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中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(B)‎ B baby[5beibi] n. 婴儿;幼畜:Babies can usually sit up when they are about six months old. 婴儿一般六个月大就能坐起来。/ The baby panda is very tiny when it is born. 小熊猫生下来时很小。‎ back[bAk] adv. 回(原处);向后:Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。 n. 背部;后面:There he stood with his back to me. 他背对着我站着。‎ bad[bAd] (worse, worst) adj. 坏的,严重的:Too much sugar is bad for your teeth. 吃太多糖对你的牙齿不好。/ He has got a bad cold.他患了重感冒。‎ badly[5bAdli] adv. 严重地,恶劣地:His left leg was badly hurt. 他的左腿受了重伤。/ He behaved badly. 他表现不佳。‎ bag[bAg] n. 书包:Now our bags are fashion. 现在我们的书包很时尚。/ My mother washes my bag each month. 妈妈每个月给我洗一次书包。 ‎ ball[bC:l] n. 球:He threw the ball and then caught it. 他把球扔起来再接住。/ Beckham kicked the ball into the goal again. 贝克哈姆又踢进了一个球。‎ bamboo[bAm5bu:] n. 竹子:Bamboo often grows to a height of 120 feet. 竹子常可长到120英尺。/ It is difficult to paint bamboo. 竹子难画。‎ banana[bE5nB:nE] n. 香蕉:Banana is a kind of delicious fruit. 香蕉是一种美味的水果。‎ band[bAnd] n. 乐队:The guitar band is popular. 这支吉他乐队很受欢迎。‎ bank[bANk] n. (海,河,湖)的岸,堤:We are fishing on the left bank. 我们在河的左岸钓鱼。 n. 银行:Now government doesn’t encourage people to put the money in the bank. 现在政府不鼓励人们把钱存进银行。‎ base[beis] v. 以……作根据,基于:Your future bases on your character. 你的性格决定你的未来。‎ ‎【短语】base on 以……为根据:We shall always base our opinion on facts. 我们的意见都要以事实为依据。‎ ‎ baseball[5beisbC:l] n. 棒球:She is playing in the school baseball team. 她是校棒球队的队员。‎ be[bi:] v. 是;成为(现在式am, is, are;过去式was, were;过去分词been;现在分词being):Do you want to be a teacher in the future?你想将来当老师吗?/ It is five o’clock now. 现在5点钟。‎ beach[bI:tF] n. 海(河,湖)滩:The children long to go out on the beach.孩子们都盼望到海滩上去。/ They fetched clamshells on the beach. 他们到海滩上去捡贝壳。‎ bear[beE] n. 熊:There’s my Teddy bear. 那是我的玩具熊。‎ beat[bi:t] (beat,beaten) v. 打败;敲打:He always beats me at tennis. 他打网球总是赢我。/ The rain was beating on the roof of the car. 雨滴敲打着车顶。‎ beautiful[5bju:tifl] adj. 美丽的,漂亮的:How beautiful the day is !今天天气真好。/ We all admire her beautiful dress. 我们都羡慕她那漂亮的连衣裙。‎ because[bi5kC:z] conj. 因为:We didn’t go out for a walk because it was raining. 因为下着雨,所以我们没有出去散步。‎ ‎【注意】汉语习惯上说“因为……所以……”,但在英语里却不能将so与because 连用。‎ become[bi5kQm] (became,become) v. 变成,变得,成为:We became friends. 我们成了朋友。/ He became an actor when he grew up. 当他长大时, 他成了一名演员。‎ ‎【短语】 become of发生(某种情况):What has become of your beautiful piano? 你漂亮的钢琴怎么了?‎ bed[bed] n. 床:His doctor asked him to stay in bed until tomorrow. 他的医生让他呆在床上,直到明天。‎ ‎【短语】go to bed 睡觉:At night I go to bed at 10 o’clock. 晚上我10点钟睡觉。make the bed 整理床铺:You’d better make the bed after you get up. 起床后你最好整理好床铺。‎ bedroom[5bedrum] n. 卧室:There are three bedrooms in the house. 这套房子有3间卧室。‎ beef[bi:f] n. 牛肉:Many Chinese doesn’t like beefsteak. 很多中国人不喜欢吃牛排。‎ beer[biE] n. 啤酒:We had several beers. 我们喝了几瓶啤酒。/ Three beers, please. 请来三瓶啤酒。‎ before[bi5fC:] prep. 在……之前:I went skating the night before last. 前天晚上我去溜冰了。adv. 以前:I hadn’t liked to read poems before. 我以前不喜欢读诗歌。‎ ‎【短语】before long 不久以后:Before long we shall meet again. 不久以后我们会再相见的。‎ beg[beg] v. 恳求,乞讨:He came to beg my help. 他是来请我帮忙的。 / He was so poor that he had to beg for his meals. 他是那样穷,不得不向别人讨饭吃。/ I beg him to stay. 我请求他留下来。‎ ‎【短语】beg one’s pardon 请原谅:I beg your pardon. 请原谅。‎ begin[bi5gin] (began, begun) v. 开始;着手:School begins again in September. 学校9月份又开学了。/ We begin work at 8 o’clock. 我们8点钟开始工作。‎ ‎【短语】to begin with 首先:Would you like milk to begin with? 你要不要先喝牛奶?‎ beginning[bi5giniN] n. 开始,开端:A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始才能善终。/ This will be a new beginning for me. 这对我将是一个新的挑战。‎ behind[bi5haind] prep. 在……后面:The sun went behind a cloud. 太阳躲到云后面去了。/ He sat just behind me. 他就坐在我后面。‎ believe[bi5li:v] v. 相信;认为:How could you believe such a rumor? 你怎么会相信这种谣传?/ I don’t believe in that sort of thing. 我不信你那一套。‎ ‎【短语】believe it or not 信不信由你:Believe it or not, English food can sometimes be quite good. 不管你信不信,英国的饭菜有时候也相当好。make believe 假装:He made believe not to hear me. 他假装没听到我的话。‎ below[bi5lEu] prep. 在……下:I hope the cost will be below a dollar. 我希望费用低于1美元。‎ beside[bi5said] prep. 在……旁边:Our school is beside the river. 我们学校在江边。/ Come and sit beside me. 过来,坐在我身边。‎ best[best] adj. 最好的:He is one of the best students in the class. 他是班上最好的学生之一。/ East, west, home is best. 东跑西跑,家里最好。adv. 最好地:I worked best in the cool weather. 天气凉爽时我工作状态最好。‎ ‎【短语】do one’s best 尽力:You must do your best. 你必须全力以赴。best-seller[best5selE] n. 畅销货(书):The best-seller at the bookshop is Harley English. 书店里的畅销书是哈利英语。‎ better[5betE] adj. (good或well的比较级)较好的,更好的:This is a better example than the first. 这个例子比第一个好。/ He plays basketball better than his brother. 他篮球打得比他哥哥好。‎ between[bi5twI:n] prep. 在(两者)之间:The plane flies between London and New York. 这架飞机往返于伦敦和纽约之间。/ There is a park between the two shopping centers. 这两个购物中心之间有个公园。‎ big[big] adj. 大的:The room is not big enough. 这个房间不够大。/ I think we have made a big mistake. 我认为我们犯了一个大错误。‎ bike[baik] n. 自行车:I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去上学。‎ bill[bil] n. 帐单,清单;纸币:I hadn’t paid the telephone bill. 我还没交电话费。/ How much is the bill for the electricity?电费是多少?/ Your bill comes to 50 yuan. 你需付50元。‎ billion[5biliEn] 十亿:China has over 1.3 billion popularity. 中国人口超过了13亿。/ A human adult has about 100 billion cells. 成人身上约有一千亿个细胞。‎ biology[bai5ClEdVi] n.生物(学):In biology we study plants and animals. 生物学研究植物和动物。/ I’m interested in biology. 我对生物感兴趣。‎ bird[bE:d] n. 鸟:A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。/ The early bird gets the worm. 捷足者先登。‎ birthday[5bE:Wdei] n. 生日:This is my birthday gift for you. 这是我送给你的生日礼物。/ Let me wish you a happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。‎ ‎ ‎ bit[bit] n. 一点儿;小片:Bits of glass were all over the floor. 地上尽是碎玻璃。/ Behind my house is a bit of land. 我家房子后面有一小块地。‎ ‎【短语】a bit (of) 少量(的),一点:I can only have a bit of wine. 我只能喝一点儿白酒。 / He’s a bit tired. 他有点儿累。/ The coat is a bit too short. 这大衣稍微短了点儿。‎ black[blAk] adj. 黑色的:My brother was wearing a black watch. 我弟弟戴了一块黑色的表。n. 黑色:He shows us some photographs in black and white. 他给我们看了一些黑白照片。‎ blackboard[5blAkbC:d] n. 黑板:Our teacher was writing on the blackboard. 老师正在黑板上写字。/ Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。‎ blind[blaind] adj. 瞎的,盲的:Some beggars pretend to be blind men. 一些乞丐假装成盲人。/ The blind man has a dog to help him. 这个盲人有一条狗帮助他。‎ blouse[blauz] n. 女衬衫:That woman in a red blouse is our Chinese teacher. 那个穿红衬衫的妇女是我们的语文老师。/ The blouse cost me 30 yuan. 这件衬衫花了我30元。‎ blow[blEu] (blew, blown) v. 吹:The wind was blowing hard. 风刮得很厉害。/ The wind blew out the lamp. 风把灯吹灭了。‎ blue[blu:] adj. 蓝色的:The sky is deep blue. 天空是深蓝色的。n. 蓝色:Her face is blue with cold. 她的脸冻得发青。‎ boat[bEut] n. 船:The cave can only be reached by boat. 那山洞要乘船才可到达。v. 划船:We go boating on the lake every weekend. 我们每个周末都有到湖上划船。‎ boating[5bEutiN] n. 划船:Both of us are interested in boating. 我们俩都喜欢划船。‎ body[5bCdi] n. 身体:My father has a strong and health body. 我爸爸有一副健壮的身体。‎ book[buk] v. 预定(戏票,车票等):We’ve booked the seats for tomorrow’s basketball match. 我们已经为明天的篮球赛定了座位。n.书:He has a book under his arm. 他腋下夹着一本书。‎ bookmark[5bukmB:k] n. 书签:I put a bookmark into each book. 我在每本书里都放了一张书签。‎ bookshop[5bukFCp] n. 书店:There is a bookshop at the end of the street. 在街道的尽头有一家书店。‎ boot[bu:t] n.靴子:Last winter boots are very popular. 去年冬天靴子很流行。‎ boring[5bC:riN] adj.令人厌烦的:What a boring film! 多么无聊的电影呀!‎ born[bC:n] v. 出生:Chairman Mao was born in Hunan province. 毛主席是湖南人。/ He was born in a rich family. 他出生于一个富裕的家庭。‎ ‎【短语】be born 出生:No man is born wise. 没有人生来就聪明。‎ borrow[5bCrEu] v. 借:I borrowed some books from the library. 我从图书馆借了一些书。‎ ‎【辨析】borrow和lend:两者都可表示“借”,但是 borrow 指“借入”,而 lend 则指“借出”,两者是一对反义词。‎ ‎【辨析】borrow sth from sb (sth) 从某人(某处)借某物;lend sth to sb = lend sb sth 借给某人某物。‎ ‎ both[bEuW] adj. 两者:Both women were French. 两位女士都是法国人。 pron. 两者:They have both seen the film. 他俩都看过这部影片。‎ ‎【搭配】both…and… ……和……都:She both speaks Japanese and writes Japanese. 她不但能讲日语,而且能用日语写作。/ I like both him and his wife. 他们俩口子我都喜欢。‎ bottle[5bCtl] n. 瓶:You’d better take a bottle of water with you. 最好带瓶水。/ There is little air in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有空气。‎ ‎【短语】a bottle of 一瓶……:Open another bottle of apple juice. 再开一瓶苹果汁。‎ bowl[bEul] n. 碗:She handed him a bowl of soup. 她递给了他一碗汤。‎ box[bCks] n. 盒子,箱子:We opened the lid and looked inside the box. 我们打开箱盖往里看。‎ boy[bCi] n. 男孩:He is a smart boy. 他是个聪明的孩子。‎ bread[bred] n. 面包:Would you like some bread and butter? 您要不要黄油面包?‎ break[breik] n. (课间,工间)休息时间:After class we have a break. 课间我们会休息一下。(broke, broken) v. 折断;断裂;破碎:The boy broke the vase to pieces. 那个男孩把花瓶打碎了。‎ breakfast[5brekfEst] n. 早餐:It is said that breakfast is very important to our body. 据说早餐对我们的身体很重要。‎ breathe[bri:T] v. 呼吸:A plant breathes through its leaves. 植物通过叶子呼吸。/ Let’s go out and breathe the fresh air. 走到外面去呼吸新鲜空气。‎ bridge[bridV] n. 桥;桥牌:They built a bridge over the river. 他们在河上修建了一座桥。/ Can you play bridge? 你会打桥牌吗?‎ bright[brait] adj. 明亮的,灿烂的:The light is too bright for the human eye. 这光线亮得人眼受不了。‎ brightly[5braitli] adv. 明亮地,灿烂地:The diamond in the sun shines brightly. 钻石在阳光下闪闪发光。‎ bring[briN] (brought, brought) v. 带来,拿来:Bring me two coffees, please. 请给我两杯咖啡。/ Is it all right if I bring my friend to the party? 我想带我的朋友去这个聚会,行吗?‎ ‎【短语】bring up带大,抚养成人:He was brought up by his uncle.他是被他叔叔带大的。‎ Britain‎[5britn] n. 英国;不列颠(岛)(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的总称):Britain includes England, Wales and Scotland.不列颠岛是由英格兰,威尔士和苏格兰组成。/ Big Ben in Britain is famous at home and abroad. 英国的大本钟驰名海内。‎ British[5britiF] adj. 英国的;英国人的:London is the British capital.伦敦是英国的首都。‎ broken[5brEukEn] adj. 弄坏了的:The washing-machine is broken. 洗衣机坏了。‎ broom[bru:m] n. 扫帚:I got a broom and swept the living-room floor. 我拿来扫帚扫了扫起居室的地板。/ Cleaners are sweeping up the leaves with brooms. 清洁工正用扫帚把树叶扫到一起。‎ brother[5brQTE] n. 兄,弟:I have only one brother. 我只有一个哥哥。/ Tom and Jim are brothers. 汤姆和吉姆是兄弟。‎ brown[braun] adj. 棕色的,褐色的:He has brown hair and blue eyes.他长着棕色的头发蓝蓝的眼睛。n. 棕色:She is often in brown. 她常穿棕色衣服。‎ brush[brQF] n. 刷子;毛笔;画笔:He is painting with a brush. 他正在用刷子刷油漆。‎ ‎【短语】writing brush 毛笔:Writing brush is common in China. 毛笔在中国很常见。‎ build[bild] (built, built ) v. 建立,建造,建设:We plan to build a new school in our village. 我们打算在村里建一所新学校。/ This will help to build world peace and understanding. 这将有助于建立世界和平和谅解。‎ building[5bildiN] n. 建筑物:There are five teaching buildings in our school. 我们学校有5栋教学楼。/ Building 15 is the library. 15号楼是图书馆。‎ bus[bQs] n. 公共汽车:On Monday the bus is always so crowded. 星期一公交车上总是那么拥挤。/ The bus in big city is quite convenient. 大城市里公交车很方便。‎ ‎【短语】 bus station 公共汽车站:Many people are waiting for the bus at the bus station. 很多人在公共汽车站等车。/ To my surprise, I met him at the bus station. 没想到我在公共汽车站遇到了他。‎ business[5biznis] n. 商业,生意;事务:In October our teacher has to go to Beijing on business. 10月份老师不得不去北京出差。/ Mind your own business. 不要管闲事。/ It’s none of your business. 那与你无关。‎ businessman[5biznismEn] n.商人:His father is a successful businessman. 他的爸爸是个成功的商人。‎ busy[5bizi] adj. 忙的,繁忙的:Although she is busy, she doesn’t still forget to call her parents. 虽然她很忙,但她仍记得给父母打电话。‎ ‎【短语】be busy doing 忙着做……:She is busy studying all day long but it is not useful for her. 她整天都忙于学习但一点效果也没有。‎ but[bQt] conj. 而是;但是:It was not I but my brother who spoke to you on the telephone. 在电话里和你讲话的是我哥哥不是我。 prep.除了:He seemed to care for no one but himself. 他好像除了自己谁也不关心。‎ ‎【短语】not only…but also… 不仅……而且……:He can speak not only English but also French. 他不但会讲英语还会讲法语。‎ butter[5bQtE] n. 黄油:Do you want more butter on your bread?你想再要点黄油抹在面包上吗?/ Butter and bread is Tom’s favorite. 黄油面包是汤姆的最爱。‎ button[5bQtn] n. 按钮;纽扣:Can you sew this button on by yourself? 你自己能把这颗纽扣钉上吗?‎ buy[bai] (bought, bought) v. 买:He bought a birthday gift for his mother.他为妈妈买了份生日礼物。‎ by[bai] prep. 用(手段,方法),乘(交通工具等);用:Please let me know by E-mail. 请用电子邮件通知我。/ He makes his living by teaching.他靠教育为生。‎ ‎【短语】by bus(plane / air, train, ship, sea) 乘公共汽车(飞机,火车,轮船,船):I went home by boat this time. 这次我乘船回家。‎ bye[bai] interj.再见:Bye! See you on Monday. 再见!星期一见。‎

