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国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(3)》2028-2029 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2160) ]. Vocabuhiry nnd Structure OlrccUcms: Bcnciith each of the following sentencesf then? are four choices mnrkcd A. B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes (he sentence. Murk your un^wcr on the ANSWER SHEET, (20 points) Exam pit i The homtlfif cotiplf _____________ at la»t tn finding a flat to rrnt. managed K WMf. G finithtd D. tuccetdfd The sentence should rrad • Thr homtUts couple lucctedtd al la it in finding a flat to rent. R Thereforf you ihnuld choou D. 1. Almom all of the risk-tAkers sportii like tennis and golf. A< look down on 11 look for G look up D< look over 2. A number oi history mont (amouM prodigic» hnd »ometh)ng_____________ . A. on average tL at last C in common IX at present 3. A big uuy stood__________ the doorwnyt no it wm impotmihlc for him to get through the doon X hidinR K preventing Q blocking D. entering 4< Birdne _________ or fflmiliar» were popular in Rome. A. historic & exotic C alcoholic D ・ erotic 5. Wr were __________ for HAII an hour in the trnfhc And so wc nrrived latc« A. kept off Be broken down G put back H held up 6. _ _______ tomorrow! we would hnve to ciincel the plnn. A. If it rainn IL Had it rained G Were it rain D. Should It min 1. Simply breathe into • pipe/ bag and rrbreathe the same air« _______________ is mostly the carbon dioxide A« who B. which C that IX where ________ in Mmnesota9 Douglnn ____________ m Massachufretis by her mother and grRndparentsu C. Being born ••• huve rnised D ・ Borne<> was raised 9. The first phcc____________ in (he fnctory wm the tool room. A. where we visited H. we visited In C. we visited D. which we visited 10< No! only__________ pets9 they made them do strange things for their entertainment. A. kepr rich people B. rich people did keep C did rich people keep FX rich people kept 11. Cloze Dirvcllons: For cnch numbered blfink in the rollowinK pgii*. there are four choices marked A. Bt C and D. Choose the best one nnd mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) If you were to begin a new job tomorrowt you would bring with you nome basic strengths ond weaknesses Succesft or _H in your work would dependt to a great extent t on your Ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best Advantage. 12 the utmost importance is your nttitude< A person who begins & job convinced thnt he isn't going to like it or 13 thnt he is KeinH to ail 浦 ackinK tlwne nkilh is obviously A wmknw A bookkeeper who enrTt add or a enrpenter who can11 cut n strnighi line with a saw ia n hopeless case. Thin book has been designed to help you capitfllixe on the strength ■nd overcome the 16 that you bring to the job of learning. But in groups to measure your developmentt you must first take stock of somewhere you stand now. As we get further along in the bookt we'll be _7_ in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening learning skills. However, to 18 with, you should pause to exAmine your present strengths and weaknesses in three AreAS that ore _19 to your success or(Atlure in schooli your 20 • your rending and communication skills, and your 7. A. deal a de.lt a be dealt a dealing 18. A. begin R follow a decide D. believe study habits. 11. A. improvement B. victory C. failure D.achicvementc 12. A. Out of a Of C. To D ・Into 13. A. ensure B. ccrtnin C- sure D.surely 14. A. to a at Q of D.(or 15. A. Have K Had C. Having D. Had been 16. A. idea a weakness G strength aadvantAge A. T。be born …wns raised B. Born …is rAined 19. A. critics! a characteristic a criminal D. clever 20. A< intclhgence B work G feelings D. weakness Ill • Reading Comprcbcnalon Directions: Each of the passages below Is followed by some questions. For each quest ion there arc four *nswcre miirked At Bf C and D- Read the passages carvfully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) QutUioni 21 〜25 art baud on /Air following pasiagt. When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is fnulty or in some other way doc ・ nol live up to the manufacturer's claimBt the first step in to present the warranty(ftl 单).or any other records which might help> at the store of purchase^ In mont 5 顷 this •ction will produce reaults> However• if it does note there nre various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple And common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general the Mhigher up" the consumer takeji his or het comphint• the faster he or she can expect it to be settled^ In such n CASC> it is UAUfllly settled In the consumerfavor> usauminR he or she hns a junt clninu Consumern should compUin in person whenever possible< but if they cannot get <0 the place of purchnse* it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in A leitcr. Complaining is usually mont effective when H iM done politely but (irmly• nnd rspccinlly when the consumer can demonstrate whai is wrong with the item in quextioru If this cannot be done* the consumer will succeed best by preAenting specific information AS to what in wrong> rather than by muking general atAtemcntiu For examplet "The left «peAkrr docn not work at all and the sound cominft out of the right one is unclearH in better than MThcs stereo does not work." The store manager may advice the consumer to write to the manufacturcn H the consumer should do thi> statinK the complaint an politely and firmly as possible If n polite complttint does not achieve the desired result• the consumer enn no ・ step(Arther< She or he can threaten to YMke the seller to court or report the ncllcr to a private or public orgHnixation responsible for protecting conMumcrs, rightii« 21. When a consumer finds that his or her purchase has a fault in it ・ the first thing they should do is to . A. complain pernonally to the manager B. threaten to take the matter to court C. write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase [). show some written proof of the purchase to the store 22. If « consumer wants A quick settlement of the problem* it、better to complain to A. A nhop assistant the store manfiffer C the manufacturer 11 a public organization 23. The mast effective complaint can be made by ___________ . A. showing the faulty item io the manufacturer B. explaining exACtly wh«t is wrong with the item C. saying firmly thnt the item is of poor quality D. aiiking politely to change the item 24. The phrnsc tflivc up to" in 1st paragraph mennn ___________ . A. meet the standard of R reAlixe the purpose of C. fulfill the demands of D ・ keep the promise of 25. The passage tells us__________ • A< how to settle n consumer fs complaint nbaut n faulty item B. how TO nuke an effective cumplaint about a fnuhy item C ・ how to ovoid buying a faulty item D> how to deni with complnints from con^umvrs Queiliont 26~3O tfrr baud on the fallowing passage. The dog always been comidercd man * s best friends Always noted for being particularly faithful in watching over children* he also hm his place by firesidet in the cow pasturet on the sheep ranKCt und beside the hunter in (orenf or blind# He is easy to truin. works hard, and often performs astonishing feats. And in the frozen polnr regions he wan once the principol motive power• before being largely displaced by the phnr and helicopter. Because he howh or whitw(哀 Qin the presence of impending(即将发生的)death* the dog was once thought to have Mupernnturnl powers nnd believed (o be capjible o( ^ccun gods nnd ghostb invisible to people^ Actually, the basis (nr these belief® lies in the dog1 9 scawtivity to peoplef» feelings and hm superior hcarinR ability and sense of nmellt which enable him to detect nigns hidden front human obscrvAtiom His record of soving lives i. outstAndingf (or he often gives warning ol fire and other dunKern not noticed by his mosten The dogfs major contribution, however• has been to medicnl resenreh. Both hin diet and hm structure arc comparoble to those of the human bcniKi nnd 50 he ha» been the !»«b|cci of countlc»» demonstrations and cxpcrimeni». Open-hcurt surgery has been rnnde possible largely beciiunc af the dog* But his Hacnhce ha» repaid hi» own species an well by trafeguarding it from rabies(J£犬楠)■distcmw and other disease. 2& The dog ho alwajrs been noted for_____________ • A. protecting children B. assitung shepherds C helping hunters IX herding a cattle 21. The dog is useful to herders because he is ____________• A< loyal R cAsily trained G hardworlung D ・ all of the above 28. The dog probably whines in the presence of death because he can____________• A. see ghosts and spirits B. give warning of danger G »en»c unluippinos around him H perform astonishing feats 29. The dog has been of most value to people in the development of______________• A- a tre«tmenf for rabies B. open-heart surgery C a cure for distemper D. all of the above 30« The article doe» not say whether the scientists' experiments with dog have 、benefited animals other than dog* & served people G helped other dogs D. contributed to medical knowledge N ・ Trandatloo Directions: Put each of the following sentences into English or Chiocsce asinx the word givr© In I be bracket if any. Write your answer an the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) 31. Mast people have found themseives daydreaming ・ bocit winning • million dollars — as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury. 32. Arguing hurls productivity, keeps the manager from other things^ ・ nd often employees spend time listening to iL 33> The immigrant students have A desire to work hard and succeed that kids born in the United States no longer seem to have 34. 这就是他纶这个十五岁男孩的答夏.男孩蚂妈认为,儿子和一位远方的女孩产生认 富的恋受关系为 时太早了. (relationship) 35. 一直到 1897 年英国海军的船员还不容许(permit)用刀和又子吃饭.因为用刀又吃饭 被认为是没有男人气傲・ V. Wriling 36. nircctlons: For this part you arc allowed 30 minutes to write ■ composition entitled Getting to KROM' the World Outside the Campus in DO less than 100 words according to the Information Riven(in ChlncM*). Write your imswer on the ANSWER SHEET. (25 points) (1) 大学生了解杜会的必要性 (2)了解社会的途径(大众媒介,社会服务等) (3) 我打算怎么做 You can write the compo>ition in three paragraphs. Remember to write It neatly. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) I.第一部分(20%.每小题 2 分) I. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C II, 第二部分(20%.每小题 2 分) 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. A HI.第三部分(20%,每小题 2 分) 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. A IV.第四部分(15%.每小题 3 分) (答案并不一定要求与所给答案完全一样。符合句意,无语法错误,得 3 分;基本符合句意,无重大 语法错误,得 2 分;不太符合句意,有明显语法错误,得 1 分;不符合句意,句子无法读憧,得 0 分。其 他 情况,酌情扣分。) 31. 很多人都知道自己曾经做过中一百万元彩票的美梦——想以此解决经济问题或者过上幸福富裕的 生活。 32. 争论不休会影响生产,耽误经理处理其他事情,而且往往其他职员会浪费时间来听热闹。 33. 移民子女具有一种目力学习争取成功的强烈愿望,而这正是美国子女已经不再具备的品质。 34. HereS his answer to a fifteen-year-old boy. whose mother felt he was toe young to hnve a serious relationship with a girl who lived far rtway. As late as 1897 v sailors in the Hritish Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly. V.第五部分(25%)(答案略) 36. 评分标准; 21- 25 很好。基本无语法错误、内容切题、结构合理、行文流畅。 16〜20 较好。无重大语法错误、内容比较切题、结构比较合理、文字比较通顺。 10〜15 差。语法错误很多、结构较乱、内容与题目要求不很一致、字数不够。 0〜9 很差。语句不通、语法错误太多、文不对题、结构混乱。查看更多