‎ ‎  a dozen of these people/eggs; two score of such books;‎ ‎  two dozen of them two dozen eggs两打鸡蛋 ‎  four score and seven years ago八十七年前 ‎  dozens of students几十名学生 hundred of horses上千匹马 ‎  millions of people上千万人 ‎  He has flow two hundred miles to get here ‎  他坐飞机飞了两百英里赶到这里。‎ ‎  Millions of people come to visit this city every year ‎  每年有几百万人来这个城市参加。‎ ‎  12.自我检测 ‎  (1) The_____of the cottage were covered with_________.‎ ‎  A. roofs; leafs B.roofs;leaves C.roovws; leafs D.rooves;leaves ‎  (2) That shop sells_______clothing.‎ ‎  A.child's and woman's B.children and women's C.children's and women D.children's and women's ‎  (3) There are five_______ in our clinic.‎ ‎  A.woman doctor B.woman doctors C.women doctor D.women doctors ‎  (4)——What can I do for you? ——I'd like to have a ____of China Daily.‎ ‎  A.piece B.sheet C.copy D.lot ‎  (5)If these shoes are too big, ask him to bring you a small________.‎ ‎  A.pair B.one C.suit D.piece ‎  (6)The advertisements in newspapers help to cut the _____of making newspapers.‎ ‎  A.value B.price C.cost D.pay ‎  (7)Mr.smith had no______in finding his teacher's address.‎ ‎  A.difficulty B.difficulties C.troubles D.mistakes ‎  (8)______it is to have a swim in hot summer!‎ ‎  A.What a fun B. What fun C.How fun D.How a fun ‎  (9)It is bad______to speak with your mouth full.‎ ‎  A.way B.manner C.manners D.methods ‎  (10)You should pay much_______to your pronunciation.‎ ‎  A.interest B.notice C.money D.attention Answer BDDCA CABCD 第二章 冠词 ‎  一、冠词的种类 ‎  1. 不定冠词 a/an的用法 ‎  a用于辅音音标开头的单词前(不一定是辅音字母):an用于元音音标开头的单词前(不一定是元音字母) :an old man ‎  a friend ‎  an American writer ‎  a Chinese book——an English book ‎  注意 以字母h,u,e,y开头的单词:an hour/honor/honest ‎  a university——an umbrella-a usual/useful book ‎  a European ‎  a young man——a youth ‎  泛指人、事、物的类别 A.English is a useful language.‎ ‎  B.A horse is a useful animal.‎ ‎  C.His telehpone number begins with a " 3".‎ ‎  泛指某人某物 ‎  There's a man waiting for you at the gate of our school.‎ ‎  There's a book lying on the floor.‎ ‎  表示every/per的含义 ‎  This kind of Santana car can run 150 kilometers an hour.‎ ‎  Some students of Senior Three study 12 hours a day.‎ ‎  用于某些固定词组中 ‎  a few; a little; a lot of;‎ ‎  a bit of; a couple of; a great deal of;‎ ‎  many a; all of a sudden; as a matter of fact;‎ ‎  in a word; have a word with sb. have a good time;‎ ‎  do sb. a favor pay a visit to; as a rule ‎  in a day or two; in a way; make a living;‎ ‎  two pills at a time; take a walk/break/bath/seat;‎ ‎  have a cold/fever/headache/stomachache ‎  2.定冠词the的用法 ‎  the 在辅音前发/ / 在元音前发/ /‎ ‎  (1)表示特指和第二次提到的人或物:‎ ‎  Here the books you want.‎ ‎  I saw a film last night. The film was wonderful.‎ ‎  (2)表示世界上独一无二的东西:the sun;the earth;the moon ‎  (3)用在序数词、形容词最高级前面:the first-class; the third floor; the longest river ‎  (4)用在江、河、湖、海、山 脉、群 岛、海 峡、海 湾、沙 漠、方 位 前 面:‎ ‎  the Changjiang river; the West Lake ; the Great Canal(大运河);‎ ‎  the Taiwan Strait; on the right/left; in the north/south ‎  (4)与某些形 容 词 连 用表 示 一 类 人,动 词 用 复 数 形 式:‎ ‎  the poor/rich/old/young/sick/old/new/wounded ‎  The young have to learn from the old.(年轻人要向老年人学习。)‎ ‎  The right and the wrong are the opposites.‎ ‎  (6)在乐器的名词前面:She likes to play the piano/violin/guitar.‎ ‎  (7)在某 些 表 示 时 间 的 词 组 中:‎ ‎  in the morning/afternoon/evening/night(but at noon/night);‎ ‎  in the daytime;in the 1870's/1870s ‎  (8)用在姓氏的复数前面:The Smiths are sitting at the breakfast table.‎ ‎  (9)在表示发明物的名词前面:‎ ‎  The gunpowder was invented in China 400 year age.‎ ‎  Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.‎ ‎  The teacher showed us a telescope and said it was Galileo who invented the telescope.‎ ‎  (10)用在表示国家和民族的形容词前面表示该国的人民:‎ ‎  the English/Chinese/Japanese/French ‎  (11)用在由普通名词构成的专用名词前面:‎ ‎  the United States(联合国); the New York Times(纽约时报);‎ ‎  the People's Liberation Army(中国人民解放军)‎ ‎  (12)用在表示计算单位的名词前面,常含"每","每一"的意义,或相当于"按……计算":‎ ‎  A.These workers are paid by the hour/piece.(计时/件取酬)‎ ‎  B.These eggs are sold by the dozen.(这些鸡蛋是论打卖的。)‎ ‎  但"按重量"应说by weight ‎  C.Meat is sold by the kilo(by weight)。‎ ‎  (13)方位名词前必须加the ‎  in the east of ‎  on the east of ‎  to the east of/east of ‎  在山顶 at the top of hill=on top of hill ‎  Last year he spent hisw holiday on a farm in the country south of Boston.‎ ‎  二、零冠词 即不用冠词,用于不可数名词,复数可数名词和某些单数可数名词前 ‎  (1)专用名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前面一般不加冠词 ‎  Knowledge is power.‎ ‎  We can't live without air.‎ ‎  China has a large population.‎ ‎  (2)表示头衔、职务的名词作表语、同位语、宾语补语、主语补语时不加冠词 ‎  Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States in 1860.‎ ‎  Wang Ping, monitor of Class Three, won the first prize.‎ ‎  但是,当这些名词作主语时,要加定冠词:‎ ‎  The president of USA will visit America in the near future.‎ ‎  He was elected__/__President for the third time. That was a great victory of his party.‎ ‎  Elizabeth II,__/_Queen of England, declared the conference open.‎ ‎  (3)称呼语前面不加冠词 ‎  Where are you going, mum?‎ ‎  Jimmy said that / Uncle hadn't come back and _/__Auntie was out.‎ ‎  The general ordered his men,"Use your knife, young man!"‎ ‎  (4)泛指复数名词前面不加冠词 ‎  We're Senior Three students.‎ ‎  ——What are they?——They're workers.‎ ‎  (5)by+交通工具/通讯工具 ‎  A.——Do you know how he will come here?‎ ‎  ——I think he'll come here by bus/train/taxi/ship/plane/bike.‎ ‎  B.I'll tell you by telephone/email.‎ ‎  但是使用其他介词时要注意:‎ ‎  He'll come in her taxi/on her bike/on a bus.‎ ‎  You're wanted on the telephone.(你有电话。)‎ ‎  (6)用在介词at/by后面,表示时间,不加冠词 ‎  at daybreak/dawn/dusk/noon/sunrise/sunset/night ‎  B.Most people work by day and rest by night.(大多数人白天工作晚上休息。)‎ ‎  (7)在turn(变成,成为)后面的名词前面不加冠词 ‎  His son turned writer at last.=His son became a writer at last.‎ ‎  (8)几个词组 ‎  in space/in distance /peace/public by chance/accident/surprise ‎  on foot/duty/earth out of breath/ reach/sight/control ‎  三、冠词的主要考点 ‎  考点(1)一日三餐,一年四季,月份、星期、节日名词前面一般不加冠词 ‎  If winter comes, can spring be far behind?‎ ‎  What do you often have for breakfast?‎ ‎  Our school library is open every day except Sunday.‎ ‎  Daddy,dinner is ready!‎ ‎  Do you know when Teachers' Day is?‎ ‎  但是特指时用the;有修饰形容词时用a ‎  In____spring, trees turn green.‎ ‎  In____spring of 1987,the old scientist returned to his motherland. Answer: /; the ‎  The story took place in the winter of 1918. It was a very cold winter.‎ ‎  但是:我们中国的有些节日前要加定冠词:the Spring Festival;the Mid-Autumn Day /Festival ‎  考点2)球类、棋类、游戏、学科名称前面一般不加冠词;而乐器名称前要加the ‎  Does your brother like to play football/basketball/chess?‎ ‎  He likes to study mathematics/ physics/chemistry/English/Chinese/biology/politics.‎ ‎  I like playing football while my sister is interested in playing the piano.‎ ‎  考点(3) 职务的名词 和 称呼语前面不加冠词 ‎  Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States in 1860.‎ ‎  Wang Ping, monitor of Class Three, won the first prize.‎ ‎  Jimmy said that / Uncle hadn't come back and _/__Auntie was out.‎ ‎  The general ordered his men,"Use your knife, young man!"‎ ‎  考点(4) 在表示发明物,计算单位的名词前面,要加定冠词:‎ ‎  A.These workers are paid by the hour/piece.(计时/件取酬)‎ ‎  B.These eggs are sold by the dozen.(这些鸡蛋是论打卖的。)‎ ‎  C.The gunpowder was invented in China 400 year age.‎ ‎  D.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.‎ ‎  E.The teacher showed us a telescope and said it was Galileo who invented the telescope.‎ ‎  考点(5)用和不用定冠词在意义上的差别 一般地说,无定冠词表示"抽象意思";有定冠词表示具体"某个地方或某事"‎ ‎  1)in hospital(住院); in the hospital(在医院里)‎ ‎  2)at table(在吃饭); at the table(在桌子旁边)‎ ‎  3)out of problem(没问题;可能的);out of the problem(不可能的;成问题)‎ ‎  4)in front of(在……前面); in the front of(在……内部前面)‎ ‎  5)go to school(上学); go to the school(有事去学校)‎ ‎  6)go to church(做礼拜); go to the church(去教堂)‎ ‎  7)My wish is to go to sea.(我的愿望是当海员。);‎ ‎  My wish is to go to the sea.(我的愿望是去海边。)‎ ‎  8)few——a few ‎  few people[没几个人(表示否定)];a few people[几个人(表示肯定)]‎ ‎  9)little——a little ‎  little water(没多少水);a little water(有点水)few——a few ‎  10)knowledge知识——‎ ‎  a knowledge of是一种特殊用法,指了解、知道或懂得某事,而非泛指的知识。‎ ‎  eg. Many people agree that ____knowledge of English is a must in ____international trade today.(NMET 96)‎ ‎  A、a;不填 B。the;an C。the;the D。不填;the ‎  此题难度较大, knowledge通常为抽象名词,属不可数名词,其前一般不用任何冠词,后跟of English似限制它的,当用the.如此常规分析,正好误入题目设计者的圈套。这里a knowledge of是一种特殊用法,指了解、知道或懂得某事,而非泛指的知识。‎ ‎  11)next morning 和the next morning的区别 ‎  next morning明天早晨+将来时; the next morning第二天早晨+过去时 ‎  Next morning we will go to visit the Great Wall.‎ ‎  The next morning we finished the work.‎ ‎  考点(6)使用不定冠词和定冠词在意义上的差别 ‎  1)a number ——the number ‎  A number of students would like to go for a walk after supper.(好多学生)‎ ‎  The number of students in our school is 1400.(学生数)‎ ‎  2)most,a most, the most ‎  This is a most interesting story.(most=very;这是一个非常有趣的故事。)‎ ‎  This is the most interesting story of the three.(the most为最高级;这是三个故事中最有趣的故事。)‎ ‎  3)a second和the second ‎  It is important to learn a second language.‎ ‎  4)only a few=few; only a little= little ‎  She has only a few friends because she is a newcomer to the city.她几乎没有朋友因为她刚来这个城市。‎ ‎  The boy has only a little money, so he can't afford to buy a bike.这亇孩子几乎没钱,,所哋买不起自行車。‎ ‎  考点(7)两个与 the有关的句型 ‎  a. the+比较级,the+比较级 ‎  eg.The faster the better.‎ ‎  The harder we study, the greater progress we'll make.‎ ‎  b. 大处着眼,小处着手 ‎  打strike,hit,beat ‎  抓catch,seize,grasp +sb+介词+the+身体部位 ‎  拉pull,take in+软的部位 ‎  on+硬的部位 ‎  by+可拉出的部位 ‎  eg. I hit the boy on the head.‎ ‎  I catch him by the ear.‎ ‎  I beat him in the face.‎ ‎  The little girl pulled me by the sleeve.‎ A policeman caught a thief by the arm just when the thief was stealing. ‎ ‎  自我检测 ‎  (1)——How many minutes are there in______hour?——Sixty.‎ ‎  A./ B.the C.a D.an ‎  (2)——Can you lend me______money?——Yes, but only______pounds.‎ ‎  A.few;little B.little;few C.a little; a few D.a few; a little ‎  (3)It is surprising that______German cannot speak______German language.‎ ‎  A./;a B.a ;the C.the;/ D.a;a ‎  (4)As we know,_______sea covers more than 70 percent of_______surface of ______earth.‎ ‎  A.the;the;the B.a; the;the C.the;a;a D.a;a;the ‎  (5)Her sister is talkative, but her brother is a man of______words.‎ ‎  A.little B.a little C.a few D.few ‎  (6)All of ______sudden, we saw a boy rush out of______back door.‎ ‎  A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.the;a ‎  (7)She likes playing____violin while her brother likes playing______football.‎ ‎  A.the;the B.a;the C./;the D.the;/‎ ‎  (8)——What is she? ——She's_______.‎ ‎  A.a singer and dancer B. singer and dancer C.a singer and a dancer D. singer and a dancer ‎  (9)What____it is to travel in_______spaceship!‎ ‎  A.a fun;the B.a fun;a C.fun;a D.fun;the ‎  (10)I didn't tell him______news at once because I wanted to give him______surprise.‎ ‎  A.a;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the ‎  (11)Washington was elected______president in 1787. He was the first president of_____United States.‎ ‎  A.the;the B./;the C./;/ D.the;/‎ ‎  (12)You left______"s" in ______spelling of_____word "address".‎ ‎  A.an;the;the B.the;the;the C.a; the;the D.an;/;a ‎  Answer DCBAD BDACB BA ‎1.Alice is fond of playing ____ piano while Herry is interested in listening to _____ music.‎ A./ , the     B./ , /  C.the ,/  D.the , the (89)‎ ‎2.Beyond _____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _______ space.‎ ‎  A.the , /  B./ ,the  C./ ,/  D.the , the (90)‎ ‎3.Alexander Graham Bell invent _____ telephone in 1876.‎ A. /  B.a  C.the  D.one  (91)‎ ‎4.—-Where’s Jack?‎ ‎--I think he’s still in ____ bed, but he might just be in ______ bathroom. ‎ A./ ,/       B.the , the   C.the,/  D./ , the (92)‎ ‎5.Many people are still in _______ bahit of writing silly things in ______ public places.‎ A.the , the  B./ , / C.the , / D./ , the  (93)‎ ‎6.She is _____newcomer to ____chemistry, but she has already made some important discoveries.‎ A.the, the   B.the ,/  C.a , /  D.a , the (94)‎ ‎7.—-I’d like ____ information about the managemnet of your hotel , please.‎ ‎--Well , yopu could have ____ word with the manager. He might be helpful.‎ A.some , a     B.an , some C.some , some   D.an ,a  (95)‎ ‎8.Many people agree that _____knowledge of English is a must in _____international trade today.‎ A.a , / B.the , an C.the , the D./ , the  (96)‎ ‎9.--Have you seen _______ pen? I left it here this morning.‎ ‎--Is it ________ black one ? I think I saw it.‎ A.a , the   B.the ,the  C.the , a D.a , a  (97)‎ ‎10. Paper money was in ____use in China when Marco Polo visited tbe country in ‎  ___thirteenth century.‎ ‎  A.the;不填     B.the;the    C.不填;the     D.不填;不填  (99)‎ ‎11.Most animals have little connection with ________animals of _________different kind unless they kill them for food.‎ ‎  A.the ; a    B.不填 ; a  C.the ;the  D.不填 ;the  (2000)‎ ‎ Answer CACDA CAAAC A ‎ 第三章 代词 ‎  一、人称代词 ‎  主格 I you he she it we you they ‎  宾格 me you him her it us you them ‎  物主代词 ‎  形容词性 my your his her it's our your their ‎  名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs ‎  反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourself yourselves themseves ‎  试体会下列人称代词的用法:‎ ‎  (1)He seated himself at the back of the classroom.(反身代词只作宾语、同位语和表语)‎ ‎  (1)Please help yourself to some fish.‎ ‎  (2)Sometimes he doesn't believe in himself.-‎ ‎  (3)——Who is knocking at the door? ——It's me.‎ ‎  (4)The poor boy was himself.‎ ‎  (5)This book is mine, not his.‎ ‎  (6)He's an old friend of mine, not hers.‎ ‎  (7)You, he and I have worked together for ten years.(注意人称代词的顺序)‎ ‎  (8)——Nice to see you here. ——Me, too.(这里不能用I:我也如此。)‎ ‎  (9)All of us should learn from them all.‎ ‎  考点1.人称代词,物主代词的常用考点:‎ ‎  1.人称代词用作为表语时,与动词前的代词或名词同格:‎ ‎  eg.1.Do you think the thief to be ? .‎ ‎  A.I B.his C. him D.man ‎  2.I thought it was (D) .‎ ‎  A.him B.himself C.his D.he ‎  2.在名词双重所有格里的物主代词用法 ‎  3.(C)。The man you met in the street is a friend of __________.‎ ‎  A.I B.my C.mine D.me ‎  3.在比较时注意前后对称 ‎  4.(D)。Our classroom is larger than ____________.‎ ‎  A.you B.your C.yous D.yours ‎  4.人称代词在并列使用时的顺序为:"第二人称,第三人称,第一人称".‎ ‎  如:You, she and I all enjoy the music.‎ ‎  但是,复数应为"第一人称,第二人称,第三人称".‎ ‎  Eg.We,you and they are friendly to one another.‎ ‎  考点2.反身代词的常用考点 ‎  1. 掌握其固定结构:‎ ‎  enjoy oneself=have a good time (过得很愉快)‎ ‎  learn sth. by oneself =teach oneself sth. (自学)‎ ‎  devote oneself to献身于 ‎  come to oneself 苏醒过来; 醒悟过来; 恢复理性 ‎  speak to oneself自言自语 ‎  teach oneself自修 ‎  help oneself to sth(随便吃/喝 些……) Help yourself to some meat!请自己吃点肉吧!‎ ‎  for oneself为自己; 代表自己; 独力地; 亲自地 One should not live for oneself alone.‎ ‎  一个人不应只是为自已活着。‎ ‎  (all)by oneself=alone单独地,独自 ‎  of oneself自动地, 自发地 The door opened of itself.‎ ‎  2. 注意oneself与one's own的区别 ‎  eg.I myself don't know how to express myself in my own words.‎ ‎  同位语 宾语 定语 英语的数词可以分为基数词和序数词两大类 ‎  数词的基本作用有两个:‎ ‎  一、作限定词,与名词一起构成词组,如:one banana,the first time,the second longest river;‎ ‎  二、用作名词词组的中心词,与其他的限定词一起构成名词词组,在句子中充当主语、宾语、主语补足语、同位语和状语。‎ ‎  作主语:Two of the students are absent today.‎ ‎  作宾语:She only likes one of the books given by her father.‎ ‎  作主语补足语/表语: :Ten divided by two is fine./She's only seventeen.‎ ‎  作同位语:We three are all willing to help you.‎ ‎  作状语:The yellow river is the second longest river in china.‎ ‎  平常生活中经常要碰到很多数字问题,在使用时我们要特别注意以下几点:‎ ‎  1. 序数词和基数词 five——fifth twelve——twelfth twenty——twentieth ‎  基数词变序数词。其规律为:‎ ‎  1,2,3特殊记,加th从4起 (first,second,third,fourth)‎ ‎  8少t,9去e,千万别忘记 (eighth,ninth)‎ ‎  逢5逢12,ve变f (fifth,twelfth)‎ ‎  20到90,y要变ie (twentieth,ninetieth)‎ ‎  若是几十几,前基后序别倒位 (ninety-first)‎ ‎  21-99的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成:56-fifty-six ‎  注意以下几个不规则的序数词的拼写 ‎  first(第一); second(第二); third(第三);‎ ‎  eighth(第八); ninth(第九); twelfth(第十二)‎ ‎  2. 顺序(编号)表示法 一般来说,编号有两种表示法:‎ ‎  (1) 事物名词+基数词 ‎  (2) 定冠词the+序数词+事物名词 ‎  eg.第一次世界大战 World War One/ the first World War ‎  304教室 Room 304‎ ‎  3.序数词的一个特殊用法 ‎  the first/last to do sth第一个做sth的人 ‎  eg. My mother is always the first to get up and the last to go to bed in my family.‎ 一、形容词和副词的不同句法作用 ‎  1.说明名词用形容词,说明动词, 形容词或其它副词用副词 ‎  eg. He looks happy.‎ ‎  He is singing happily.‎ ‎  Ex.Choose the right word for each blank.‎ ‎  1. Bill said that the mixture tasted__________(terrible,terribly)。‎ ‎  "I'm__________(terrible,terribly) sorry,"said the woman.‎ ‎  2. The doctor said that the baby didn't look___________(healthy, healthily)。‎ ‎  They must make sure that all the animals can live___________(healthy, healthily)in ‎ the zoo.‎ ‎  3. The gas from the bottle smelled very___________(strange, strangely)。‎ ‎  That old woman laughed___________(strange, strangely)。‎ ‎  4. This kind of cloth feels quite__________(soft, softly)。‎ ‎  Please put down the basket of eggs__________(soft, softly)。‎ ‎  5. Your idea sounds______________(nice, nicely)。‎ ‎  Look! All the children are______________(nice, nicely) dressed.‎ ‎  2.几个英汉使用不同的形容词 ‎  populaion不与much连用,而与large连用;‎ ‎  temprature,不与warm,cold连用,而与high, low连用;‎ ‎  price不与expensive,cheap连用,而与high, low连用。‎ ‎  3.enough的用法 ‎  enough说明名词,可前可后 ;enough说明形容词或副词,必须后置:‎ ‎  eg. She is old enough to go to school. 她够上学的年龄了。‎ ‎  Mr Green doesn't know very much English, but he speaks it ____________to keep job.‎ ‎  A.enough well B.enough good C.well enough D.good enough ‎  二、分清几对形容词和副词 ‎  1. hard=difficult(a)困难的; 努力地(adv)‎ ‎  hardly=almost not几乎不(adv)‎ ‎  eg.He can hardly catch the early train, can he?‎ ‎  2. friend(n)朋友 ‎  friendly(a)友好的 ‎  in a friendly way友好地 ‎  eg.The teacher is friendly to us.‎ ‎  She looks after the children in a friendly way.‎ ‎  3. high(指距离)‎ ‎  highly高度地(指程度)‎ ‎  eg. The place flies high in the sky.‎ ‎  We think highly of APEC.‎ ‎  wide宽/widely广泛地 ‎  deep深/deeply深深地 ‎  close靠近/closely紧密地;仔细地 ‎  A. The well is seven meters deep.-(这口井七米深。)‎ ‎  We were deeply moved by the film.(我们被电影深深地感动了。)‎ ‎  B. Our classroom is 305 meters high.-(我们教室有305米高。)‎ ‎  We always speak highly of him.A(我们一向对他评价很高。)‎ ‎  C. The well is seven meters deep.-(这口井七米深。)‎ ‎  We were deeply moved by the film.(我们被电影深深地感动了。)‎ ‎  D. Our classroom is 305 meters high.-(我们教室有305米高。)‎ ‎  We always speak highly of him.A(我们一向对他评价很高。)‎ ‎  E.She's sitting close to me.(她坐在我旁边。)‎ ‎  F. Watch me closely , please.(请仔细观察我。)‎ 第六章 介词 ‎  常用介词 ‎  1. about ‎ ‎  a.关于=on eg. give sb advice on how to learn English ‎  b.到处 look about环视 ‎  C. 大约 ‎  d.be about to do 即将做 ‎ ‎  eg. I was about to leave when the phone rang.‎ ‎  2.above在……上方/over在垂直的上方 反义:below在……下方 ‎  3.across 横穿,从表面 ‎  through竖穿,从内部 ‎  4.after在(位置,时间)后 / behind在(位置)后 ‎  before在(位置,时间)前/in front of在(位置)前 ‎  look after/run after/ after=according to ‎  在(时间)后——‎ ‎  in+时间段+将来时 how soon?‎ ‎  after +时间段+过去时 when?‎ ‎  after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时or一般过去时)when?‎ ‎  时间段+later+过去时 when?‎ 如:The baby stopped crying after half an hour. ‎ The baby will stop crying in half an hour. ‎ They will visit their teacher after Friday. ‎ ‎  5.behind ‎ ‎  He hangs his coat on a nail behind the door. ‎ ‎  他把外套挂在门后的一颗钉子上。‎ ‎  Beyond 超过 ‎ ‎  This work is beyond my grasp. ‎ ‎  这件工作非我力所能及。‎ ‎  His bad behavior is beyond a joke. ‎ ‎  他的不良行为超出了开玩笑的范围。‎ ‎  beside ‎  6.沿着 a. along(没有方向性) ‎ ‎  We went for a walk along the shore.‎ ‎  我们沿着海岸散步。‎ ‎  b.up(向上,向说话者走来) ‎ ‎  The boy climbed up the tree. ‎ ‎  这个男孩爬上树。‎ ‎  c.down(向下,向说话者走去) ‎ ‎  Will you walk down to the lake with her? ‎ ‎  你跟她走到湖那头去好吗?‎ ‎  7.在…之间 a.between在两者之间 ‎  b.among在三者或以上之间 ‎  eg.1.She was sitting between John and Tom.‎ ‎  2. What were you doing between eight and nine?‎ ‎  3. What's the defference between the two words?‎ ‎  4. we found a little house among the trees.‎ ‎  5. The students lived and worked among the workers.‎ ‎  Between ,among 是介词,必须 +宾格:between you and me ‎  8. at+地点(小地方) in+地点(大地方) ‎ ‎  eg. I've been at our school/in the USA.‎ ‎  在桌边 at the table ‎  at表示"向,朝" eg. look at / laugh at ‎  shoot sb 射死,射中/ shoot at sb朝…射击 ‎  eg. The hunter shot at the tree ,but he didn't shoot any birds.‎ ‎  At+时间点 ‎  At+价格 ‎  At+速度 一、动词的种类 ‎  实义动词——及物动词,不及物动词 ‎  助动词 ‎  连系动词 ‎  情态动词 ‎  A. 实义动词——及物动词,不及物动词 ‎  a)掌握几对动词 不及物 及物 ‎  1.进入 come into enter ‎  2.逃离 run/escape from flee,fled,fled ‎  3.升起 rise,rose,risen raise ‎  4.坐 sit,sat,sat seat ‎  eg.我坐着。‎ ‎  I sit/am seated/seat myself.‎ ‎  The guests were_________in the front rows___________to the president attentively.‎ ‎  A.seating;listened B.seating;listening C.seated;listened D.seated;listening ‎  5.serve the people/ marry sb——get married to sb ‎  6.动词变化:lie躺——lie说谎——lay放置,产卵,铺设 ‎  hang吊死——hang挂 ‎  feel-felt, felt ‎  fall——fell,fallen ‎  b)瞬间动词和延续性动词的区别 ‎  borrow——keep begin——have been on ‎  buy——have leave——have been away from ‎  reach——have been in/at join——have been in/a member of ‎  die——be dead ‎  marry/be married to—— get married to know——get to know ‎  B. 助动词 ‎  助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用,可以用来:‎ ‎  a. 表示时态,例如:‎ ‎  He is singing. 他在唱歌。‎ ‎  He has got married. 他已结婚。‎ ‎  b. 表示语态,例如:‎ ‎  He was sent to England. ‎ ‎  他被派往英国。‎ ‎  c. 构成疑问句,例如:‎ ‎  Do you like college life? ‎ ‎  你喜欢大学生活吗?‎ ‎  Did you study English before you came here?  ‎ ‎  你来这儿之前学过英语吗?‎ ‎  d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如:‎ ‎  I don't like him.  我不喜欢他。‎ 以动词write为例(*为中学阶段应掌握的时态)‎ ‎  一、一般时 进行时 完成时 完成进行时 ‎  现在时 *A.work/works *B.am/is/are working *C.have/has worked *D.have been worked ‎  过去时 *A.worked *B.was/were working *C.had worked D.had been working ‎  将来时 *A.will/shall work *B./// C.will have worked D.///‎ ‎  过去将来时*A.would/should work B./// C./// D.///‎ ‎  二、一般现在时 ‎  一般现在时的用法:通常用动词的原形表示,但主语是第三人称单数时,一般在动词词尾后+s或es.‎ ‎  1. 表示经常性,习惯性的动作;表示现在的状态,特征和真理。‎ ‎  句中常用often,usually,every day等时间状语。‎ ‎  例如 ‎  (1) 表示客观真理,永远用一般现在时 ‎  eg.The teacher said the earth moves around the sun.‎ ‎  The earth does round the sun.‎ ‎  Practice makes perfect.‎ ‎  (2) 表示经常性和习惯性的动作 ‎  A. Many girls don't like wear long hair these days.‎ ‎  B. His home is in Shanghai, but he stays in Beijing at the moment.‎ ‎  C. They go to school by bus every day.‎ ‎  (3) 表示现在的特征和状态 ‎  A.——Do you dance?——Yeah. ‎ ‎  B.Does he speak English as well as you?‎ ‎  C.I declare the meeting begins.(我宣布会议开始。)‎ ‎  2. 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。‎ ‎  例如:If you come this afternoon, we'll have a meeting.‎ ‎  3. 有时这个时态表示按计划,规定要发生的动作,(句中都带有时间状语),但限于少数动词,如 begin, come,leave,go,arrive等。‎ ‎  例如The meeting begins at seven.‎ ‎  4. 表示状态和感觉的动词,如 be,like,hate,think,remember,find,sound等常用于一般现在时。‎ ‎  例如:I like english very much.‎ ‎  5. 书报的标题,小说等的情节介绍常用一般现在时。‎ ‎  三、一般过去时 ‎ ‎  通常用动词的过去式表示。‎ ‎  1. 表示过去某事件发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。如 ‎  After graduation,he first worked as a driver and then started a company.‎ ‎  2. 表示过去经常发生的动作,有三种方法:‎ ‎  a) used to do ‎  b) would do ‎  c) 过去进行时+频度副词 ‎  eg. We used to/would get up at 5:00.‎ ‎  We were always getting up at 5:00.‎ ‎  During the vacation,I would swim in the sea.‎ ‎  注意:used to表示过去常发生而现在不再发生的动作或存在的状态。另外" to be used to+名词(动名词)"表示"习惯于……".‎ ‎  例如:He is uswed to swimming in winter.‎ 一、被动语态构成 be+done ‎  一般现在时 am/is/are+done ‎  一般过去时was/were +done ‎  一般将来时will/shall/be going to +be done ‎  完成时 have/has/had been done ‎  进行时 be being done ‎  不及物动词不用被动语态:happen,take place,occur,break out ‎  正确理解各种常见时态的被动语态 ‎  被动语态表示主语是动作的承受着。例如The old doctor is respected by everyone.‎ ‎  被动语态谓语动词be+及物动词的过去分词。‎ ‎  被动语态共有十种时态。 以动词tell为例,其被动语态的各种时态构成如下:‎ ‎  下面以往届高考题中出现的被动语态为例说明其具体用法。‎ ‎  一般现在时 ‎  In some parts of the world,tea_______with milk and sugar.‎ ‎  is serving B.is served C.serves D.served ‎  答案: B. 在世界上一些地区,茶里放有牛奶和糖一起(被)供应。‎ ‎  一般过去时:‎ ‎  This is Ted's photo. We miss him a lot. He____trying to save a child in the earthquake.‎ ‎  A. killed B.is killed C.was killed D.was killing ‎  答案: C ‎  从句中"This ia Ted's photo. We miss him a lot." ‎ ‎  可知Ted已经死了,因 此"kill"应为过去的动作,而且是被动语态。‎ ‎  现在完成时:‎ ‎  All the preparations for the task________,and we're ready to start.‎ ‎  A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have benn completed ‎  答案: D ‎  All the preparations与complete之间应为被动关系,故排除 A,B.依 据 we are ready to start,故排除C.‎ ‎  现在进行时:‎ ‎  A new cinema________here. They hope to finish it next month.‎ ‎  A.will be built B.is built C.has been built D.is being built ‎  答案:D.从后面的提示看,这项工程还没有完工,故应正在建设中,而且是被动语态,故答案为 D.‎ ‎  一般将来时:‎ ‎  Hundreds of jobs________if the factory closes.‎ ‎  A. lose B.are lost C.will be lost D.will lose ‎  答案: C ‎  此题中包含一个if引导的条件状语从句,从句用现在时代替将来时,因此主句应用一般将来时,而且句意为被动,故答案为 C.‎ 虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设、猜测或建议,而不表示客观存在的事实。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示,对虚拟语气在各种句式中的用法介绍如下:‎ ‎  A)、条件从句的虚拟语气 ‎  条件从句的谓语动词 主句的谓语动词 ‎ 与现在事实相反 be---were/ 动词---过去式 would/ should/ might/ could + do ‎ 与过去事实相反 过去完成式 would/ should/ might/ could + have done ‎ 与将来事实相反 were to/ should + do/‎ 动词---过去式 would/ should/ might/ could + do ‎  ‎ ‎  Eg. 如果我是你,我就不看电视了。‎ ‎  If I were you,I should/would not watch TV.‎ ‎  如果我做完家庭作业,我就去参加晚会。‎ ‎  If I did/had done my homework,I would go/have gone to the party.‎ ‎  如果你昨天晚上不看电视,就不会迟到了。‎ ‎  If you hadn't gone to the cinema,you would not have been late for class.‎ ‎  如果你努力地学习的话,你就会考试及格了。‎ ‎  If you had studied harder,you would have passed the exam.‎ ‎  The plants in our garden__________better if it had not rained so much last year.‎ ‎  A.had grown B.would have grown C.were growing D.would grow ‎  Note:‎ ‎  a)、条件从句中if 的省略,要倒装 ‎  如果条件从句的谓语动词包含有were或助动词、情态动词had,should,could,有时可将连词if省去,而将 条件从句的主语置于were,had,should,could之后。这种用法主要用于书面语,如:‎ ‎  a.与现在相反:If I were you (=Were I you),I would go with him.‎ ‎  b.与过去相反:If I had had time then (=Had I had time then),I would have gone with you.‎ ‎  c.与将来相反:If I were to visit/should visit/visited the Great Wall tomorrow,(=Were I to /Should I visit the Great Wall tomorrow),I would take my son with me.‎ ‎  注意:在否定句中not不可提至主语前,如:‎ ‎  (误)Weren't I here now,I would be in the bus.‎ ‎  (正)Were I not here now,I would be in the bus.‎ ‎  b)、without 可以代替条件从句 ‎  Eg.没有水和空气,我们就不能生存。‎ ‎  We would not live without water or air.‎ ‎  c)、混合虚拟条件句 ‎  如果条件从句的动作和主句的动作不是同时发生,主句和从句的谓语动词的形式应分别根据各自所表示的 时间加以调整。这种句子叫做混合虚拟条件句。如:‎ ‎  If he had followed my advice,he would be quite all rightnow.(从句述说过去,主句述说现在)‎ ‎  If China had not been liberated,the working people wouldstill be leading a miserable life.( 从句表示与过去的事实相反,主句说明与现在的事实相反)‎ ‎  d)省略主句,只保留if(only)的条件句 ‎  虚拟条件句中的表示结果的主句有时形式上可以省略,但意义仍然存在。这 ‎  种句子只保留一个if(only)条 件从句,表达说话人的强烈愿望。如:If(only)she ‎  were my sister!她是我的妹妹就好了!‎ ‎  e)用but或but for引导含蓄条件句(but后跟从句,but for后跟短语:假如没有,要不是)‎

