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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 5 Traveling abroad单元学案 I 教学内容分析 本单元的中心话题是“出国旅游”。‎ ‎ Warming Up 部分通过四个由远到近的问题,一步一步地把学生们的思维引入到“旅游”这个当今非常时尚的话题。在繁重的学习压力之下,同学们一定非常向往出去兜风。所以,该话题会让学生们兴趣盎然,欣然畅想旅游的国家、旅游的目的、旅游的计划等等从而达到热身的目的。‎ ‎ Pre-reading 部分提出了两个问题:1.在国外学习的优势和劣势是什么?2.读一篇杂志上报道的关于一个中国女孩的国外学习经历的文章,猜想她可能遇到的文化差异与困难。这一部分提供了五幅照片帮助同学们猜想,这样就把“热身”部分的问题具体化了。同学会自然结合自己的所见所闻,发表观点,为阅读正文打下了基础。‎ ‎ Reading 部分描写了中国21岁的小姑娘谢蕾出国上学的经历,具体写了她出国前的不安,到了国外后的不适应,以及生活上的不习惯和学习方法及思维方式的冲突。但经过她的努力,她克服了这一切,并开始了崭新的生活。谢蕾的经历会给同学们带来挑战新生活的信心,感受到“出国旅游”的气息。‎ ‎ Learning about Language ‎ 有词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分:第一个练习让学生用课文中的词语完成句子。第二个练习是真对构词法的练习,要求学生学习和运用同根词。语法部分:复习非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎ Using Language 该部分包括“听力”、“读和说”和“写作”三大块。这三部分的话题都是有关旅游的。问题的设计由浅入深,层层递进,既练习了听力又增长了知识,丰富了本单元的内容。‎ ‎ Learning Tip 指导学生如何掌握英语听力技巧,共提供了6条方法:听的过程中不停顿;不必听清每个单词;听英文电影(无汉语标识);听英语广播或看英语播送的电视节目;参加英语俱乐部;不耻下问。‎ ‎ II.教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 ‎(1)本单元教学目的和要求中的生词和短语;‎ ‎(2)掌握限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别;‎ ‎(3)学会做出国旅游计划。‎ ‎2.教学难点 ‎(1)通过学习学生应有初步的跨文化交际能力;‎ ‎(2)学生应具有克服困难、迎接挑战的决心和勇气;‎ ‎(3)学会写作中应用“对比”与“举例子”以充实写作内容。‎ III.教学计划 本单元建议分六课时:‎ 第一课时:Warming Up, Listening(Workbook)& Talking (Workbook)‎ 第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 第三课时:Learning about Language 第四课时:Using Language 第五课时:Listening task (Workbook) & Speaking task (Workbook)‎ 第六课时:Reading task (Workbook) & Writing task (Workbook)‎ IV. 教学步骤:‎ Period 1 Warming Up, Listening(Workbook)&Talking (Workbook)‎ Teaching Goals:‎ ‎1. To arouse the students’ interests in traveling abroad.‎ ‎2. To develop the students’ ability in listening and speaking.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Leading- in Purpose : To Lead Ss to the topic of this unit.‎ Ask Ss to look at the following pictures and answer the questions.‎ 1. Which place would you like to go if you are given a chance? ‎ 2. What other foreign places would you prefer? Why or why not? ‎ Step 2. Warming Up ‎ Purpose: To introduce the topic of this unit to Ss in the form of of discussion.‎ ‎1. Ask some Ss the following questions first and then gets Ss to ask each other in the same way. If time permits, the teacher have one or two groups to present their dialogue to the whole class.‎ ‎(1.) Have you ever been abroad? ‎ ‎(2.) Would you like to travel? Why or why not?‎ ‎(3.) Would you like to travel alone or with your family or with a tour group?‎ ‎2. Divide Ss into six groups and ask Ss to talk about traveling abroad. Different students will give different answers. Make notes of some ‎ valuable information and make a conclusion.‎ What are advantages and disadvantages over traveling abroad?‎ be independent learn a foreign language advantages gain new experiences broaden our views be full of fun by traveling ‎…‎ cost much money disadvantages feel lonely have no many good friends be tiring after staying abroad long ‎…‎ ‎3. Ask Ss to talk about the following questions. Encourage Ss to give as much information as possible. After the discussion, t write down some key words on the blackboard to help Ss to have the sense of traveling abroad.‎ ‎(1) Have you ever talked with people who have been abroad?‎ ‎(2) If given three questions for you to ask the man who has just been abroad, what are you eager to know about?‎ Conclusion: ‎ Traveling abroad is very popular now. It doesn’t only include the visit to places if interests but also includes studying abroad. Before going there ,we’d better make full preparations : to collect as much information about the place as possible; to take enough money with you; tell all you relatives your cell phone number; call the travel agency for advice;… Also traveling abroad has its advantages and disadvantages.‎ Step 3. Pre-listening Purpose: To help Ss to guess the main idea about the listening text by the given information.‎ ‎1. Divide into groups of six and ask Ss to discuss with their partners the picture on P79.‎ ‎(1) Who are the persons in the picture? ‎ Suggested Answer: Mei Jie and Tim.‎ ‎(2) What are they doing? ‎ Suggested Answer:Talking with each other.‎ ‎(3) Are they from the same country? ‎ Suggested Answer: No.‎ ‎2. Get Ss to look through the questions of Listening and let their partners ‎ state their opinions on the listening material. At the same time remind them of the key words: what, where, when and preparations.‎ Step 4. Listening (Workbook)‎ Purpose: To get the main idea of the listening material.‎ ‎ To develop the listening ability of Ss.‎ ‎ To gain some experience of traveling abroad by listening to the passage.‎ 1. Ask Ss to Look through the questions of the first part and listen to the tape carefully. ‎ 2. Play the tape twice. For the first time, just ask Ss to listen for the gist. For the second time, ask Ss to prepare to answer the questions.‎ 3. ‎ Ask Ss to listen to the tape and finish Ex1 of Listening on P79.‎ 4. Play the tape again and ask Ss to finish Ex2 of Listening on P79.‎ 5. Ask Ss to listen for the last time and check the answers in pairs.‎ Step 5. Talking (Workbook)‎ Purpose : To get Ss to discuss the questions on travel .‎ ‎1. Pre-speaking ‎(1) Ask Ss to think about the questions and present the opinion to the class.‎ ‎① If you are planning for traveling, what kind of hotels would you like to stay?‎ ‎② Can you cook by yourself?‎ ‎③ Do you like to chat with any one who is new to you?‎ ‎④ Have you ever planned to meet new friends? What kind of person do you expect to meet?‎ ‎(2) Ask Ss to discuss the questions on P78 according to the advertisements.‎ ‎2. While-speaking Purpose: To get Ss to talk with others and improve their skills in speaking.‎ (1) Show some pictures for the students as examples and ask Ss to answer the question.‎ What would you like to see in foreign countries?‎ (1) Ask Ss to discuss them by using the following words and phrases in the discussion.‎ I like doing/ to do… I prefer to …‎ I hate doing… It would be possible to …‎ ‎… would be a perfect place for us. … would probably suit us.‎ Sample dialogue:‎ S1: Hi, Tom. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you doing?‎ S2: Can’t complain. I’m busy with my preparation for traveling.‎ S1: Where do you like going?‎ S2: I like going to Pairs. It would be a perfect place for me. But I haven’t decided how to go there.‎ S1: I prefer you to go there by train because you can get a good view of much beautiful scenery along the way.‎ S2: Good idea. This evening I’ll surf the internet for more information about travel agency in Paris to choose a better one which offers quality accommodation at low cost.‎ S1: You’re so clever. It would be possible to work out a plan and save money by budgeting. What kind of hotel do you like to stay?‎ S2: I am to stay in youth hotels.‎ S1: What? Why?‎ S2: A youth hotel is a place where esp. young people stay when they are on a holiday. It always has a common room where young people sit and chat. I’ll meet people from everywhere.‎ S1: Mmm…that does sound good. What else do you need to budget for?‎ S2: Well, there’s food. Most hotels have kitchens so I can cook some meals for myself to save money.‎ S1: Have you made a list of them?‎ S2: Yes, I’ve. Also I will write down some spending money for things like entry fees to museums, souvenirs, telephone calls home and so on.‎ S1: So you’re so considerate but don’t forget to add some emergency money.‎ S2: Oh, thank you for your suggestion. It’s nice to meet you.‎ S1: Goodbye. May you have a good time!‎ S2: Thank you very much.‎ Step 5. Homework ‎ 1. Ask Ss to continue talking about your traveling abroad.‎ 2. Ask Ss to go over all the new words and prepare for the Reading part.‎ Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending Teaching Goals:‎ 1. To learn about the differences between life at a Chinese university and that at a foreign one.‎ 2. To develop the students’ reading skills.‎ 3. To arouse the students’ interest in traveling abroad.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Pre-reading ‎ Purpose: To arouse the students’ interest in learning about university life in different countries.‎ ‎1. Show some pictures and encourage Ss to talk about the following questions. Tell Ss that the first group is about studying abroad while the other is about studying in China.‎ ‎(1) In which country, the class has more freedom to think by themselves?‎ ‎(2) According to what you have heard and learned from books, in which countries are students more creative?‎ ‎(3) Which kind of education do you prefer,the eastern or the western?‎ ‎2. Get Ss to talk freely with their deskmates about studying abroad. After talking, ask Ss to choose a foreign country to go and ask for some advice from their partners.‎ Step 2. Leading-in: ‎ Purpose: To stimulate Ss’ interest in reading the text Ask Ss to answer the following questions.‎ 1. How often do you go home?‎ 2. How do you come to school?‎ 3. When you first came to the high school, did you come alone or accompany by your relatives?‎ 4. When you have some trouble in study, to whom do you turn for help? ‎ Step 3. Fast reading Purpose: To get the gist of the passage.‎ 1. Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text and find out the name of hers — Xie Lei. Let Ss pay more attention to the first and the last sentence of ‎ each paragraph and then fill in the form according to the text.‎ Paragraph Main idea ‎(1)‎ ‎(2)‎ ‎(3)‎ ‎(4)‎ ‎(5)‎ ‎(6)‎ ‎(7)‎ Suggested Answer:‎ Paragraph Main idea ‎(1)‎ Xie Lei left her friends and family for London alone six months ago.‎ ‎(2)‎ The purpose of Xie Lei’s going to London ‎(3)‎ Getting used to the whole new life in London is also difficult.‎ ‎(4)‎ Xie Lei lives with a host family who help her a lot.‎ ‎(5)‎ Xie Lei’s preparation course is helpful for her studying abroad.‎ ‎(6)‎ Xie Lei’s plan for a social life ‎(7)‎ Best wishes for Xie Lei 1. Ask Sts to divide the text into several parts and complete the following form.‎ Part Paragraph Main idea ‎(1)‎ ‎(2)‎ ‎(3)‎ ‎(4)‎ Suggested Answer:‎ part paragraph Main idea ‎(1)‎ Paragraph 1‎ The purpose of her leaving for London ‎(2)‎ Paragraph 2~5‎ The difficulties Xie Lei has met ‎(3)‎ Paragraph 6‎ Xie Lei’s new plan ‎(4)‎ Paragraph 7‎ Best wishes from the writer ‎3. Ask Ss to tell whether the following sentences are right or wrong according to the text.‎ (1) A year ago Xie Lei went to London by plane.‎ (2) It’s common for her to say goodbye to her relatives because she is often on business.‎ (1) She has to prepare for a year before she begins a degree course.‎ (2) Studying in London is just the same as it is in China.‎ (3) Xie Lei sometimes felt like a child because there were so many everyday things that she didn’t know how to do.‎ (4) The host family she stayed isn’t very friendly to her.‎ (5) Xie Lei often misses her family but she can control it.‎ (6) In writing an essay, it is very important to state your own opinions and give enough facts to support your ideas.‎ (7) It is not so important for a student to take part in a social life. ‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) T (8) T (9) F Step 4. Intensive reading ‎1. Ask Ss to find the following sentences and paraphrase them.‎ (1) I was also very nervous because I didn’t know what to expect.‎ (2) ‎…I met her in the student cafeteria between lectures.‎ (3) Xie Lei highly recommends the course.‎ (4) ‎…some choose to board with English families.‎ (5) I was numb with shock..‎ (6) Besides, as far as he was concerned what other people thought was not the most important thing.‎ (7) We will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions of this newspaper.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ (1) Xie Lei left home for the first time and she didn’t know what would happen in the future, so she felt very nervous.‎ (2) ‎…the writer of this text met Xie Lei when they were having a break in the student cafeteria.‎ (3) Xie Lei thinks the course is very important.‎ (4) ‎…some students decide to live with native English families.‎ (5) I was greatly surprised.‎ (6) He also thinks that the other people’s opinion is not very important.‎ (7) The writer will give a continue report on Xie Lei’s study in England.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to read the text very carefully and finish the Ex2 on P39.‎ ‎3. Ask Ss to read the text again and underline important or new phrases.‎ say goodbye to, board a plane, I t was the first time that…, dream of, enter a degree course, be different from, either…or, get used to, take up, in the beginning, all one’s life, feel like, get lost, ask for directions, live with sb, give advice, choose to do, board with, at university, seem strange to sb, ask sb for help, make a summary, hand in, be numbed with shock, as far as one is concerned, refer to, lack confidence to do sth, feel at home, one more thing, be occupied doing sth, have things in common, deserve to do sth ‎4. Ask Ss to have a small discussion according to Ex3 on P39 to organize a short passage.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ From the text we know Xie Lei is an adventurous, hardworking, determined, optimistic and sociable girl. Though it is the first time for her to go abroad alone, she showed great courage. Faced with so many difficulties and disadvantages, she managed to deal with all of them and she made rapid progress in both study and in life. When she was homesick, she could find comfort in the host family. She thought it was important to have a balance between study and social life, so she was eager to meet people with whom she has things in common in the clubs.‎ ‎ We should learn from her and learn to be independent. We should also realize that one ought to have a big aim in his/ her life and have the determination to make his/ her dream come true.‎ Step 5. Language point Purpose: To teach Ss to grasp the use of some important words and phrases, as well as the analysis of some sentence structures. ‎ ‎1. say goodbye to (line 1, paragraph 1)‎ e.g. He really didn’t want to say goodbye to his newly-married wife.‎ Similar phrases: say yes to sb. = agree with sb.; say no to sb. =disagree with sb.; say hello to sb.= greet sb.; say sorry to =apologize to sb.; …‎ ‎2. excited = being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred (line 5, paragraph 1)‎ ‎ exciting = creating or producing excitement ‎ The excited children were opening their presents.孩子们兴奋地拆开他们的礼物。‎ The excited old lady soon calmed down.那个激动的老太太很快就平静下来了。‎ ‎"It was an exciting hunt, but the fox escaped.""这真是一场扣人心弦的追猎,可惜狐狸还是跑了。"an exciting trip一次令人兴奋的旅行 ‎3. dream of (line 5, paragraph 1)‎ dream of meeting an old friend 梦见了一个老朋友; ‎ dreaming of a world at peace.梦想有和平的世界 dream vt., vi. (dreamed 或 dreamt, dreaming)做梦;梦见; 幻想;梦想 I dreamt about my teacher last night.昨天夜里我梦见我的老师了。‎ I dream of being the best footballer in the town.我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。‎ dream up凭空想出;凭空臆造 ‎--He dreamed up a plan to corner the market.他构想出一个计划来垄断市场 ‎4. expect vt. 预料;预期 (line 8, paragraph 1)‎ I expect he'll pass the examination.我预料他会通过考试。‎ The chairman of the committee expect to be back next Thursday.委员会主席预计下星期四回来。‎ The message is expected to arrive at 7 o'clock this evening.信息预计在今晚7点到达。‎ ‎"As expected, the sales manager gave in his notice at work today."‎ 不出所料销售部经理今天提出了辞职要求。‎ 期待--Most of the parents expect much of their children.‎ 大多数父母都对自己的子女寄予很大希望。‎ 期望---The officer expected his men to do their duty.军官期望他的部下尽职。‎ The shop expects to make a small profit this ‎ year.这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。‎ I expect David home at 7 o'clock.我期望大卫七点钟在家。‎ 以为;料想---‘Who broke that cup?’ I expect it was the cat.“谁打破了杯子?”我看是猫打破的。‎ A: Is the famous singer going to give any performance at the evening party? B: I expect so.‎ 甲:这位著名歌手在晚会上要表演节目的吧?乙:我想是吧。‎ I expect not; I don't expect so.我认为不会。‎ ‎5. lecture n.讲演;讲课 (line 10, paragraph 1)‎ The students have lectures every day.学生们每天有课。‎ vi., vt. -tured, -turing(常与on连用)讲演;讲课 I am going to lecture to my students today.今天我准备给学生们讲课。‎ ‎6. qualification n.(line1, paragraph2)‎ 资格--a doctor's qualification当医生的资格 限制;条件--without any qualification不附带任何条件的 What qualifications have you got to have for this job?申请这个工作你所具有的条件是什么?‎ ‎7. preparation n. .预备;准备(line3, paragraph 2)‎ mental preparation思想准备 He has never done enough preparations for his examinations.他对考试从来不作好充分准备的。‎ Preparations for her visit are almost ‎ complete.迎接她的来访的准备工作差不多已全部完成。‎ 预修;预习;the preparation year 预科班 ‎8. recommend vt. (line5 ,paragraph 2)‎ 推荐:recommended him for the job; 推荐他做那项工作 Can you recommend a good dictionary? 你能介绍一本好词典吗?‎ 劝告;忠告: I recommend you to wait.我劝你等一等。‎ ‎9. feel like (line7,paragraph 3)‎ feel like【非正式用语】想做…:具有…的倾向或欲望:‎ feel like doing sth. felt like going for a walk.想去散步; she sometimes feel like a child.‎ feel like (oneself) 感觉自在;沉着:感到自己处于正常的身体或精神状态下:‎ I just don't feel like myself today.我今天觉得很不舒服 ‎10. ask sb. for help/ advice/ food /money/ directions…(line9,paragraph 3)‎ ‎11. get/be lost 迷路; 丢失 (line10,paragraph3)‎ This is not the right road---We’re completely lost! 这条路不对—我们完全迷路了!‎ He seems lost in thought. 他似乎在沉思。‎ ‎12. direction n. 方向(line11, paragraph 3)‎ 命令;指示;指令: under my direction由我指挥 前进的方向;方位: In which direction are you going, north or south?你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南?‎ What direction does this exhibition hall face? 展览馆朝什么方向?‎ in all directions=in every direction 四面八方 ; in the direction of …沿着…方向 ‎(pl) 用法说明: Full directions inside.内附详细说明书。‎ ‎13. seem strange to sb.对某人来说陌生(line 13,paragraph 4)‎ strange adj.陌生的, 生疏的, 前所未知的, 奇怪的, 奇异的, 不惯的 She was strange to her new duties.她对新任务还没有经验 a strange sound奇特的声音 ‎"Strange enough, that new director has complete dominance of / over the whole committee."‎ 说来也怪那位新选出的理事在委员会中居然占有绝对的支配地位。‎ 陌生的;生疏的;没有经验的 a strange city陌生的城市 The little boy felt strange."这小男孩感到不自在。"‎ 外国的;异乡的: in a strange land在异国他乡 ‎14. comfort (line 15, paragraph 4) n.安慰, 舒适, 安慰者vt.安慰, 使(痛苦等)缓和 n. 安乐;舒适;安逸: He lived in comfort.他过得很舒服。‎ 安慰;慰藉:a word of comfort to a dying man对临死的人说的安慰话 安慰者;慰藉物;给予安慰的东西: She was a great comfort to me when I was ill.‎ 我生病时她给了我极大的安慰。‎ Vt. 安慰;鼓舞 She comforted the ill child.她安慰这个生病的孩子。‎ I tried to comfort Jane after her mother's death.琼的母亲去逝以后我尽力劝慰她。‎ ‎15. substitute n.代替者;代替品(line15, paragraph4)‎ 教育没有代替品。There is no substitute for education.‎ Vt.用…替代(一个人或一物):‎ ‎“Only art can substitute for nature”(Leonard Bernstein)“只有艺术才能取代自然”(伦纳德)‎ 他们不喜欢牛肉,所以我们换了猪肉。They don’t like beef, so we substituted pork..‎ ‎16. requirement n.必需(品);必要条件; 要求 (line 2, paragraph 5)‎ If you have any requirements, ask me. 如果你有什么要求,请向我提出来。‎ Our product must meet all legal requirements.我们的产品必须符合所有法律的要求。‎ ‎17. numb adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的(line8,paragraph 5)‎ ‎(常与with连用)numb with cold冻僵 My fingers have gone numb.我的手指麻木了。‎ She was numb with fear. 她因恐惧而麻木。‎ He was numbed with terror.他吓得呆住了。‎ ‎18. acknowledge is to accept responsibility for something one makes ‎ known: ‎ acknowledge vt. 表示承担使某事公开的责任:(line11, paragraph5)‎ 承认; 公认为;认为; 对…表示感谢,答谢,致谢 I acknowledge the truth of his statement.我承认他说的是事实。‎ He was acknowledged to be the best player.他被公认为是最佳选手。‎ It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.‎ 大家都认为狗的嗅觉敏锐。‎ to acknowledge a favor答谢所受到的关照 ‎19. confidence n. 信赖:信任某人或某事; 信心 (line22, paragraph 5)‎ ‎ I took them into my confidence.我对他们很信任 When speaking a large of people, you must have confidence.在很多人面前说话,必须得有信心。‎ I have every confidence in your ability to succeed.我对你的成功有绝对把握 She has a lot of confidences.她充满自信。‎ It's a tragedy that one lacks confidence in himself."一个人如果缺乏自信心,那就是悲剧。"‎ ‎20. one more thing 还有一件事(line4,paragraph 6)‎ more 附加的;额外的:‎ She needs some more time. 她需要更多的时间 another: Have another one.再来一个。‎ 我们还需要两张桌子。We need two more desks./ another two desks.‎ Step 6. Homework ‎ ‎1. Ask Ss to use the new words to make some new sentences.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to read the text fluently ‎ ‎3. Ask Ss to write down their suggestions to their friends who are going abroad for traveling.‎ Period 3 Learning about Language ‎ Teaching goals: ‎ ‎1. To Ss to know how to use new words and phrases.‎ ‎2. To help Ss to master some new words and expressions.‎ ‎3. To get Ss to have the knowledge of this grammar point: the non-restrictive attributive clause.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Consolidation Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.‎ 1. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Discovering Useful Words And Expressions.‎ 2. Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs.‎ Step 2. Grammar Purpose: To get Ss to know the difference between restrictive attributive clauses and non-restrictive clauses.‎ ‎1. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 of Revising Useful Structures on P41 and check the answers in pairs.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to finish Ex2 of Revising Useful Structures on P41.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ We usually put a comma before a non-restrictive clause.‎ No 2. John, who usually arrives late, was actually early today.‎ No 3. Joan passed the exam, which surprised me a great deal.‎ No 5. Shenzhou-V, which was sent into space on October 15th, 2003, was China’s first manned spaceship.‎ Analysis: Reasons for those that can’t be separated by comma is that if we put in a comma in sentences 1,4,6,7&8, the meaning of the sentences will be changed , while the three sentences’ meanings will stay the same after we put a comma into them.‎ In a word, after the explanation, let the students know that non-restrictive attributive clauses are not a necessary part for the whole sentence while restrictive attributive clauses are a necessary part. “That” can’t be used in non-restrictive attributive clauses ‎3. Get Ss to finish Ex3 of Revising Useful Structures on P41. For this part, give Ss the first two sentences as examples to follow in case they don’t know how to do.‎ ‎4. Make a summary. ‎ l Attributive clauses have two kinds — restrictive attributive clauses and non-restrictive attributive clauses. ‎ l ‎“That” will not appear in the non-restrictive attributive clauses. ‎ l ‎“Which” refers to only things used as a subject or an object; “who” refers to a person used as a subject; “whom” refers to a person used as an object; “where” refers to a place used as adverbial modifier ; “when” refers to time ,also used as adverbial modifier.‎ l In the following cases, the antecedent can only be followed by “that” clauses.(on the text book page 97). Ask the students to remember the rules.‎ ‎5. Divide Ss into groups of six. The first student begins with a sentence and each person in the group adds extra and different information by using the non-restrictive attributive clause.‎ Examples: S1: Our school is very beautiful.‎ ‎ S2: Our school, which was built in the year 2000, is very beautiful.‎ ‎ S3: Our school, where there are more than 7000 students in it, is very beautiful.‎ ‎ S4: Our school, in which there are many excellent teachers, is very beautiful.‎ ‎ S5: Our school, which has a short history, is very beautiful.‎ ‎ S6: Our school, where a famous sports meet was once held , is very beautiful.‎ More versions: ‎ ‎(1)Our neighbor, Mr. Wang is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, who has only one son, is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, whose wife is a saleswoman, is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, who is very impatient, is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, whose age is nearly forty, is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, who is hard working, is on the fifth floor.‎ Our neighbor, Mr. Wang, who owns a lot of stamp collections, is on the fifth floor.‎ ‎(2)“Gone With the Wind”is a popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind”, which has been written for a very long time, is a popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind”, from which we can learn a lot , is a popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind”, in which there are many war scenes, is a popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind”, which is full of sadness and sorrow, is a popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind, which I bought from a small book store, is a ‎ popular book.‎ ‎“Gone With the Wind”, which describes a woman’s love, is a popular book.‎ Step 3. Practice ‎ Purpose: to get Ss to have the knowledge of the grammar through exercise.‎ ‎1.Ask Ss to complete these sentences using the non-restrictive attribute clause.‎ ‎(1) _______________(我们都知道),Taiwan belongs to China.‎ ‎(2) The sports meet was put off, _________________________(这让我们很吃惊).‎ ‎(3) They didn’t come to school on time,______________(这使他们的老师很生气).‎ ‎(4) His mother, __________(她不喜欢的), died last year.‎ ‎(5) He arrived in Shanghai in 1960, ______(当时他已经50多岁).‎ ‎(6) He arrived in Shanghai in 1960, ________(这对他来说很重要).‎ ‎(7) We advised him to see the doctor, ________________(能给他建议).‎ ‎(8) Tom read a very interesting novel,________________(很吸引人的).‎ Suggested Answers:‎ ‎(1) As we all know (We can’t use “which” here because it can’t be used in the very beginning of the sentence.)‎ ‎(2) which astonished us.‎ ‎(3) which made their teacher very angry ‎(4) whom/who she doesn’t like at all (In some informal way, “who” can replace “whom”.)‎ ‎(5) when he was already in his fifties ‎(6) which is very important for him ‎(7) who can give him some advice ‎(8) which is very attractive ‎2. Ask ss to finish Ex3 of Revising Useful Structures on P41‎ Example:‎ He is handsome boy. This makes him very confident.‎ He is handsome, which makes him very confident.‎ ‎3. Ask Ss to finish Ex1, Ex2 and Ex3 of Using Structures on P81‎ Step 4. Homework ‎1. Review the new words and phrases.‎ ‎2. Learn the rules of non-restrictive attribute clauses by heart.‎ Period 4 Using Language ‎ Teaching Goals: ‎ ‎1. To improve Ss’ listening standard.‎ ‎2. To enlarge Ss’ vocabulary by learning the root of the word ‎ ‎3. To ensure Ss have really grasped the important words and phrases of the unit.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Listening Purpose: To help Ss improve the listening ability.‎ ‎1. Pre-listening Ask Ss to look at the map on P42 to find the following places: Lima, Cuzco and the Andes Mountains. Then ask them to discuss in the pairs:‎ (1) Where are the Andes Mountains?‎ (2) Where is Lima? What is it?‎ (3) Where is Cuzco?‎ (4) Where is Peru?‎ Suggested Answers:‎ (1) They run parallel to the cost.‎ (2) Lima is in the north of the cost ,which is the capital of Peru.‎ (3) Cuzco is found high in the Andes.‎ (4) Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America.‎ ‎2. Listening ‎(1) Before listening, ask Ss to look through Ex2 on P42 to make sure that they know what to listen to. Then play the tape once without stopping. (If the students have any questions, play the tape once again). Then check the answers.‎ ‎(2) Ask Ss to read exercise 3 and then play the tape and stop it when students show that they have heard the answer. Replay the part and give students enough time to write down each answer.‎ Check the answers and play the tape through again without stopping.‎ ‎(3) Explain Ex4 on P42 to Ss and ask them to pay more attention to the ways of showing likes, dislikes and possibility. Stop the tape where it is necessary until the students finish all the sentences.‎ Step 2. Reading and Speaking Purpose : To get Ss to know something about how to give factual information about a place.‎ ‎ To get Ss to learn how to sell tours in a place.‎ ‎1. Fast reading Purpose: To know Peru well and learn how to show likes and dislikes.‎ Ask the students to read the passage on page 42 quickly and get the main idea.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ The passage mainly talks about Peru’s geographical areas and its few important cities.‎ ‎2. Intensive reading ‎(1) Ask Ss to read the part again carefully and answer the three questions on P42.‎ ‎(2) Ask Ss to fill in the blanks according to the text.‎ ‎ On the Pacific coast of South America there ____ a country called _____. Its _______ areas are various because of its position. As the _____ lake in the world, Lake Titicaca is worth _____. Throughout Peru, you can enjoy desert_____, vast_____ and abundant______.‎ Peru has many important cities, for example, Lima is the ____; Cuzco is ______ with tourists because it is very ______.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ lies/is; Peru; geographical; highest; visiting; grasses; jungle; wildlife; capital; popular; lively ‎(3) Ask Ss to read the brochure on P43 and answer the questions in Ex2 on P43.‎ ‎(4) Ask Ss to read the brochure carefully again and discuss the following questions.‎ ① What would you like to do on holiday?‎ ② Which tour do you like best?‎ ‎(5) Ask Ss to finish Ex3 on P43 and then present their result of discussion.‎ Step 3. Writing ‎ ‎1. Ask Ss to form groups to list some of the major difficulties an American teenager might find difficult in China according to the information given on P45.‎ ‎2. Ask some Ss to read aloud their writings and let the whole class decide which writing is best.‎ Step 4. Practice ‎1. Ask Ss to look at Ex1 of Using Words And Expressions on P79~80 and find out the rules of each group of words and do them.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to finish Ex2 and Ex3 on P80. ‎ Step 5. Homework ‎1. Ask Ss to review what has been learned in this unit.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to use the word or phrases learned in this unit to write a short passage about their own opinions on studying abroad.‎ Period 5 Listening task & Speaking task (workbook)‎ Teaching Goals: ‎ ‎1. To improve Ss’ ability in listening and speaking.‎ ‎2. To learn how to solve the problem they might meet while traveling.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Listening task (Workbook)‎ ‎1. Pre-reading Ask Ss to discuss the following questions with their partners.‎ ‎(1) If you are a parent, are you concerned with you child who is going abroad?‎ ‎(2) What will you warn him / her to do /not to do something?‎ ‎(3) If you have a friend abroad, will you ask her/him to look after you child? Why and why not?‎ ‎(4) Do you agree your child to go alone or go with a group tour?‎ ‎2. Listening ‎(1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and finish Ex2 of Speaking task on P82.‎ ‎(2) Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and pay attention to what Brian says and then finish the Ex3 of Speaking task on P82.‎ Step 2. Speaking task (Workbook)‎ ‎1. Ask Ss to list the dangers and problems that could happen while traveling overseas.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ u You might lose your visa/ money/ ID card/cell phone.‎ u Probably you are no used to the food abroad.‎ u It’s very possible that you miss your family/friends/relatives.‎ u It could happen that you can’t understand their everyday language.‎ u It’s possible that you are ill.‎ u It’s a possibility that you are cheated into buying some bad goods with a lot of money.‎ u Maybe you have an accident.‎ u You will probably take the wrong bus/ train/ subway/ plane.‎ u It’s very possible that you miss your bus/ train/ plane/ subway.‎ u Most probably that you feel lonely sometimes.‎ ‎2. Let Ss form groups of six and rank each situation: very possible; possible; possible but unlikely to happen in the form of a chart.‎ Problems solutions Very possible Not used to the food there Find Chinese restaurant/cook by yourself Not understand each other better Go to parks to listen more/talk more Miss your family Call often/take some of their photos with you Feel lonely Make new friends/ join clubs Lose your visa Apply for a new one/ call police possible Money is stolen Take credit cards/ hide it Lose your cell phone Buy a new one and inform your relatives your new number Lose your ID card Call police/ call the embassy for help Meet a drunkard Run away as fast as possible/call police Miss your bus/train/plane Find the next one Possible but unlikely to happen ‎ You are ill Go to hospital/join medical insurance Short of money Ask your family to send more Your are robbed of everything Ask the police for help Take the wrong bus/train/plane Ask the driver for the right one Step 3. Homework ‎1. Ask Ss to go on talking about possibilities and solutions about certain situations.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to preview Reading task (Workbook) and Writing task ‎ (Workbook).‎ Period 6 Reading task (Workbook) & Writing task (Workbook)‎ Teaching Goals: ‎ ‎1. To enlarge Ss’ vision of traveling abroad ‎ ‎2. To let Ss get more experience about traveling.‎ Teaching Procedures: ‎ Step 1. Reading task (Workbook)‎ 1. Leading-in (1) Ask Ss to talk about what they experienced in their traveling.‎ (2) Ask Ss to discuss the following question.‎ What experience have they got through traveling?‎ ‎2. Fast-reading:‎ Ask the students to read the text quickly and silently and answer the question.‎ What is text mainly about?‎ Suggested Answers:‎ It is mainly about the experiences of four young travelers who faced a problem while traveling.‎ ‎2. Intensive reading ‎(1) Ask Ss to read the text carefully and retell the four stories according to the following form.‎ Problem ‎ Things they should have done Tom ‎ He didn’t’ t obtain a transit card when he changed planes at Heathrow He should have asked what the cards they were handing out were for Sally ‎ She was stopped at the customs because she was carrying drugs without a doctor’s prescription.‎ She should have left the pills in their original bottle which had the name of her doctor on it. To be even safer, she could have asked her doctor for a letter which explain that she had to take the pills for her health condition.‎ Paul ‎ He had an accident in an isolated place and couldn’t walk.‎ He should have told someone where he was going and when he would be back. Then when he didn’t get back, they would have known where to search for him.‎ Donna ‎ She offended some of the people in the town she was visiting by wearing inappropriate clothes.‎ She should have found out about local customs and followed them.‎ ‎(2) Ask Ss to have a discussion with their partners and finish Ex2 on P84.‎ Step 2. Writing task (Workbook)‎ Purpose: To improve Ss’ writing ability.‎ 1. Ask Ss to have a discussion about the pictures of Writing task on P84.‎ Picture 1 What is she doing?‎ ‎ Do you think the things she takes are allowed in a plane?‎ ‎ If she want to take the things, what is the right way?‎ Picture 2. What is the woman doing?‎ ‎ What’s the man doing?‎ ‎ Where are they?‎ Picture 3 What is the officer doing?‎ ‎ What is written on the wall?‎ Picture 4 What is the man doing?‎ ‎ Where is he now?‎ ‎ What is he going to do?‎ 2. Ask Ss to write an essay according to the pictures and the four stories of Reading task.‎ Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to interview someone who is just from foreign countries and ask him about traveling abroad.‎ Ask Ss to write down their advice to travellers by consulting some travel guides.‎

