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2021 国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语听说(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号: 1356) Section One (20 poinbit 2 points each) Direction: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words you her. Write the words on the Answer Sheet Nancj: Hello? Mari : May 1 speok io Nancy# please? Nancy : Speaking. Mari: Uh hi. uh. my name is Miiri. And I'm calling about the room for rent. 1 saw your ad ar the CAmpu? (1 > __________________________ office. Nancy: ()h< nghu OK> uh. are you 8 student? Mari: WrlL right now. 1 * m just siudying English • but I'm planning xo mri college full-time in (2) ・ Namry: I Where are you living now? Mari: V ve been living m a house with some other studentsf but I donft like il there. Nancy : Why? What f« the (3)_____________? Mari: Well, first of MU itFs really noisy# and it's not very dean. The other people in the house art real I mean they never lift a finger to clean up after themselves H really bugs me! I need a place that *s cleaner and more private^ Nancy z Well. iCs really (4)_____________ here. Wefrc not home very much. Mari: What do you do? Nancy : I teach English at the college. Mari: Wait a minute! Didn't we meet yesterday at the (5)________________ __ exhtn? Nancy z Oh . . • you're the girl from Japan! What WHS your name again? Mari: Mark Nancy i Right. What a small world! Mari: It really is. By the way. who else lives in the house? The ad said there are three people. Nancy: Well besides me there's my (6)_______________ • Andrew• and my cousin• JcH. He's a musician and a part-ttme student. Uh. arc you OK with having male roommates? Man : Sure, as long as theyf re clean and not too noisy. Nancy : Donwt worry- Theyf re both easy to live with. Mari: OK. Um ・ is thr neighborhood safe? Clancy: ()h up one and a hnlf blocks Our house i» in the middle ol the block on the le(t> Man : Thnt »oundi ra>y. NOHC,: Vriiht you can11 (10)__________ it. LiMcn. I1 vr ROI IO «O9 Someone、nt rhe door. Ser you fhi» rveninK# MM: ()K. E, you l/itcrf Byrt Nancy : Bye byr< Scclion Two (20 pointst 2 pilnls rnch) Part Ont Dlmmonft: You lire RnlnK l» Ihtrn to five *hnrl cnnvrriMithinVpnsMiKrSe After ruch convcrMuHnc quaillon. Chocwc the best answer to each question and write ynur urwwcni on I he Answer Sheet. Numb” One: a conversation 11. Who IM the student probnbly tulkinic to? A. A necretary, B. A TA. ( A roommate. dumber T 岫:an ad^trtiscmeni 12. The speaker i> talking about ____________• A ・ A safe dcpoMit box K a car loan C. A home improv cm rm Ioan dumber Three: a monnlague 13. Whai could happen it you try to bribe a police olfictir >n the Unrted States? A, YDU could bt Arrested. B. You will get,pecml treatment. ( It could help your bu^rit-ss. dumber Four: a conversation Lt How de 心 the jprl fed about the boy*# hair? A. She likes H. B. She doe> not like 赤 C. She thinks h'・ hmny. dumber Five: a ihort iprrch 15. What t» the »|>eakcr going to talk tboul? A. How were compuiern invrntrti1 It The ItJAiory ol computers C. The three major UMK of computers. . Part Two Directions:You urv({olng to Ihtrn to one conversation. After the c Leaving messages. 18. Why dors Stan disagree with Jenny about the job? A ・ He thinks it • x A boring job» B. He prrfers to Mpcak to a real persen. C. He thinks it saves lime. 19. Which is true nt the end of the conversation? A. Jenny contradicts Sum. H. Stan contradicts Jenny. C. Jenny and Stan Agree* 20. What docs alia mean? A. WhaL dors that mean? K I understand. C. I'm not «urc< Lrt me thinks Section Three (30 p<>lntst 3 points each) Directions: You are going to listen lo H convrnualion. Inhere are ten statements Mf(cr the conversation. Decide whether the following statements urc true or hd*. Write T for triw and F for false on the Answer Sheet 2】.The bn by a^lrep. 22- Shnrxm mixhi be Rood at solving computer problemfi. 23. Jeff und Mari nrc a couple. Z4. Sharon ii JM「・ neighbour 25. Joey in Sharon fR baby 炉 L 2& JeK and Sharon always help each other. 27. Shnron h«» been marrird for many yearn. 28. I here «rr fewer nncl fewer single mothers in America^ 29. Andrew in Nnncy fa hunband. 3l). Mari dornn * t like I hr idea of heinK a ntngle mother^ Section Four (30 pointst 3 points tach) Directions: Listen tu the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes. WriU your answers on the Answer Sheet. The lecture will be read twice. SpgkcrW turn” Richard Baldwin Speaker^ Job; acndemic advisor nt the (31)____________ Topic of the lecture : A general inTroduction to the university system tn rhe United States and (32)___________________ Specific contend of the lecture: Three types of univemity courses for undergrnduntes: Type o( the course 1 description of the course Importance of rhe course Size of the class Study hours each week Lecturr course In a lecture course# the professor talks and the students Kit and (33) . Very imporUnt • because most of lhe time rhe information in A lecture is not the same as that in the (34 ) and Can be as large as two or three ( 36 ) —_ students in a lecture course especially at large Four to (37) _ hour^ for each lecture course. Section Four (30 pointse 3 points each) Directions; Listen tu Che leclurc and fill in the blanks to cumpletc the notes* Write your answers on the Answer Sheets The lecture will be read twice. § n“mc!: Richard Baldwin Speaker、Job: acndcmic advisor at the (31) Topk of the lecture : A general inrroduction to the university system tn rhe United Slates and (32)___________________ Specific contents of the lecture Three types of university courses (or undergrnduRtea: Type of the course Description of the course Importance of the course Size of The class Study hours each week Lccturr course In a lecture course• the professor talks and the students Mt and (33) . Very important, because mc)M of the nmc rhe information in A lecture is not the same as that in the (34 ) and you need to tnke (35 ) and use them to study for your exams. Can be as large as two or three ( 36 ) students in B lerture course especially At large universitieeSa Four to (37) _ hours for each lecture course. In a nectiun< c«n Rtudrniri queMtionn hnporlnril ・ brrMunr It、・ midh ・ r ・ maybe Two or lhrr< A. nnk H 1 、
