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C195 China Seats Open Issues List Next Meeting Date Date: Thursday 31st October. Time: 08:00 to 09:00 UK time, 16:00 to 17:00 China time. Location: 15/2A-P07 Audio with Lear China. Dial-in details: Dunton Room Conference no. +44-1268-406137. Issue No. Description of Issue Comments Open Issues Responsibility Date Open Expected Date Completion Date 007 DVP. Current DVP Status. DVP For Rear Seats are now 100% complete. 2-Way DVP completion is pending ride appraisal results. 4-Way DVP testing starts on 15/09/02. Updated 4-way DVP received 25th Sept. Somenjit 31-七月-02 31-十月-02 Valance Improvements to improve Impact Testing results. Workplan required from Lear. Received. An investigation of the Lear and the JCI parts will start on 01/10/02 till 12/10/02. Timing and effects will be established then. Somenjit 19-九月-02 12-十月-02 019 CP2 Build Issues. Reviewed On a Separate sheet attached in this file. 6 open issues. Team 21-三月-02 Ongoing 026 Craftsmanship. Craftsmanship Review to be held on 27/05/02. "New off-tool seats to be supplied this week for an appearance approval review. 16th October - Colour Harmony review on HTFB's. 24th October - Craftsmanship review on HTFB's." Sandeep 23-五月-02 26-九月-02 Craftsmanship Score. Sandeep to get latest Craftsmanship score prior to going into HTFB's. Sandeep 26-九月-02 1-十月-02 Recliner cover / Handwheel gap issue. Constant gap sample ok'd by CAF. Continuity during HTFB to be reviewed. Sandeep 12-九月-02 8-十一月-02 Lear Require a TTO body for fit and function trials. TTO body is now available in CAF. Lu Bin 19-九月-02 31-十月-02 027 PASCAR Issues. Lear to investigate reported issues from PASCAR. "Chuck & Deflection test - 16/08/02 Ship seat to Lear Dunton and review - 21/08/02 Ship seat to Lear China - 31/08/02 Track teardown analysis - End of week 37 PV-track chuck and deflection test - 23/09/02 Report - Week 41." Somenjit 31-七月-02 23-九月-02 Data received, but needs to be clarified with reports. Somenjit 26-九月-02 3-十月-02 Feedback from Halic req'd. Ravindran to chase. Tracks have been lost. Lear to review China PASCAR Vehicle seats. Ravindran / Halic 12-九月-02 31-十月-02 028 ESO. Pre-ESO Drive Appraisal to confirm seat meet ESO targets. Needs to be complete by Week 33. "Results: - 2-Way - 104%, 4-Way - 107%, Fixed RS - 100%, 60/40 - 104%. All results meet target part from 2-way seat. Needs to be reviewed with VI." S. Squibb 1-八月-02 3-十月-02 Management appraisal commented that the handle was to close to the floor. "Lear to advise of the following: - 1) Confirm in vehicle the 16mm distance to floor is ok on the new level tracks." Ravindran 24-九月-02 27-九月-02 029 Headrestraint Bezels. Headrestraint Bezel material issues. Ravindran advises that the material being recommended by ITW China is a Ford approved material, just called up as a different name. Waiting confirmation from Ludwig. Ravindran / L. Rodigas 18-七月-02 31-十月-02 Note: Dates Shown in Bold are late. Shaded items are closed. C195 China Interior Trim Open Issues List Issue No. Description of Issue Comments Open Issues Responsibility Date Open Expected Date Completion Date 006 Passenger Front Floor Carpet. Rear Foot well bagginess and Heel Kick area not to form. Lear to send through to N. Beagley the dimensional changes for the new cut-out. One PE backed sample with improved process needs to be trialed. Trial done and is better but there are still a couple of issues that need to be resolved prior to the HTFB. Sandeep / Dejun Huang 4-七月-02 1-十月-02 Wear-thru condition on Australian PASCAR. PE backed carpet been sent to Australia and is being used on new PASCAR 1. 72% now complete. PASCAR will be complete by 01/10/02 Sandeep / Dejun Huang / N. Beagley 1-八月-02 1-十月-02 Visual Appearance to improve the look/feel of the carpet. 100% PET Carpet. Lear advise that to improve the wear characteristics of the carpet, they want to change to a 100% PET carpet ilo their current carpet of PP-PET=30:70. Testing completed on the 05/09/02. Waiting decision on CAF. Sandeep / Dejun Huang 15-八月-02 19-九月-02 Alfa cabin results done by NVH team prove that the Mexican carpet is 20% more effective than the Lear carpet. Lear to review with their material supplier on improvements can be done to improve the NVH characteristics. Somenjit / Dejun / Sandeep 19-九月-02 26-九月-02 Gap Between Console and Carpet. Lear have come up with a solution by adding foam blocks to the back of the carpet. Lear to submit to CAF the cost effect. Trial during HTFB. Sandeep 26-九月-02 31-十月-02 009 Headlining. Sunvisor Gap Issues. Tool change has now been done and trials complete. Concern to be raised by S. Squibb to release correct CAD data. Sandeep/ Lu Bin 4-七月-02 31-十月-02 011 CP2 Build Issues Reviewed On a Separate sheet attached in this file. 6 open issues. Team 21-三月-02 Ongoing 013 Craftsmanship Craftsmanship review to be held on 27/05/02. Details are covered on Builds Issues Matrix. Sandeep 23-五月-02 To be Updated Weekly Note: Dates Shown in Bold are late. Shaded items are closed. Issue No. Description of Issue Comments Open Issues Responsibility Date Open Expected Date Completion Date 001 China Overall Program Workplan. Workplan requested for Overall program timing. Supplier of new track and recliner systems to present to D. Bowler/A. Mcloughlin their previous program timing plans whilst in China. Will be arranged for Andy's trip. T. Pettit 2001/8/29 Week 38 2001/9/5 Design issue with the fsc seating area widths match up with the 100% RSB, but not the 60/40% rsb. An urgent program design issue as the current 60/40% seat does not meet design guidelines of +/-5mm @ C/L and +/- 10mm @ outer limits. Trimmed sample was provided and reviewed by S. Squibb and D. Bowler. Sample looked ok, but requires Durability testing to be completed. Results ok. Sandeep. 7-二月-02 25-三月-02 28-三月-02 Plan required for when a new tool will need to start to support 1PP with PSW'd parts. Sandeep 21-三月-02 22-三月-02 28-三月-02 Design issue with the fsc seating area widths match up with the 100% RSB, but not the 60/40% rsb. An urgent program design issue as the current 60/40% seat does not meet design guidelines of +/-5mm @ C/L and +/- 10mm @ outer limits. Lear to advise their long term plan for new rsc to suit 60/40 rsb. Margaret / Tony 7-二月-02 21-二月-02 4-四月-02 Seat Concern For update of Height adjuster and Service components. Concern C11327789 almost complete. Cost issue as Lear are requesting more development, testing money. Lear to re-submit costs on 22/03/02 for the height adjuster. Concern now complete. Simon Thistlethwaite / Somenjit / Margaret / Sandeep 28-十一月-01 22-三月-02 18-四月-02 Workplan requested for Overall program timing. To be reviewed weekly checking monthly line items have started/completed on time: - New VPP sent on 08/05/02. Lear to confirm there are no implications. No Issues. Lear Team 18-七月-01 16-五月-02 16-五月-02 002 China C&T Plan. C&T plan reviewed together with the Comfort Development plan. Lear to come back with confirmation on current Ford C&T timing. No issues been advised. Ian Lightbody 2001/7/18 2001/7/25 2001/7/25 003 China Comfort Improvements. Development plan reviewed together with C&T plan. Front Seat Comfort: FSC to be increased in length by 25mm, as per JCI proposal, which has now been appraised in China and agreed to be ok. Option two chosen for AP's. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/7/18 Info. 2001/8/1 Details of appraisal to be refined to make sure different fabric options/styles are also fully covered. Drive route also to include rear vision/parking study. Issue Closed. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/10 2001/10/17 2001/10/17 Confirmed date for the ride appraisals is now 13, 14, 15th November. Timing achieved with the use of European fabrics of the same construction. New timing plan required for CP support. LEAR ADVISE THAT CP TIMING IS OK! Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/5 2001/10/17 2001/10/24 "India CP's to be made with CP1 Level (AP level). China CP's to be made with CP2 level. Comfort and sew style level." Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/10/24 Statement One pager received, but needs dimensional data to be added. Received. Tony Pettit/ Ravindran 2001/11/16 2001/12/6 2002/1/9 Lear to advise what their plan is for Production H-pointing. Lear advise that there is a facility in CQ who can do the measurements, but they will do not have the correct manikin. The company with buy the correct manikin and will be ready for use in August. Sandeep 21-二月-02 1-三月-02 11-四月-02 New data provided for 100% rear seats (05/04/02). X coordinates are still to high. Lear advise the root cause was the hardness/density. Process needs to be more robust and controlled. Sandeep 13-十二月-01 30-四月-02 2-五月-02 Rear Seat H-point data are out of tolerance. 60/40% rear seat H-point data also out of tolerance. Lear advise root cuase is the foam is too thick. CAD data is ok. New foam tool to to be rectified. Sandeep / Sharath 11-四月-02 16-五月-02 16-五月-02 When the above issue is resolved, Lear need to update the Catalog vehicles with 100% inspected seats. A date required to when seats need to be updated by. Been decided this is not required. Sandeep/Sharath 9-五月-02 16-五月-02 16-五月-02 009 AP Issues. Ap issues to be advised. "The following vehicles to be updated with Lear seats: - CV312476 - Vehicle Dynamics; CV312478 - China Early Experience Vehicle; CV312479 - China Early Experience Vehicle; CV312491 - China Dynamic Vehicle; CV312492 - Vehicle Integration Vehicle; CV312494 - Package Vehicle; CV312495 - PASCAR Vehicle. Lear to confirm the above. Confirmed to be ok!" Information 2001/7/18 2001/7/25 2001/7/26 "Product Description for Ap's: - Cushion length to be 25mm longer, bolster height to be to proposal two, 2 China experience vehicles to have Kawashima proposed fabrics, other 5 vehicles to have same construction fabric. " Information 2001/7/25 2001/7/25 2001/7/25 "Lear still haven't received the seats out of India. Very big risk of not meeting AP timing. Lear to provide fall back plans. Implications if B146 frames from Europe were used. Plans are within presentaion pack. Timing now ok!! Timing cut-off point milestone to be added to major timing plan." Tony Pettit 08/08/01 04/09/01 2001/9/5 Lear require confirmation on how to deliver AP seats. To be delivered in a JIT fashion. Ian Lightbody / S. Squibb 2001/9/5 2001/9/5 2001/9/5 Craftsmanship review took place on 06/09/01. Report sent out by Richard Finch. See report for details. Richard Finch 2001/9/5 2009/1/6 2001/9/19 100% seat back supplied for first vehicle has fitment issues with rsb studs. Lear have replaced seat and fitment is vastly improved. Lear to advise what was wrong with the previous one. Dimensional report required. Ian Lightbody 2001/10/3 2001/10/10 2001/10/24 010 CP Issues. Advanced CP issues to be advised. Early prove-out homologation seats will be of Lear structure, but AP foams and styles. CP's trim styles and foam's will be to new level. Tony Pettit 08/08/01 Info. 2001/8/15 Lear to review CP list and provide part numbers to show what level of seats are to be fitted on what vehicle so to cover the sign-off plan. Required by 07/09/01. R. Hannaford. 2001/9/5 2001/9/12 2001/9/6 Lear to make sure that full dimensional/specification reports are done on all CP parts. Parts need to be clearly identified so can easily be referenced/tracked back. Studs were bent. Issue closed. Tony Pettit. 2001/10/10 2001/10/17 2001/10/17 Lear pre-prove out tests for ECE17 have all passed. Data to be shared with Ford at next weeks meeting. Not received. T. Pettit 10-十月-01 17-一月-02 21-二月-02 012 Recliner System. What type does local market require? Lear to establish market want for recliner type. Lever or rotary etc. Need to provide costs and timing of chosen system. Rotary is preferred. Ian Lightbody 08/08/01 2001/9/12 2001/9/12 015 Pretensioner Bracket & Valance. New Design required for pretensioner valance. New design CAD data to be reviewed with S. Squib and Richard Finch For Craftsmanship. Pretensioner option is now dropped. Issue closed. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/5 2001/9/12 2001/9/12 Pretensioner Mounting Bracket Required. Design required to mount pretensioner to the seat. Pretensioner option is now dropped. Issue closed. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/5 2001/9/12 2001/9/12 004 New Sew Styles and Fabrics. The 3 sew styles proposed by C. Fry. All quotations have now been supplied to Ford Changan. Lear China / M. Cheng 2001/8/29 2001/9/12 2001/9/19 "Details agreed from C&T meeting on 19/09/01 are as follows: - Base Model (Flat Woven) Insert Fabric: Name TBE. Cushion - all centre panel, Back - 3/4 of centre panel. Bolster Fabric: China Twill. Mid Model (Velour with deck seam) Insert Fabric: Metro. Full length. Bolster Fabric: TBE. High Model Leather: Montana Grain" Shane Squibb 2001/9/19 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 Laminate thickness's to be confirmed by Christine Fry. 10mm for face fabric & 3mm for border. C. Fry 2001/9/26 2001/10/3 2001/10/3 Plan to be part of overall comfort development/Styling sign-off plan. Plan still outstanding. LEAR HAVE CONFIRMED IT'S OK! Ian Lightbody 2001/7/18 Statement 2001/10/24 Rear sew style preliminary templates are being done by Christine Fry. Should be complete within 4-6 weeks. Timing has been confirmed by Lear that it does not delay anything. C. Fry 2001/10/3 2001/10/31 2001/10/10 004 New Sew Styles and Fabrics. The 3 sew styles proposed by C. Fry. Trim development for the 60/40% folding seat being down by Christine Fry will be complete by21st January. C. Fry 2001/10/24 2002/1/21 2002/1/31 016 Longboard Deletion. Possible cost reduction to delete Longboard. Lear to investigate ideas, but have to keep the same functionality. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/5 2001/9/12 2001/9/19 007 DVP DVP ok. Being reviewed by Nicola Smith as part of the Robustness review. OK. N. Smith 2001/8/18 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 DVP plan under review with Nicola Smith as part of the Robustness review. OK. N. Smith 2001/9/5 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 FMVSS 207 or ECE17 pulse criteria to be advised by Ford. Use ECE17 pulse due to it being the worst case. S. Squibb / Iain Milligan 2001/10/17 2001/10/21 2001/11/28 Lear to provide the updated excel file containing DVP status. Provided but for timing entered is for stage 1 only. All timing now received. Now to be incorporated into the excel format. Somenjit / Sandeep 31-一月-02 1-三月-02 21-三月-02 ECE 14 tests complete and result being analysed. Results ok. Rajesh / Shane 19-三月-02 21-三月-02 21-三月-02 DVP Test Failures To Be Reviewed. Review took place on 05/07/02. Somenjit to issue the updated comments. PASCAR issues to covered on same Matrix. Comments added to DVP. Somenjit 4-七月-02 11-七月-02 18-七月-02 Impact Test Failure (ST-0034). Parts were reviewed in meeting for impact locations. Tests to be done on 27th along with JCI parts. Results should be available on Thursday. Testing now complete a OK. Somenjit / Tony / Ian 15-八月-02 30-八月-02 5-九月-02 DVP Reports. Completed B/W/G's together with a copy of all test reports to sent to S. Squibb. Somenjit / Sandeep 8-八月-02 30-八月-02 12-九月-02 008 FMEA's 100% Complete - Waiting Quality Office review. To be done as part of the Robustness study. All paperwork given to Nicola Smith. OK. Ian Lightbody / Shane Squibb 2001/7/18 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 011 Rear Headrestraints. Rear Headrestraints are required on 60/40% seat back as standard. Lear to also look at what reductions in size for both front and rear head restraints are possible with the legal limitations. Not feasible within current legislation. Ian Lightbody 2001/9/12 2001/9/19 2001/9/26 Hardness/Density of headrest bun is not to be changed on current headrestraints design due to bump through of bun frame. Lear to investigate possible design changes to headrestraints to improve hardness and size. Frame design will be moved further away from Occupants head. Eric Hermanu / Ian Lightbody. 2001/9/19 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 Lear to investigate possible reduction in foam hardness and densities with new frame design. New frame design is to be incorporated to better head clearance. This enable the hardness of the foam to be changed. Two different hardness's to be evaluated in comfort appraisal! Eric Hermanu / Ian Lightbody. 2001/9/26 2001/10/3 2001/10/10 Cost for new Shingle style headrestraints with curved stems and cut-outs in top of RSB's = $39.73 Margaret Shen 2001/11/27 2001/12/13 2001/12/13 Lear to provide cost info. on straight stemmed h/r's. Costs provided = $26.14. Ravindran to see whether this meets legal requirements. Margaret Shen 2001/12/4 2001/12/10 2002/1/17 Lear to advise of China legal height restrictions and what legislation we have to meet. Legal requirements state that the rear h/r's have to meet 750mm height target. Ravindran 2001/12/4 2001/12/10 2002/1/15 One pager required from Lear on what is feasible/legal for China. Received. Margaret Shen 2001/12/6 2001/12/18 2002/1/17 Package issue with rear vision with due to Rear headrestraints. Lear need to advise competitive data for rear headrestraints. Received and under review. Sandeep 2002/1/17 2002/1/21 2002/1/31 Lear to provide costing for a donut style headrestraint. Received and under review. Sandeep 2002/1/17 2002/1/21 2002/2/1 014 Fire Extinguisher. China Legal requirement to have Fire Extinguisher fitted in Vehicle. CAD data provided to Lear on 26/09/01. S. Squibb 2001/9/19 2001/9/26 2001/9/26 Lear to establish design for mounting a fire extinguisher on the front of the seat cushion. Need to establish what Fire Extinguisher needs to be fitted. CP's will be fitted with all off-tool production parts brackets. All passenger seats fire extinguishers. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/9/5 2001/9/26 2001/10/10 Lear advise that the ECE17 Dynamic development tests will be done with handmade prototype parts. Ian Lightbody / Tony Pettit. 2001/10/10 Statement 2001/10/10 Design issues with current CAD data and what's required in China. Current conditions show's a foul in CAD. S. Squibb to investigate. CAD data was incorrect. Correct data has been passed onto to Lear. S. Samaddar / S. Squibb 2001/10/31 2001/11/7 2001/11/7 New fire extinguisher given to Lear to package. Lear to provide a timing plan and sign-off plan meet program ESO. Ravindran 2001/10/17 2001/12/13 2002/1/31 Proposal together with Track release handle to be taken to D. Bowler for approval. Waiting marketing review. T. Chen 2001/12/13 2002/1/24 2002/1/31 The position of the Fire Extinguisher has been changed from the front passenger seat to the load compartment. ISSUE NOW CLOSED WITH LEAR. S. Squibb / A. Mcloughlin 2002/2/7 2002/2/7 2002/2/7 Ford Changan to provide design details of proposed fire extinguisher so it can be packaged onto the seat and released. D. Bowler/Tom Chen 2001/11/7 2002/1/24 2002/2/7 Note: Fire Extinguisher needs to be fitted on PASCAR vehicle. Lear to provide a workplan. Parts to be available by 21/03/02. Ravindran 2002/1/17 2002/3/21 2002/2/7 Fire Extinguisher needs to be fitted on ECE14 development test to be done in Koln. Statement 2002/1/31 2002/2/7 2002/2/7 013 Robustness Review. First Robustness review to take place on 05/09/01 after Issues Meeting. Lear Provided Quality group with FMEA's DVP's etc. Waiting feedback from Nicola. Data OK. Lear / N. Smith 05/09/01 2001/10/3 2001/10/10 006 Height Adjustable Seats. Review took place on 23/05/01. "Costs given for three types: - Dial Type - RMB 190.94 Ratchet Type - RMB 279.12 Power type - RMB 290.30. All ranges are 20mm up, 20mm down. This is based off of importing from Japan. Lear to advise if they can get source from within China. To be reviewed after Tony & Ian's visit to China." Margaret Shen 2001/7/18 2001/11/28 2001/11/28 Lear to do a design/package study on all types to understand foul/ergonomic issues. No issues with Height Adjust mechanism and new level Doortrim. Ian Lightbody / Somenjit 2001/12/6 2001/12/13 2001/12/13 Lear to provide quotation for Local market electric version. Done. Margaret Shen 2001/12/2 2001/12/13 2001/12/13 Local Market mechanical mechanism is 239.79 RMB ($28) for full system on drivers seat (30/11/01). EC have agreed. D. Bowler 2001/11/8 2001/12/14 2002/1/17 Workplan required from Lear. Received and under review. Chandra 2002/1/10 2002/1/31 2002/1/31 Lear to advise of movement of there design proposal. +18 -16mm. Ravindran / Sandeep 2002/1/17 2002/1/24 2002/1/31 Lear to provide benchmark data for height adjusters. Schandra 17-一月-02 8-二月-02 7-二月-02 A revised DFMEA required from Lear. Sandeep / Somenjit 10-一月-02 7-三月-02 20-三月-02 PL at review status. A copy has been sent to Lear. Being reviewed with A. Moynihan on 21/02/02 for approval. N. Mason 17-一月-02 1-三月-02 DVP to be reviewed for list of testing. Reviewed and is now complete. Somenjit / Shane 28-三月-02 4-四月-02 5-四月-02 Cost issue as Lear are requesting more development/testing money. Lear to re-submit costs on 22/03/02 for the height adjuster. Lear to review with D. Bowler next week (wk17). Margaret / Sandeep / D. Bowler 21-三月-02 18-四月-02 2-五月-02 Lear advised that to provide the current C/O adjustment range as BE91, they have to produce a new fsc of a narrower cushion depth. Lear advise that they are the same. Sandeep 7-二月-02 1-七月-02 23-五月-02 Somenjit to send comparison H-Point data between 4-way China seat and current Euro BE91. Somenjit 17-一月-02 8-八月-02 8-八月-02 Sandeep to send height adjuster travel data comparison data with other OEM's. Received and under review within CAF. Sandeep 8-八月-02 15-八月-02 15-八月-02 18 Front Seat Headrestraints. Lear to advise design changes to improve India Hardness issues. Lear advise that they will be changing the frame design to give a better clearance away from the head form. This will be appraised during Comfort appraisals with different densities and hardness values. Ian Light Body. 2001/10/17 Pending Comfort Appr'l. 2001/11/28 017 Track Release Handle. Indian plastic style handle to improve easier adjustment ilo rubber style. Handle being investigated with Fire Extinguisher. S. Samaddar 2001/10/31 Ongoing 2001/12/13 Confirmation of acceptance from Changan Ford Required. Handle been rejected by D. Bowler. D. Bowler/T. Chen 2001/9/26 2002/1/24 2002/1/17 Now Fire Extinguisher has been deleted, Lear to provide plastic handle grip to improve current C/O design condition. This will give Lear a competitive edge of the current design and fulfil customer complaints from the Indian Market. Issue to be book shelved. Sandeep / D. Bowler 7-二月-02 25-二月-02 21-三月-02 023 Front Seat Mounting Locations. Lear Require BIW front floor holes production variability. S. Squibb provided data on 08/04/02. S. Squibb 4-四月-02 11-四月-02 8-四月-02 021 Front Headrestraint Issues. Design condition the headrestraints meet legal height of 800mm. Manufactured parts only meet 790mm. Lear to produce an 8D and provide solution to issue. Lear advised they had the hardness and density wrong. The correct design level meets ECE legislation. Lear to advise what there plan is to update the Homologation/Catalog CP vehicles. Homologation seats will be updated with correct level foams. Somenjit / Sandeep 21-三月-02 11-四月-02 11-四月-02 022 Homologation Vehicles. Lear to confirm that seats provided for the Homologation vehicles are 100% ok and to the latest design level. A Plan required to update the Homologation vehicles with correct level parts. Parts have been checked and Lear confirm that the seats are all ok apart from the update of the headrestraint foams.! Sandeep 4-四月-02 18-四月-02 11-四月-02 005 Indian Quality Data Report. Rear Seat Fixing Issue. Second test results for the 60/40% seats proved the clip to be ok. New clip and thicker BIW bracket being released on C11351651. S. Harman / S. Squibb 19-九月-01 25-四月-02 11-四月-02 Waiting Test Reports From Lear China. Rajesh 18-四月-02 25-四月-02 9-五月-02 005 Indian Quality Data Report. Rear Seat Fixing Issue. Build issue of foam and wire frame out of tolerance, needs to be verified with new 3N21 clip. Parts received from CAF. Lear advise the new rsc are ok with the new clips. Lear still to find the root cause with the CP2 rsc fitment. Sandeep/Sharath / Lu Bin 9-五月-02 27-六月-02 4-七月-02 020 C&T Issues. Review on valances and recliners covers to see if they are acceptable. Lear to advise when seat will be available. To be reviewed by S. Squibb and craftsmanship group. Seats have arrived. Comments have been given to Somenjit. Craftsmanship group have had their separate review. Somenjit 4-四月-02 18-四月-02 18-四月-02 Investigation to why there is a gap between Outboard Valance and Outer Seat Track. CAF approval given for current outer seat track cover. No beading required. Lear to advise that PSW timing is still ok. PSW timing is not affected. Ma Jun 11-七月-02 1-八月-02 1-八月-02 019 CP2 Build Issues Homologation/Catalog Updates. Lear to add a Column on their Build Issues Matrix and team to agree what needs to be updated. Could either be Structural or safety related. Team 9-五月-02 16-五月-02 16-五月-02 025 Crash Vehicle Testing. A passenger seat required for seat belt development crash testing. Seat has arrived and being kept by Lear for use. Somenjit 9-五月-02 16-五月-03 16-五月-03 024 In Vehicle H-pointing. CAF to advise when/how they are going to do in Vehicle H-pointing. Question has been put to D. Bowler. Lear advise that they will have capability. D. Bowler 9-五月-02 27-六月-02 4-七月-02 H-point Capability. Lear advise that the implementation date for H-pointing will be 1st October. Sandeep / Somenjit 23-五月-02 25-七月-02 25-七月-02 030 Build Design Levels. Matrix required of design level/changes for each individual builds. Cp, CP2, 1PP, FEU etc. Being prepared by Lear China. Sandeep / Ravindran 17-七月-02 19-七月-02 23-七月-02 028 ESO. Pre-ESO Drive Appraisal to confirm seat meet ESO targets. Needs to be complete by Week 33. Lear advise that the seats will be available from 02/08/02. Team 11-七月-02 18-七月-02 1-八月-02 Rear seat ride appraisals will take place when off tool parts available. Latest timing from Sandeep is 28th August. T. Chen / Sandeep. 1-八月-02 28-八月-02 8-八月-02 "ESO Master Reference Vehicle Seat Updates. Vehicle Nos. CY332550, CY332555 & CY332557. They are a 1.3 Low and two 1.6 High's. 1.6 high's to have 4-way driver seats." All seats will be sent on the 16/09/02. Lear have confirm they have been delivered. Sandeep 15-八月-02 19-九月-02 2002/9/19 031 China Quality Issues. Retaining clips underneath front seat belt fixed buckles rusting after a certain period of time. Lear advise they have found old stock of seats with clips rusting. Lear to confirm that they will plate the clips for all future builds. Confirmed. Sandeep 8-八月-02 15-八月-02 28-八月-02 设计记录--图纸清单 №: Item No. Drawing No.图纸号 Received Date 收到日期 Sign off by whom 签发人 Sign off Date 签发日期 Provide Reason 提交原因 备注 拟制: 审核:

