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国家开放大学电大本科《英语教学理论与实践》2028-2029 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1366) Section 1 | Bask Tbcoric« and Principle 40 points Qoeitioai I _20 art based on this part Dlrvctionss Choose the best answer fmtn A. B or C for each qnation. Write yoar amwer on the Answer Sheet. L Which of the following b theoretimlly based on bchavioriBm? A. Audio lingual Method. Ik HumaniMic Approach. G Functioruhnotioruil Appro»ch< 2. Which aspect of nerd,does the following situation reflect? Wang Li II a UudefU majonng in • but hu mltreU n tn And U U«IJ manaurment that he wh.tt X wen thooitng Ail iprcia/ty for college education. So Ar sAawi hldf tnlertu IR An ttudy and /a The Grammar-trandAtion Method. A The Audiolinguai MethcxL C The Community lumguaKe Method- 5. What tyllabus does the followinR exemplify? Mixfu/e 1 Nirr to mtti you Module 2 M,・ my fiartnli and my frirnd Mitdulf 3 My nru* srAou/ 4 My family Module 5 Healthy food A. Structural aylUbus. Ik Topic syllabuc C Functional »ylhbuK 6. Which of the following in the description of a function? A. Ownership. B ・ Giving directionn< C ・ Acting out a play. 7. In which o( the following activities docn the teacher mainly play the role of n 1 prompter?^ A<( )rgani«c the Atudrntii to do activities by giving instructions 球("hnngc the pace of the class by vnriouA meanx- C. Elicit idean from Mudcnt«< 8. Which of the following activities is communicative? A. Inviting two utudents ro read the dialogue in CIHAS. H Explaining rhe difficult fttructures in the dialogue C ・ Students making a dialogue according to n given situation. 9. Which of the (ollowtng is most suimble for the cultivation of linguistic competence? A. Sentence-making. K Cur-card dialogur< C. Simulated dinloKue. 10. Which of the following generally doe。NOT describe a Cl.T nyllnbiJii? A ・ The vocnbulary and grammnr structures need rd for communicative objectives (CR ・ telling directions• requesting informationi expre^tng BRreement* etc.). The skills required in typicnl situations (g. li^tcningt spcAking or writing skills)* C ・ The Krnmmnr rule nppropriatc for social occasions (e. R. at a until a» untnuf pass . ofArrwhr he cannot 弁" mrannix from thf Ifxi. A. Thr top-down fippronch. H. 1 hr up Approach. C. The Intcmctivr approach. 15< Whnt listening skill does the following activity help to train9 Lhtrn to thr follou/inn Uxt and Which o( the following fcatureji spoken English? A. It is context independent. Bw It is produced with hide redundnney. C. It is prcxluced with good orgAnization. 19. Which three stages can the oral lesson aiming At teaching new language be used? A. Pre-speaking > while speaking t post-speaking. B< Presentation • practice • production- C- Preview. leciurct practice. 20> Whnt in truined in the following Activity? |b4tdhtcninx activity^ The requirement of each nctlvlty is nn followit > Prr/ts/rn(n< i /rad in Ihf topic • calling the polict > hhftmng! finixh the details in r/ir police report about May 9% loxt i/rmi. > Po^liiteninK i train the ability to rxpmr attitudes and comments You may follow the tublc gbrn after lhe puxMiw. Make sure the three activities are rclaled to each other. M”的背包丢了 •域雄警索■打电 I®报■.住食听 May 说包里 A 帅什么东西,充庞 F 1*1 的填空. [Sound of tclrphonr ringing] Policet Police Station# how cun I help? MnytMy nnmr'ii Mny Swift. I lonf my bockpnck on the bus corning home from nchool. Policei I nrc. We'll ulk About the backpuck in n moment, but firm 1 need io gel ? Can you vpell your namet please* MA” It's M A Y. then S W PE T for my family name. Policet()K« May. Where do you live? MaytMy nddreAB is 2940 Plcusinni Street. Police: Whm、your (Ather % nnme and what fs your phone number? May $ You're not guing to call my father? Policei Oh May> don、be so worried. I'm junt getting informntioth MnyiOK* My Dadf» n«nic is Phillip and oui phone number is 356-2197. Policej Now. how did you lose your backpnck? W«» It stolen? Mu”No. I don't think MO. The bus wax very crowded nnd 1 put my hackpnck on the (loon 1 fhtnk someone might have thought ii wns theirs nnd picked it up. Policet That、pos^ihle« What color was it? May:ltfs red with a little bit of blue. Policet That a little unusuaL Can you tell me what was in it? May: 1 know 1 had a schoolbooks my history book. There was my bus ticket (or the month of April. ()h ・ there was my notebook {or English classu My homework wax in that. 1 had «ome really great photos o( my friends at my birthday party. That was last month* Er… oh yeah! 1 had the key to my house* My parents will be so angry when they learn I've lost that. They both work late and I can f x get in without my key. Then (herr was it maganne about exercises for girU and my P ・ E. clothes Wc wear T-shirts and shorts in the school colors of red and blue. Thatf 5 about iu Police: Was there any money? How about valuables like earrings? May:Not my money was in my coat and I don't wear enrrings Police: That#s good. Moy. try not to worry. People lose things on the buses all the time. Someone might even bring it to UM today. I'll call i( that happens May:Thank you. Police Report Things in her backpack Description a schuolbook history book (1)__________ for month of April notebook (2)__________ (3)__________ friends nt my birthday party (4)__________ to my house magazine (5)__________ <6)__________ red and blue T-shirt and shorts Activity 1 (Pre-listening) Objectives Classroom organization Teaching aid Procedure 1) 2) 3) TrAnibition ( how to rrlfttc to the following itciiviry) Activity 2 (listening) Objectives (^lassroom organriation Teaching aid TranMtion ( how io relate to the former activity) Procedure 1) 2) 3) Transition ( how to relate fo the following activity) Activity 3 < PmHisteninK) Objectives ClAsnroom orgAnir/ition Fcnching aid Transition ( how io relate to the fornier activity) Procedure 1) 2) 3) Backup plsin t (1) Predicted problems (2) Pcm»ible nolutions 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Section I t Basic Theories and Principles 本 8S 为单选 81.共 20 个小期浦计 40 分,每 18 2 分・ LA 2.C 3.C 4.C 5. B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9. A 10. C IL A 2. B 13. C 14.B 15. A 16.C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A Section H s Lesson Plan 麒费 P 岷 21.参拿答案和评分标旗 Activity I (Prr-LiMcning) Objectivesi to lead in the topic and to activTitr stiNlents* bnckgmund knowledge ol odhng the police Classroom organization)Group work Teaching aldt pictures Assumed timci 5 minutca Procedure i (1 )l Call on(iif(crent groupji io report. Transition i (4) Fi "All right. Thank you. Actually t in Ewli ・ h ・ CAIIIRK police miKht hr the Marne. And they might do the “mr things^*.” Activity 2 (Lhtcninic) Objcctivr^i to train Mtudrntn, nhilify to get the key informatton from the pa^MRr Classroom orpenLuiHon» wholr CIAMN work to pair work TcAchintf nidi text-book• tape recorder* or muliFfnediii Assumed tlmc{ 8 minuten Transition (5) AmiRn the listening task (1 (4 continued) HToday we1 re going to Imtcn to a converMtion about calling the police Lijiten and try to Hnd whai in in May 1 n backpflck. Yau cun UM thr followinu t«bk to help you.” Police Report Thing« in her backpack Description A school book hintory book ®______ (or month of April J notebook ②_________ friend* At my birthday party ® to my house magasinc S : ⑥________ red und blur「%hirl and %hort» Procedure (6) Whole chtm limenibg (31) The tcnchrr playn the recording and students liMen to the paNA/ige to complete the mbb% (7) Pair work to check (2r) Get ihf Mudrnts into pnnn io threk then work. For rxnmplct the trnrher enn Rivr the inniructiun like ihm. Mnll right, hnvc you finiuhrd? Now Kd like you TO check your nn^wcry with your partner to nee whether you have different idcaiu ” (fl)Feedback (29 Invite individunl pftirs to report their work. Mnkc sure to ank thr students to cxplnin whnt problems they have in linteninK- Hor exampkt the tcuchrr can do like "lio you have problem® tn getting the information? ()K ・•••・ cun you tell un whnt difHculty you met when liwtrriing?M Trunshlan t (9) T| "NQW ・ we know people in UK and USA hftve the same wny 况 culling the police »nd trlling fhrm the Mtne ihing. …” Activity 3 (PovUllBtenlng) Objectivesi to train the ability to exprcxii AttitudcM und comrncntA> nt the same time applying inforrnntion obtnined from the pnMAage> Cliuisroom onuiniziition t Group work Triichlnx aid i no Assomed timer 6minutc> I,nmiltloni (10) Assign the tank (I r> (9 conunued)Nowt choose one thing in Mnybackpuck thnt you would not put in your own bnckpnckt which one do you prefer? Why? Plceae «ct into groups of four and discuss the^e questions.” Procedure! (11) Group discun^ion (3*) Students work into group!* to dheuM the queationiu The teacher may walk around to issue help or pnrticipate n l)it> (12) Feedback (2f) Invite tnch group fo report their choice. Backup plan Predicted problcim i (I )Thr students may not know anything about cnlliriK the police in Englinh. They mny nho know Already through the |)A»MHge if thry huvc previewed. (2)Somc nlu(lcnt» rnny hnvr difficulty expressing their opinion in Fn^lijih. Pmmiblc wlutionst (I.)lf the students know nothing nbotit calling the police in English> it ia beat becau»e the objective of limeninK in to learn nbout thcue thinuB from the listening. However# if they know ulreudy. it dorjinf! mftttrr bccnu$r more often thnn not • Rtudents may not undrrstnnci the pAARogc even if thry already know the contents Whm's morc< students1 listening mny differ RrrHtly. If they have previewed• they may have IC«B difficulty in following the CIAXIL (2)1( students have difficulty expreaxing themselves in Englisht we should allow them to express their idcan in Chine«e. Then the teacher can repeal their ideas in English. In this wayt they may gel to know how to express themselves

