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国家开放大学电大专科《理工英语 1》2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:3894) 盗传必究 一、交际用语(共计 10分.每小题 2分) :选择正确的语句完成下面对话.并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1. —What es your present job? A. 1 am 24 years old. B. 1 just graduated from college- C. rm a 2. —Goodbye♦ everyone. ___________ —Bye. Sally! Don't forget to write. A. Stay in touch. B. JuM wait and see. C. Sounds great. 3, —Don'i forget(o come to our party this weekend! A. Sure. Sec you* B, You arc welcome. C. Not at all. 4> —Excuse me> Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street? A. You c^n*t mk me. K Pardon? I have no idea. C. Sorryt Pm new here. 5. —I'm going to Hainan for my holiday. A. Thanks a lot> B. Not at «!!• C ・ Have a nice rnp! 二、词工与靖构(共计 30分.每小题 2分) 6—20 JB:阅读下面的句子,从 A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答 案序号耳在答 JK纸上。 6. I can_________ for eleven ofclocL A. put you down B. put you on C. put you up (hnin clrvclopment in thr mito industry^ ihrrr its no doubt nbum (« without doubt &()w Empnny in _ of rhr kwdin« rompnnits in the define car induKtty. B. cvtjry 1—5 7. Hencei __________ the rcnjinn A. one G each 免 Smull MCAIC homr life z juin of A hot _ in I hr USA nowadny^ * Mend 11 trrnd* C ・ popuJ^itiun 0 Nick ___________ ft job in H iMhkt but to our ^urpriwct hr dicing hike it< A- offered K hern orfered (:• WAS uncreii II. It WAM who wrote thoAr worcU on the blackbonrd. A. he B« him CL hinueK 12. Jftmie wnnu tn jipenk to niv A. on C- to n dulphin »how in the tomorrow evening. B. in Moinu co huvr 「弟 Hoinx to hr 以・ My K Knrrgy nnd Environment. A. major C study I5 ・ Pplc who d。not hnvr wood iniiMt npend Urge AfnonntN of rnuncy (ueL A< in B. on C ・ of *6* s,-P«rAte imx^wordn for every Jtccuum rnnkr diHicult fur cyber criinnuih to hnck ynu> A. it B« that C ・ wltut 0 Thry aha hm M aimrra ullows you to t«kc nnd 血 rr photon nnd video< A. when K which C where IB. Wr niu»t find ii w/iy co cut priem redunnM our prolns loo much. A. without B« dzpile U with |9, Yau will %oon____________thr world oul>idc the nmariphonr i* much more cnjoynlili% A. rdmx; K rcH临 G return ZQ. Which city has pupulniion. (;uiy”R or Ndnch«ri«? Brijmgf o( courMr. A. the hrgcsi B. ibe *mallcM ( the mo?*t 三、阅读玻解(共计分,每小)8」分) privAtv. K in I3> Fherr A. W4IA rooking 21-25 0:(«读下列短文,从 A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答 SI统上。 Passu^ 1 Building fi house CQJUS qun< A IOT O( money. Suppo* you phn to build n houwc. Yaur [irjit ^trp will be to find a right piece of Und< Your choice will depend on many different things You will probably try to find a ^unny plnce# with pleasant surroun(hngs(If ) near shops nnd bus ^tops# not TOO Far from your friendb and the place where you work. Next you will find A good builder• nnd tagelhrr with the builder you will work out h pjnn. The builder will draw the plnnL It will jihow the number of rooms• their position nnd Mzr< And other part5. which miwt be not iced • <;ueh window doors • ami electric OLitletSe The builder will work otH how much money IH nreded to build your house. He will work out the cost ol the wood, bricks, the亦 and everything else th" must be used in building the house. Later on< when he starts io build, this rstitnatef预 N >must be corrected and revised《修 订).His esnimntr i» hawed on existing pricrSr but prices of such things may change« and nmny other things may hnppen between thr time when hr makes the esumntc and the time when he builds l he hogc Whrn ihr builder KIVCR hi. r»um/iic. you mny wizh to血明 but rhe linol plnn depends an th< buildrr S 函 irnng 21. Thr hrst title o( thin pas^AKc in_____________. A ・ HuihlinK A HOUMC Costs Much Money H. FBtinintr h Importnnt PUnninR R HDURC 22. I hr (ir^l ihiri^ for II person tn build u haunr in ________________ . A. to «et ah much rnonny HR poAAtblc K to Hnd a suitable piece of hml C. fn wnrk out n plan 23 The phranc Mdtiiw thr plnnM in pAragrAph 2 rnrAri>_____________ _ . A. niAktng w picture of n building or A nwm It rnMkinK n phin C. worknig nut n phn :5. Wlwn thr builder j^tnrH trachers said niobile phone use is a distraction (娱乐)to students during school hours and i! also gives teachers so much trouble in their clas5roofns< Veachcrs were AISO ftftying that someiimes students might use phonr messages to chon during exams. She mid aomc schools hnd tried ta ban mobile phone*. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't get tn touch with their children. Many teachers said students should not hove mobile phones at school9 but if there was o good reason• they could leave thrir phones nt school officc> They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phone* at schoolt they were ea^y to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people xny that they understand why p«rent5 would want their children to have phones« but they think schools should lei the students knew when they enn use their mobile phones. 26. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones i. A ・ because they are students K when they arc free C when they arc at school 27. We know from the passage that somr children get mobile phones from________________ • A. the makers and sellers B. the passers-by and strangers C. their parents and friends 2& What does the underlined word “血砒"mean m PnrHgrn|ih I * A.聊天 &碱 C.查询 29. Scmir parent Irh unhuppy bccBiite they couldn't during school hour5. A. U5c thrir mobile phones B. gel in tuuch with their children ( hrlp fhr fghm with thrir work 30. I hc putsAKc trlls u,that ________ __ ・ A. Htiidrnt^ Mhouldn*! have mobile phoncn nt school ricept for »ornr ^ptuunl reasons I, il i* impQssiblr to bftn utudcnt^ Ironi lining mobile phones At School C. tome pnrent^ fch unhnppy bcrauMe they couidn' t use thrir phones nt nc hool 叫、顺母(共计 20 分,每小分) 3】一 35:璃从以下 A、H、C三个设项中逸出 41佳晶译.并将答案序号耳在答履蛾上. 31. It c«n "MJ meet the nrri! of people who arc ^horl cm Esh bin detcrrriincd to live)n their own |>IACCN. A.它也能酒足 典人的需要,他们缺钱.但又决心拥有一个 n己的家. A它也可以淆足人的需斐.缺践但决定住在 n己的地方. C它也能漪足需要的人,谁 fiffilPI的现金,但决心生活在 n己的地刀. 32. It * t very imporunt to mAintiiin your current weight through cxrrci?*e anti hmlthy cutinft. A.作常 if[要的通食来保持你目曲的体 rft ・ a锹■和持你目前的体 1AW1S. (:.通过破炼和健娥饮食栗保持你 II而的体成足非常鱼要的. 33. I hrn you can rnjoy the fun And bcnehis of the Intrrnct. A.然脂你就会肖改命趣 11有益的厄联网. K然后你可以玄受互取网的乐埋 M好处. G依后你就佥自欢互暇网.媒乐和享.受•起. 34 ・ You will soon reblizr the world autnidc thr ^manphanr is much more rnjoyalilr. A.很快你就会怠 i«到,智能手机之外的 Ht界会史加审建. K你佃快就会癖 UI到世界以外乎机足非常受欢迎的. 很快你就 ftfiiR到神径手机比世界之外的东西更有用. 35. A fnajor ndvnnlngr ol the rnil route it upccd. A. 这弟帙路的主要优点 M速度快. B. 影响这条铁路的最大何题是速《t ・ C. Hfilg的问的是捉高扶路的速度. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) 一•女际用 II!(共计 1。分•每小 U 2分) 1一 5 BL免得正的琳句完成下列对话,笄将答案序号 IJ在答««±0 1. C 2 ・ A 3. A 4. C 5 ・ C 二.tflit与雄构(共汁 30分.每小驰 2分) 6—Z()n:0Q读下面的句子,从 A.H.C三个选项中逸出一个能堵入空白处的正•逸顼,并将答 案序号时在答 BltK上. 6. A 1. B 8. A 9. A 10. C lh A 12. B 16. A 17. H 13. C 14. A IS. B 18. A 19. B 20. A 三.《]律 if解(共计的分.每小 1A 4分) 21-25响:00读下列短文,从 AJhC三个逸攻中选出一个正就答案■井将答案序号耳在答打 侬上. 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C 26-3。皿:阙读下列《]文,从 AJkC三个选顼中选出一个正•答案.并将答案序导彩在答驰 »±e 26. C 27. C Bk■好(供计 20分,每小 IS』分) 28. B 29 ・ B 30. A "一:的:谪从以下 AJJJ H个选攻中选出■住并将答 U序号可在答雄嫌上. 31. A 33 34, A 35. A

