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‎2018中考语法讲解与练习9——连词 英语语法是英语的重要部分,在中考的选择题、语法填空、改错、造句以及作文都会涉及,本套练习从既有讲解又有练习,是复习的好资料,提分的好助手。‎ 语法讲解:‎ ‎1、连词的含义:连接词与词、短语与短语、或引导从句的词叫连接词。‎ ‎2、连词的分类:连词分为并列连接词和从属连接词两种。‎ ‎1、并列连接词连接并列的词、短语、从句或句子。常见的并列连接词有:and(和),but(但是),or(或者,否则),nor(也不), so(所以), however(然而,无论如何),for(因为),still(可是),as well as(也),both..and...(...和...), not only ...but also...(不但…而且…), either… or…(或…或…),neither… nor…(既不…也不…)等。‎ ‎2、从属连接词用于引导从句,常见的从属连接词有:‎ when(当…时候), while(正当…时候), after(在…之后), before(在…之前), since(自从), until(直到), although/though(虽然), if(假如), as(如…一样;由于), as …as…(和…一样), as far as(就…而言), as long as(只要), as soon as(一…就…), even if(即使), because(因为), unless (除非), than(比…), whether (是否…), in order that…(为了), so…that…(如此…以致), so that…(以便), now that…(现在既然), by the time…(到…时候), every time…(每当), as if…(仿佛),no matter when(或whenever)(无论何时),no matter where(或wherever)(无论在哪里)等。‎ ‎[辨析]‎ ‎(1) because、as、since、for的用法:because(因为)表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然的因果关系,从句一般放在主句后面;另外,回答why的问句只能用because. as(因为)表示一般的因果关系,语气比because弱,说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾。since(既然)表示对方已经知道、无需加以说明的原因或事实。for(因为)是并列连词,语气较弱,用来补充说明理由或提供一种解释。如:He is not at school today because he is seriously ill.(他今天没有上学因为他病得厉害)/ As all of you have got here, now, let’s go to the zoo.(既然大伙儿都到了我们就去动物园吧)/ I will ask Lin Tao to go with me since you are very busy.(既然你很忙我就叫林涛和我一起去吧)/ We must be off now for the match starts at 7:00.(我们得走了因为比赛在七点开始)‎ ‎(2)if、whether的区别:表示“是否”时,if和whether同义,引导宾语从句,另外,whether还可以引导主语从句、表语从句(以及同位语从句)等名词性从句或者让步状语从句;而if还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,(主句与从句遵循主将从现的原则)。如:I don’t know if/whether he will arrive on time.(我不知道他是不是会按时到达)/ I will ring you up if he arrives on time.(如果他按时到达我会给你打电话的) ‎ ‎ [注意]下列情况只能用whether不能用if:①引导主语从句,②引导表语从句,③引导从句作介词宾语,④引导不定式短语,⑤引导让步状语从句,⑥在动词discuss之后,⑦在wonder / not sure之后,⑧在if与whether含义易混时。如:Whether it is a fine day next Sunday is still a question.(下个星期天是不是个好天还是个问题)(引导主语从句) / Please ask him whether to go there with a raincoat or not.(请问一下带不带雨衣去那儿)(作动词的宾语) / Hainan is the place to be, whether it’s summer or winter.(海南是个该去的地方无论冬夏)(引导让步状语从句)/ Please let me know whether you need my help.(请告诉我你是否需要我的帮助)(引导宾语从句)(如果换成if则还可能表示“如果你需要我的帮助请告知”)‎ ‎(3)while、when、as的用法区别:while常表示一个较长的动作,它引导的从句动作与主句的动作是同时发生的、是平行的;when可以表示较短的动作也可以表示较长的动作,主句和从句的动作可以同时发生也可以先后发生;as与上两词同义,可替换while和when, 表示主句和从句的动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……”。如:Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework.(我写作业时请不要打扰我)/ I’ll go home when I have finished my job.(我干完了活儿就回去)/ They were running quickly across the road when they heard the sound of a truck coming.(他们正快速地穿过马路忽然听到了卡车开来的声音)/ As we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly.(当我们在黑洞洞的街上走路时我们高声地唱歌说话)‎ ‎(4)till/until与not…till/until的区别:前者表示一个延续性的动作,后者表示一个才开始的动作。如:I will stay here and watch the baby until you return.(我会呆在这里看着娃娃直到你回来)(stay这个动作一直进行到你return) / They won’t go on working until they get what they think is reasonable.(他们要到获得了他们认为合理的东西时才会继续干下去的)‎ ‎ 另外till与until基本可以互换,但是在句首时只能用until,不能用till. 如:Until the last minute of the match we kept playing.(我们坚持到比赛的最后一分钟)/ Not until he had finished his work did he go home.(直到做完工作他才回家)(倒装句)‎ ‎(5)though与although的区别:两个词都表示“虽然”,均不可以与but同时使用,但在句中可加still或yet连用。although“尽管、虽然”仅作连词,比较正式,一般可以换为though; though“虽然、尽管、即使”,还可以与even连用(=even if),表示“即使、纵然”,作副词时意思是“然而、不过”,不能放在句首。如:He passed the exams although illness prevented him from going to classes.(尽管疾病使他无法上课但是他还是通过了考试)/ she won’t leave the TV set,even though her husband is waiting for her for the supper.(她不愿离开电视机虽然丈夫在等她吃饭)/ It was a quiet party. I had a good time, though.(这是个不热闹的聚会尽管如此我还是玩得很开心)‎ ‎(6)prefer to…rather than…与prefer…to…的区别:prefer to…rather than…后面都是用动词原形,prefer…to…都是用动名词或名词。如:I prefer English to Japanese.(与日语相比我更喜欢英语)/ I prefer to learn English rather than learn Japanese. (与日语相比我更喜欢学英语)‎ 练习:‎ ‎1、Mom won’t let Dick go out ________ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight.‎ A. if       B. when     C. since        D. unless ‎2、______ my sister_______ my brother is able to ride a bike. However, they are going to buy one.‎ A. Neither; nor              B. Both; and ‎ C. Either; or                D. Not only; but also ‎ ‎3、________ Haier ________ Hisense are leading industries in Qing Dao, which have made a lot of contributions to economy of China.‎ A.Neither; nor  B.Both; and  C.Either; or  D.Not only; but also ‎4、 I like the shirt,        it’s too expensive.‎ A. or             B. so              C. but             D. and ‎5、—When did you leave the bus station?‎ ‎—______ I saw him get on the bus and sit down.‎ A. Before               B. After                 C. Since                D. Until ‎6、I will try it, ________ I may fail.‎ A.though  B.because  C.until  D.unless ‎7、Hurry up, ___________ you won't catch the next bus to the airport.‎ ‎   A. or                B. so                 C. and             D. but ‎8、My brother was writing an e-mail ________ I was watching TV this last night.‎ ‎   A. after              B. until                C. while           D. as soon as ‎9、--- Mr. Green, I think physics is too difficult for me. ‎ ‎---Tom, work hard, _______ you’ll find it not as difficult.‎ ‎ A. or                               B. but                           C. so                            D. and ‎10、—Do you know        the teacher said just now?‎ ‎   —Sorry, I wasn’t listening.‎ ‎   A. when           B. how                         C. what                        D. where ‎11、More time and effort,       you will get better results.‎ ‎   A. or                              B. so                            C. but                          D. and ‎ ‎12、We are sure to achieve our dreams ________ we never give up.‎ A.as soon as  B.so that  C.as long as  D.even though ‎ ‎13、—Were you at home last Tuesday evening? Kitty was looking for you.‎ ‎    —Sure.I was reading ________ she arrived. ‎ ‎     A.until   B.after     C.since  D.when ‎14、The ice is too thin __________.‎ ‎    A. to skate      B. to skate on         C. to skate on it      D. to skate it ‎15、—Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow?‎ ‎—Yes,  ________ it rains heavily.‎ ‎      A.if      B.unless     C.until     D.when ‎16、—Shall we go for a hiking this weekend?‎ ‎   —All right,        it rains.‎ ‎   A. if                    B. unless               C. until ‎17、There's no ticket left for Lang Lang's piano concert.          you            your sister can go to it. A.Both; and B.Not only; but also C.Either; or D.Neither; nor ‎18、---What do you think of her dress?‎ ‎---I think it still looks quite fashionable on her ____ it is a style of many years ago.‎ A. though     B. or            C. so            D. because ‎19、The programme “Running Man” has been hot on screen recently, ________ some pop stars ‎     bring the audience a lot of fun.‎ ‎      A. until     B. because    C. though                  D. unless ‎20、I have only two tickets for TF Boys' concert.________ you ________ he can go on with me.‎ A.Either; or  B.Neither; nor  ‎ C.Both; and  D.Not only; but also ‎ ‎21、The traffic policeman took away Jim's driver's  license ________ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.‎ A.though  B.because  C.till  D.and ‎22、Claude didn’t do much homework, ________ he still passed the exam.‎ ‎   A. for                                   B. or                            C. and                          D. but ‎23、—Jim, how do your parents like music?‎ ‎—______ my dad ______ my mom likes it. They both like country music.‎ A.Either;or                 B.Not only;but also C.Neither;nor              D.Both; and ‎ ‎24、Sharks are at the top of the food chain, _______ if their numbers drop, the ocean’s ecosystem will be in danger.‎ A. but     B. although     C. so          D. when ‎25、--- Do you think                  Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not?‎ ‎      --- Sorry, I've no idea.‎ ‎      A. that                          B. which                       C. if                             D. whether ‎26、--- How long does it take to get to the airport?‎ ‎      --- Forty minutes. But it's foggy today. I'm not sure                  the highway will close soon. Let's set off earlier.‎ ‎      A. whether                    B. when                        C. how                         D. why ‎27、I don't doubt                  he will work harder than before.‎ ‎      A. if                             B. whether                    C. that                          D. when ‎28、Jim said                  he hadn't finished his homework.‎ ‎      A. that                          B. if                             C. whether                    D. where ‎29、We’ll have to cancel the school sports meeting ___ it snows tonight. A if   B although   C unless   D since ‎30、It was a terrible journey, ____ we got there safely in the end. A and   B or   C so   D but ‎31、You can’t believe how terrible the fire is ____you see it with your own eyes.‎ A. though         B. because      C. unless        D. since 参考答案 一、选择题 ‎1、D ‎2、A ‎3、B ‎4、C ‎ ‎5、B ‎6、A ‎7、A ‎8、C ‎9、D ‎10、C ‎11、D ‎12、C ‎13、D ‎14、B。skate的逻辑主语是人,应该为某人在冰上滑冰。‎ ‎15、B unless引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎16、B ‎17、D; 根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法.根据第一句话的句意"朗朗的钢琴演奏会没有剩余的票了"可以推断后面一句话表达的意思是"你和你妹妹都不能去参加音乐会.",表示"既不…也不…"用短语neither; nor,故选D. 【点评】做这种题时,首先要根据语境及上下文确定考察范围﹣﹣连词;其次根据句意确定连词;再次根据选项中的连词意思即可确定答案.‎ ‎18、A ‎19、B ‎20、A 根据前句“I have only two tickets for TF Boys' concert.”可知,“我”只有两张票,所以“你和他之间只能有一人和我一起去”。either...or...意为“或者……或者……”,表示二选其一。故选A。 ‎ ‎21、B 句意:因为酒驾,交警没收了吉姆的驾照。though“尽管”;because“因为”;till“直到”;and“并且;和”,通过逻辑推理,前后两句之间是因果关系,前果后因,故选B。‎ ‎22、D ‎23、B 解析:用语境法解题。根据答语中They both like country music.可知答案,注意就近原则。‎ ‎24、C   前后因果关系所以用so. but但是,although 尽管 when 当…的时候。‎ ‎25、D ‎26、A ‎27、C ‎28、A ‎29、 A ‎ ‎30、D ‎ ‎31、C ‎ 2018年中考资料介绍 英语部分 1. 中考词汇辨析122组  ‎ ‎2.中学英语词组大全 ‎3.初中必背的英语重点词组句型 ‎4.中考英语词组必考必备 ‎5.中考英语各种题型的解题技巧 ‎6.2018中考英语阅读天天练系列——日常生活类 ‎7.2018中考英语完形天天练系列——日常生活类 ‎8.2018中考英语阅读天天练系列——人生百味类 ‎9.2018中考英语完形天天练系列——人生百味、科普宣传类 ‎10.2018中考英语阅读天天练系列——科普宣传类 ‎11.2018中考英语完形天天练系列——政治经济文化类 ‎12.2018中考英语阅读天天练系列——政治经济文化类 ‎13.2018中考英语完形天天练系列——人物传记、故事类 ‎14.2018中考英语完形天天练系列——综合类 ‎15.2018中考英语阅读天天练系列——综合类 ‎16.2018中考英语专项练习---作文 ‎17.2018中考英语专项练习---语法填空 ‎18.2018中考语法讲解与练习1——动词 ‎19.2018中考语法讲解与练习2——名词 ‎20.2018中考语法讲解与练习3——介词 ‎21.2018中考语法讲解与练习4——时态 ‎22.2018中考语法讲解与练习5——语态 ‎23.2018中考语法讲解与练习6——非谓语动词 ‎24.2018中考语法讲解与练习7——情态动词 ‎25.2018中考语法讲解与练习8——数词 ‎26.2018中考语法讲解与练习9——连词 ‎27.2018中考语法讲解与练习10——形容词比较、最高级 ‎28.2018中考语法讲解与练习11——副词 ‎29.2018中考语法讲解与练习12——冠词 ‎30.2018中考语法讲解与练习13——代词 ‎31.2018中考语法讲解与练习14——主谓一致 物理部分 ‎1.2018年中考物理模拟卷 ‎2.2016-2017学年毕业班中考模拟试卷物理 ‎3.2016-2017学年第二学期第一次质量检测物理试卷(2份)‎ ‎4.2016-2017学年第一学期物理期末质量检测 ‎5.2016-2017学年第一学期物理期末质量检测 ‎ 语文部分 ‎1.2018中考语文——文言文专题练习 数学部分 ‎1.2018中考数学模拟卷(一)‎ ‎2.2018中考数学专项练习---选择题(一)‎ ‎3.2018中考数学专项练习---选择题(二)‎ 期末部分 ‎1.2017--2018学年上学期九年级数学期末质量检测 ‎2.2017-2018学年初三第一学期物理期末质量检测 ‎3.2017--2018学年上学期九年级化学期末质量检测 ‎   ‎

