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国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(3)》2024-2025 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2157) Part 1 Questions I—10 arc based on l^ssagc L (30 pointst 3 points each) Passage 1 Out of Africa 1 When Tegla Loroupe returned home to Kenya from winning the New York City Mnrathon in )994 . she was presented with nine catilce 16 sheep and some land by the grateful people of her hometown. But ii was the words of the ordinary womenfolk which Loroupe vnlued the most. MYou did 6 good job." they told her. "You showed us that women can be succejesful just like men< We are not useless ” 2 In a country where most people think women are supposed to stay home and cure for the kids. Loroupe1 s victory meant a IOL If was the first time a black Afncan woman had ever won a major marathont and the triumph provided her independence, both financially find culturally. It also gave her the opportunity to stnnd up for herself and her Kenyan Meters. 3 Mnle athletes huve made Kenya synonymous with success in long-distance running* but women are discourngrd from competing beyond the age of 16. when they nre expected to start a family. Most people think that if a woman goes out of the country• she will be spoiled# that she will icarn more than the ethers, and that when they tell her to do something< she will say no> Due to this situation• Kenyan male runners have gained international success> while rhe fcmnle runners have been left at home. 4 The Kenyansf success tn distance running began at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, where Kcp Kemo captured rhe gold in the 1.500-meters. The dominntinn by Kenyan rncn across all distance runnings from road races to cross-country# stemn from youngsters running many miles to school each day. a nutritious dirt• the benefits of living at high altitude and having no diversions from other sports. 5 Loroupe• now 25. recalls her early running days and the discourogement she received from others When she ran tn schoolt the men in her tribe would tell her she was wnatinu her time. "They didn't wuni me lo do HportM.*1 »hc mid. Rut lx>roupt!» from H town called Knpcnguria on the Ugnndnn border • nbout 400 milcA from Nairobi> began running ior the same rconon most of the men did to avoid being late (or nchooL Mlf you were hitct they beat you•H she "id. 6 One of ticvcn children• Loroupe"» wns A trnditionAl family, nnd her parents took n long lime io be convinced thnt Rhe wa» not wnnting her lifc< They wanted their dnuKhtet to give up the idea of finiuhing school so whr could my nt home nnd look rifter her younger siblings. But the insisted on going nnd continuing to run even thought ns o child• t^hc developed problems with her lungjk 7 Loroupr f 5 Inmily in n member of the Bokot tribei nomndn who once drove their cnttle ncronn the phinn of Kenya. Now they «raxc them on ranches like the one Loroupc grew wp on. AM N 1 hild. I.aroupr uj»ed Io chn«c the family cnttlc herd for up to 12 rnilcn. and looking back on it now> hhv noys it WAK grent trAitiing. Thr rnorr shr ran howrvrr. the more dimnee Loroupc put between herself nnd the cxpectalionn of her ftucicty. And hnvinn been overlooked four times by the Kenya Anutrur AthleticM A^nociAtion for major rhanipionshipM Both naiionnlly and micrnationnlly• nhc cventunlly had to trnvcl nbrand for opponuntticft> h wa> in (fermnny thm Anne Robertthe elite-athlete coordirmtor of the Nrw York City MArathone firnt discovered Loroupr lui|(c talent. H The launching pad for her RUCCCA^ began in 1994 when Roberts invited Loroupc to take part in the New York City M/innhcn. Winning it gave? hrr the deterniinAtiun ind courtiKc 10 purnue her drcnm»« despite the problcnm back hotn<% Robrrtx hn» marvelled nt Loroupe1 n drtcrminAtion to succeed• And the obstwclo she has overcome. "I think she han n very strong srnne of what f M (air nnd whnt inn 1 t •nnnid. "When you 1 rc rufining everywhere• to school• to get the cow,in« nil over the thoiiMnd nerrsi of fnrni# nnd youfrc running with your brothcrw nnd you 1 re beAling thrrnM …、ht fought lonn nnd hard to get out o( the country to compete.” 9 Her victories m New York and Honrrdam hnvr amoothed wrinkled rclntionnhip^ back home In April 1997, Loroupc won the New York Central Park City Marathon. In October of the same year, she won the World Half Marathon in Slovakia• setting a world championship record of 1 hour< 8 minutes and 14 seconds. Although Loroupe developed a knee injury from over use during the (all of 】997, she recovered• ond in April 1998 she sei a world record of 2 hours• 20 minutes* 47 seconds in the Women's Marathon in Rotterdam- Now many people expect Loroupe to go further and become the first woman to run under 2 < 20 1 00 — a barrier only broken by a male marathon runner in 1953 . when Britain Jim Peters clocked 2 1 18 ! 40< These world records and her promising future have changed the attitudes of Kenyan people. 10 Loroupc now lives in Germany where she shares a house with Tanzanian and Ethiopian male runnerst as well as other Kenyans. These days Loroupe is showing confidence about her career m running# bur is raking it step by step. She trains 100 miles per week, while many of her rivals log 180 miles- At 25 years of agef she realizes that she is still young and inrxprricnerdt And knows there is plenty of time. As a Kenyan womtm, »he known the menning of the wortln patience and strength, cwpecmlly pnticncc< Questions I —10 Directions: Reud PmuMjcr 1 and find which the urMlcrlincd woni(x) in tach of the following sentences rrfcr ta L When TcRln Loroupc returned home lo Kenya from winning the Nrw York City Mnrathon in 1994 • nhe was prenentrd with nine cattlc« 16 sheep and some Und by the grutcful people of her hometown# (parAgraph 1) 2. "You did ・ good jch ・" they laid her. (paragraph 1) 3. It nho gave her the opportunity to stjind up for herself and her Kenyan slaters* (pArAgrnph 2) 4. Most people think that if A weirnnn 炒,out of the country. »he will be spoiled•<.. (parARFAph 3) 5 ・ HTHOY didn't w«nt mr to do !iporlMtM she mid. (paragraph 6) 6. Now they graze them on rnnehea like the one Loroupc grew up on< (pnrngraph 7) 7. As a child• Loroupe uiicd to chase the familyFn cnttle herd for up to 12 miles, nnd looking back on it now. «he saya it was ffreat training* (paragriiph 7) & Winning it gave her the determination nnd courage to pursue her dreAmn# despite the problem5 back hom 巳(parngrnph 8) 9. “I think she has A very btrong sense of whatf s fair and whnt iun't." she said, (paragrnph 8) 10. These dnys lx)roupe is showing confidence about her career in runnings but taking it step by step, (paragraph 10) P ・ rt II Rzd Passu^e 2 and choose either At B or C to complete each of the following stntcmcnU. Write At B ar C on your answer sheet. (30 pointst 3 points each) Passage 2 The Technology Buyer's Guide Home Control Cent” HVM-10 is n computer controlled mini speaker that acta like a "watchdog" barking when delects motion. It's the perfect protection when you 1 re out of town. (800 ・ 843 ・ 532g $ 200) IBM's Home Director is A multitasking PC that lets homeownrrs create and run daily routines around the house. Preset tasks ench day or on a weekly basis. Come home to freshly baked apple pie, a vacuumed house• nearly any wish come true. (800-426-72351 $99 nnd up) lntdectronfs lanterns ore attractive outdoor lights that turn on at dusk> then switch to full bnghtness whenever they detect movement. (51O*732-6790i $35 to$ 55) Park11 !emperatutr Control makes for even daily temperature control and IUIVCS up to 20% off n homeowner's energy bill. (800-725^91621 $250 to $ 375) Home Entertainment ViH I idenphonc is just what you need to show the grnndparenta how the kids nrc growing up while talking with them over the phone The machine works vin rcKuUr phone lines (888-843-98981 $550). Zenith Z32 Color TV jg A wide-acrecn TV that will be the centerpiece of your home thrAtrr. It han just about the sharpest picture nt 32 inehej* (847-39-filOOi $ 1 $349). Nintendo 64 it ・ videtrHAtne box KUAranteed to give you more thrill than «ny Action packed movie (800 255*37001 $ 149). Kitchen Itrlpfrt Krups E»prcs»o Novo 4000 Pmgrnmatic coffee mAkrr mnkc coffer (rom rnild io very stronga If !IAB n microchifrmonifored ntcatn pump. (800-526*53771 $349. 99) Caprmo it the bcun grindcrdigitnl coffee mnker thnt uhould be in rvrryoncF s hou»e« You CAR programme it up to 10 houri so you enn depend on frcuh coffee anytime- ^(201467-39991 $230〉 Sharp Multiple Choice Microwave telh you whai ncnrly 95% less polluting than A conventioruil car> and get» between 100 and 200 miles per gallon. Il is being tested at the Uy per car Center At the Rocky Mountnm Institute. Miscellaneous Motorola Cow Alert works off n computer chip ond a battery. A sensor 9it9 in one of a cowf s four Atomftchs ready to alert the fnnner within half an hour i( n cow falh ill. (Motorola U> S> based) lieartthrob Brooch not only has 6 rubies and 78 diamonds but carries A chip-controlled Kensington Smartsockets9 with its color-coding system and spaced-out sockets will keep your plugs untangled. (800-535-42421 $ 19 to $ 49) Panasonic 6. 6-000 feet from home. (800-441-7262: $ 199) Relaxation La-x-lxiy Maxim in n high tech wny to recline flint Ictft you cntch up on all the nJeep you've misned while you nre treated to hent and o bnck mnssaRt* nil run off a central romputcr system. If you enn ft take yaur mind off busincM< ju»t plun in your laptop to the nrmre>t phone jack< Better still sit back nn<) enjoy your (nvonte musuc with the built-in M)und gynMm.it、got everything you111 need. (800-625-32461 $ 760 to $850). Sony Web I V i$ designed for laid-back Net surfiriK* Grub hold of W**h TV * s wirelc*n keyboard*then you c«n CA»u«lly cruiwe the inforrn/irion highway on the TV. reNting the body without resting the mind (800-772-wny t $ 200 to $300). Punnsonic Grcut EMCiapr lets you sic back< rclnx. find enjoy n uhinttui rnassMix^ Grrnt (or relieving atrcM« (20b348-90901 $ 2.50() to $3,400)。 Transportation Sandia NaKonnl Hut Pothole Fixer comen complete with scanners that spot holeR clc/inern to clear flway dehrist and nnwlcii to uhoot filler mntcrinl in the hole n・ it driven overt tnking it. fMisscngers to their desiinntion. To be cotnmcreialitcd nooru Hyperenr In desixned to improve enr efficiency, h hnn A wcoalcr tiixcd engine with A gns turbine cell thnt provider o conAtoni nourcr of electricity. It m quiet < nnfce nenrly 95% Iw polluting than n conventional cart and get* between 100 nnd 200 mi leu per gnllotv It is being tested nt the Hypercar Center nt the Rocky Mountain Institute. Migcfllaneoui Motorola C ow Alert works off n computcj chip and n battery. A BCHMOI teetti in one o( n COW'II four Mtomochs ready to alert the farmer within half an hour if ■ cow fnlln ilL (Motoroln U ・ S based) Heartthrob Brooch not only has 6 rubies and 78 diamonds but carries • chip*controlled light emitting device thnf fl/mhe* with cnch bcnl of the wrnrcrfR heart. (M. | • T ・ Medin luib designer Harry Winatoni $400,000〉 Sole Attraction a new snenker thnt inkrn vitul inforniAtion from potcntinl mntr»< All you do i» nhnkr hand* nnd exchange the ncccssnry informntiont then let the snenker* da the teat. Provided both of you are wearing them* R low level electric current rncen alonR your nkinS Hurfnee and onto your pnrtncr1*! coding detnib on . computer chip on the ROICR of the nnenkcri. (designed by MaAMchuMctU Imilitute of reehnology( M> I • T) • U ・ S ) Questions 11—20 arc biitrd on PiHMig。2. I L The IBM Hornr Director^ unit uses n_________________ A. dog1* bnrk C. video phone 12. Pork'* Temperature Control IN reported !n save up to__________________ percent of energy bi* A. 50 B.10 B. multitasking PC C. 20 13. The Zenith Z32 comcsi with n_____________• A. wide screen TV' K phorw home theater 14> Krupt Eapre&so makes different types of coffee but the Capresso has a _________________ • A. timer K steam pump C. storage filter 15. KenmnKton SmnrtxockeiH lets you_____________• A. interact with your boss B. organixe your plug C »hrcd documcritM 16. The PnnaMonic Great Escape nuchinu lets you enjoy n __________ ___ • A. phone jack B ・ muiic By»tem C ・ nhmUu mnssogc 17. The Hypcrcar is designed io be_____________ . A ・ saff and efficieJit B. powerful and noisy C. cheap and ensy to repair 】8. Farmers can find out when a cow _ with the Motorola Cow Akrt< A. needs milking B. is sick C. is missing 19. The Heartthrob Brooch flashes when______________ . A ・ the heart beats B. love stimulates the jewels C. the light is dim 20. The »ole Attraction sneakers work off_______________ . A ・ heart beats 4 ti. an electric current C- a timed response Part 111 Rc»d Passage 3 and decide whether the following statements urc trur or fal$c< Write T for true and F for false on your answer sheet. (20 points^ 2 points each) Passage 3 Breakfast 】H you hnvc to mis* one men I a doy (or if you wont to « which mvnl will C4iu>r you fewest health problems if you donft eat it? If they hnvc io nuke a decision of this type, mg people (especially dieters or very busy people) will chouse to »kip breakfast 2 However, mnny exptris rn the field of health consider breakfn^t (thr mral which Mbreaks11 your which Mtnrted the night before) to be the must irnpartnnt meal of the day. !f we cat A good brenkfnntt they say. we will have the energy nnd nutrients we need to our working dny with vigor nnd hopefully with good human NcvcrthclrM. many people ftkip breakfast or aubiititute n donut /ind ft cup of coffee for n wcll-bnlanced niciiL Whni happens ii we ignore the importance of breakfast? 3 One recent study conducted in the United States leafed n hirge numbcr of people. Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. During the experimentw these people were given a variety of breakfasti and sometimes• they had to skip breakfast completely^ Special tests, including blood tests and endurance tests * were set up to analyze how well the participantsbodies functioned when they hud ealen a certain kind of breakfast 4 The results showed that if a person ears an adequate breakfast> he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if hr or j»hr skips breakfast or eafa a very poor breakfasu This fact appears to be especially true if n person^ work involves mental activity- The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit< eggs> breads and milk before going to school > they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their leunons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is inadequate- 5 Th。study also showed contrary to what many people believe, if you *kip breakfofilt you will not lo»c weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat so much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember t if you arc on a diet* skipping breakfast will not help you. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other mcnls> Questions 21—30 are based on Passage 3. 21. The word "dieters" means ""those who restrict theni$elvcs to fl special diet in order to control their weight”. 22. In the word "breakfast”, "f 相 t" probnbly means Mgoing without food: 23. Many experts in the field of health think that breakfast is most important in a working day. 24a Some people will substitute a donut and n cup of coffer for a regular breokfost. 25. Those participating in the experiment were all adults. 26. During the experiment, these people were given very good breakfast. 27- Special tests were set up to analyze how the participants1 bodies functioned when they hud eaten particular breakfast. 2& The results showed thnr if a person eats B big brenkfaste he or nhe will work more efficiently. 29- The study showed that if schoolchildren have Adequate breakfasts before going to schoolt they will learn more efficiently. 30. Wr can safely Miy skipping brenkfant will help one lone weight. Part N Rend Pussagc 4 and iinswcr the following quc«tions« Make your anstwcni as short and clear as possible. (20 pointst 4 points each) Pusxage 4 Changing Lifestyles and New Eating Habits 1 Arnencanji todny have different enting habn» than lhey had in the past. There is A widr nelection of food available. They have a bronder knowledge of nutrition, SKI they buy more fresh fruit and vegetables than ever before. At the Rnme timet Americans purchase incrcafting quantities of sweets• snackst and nodns. 2 Stntisticu shew that the way people live clcterminen the way they eat- American lifc»tylc* have changed^ They now include growing numbers of people who live alonet single parrnu and children# and double-income families. These chnnging lifestyles /ire responsible for the increasinK number of people who must rush meals or somctimc5 skip them altogether* Many Amcriczins have less time rhnn ever before ta Mpend preparing food. Partly n% a consequence of this limited tirnef 60% of all American homes now have microwave ovens- Moreover < Americans etii out nearly (our times a week on the averagea 3 It i» ea^y but also tells us about the changes in atutiides and tastes. Red menit which used to be the most popular choice for dinner# is no longer an American fnvorite. Instead* chicken* turkey v nnd (ish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatly increased in recent years. This is probably n result of the awareness of the dangers of eating food that contains high levels of cholesterol or animal fat. Doctors believe that cholesterol is a threat to human healths 4 According to ・ recent survey♦ AmcriniriR wino chungc their eatmH pAttcrnn tu meet the nreds of different situntion^. They hnvc certain iclcn!* about which foodh will inerrnae their Athletic ability ♦ help them In— wcighf • mnkc Them alrrf (or bu turkey f and fish etc. to red mcak 35. Shrimp and lobster. 21. T 26. F 22. T 27. T 23. T 2& F 24- T 29. T 25. F 30. F

