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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语 2》期末试题及答案(试卷号: 盗 传必究 一、交际用语(共计 2 分.每小・ 2 分) 1-5 ■:迭择正确的语句完成下面对话,笄将签案序号写在答慧舐上. 1. —Good morning 1 Sunshine Community Center! Miy 1 help you? A ・ Ed like to book one air tickcL Km ghd to introduce myself to you. C> 1 need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kiicheru 2. — How's your mother doing? A. She i» very well K Shr is very kind. C She is doing shopping now. —My name is Helen• and I was bom in I960. My major was electrical engineering. A. Tell me your name, please. & Tell me a little bit about yourself^ plense. C. Tell me how old you are« please 4. 一 Any suggestions for the project? A. I need your advice on iu B. I advise yt>u to put more hands in this projecu C Thanks far your suggestions 5. — Hi. Helen> I'll have an interview tomorrow. A. Sure# you can. Take it easy. K I'm sorry to hear that. C ThMt,s tdl righu I —. 二.illJC 与场构(共计 30 分•每小 Ifl 2 分) 6-20H:M)«下面的句于,从 A.B.C 三个选顼中选出一个能填入堂白处的正确逸顼•并将答 案序号珊在 答 H»±. 6. At the end of the dny« you wnnl nil nTtendees your event tn remember thi» key meAsage that youfvr iipcnt ■ long time rrinlnrang. A. leave B. to leave G leaving 3938) Pm afraid I can*t make it. 7. Hr in__________thh company. A. in ehargr of 队 in th© charffe of C> under the chArgc ol 8. Hinng • good employ nuy cam much money #ind iimrt____________ ♦ it c«n win much more lor the compnny in future. A* what more B- at hit C. however 9. They havr diMurccmrnt _ _ _ the plan of crlcbraling the founding of the rommunity. A. on B- in c / 10. rhe quMlity of qurntionnaifr will_________how murh infnrmntion we know from our customerA< A. effect K Meet C. tnke I6 ・ American younR people would mthcr____________ndvlcc from strariKcrt* A. |{c( H. getting C- gul 17. Wliour tcxtlwxjk i ・ Thin? h _________ John It hna hh niime on 原 A- cun11 he K must be C. might bn IS. I he »uccrnh of our event in to the sponsor. B. ba Bed 11. The hcHing aynirm ol our opArtment community service center. A. dlMTUBMlOri G praiwe 12. It i» only by agrreinu with thrir view MtUAtion und »crnl the cujitonier nway happy. A. (tuMRentinK n |w)»n)blc nolutkun Q BiiKtfOted M poftflble wlution 13. The new year id JUKI • A. in corner C ・ autrndi the earner H. Look I___________ A< Here are the bu» corncn. C- Thr but hrrr conir. |!i ・ Thr rnuBic __________ like thr NinRing A. hrarA C. wound* broke down no 1 mMdr ■ __________ CAII to the H compUint point find that you will rcnolve the K ・ pOAmble wlntion Il around the corner It Herr comen the bum • bird* It lint ent A. rclatrd C. intended 19. The more information you can get* _____________in your Geld A ・ the more competitive will you be B. you will be the morr competitive C> the more competitive you will be 20. We_________ it very much that you've come to give us a timely ride. Otherwise we would mi" the imin. A. appreciate R expect G promine 三、阅理解(共计 io 分,督小分) 21-25 ・:阅读下列短文,从 A、B、C 三个遮现中堆出一个正•答案.并将答案序号写在答题 纸上. Passage I Angry cuMomcrft tend to aim their disMtis/Action and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you# you should remember that they are actually exprexsinR their dissatisfaction about the company nnd not about you an an individuuL But if you wish to be MurccMful in nny bu«inritAt then you have to Iwn how to handlr Hngry cumomer»t lAUta brlow nre A few guidelines to help you drvelop your own prr»on«l mrnlrgy (or dcAlmg with Mfigry cuMomefBi Never nrguc buck. You miut stay calm nnd mm to Mnii^iy rhr cuwtomer even in the nio»i diHicuh sltUMtionib. It t« only by Mrcri” with ihrir virw iwinl and »ug«rMtinn n po”ibkj solution (tint you will rrwolvr the Aituarion and nrnd the cuMomrr aw«y huppy. U»e your cy mcm? yew mgiuh. MAUC turc vou n morr than i k Ry liwtcninK corrfully> you will he able to undcrNtand why the cuntomrr in complairilnK. w thnt Mtm(B Show that you C4iret UM every opportunily to cxprrsn your apology “nd undcrietnnding. You have to uhow that you will 血 rvrrything within your power to try nnd resolve rhe »ituation< I hts exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will br o aigntfinint churiKe in their behaviour. Control your linger nnd be patient, l^rarn to relax and calm your»cH. Having pnticncr with your ruAtotncru ind with your«el( will go a Icing WAy in winning over hostile cuMonicrb< Th. ・ bov you «r« on your w«y to iiuccredinR in your aircen 2L An|(ry cuMomcm tend K> aim thrir dikB«ti»rMctlon mid complaints at______________ • A. r whn accompany them Z2. When M customer »hout» ruikly m yom you should______________ • A. Argue Uack and protect yourAtlf 11 krep quirt nnd Iravr the cumorncr alone c keep CAITTI and listen cnrcfully 10 the cuHtorner 23. The underlined sentence in ParaRraph 3 mennn___________ • A. your mouth it no! more important for you than your cuirs K you should listen more thon you «peak. c you should talk more thun you li®trn- 24. When dealing with nn nngry cu*iomcrt which i» NOT tlw right Attiturir? A. Be concerned. K Be pntienu C He /imusrcL 25. Which of the following HtatrmetitK tn true dceordinK to the pnsKAgc? A. When the cu&mm complaint you neednfi limn carefully. K You neednrt say sorry to ihose angry custotiiers. CL You rthould relax yonrMcIf nnd try to undrrHtnnd the nngry cu^omrrfu 26-30tt:iWWSffl 文内容 判断 tft 出的 Ul 句是否正确.正•的写“ l”,错煤的号件,并将答祟 勇在答命蛾上. PnMMgc 2 Cro» training is 1 raining an employee to do n different part of the orKAnuation1 A work< Trmning wurkrr A to do the task fhnt worker B does and Irmning B ro do A S tawk i« cross trftining. Cross iraininK is good for manager!^ because it provides more llrxihility in tnarugmg the workforce to get the job done. On th« other hand, vrosn training ha> Home benefits for the employer* ns wdL It letsi them Irarn nrw skilk. rnnke% them more VMlunbk. krep^ them simulated and reduces worker tioredom. CHJSR trnining ran be used in ftlmowt nny ponitiari in alrnoAt nny indujitry. I crona I rained some of my derngn engineers to «o OJI field instAlInfion trip» nnd get firathttiid knowlr.dgr of how their designs workrdt or didn * t work, in fhr field, ("ashirrt can bv trained TO mock nhclvcs and *tockrrs trained to cashier. Thin allows you tu quickly open ftddilionMl rcgifilrr. if the ciiKtumrr queut? gets too long. As you prrparr cross iraining phnskt yuu need to ronnider borli lhe company bcncfitji nnd the employee benefitsu Cnrclully sclrcr the employees to br cross trained. Some people like to learn new things. Some are more cumforuhlr to WIIHI they know. Don11 decide which employees are ready for n change based on their nge or prrformiinece 26. Cros^ irfiininK i» trninmg an employer fa da A different job in dilkrrnt cumpiny. 27. Crofts training is bcnrAonl not only fur rnnnn^ers hut MIW lar employee!*. 2& Cros^ training can Apply to iilmOAt nny pamtlon wnd Mrng any industry^ 29. Whvn you prepArv cro*>« tr/tinirig planat the only con'iidcrnlion in the company benrfitn. 30. Yuu enn decide which cmploym tu hr emm troinrd Mcconiing tn their 四.WiftMtiZO 分,鸟小 614 分) ,ll-3S:iW 从以下 AJkCH 个迭】员中访出■伐・#,并再答*序号写在答■峨上• 31. Whrn you *tnrt A jobtyuu mu»i Mtick to it. a. 一 n 你冲的 r 件 rfl,你就也待之以恒. b. 一 R 你典了一件 m 他它. c•当你开的一件 r 什的时候,他«us 认 AW. 32. I hr old «nyinK "prnrlire rnnkc* perlcci" Applies to interview prcpuration too. A. 古 IS“曲不肉口”也也用于招聃・ B. ?|话“熟 m 生巧”时 Mtf 城冷备也 JMS 川的. c. 在一-闹试在格时我们常常用 w 占 er M 生巧,•・ 33. Wr rnn't ponnibly thr work B 1«. A 19. C 20. A 三、阅读理解(共计 40 分.每小 JS 4 分) 21-25 ■:阅读下列短文.从 A、8.C 三个选项中选出一个正携答案,并将答案序号写在答禽 纸上。 Passage 1 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. C 26-30 据短文内容判断纶出的 iS 句是否正确.正确的写“丁”,错误的写,并将答案 写在答 Hffi±o Passage 2 26. F 27. T 28. T 29. F 30. F 四、翻译(共计 20 分.<5 小 H 4 分) 31-35:谓从以下 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳峪译,并将答案序号写在答 U 抵上。 31. A 32. B 33. A 34 ・ A 35. B

