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‎2019届二轮复习 阅读理解说明文类型10篇训练之二 ‎[一] ‎ Instagram is a fast,beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family. Take a picture or video,choose a filter to transform its look and feel,and then post to Instagram-it's that easy. You can even share to FaceBook,Twitter and more. It's a new way to see the world. So many photos of food are contained on Instagram-now a popup diner in London is taking advantage of this new trend by letting people settle the bill for their meals simply by uploading photos of their dishes to social networks.‎ I always thought people's taking pictures of their food was kind of silly,but at this new popup restaurant in the UK,I'd probably do it too. “The Picture House” is the world's first paybyphoto restaurant. You order,click a photo of the food,share on Instagram and eat for free!‎ The restaurant belongs to frozen food giant Birds Eye,who came up with the idea to cash in on people's addiction with photographing food and sharing the pictures online. They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals. So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.‎ The popup diner was open in SOHO,London for three days in May,and is now moving to other major UK cities. They serve twocourse meals that customers don't have to pay for,if they photo and Instagram it.‎ The restaurant is a part of Birds Eye's “Food for Life” campaign,a new marketing project that aims at changing the way people look at frozen food. “Taking photos of food enables people to show off and to share their mealtime moments-from the everyday to the special,” said marketing director Margaret Jobling.‎ The reaction to the Picture House has been great so far. And the paybypicture concept has proven to be an effective way. Alternative payment methods are actually gaining popularity among a lot of businesses. Last year in a cafe in Germany customers pay by how much time they spend there,not by what they eat.‎ ‎28.From the description in the passage we can see Instagram is ________.‎ A.a restaurant in which meals are free B.a new marketing strategy of a restaurant C.the name of a company to collect food pictures D.an application software to share photos or videos ‎29.What the Picture House does is actually ________.‎ A.an ad to expand its popularity B.a reward to its regular customers C.an effort to raise the price of their frozen food D.a method trying to change British people's type of dining ‎30.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.The paybypicture concept has received a great reaction.‎ B.Meals are free if you send your pictures to the Picture House.‎ C.The popup diner was open in SOHO,London for three days in May.‎ D.Taking and sharing photos of their meals has become a new trend in Britain.‎ ‎31.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Pay by Picture B.The Picture House C.No Picture,No Meal D.New Dining Style ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了英国一家餐厅运用了时下最流行的照片分享软件来招揽顾客,顾客只要上传餐厅食物的照片到软件上,就可以免单,这家餐厅所属的公司通过对人们日常生活的观察,结合自身产业推出的营销策略深受大家喜爱,实践证明这个策略非常成功。‎ ‎28.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Take a picture or video,choose a filter to transform its look and feel,and then post to Instagram-it's that easy.”可知是一个可用于分享照片及视频的软件。故选D。‎ ‎29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中“So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.”可知,他们想要拓宽餐厅的业务范围,吸引更多的顾客,也就是说the Picture House是为餐厅做广告。故选A。‎ ‎30.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals.”及下文描述可知,拍照分享食物照片在英国已经成为了新的趋势。故选D。‎ ‎31.A 主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文讲的是英国一家餐厅将餐厅经营与时下流行的照片分享软件相结合的事例,人们只要拍照上传餐厅食物就可以获得免单,即全文主要是围绕“Pay by Picture”这一主题展开的。故选A。‎ ‎[二] ‎ If you look outside,you probably will see some kind of insect. If your first instinct is to kill it,take a moment to think about all of the benefits insects provide to the environment.‎ Entomologists,scientists who study insects,estimate that there are more than 800,000 species of insects found throughout the world. Only a few hundred of these insects are considered harmful. Mosquitoes,for example,are considered harmful. They bite humans and other animals,and their bites can cause skin pain and spread disease. Desert locusts also are considered harmful because they destroy crops causing billions of dollars in damage each year.‎ However,the number of helpful insect species far outweighs the number of harmful species. ‎ Some insects make up a vital part of the food chain. Many different birds,reptiles,fish and even plants eat insects. There are also about 500 insects that people in various parts of the world eat. These insects are considered delicious food and prized for their high protein,mineral,and vitamin content. Other insects produce valuable commercial products such as silk,wax,and honey.‎ Of all the insects,perhaps the most important are those that travel from flower to flower and pollinate(授粉) the plants they visit. Agriculture around the world would be very different without the bees,butterflies,moths,flies and wasps that pollinate many crops. In fact,nearly onethird of the food you eat depends on plants that are pollinated by insects!‎ While it is true that some species of insects harm or annoy us,you_should ‎_not_automatically_reach_for_the_bug_spray_when_you_come_across_an_insect.You may be destroying one of the hundreds of thousands of insects that provides many benefits to human beings.‎ ‎28.According to the passage,the most important type of insects are ________.‎ A.insects that are eaten by birds,reptiles and fish B.insects that travel around and pollinate plants C.insects that harm mosquitoes and stop the spread of disease D.insects that are eaten by people in many countries ‎29.According to the passage,insects are eaten in some parts of the world because ________.‎ A.they are nutritious B.they are available to cook C.they are easy to breed D.they are free ‎30.According to the author,the sentence in the last paragraph “you should not automatically reach for the bug spray when you come across an insect.” means ________.‎ A.you should not keep insects as pets B.you should not breed insects for their benefit C.you should not catch insects for pleasure D.you should not kill insects without thinking ‎31.The main purpose of this passage is ________.‎ A.to explain why it is cruel to kill bugs B.to convince people that insects are nutritious C.to describe the beneficial contributions of insects D.to make people aware of endangered insect species ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了昆虫对于环境有一定的益处,而且益虫要远远多于害虫。‎ ‎28.B 细节理解题。根据第四段首句“Of all the insects,perhaps the most important are those that travel from flower to flower and pollinate(授粉) the plants they visit.”可知,最重要的昆虫种类是那些飞来给植物授粉的昆虫。所以选B。‎ ‎29.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中“These insects are considered delicious food and prized for their high protein,mineral,and vitamin content.”可知,人们吃昆虫是因为昆虫含有丰富的营养。所以选A。‎ ‎30.D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“You may be destroying one of the hundreds of thousands of insects that provides many benefits to human beings.”可知,这句话的意思是不应该不经过思考就杀害昆虫,有很多昆虫对人类是有益的。所以选D。‎ ‎31.C 主旨大意题。本文主要讲了昆虫带给人类的贡献。所以选C。‎ ‎ [三] ‎ A new study,a project of the researchers from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania,finds the fitness tracker probably does not help with weight loss.‎ The devices are designed to record your physical activity. They are usually worn around the wrist,where they measure a person's heart rate. The research team looked at two groups of individuals. The first wore a fitness tracker and took part in health counseling(咨询) with experts to consider the best weightloss plan. The researchers compared this group with people who only got health counseling.‎ The study found that those only speaking with the health experts lost nearly 6 kilograms,but those using a fitness tracker lost only 3.5 kilograms. John Jakicic,the lead researcher,questioned the use of electronic devices for weight control in place of “effective behavioral counseling for physical activity and diet.”‎ The study involved 470 subjects aged between 18 and 35.Some of them were overweight,while others were considered obese(肥胖的).Over three fourths of the subjects were women. All the subjects were told to increase physical activity and start on a lowcalorie diet. They had their weight measured once every six months. After six months,researchers divided the group into two parts:one continued with monthly counseling,while members of the other group were given a fitness tracker. Eighteen months later,both groups “showed significant improvements in fitness,physical activity,and diet,” with no major difference between groups. However,when it came to losing weight,the people who only spoke with experts lost nearly twice as much weight.‎ Jakicic said,“the study's findings are important because effective long‎ term treatments are needed to address America's obesity.” More information is needed,he added,to learn how to best use these devices to change “physical activity and diet behaviors” in adults who want to lose weight.‎ ‎32.All the subjects in the study were asked to ________.‎ A.start on a highcalorie diet B.wear a fitness tracker C.increase physical activities D.record their heart rates ‎33.Why does Jakicic think the findings are important?‎ A.Wearing fitness trackers hardly helps people lose weight.‎ B.Physical activity and diet have no effect on weight loss.‎ C.Handling obesity requires effective longterm treatments.‎ D.There are great differences in fitness between both groups.‎ ‎34.What can we infer about the study mentioned in the text?‎ A.The study went on for about two years.‎ B.More than 120 men took part in the study.‎ C.Health counseling helps lose almost 6 kilograms.‎ D.Wearing a fitness tracker is useful for keeping slim.‎ ‎35.The purpose of the text is to ________.‎ A.describe how the researchers were conducting the study B.indicate regular counseling for weight control is necessary C.convince readers to wear fitness trackers for weight control D.warn women are more likely to suffer from weight problems ‎【语篇解读】 这是一篇科技说明文。实验表明佩戴健身追踪器对减肥并没有什么帮助。‎ ‎32.C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“All the subjects were told to increase physical activity and start on a lowcalorie diet.”可知,所有对象都被要求增加体育活动。故选C。‎ ‎33.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“the study's findings are important because effective longterm treatments are needed to address America's obesity”可知,这次研究发现非常重要,因为要解决美国的肥胖问题需要长期有效的治疗。故选C。‎ ‎34.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的两个时间“six months”和“eighteen months”可知,这次研究持续了大约两年的时间。故选A。‎ ‎35.B 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“John Jakicic,the lead researcher,questioned the use of electronic devices for weight control in place of ‘effective behavioral counseling for physical activity and diet.’”可知,研究者John对用电子设备来代替有效的咨询提出了质疑,而且研究表明电子设备并不能对减肥起到作用,因此可以推断,有效的咨询是不能被代替的,是必要的。故选B。‎ ‎[四] ‎ Dujiangyan is the oldest manmade water system in the world,and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China,this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland,take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.‎ In ancient times,the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding,Li Bing,the region governor,together with his son,decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.‎ The simplest fix was to build a dam,but this would have ruined the Minjiang River. So instead Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still,the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain,making it suitable for farming.‎ Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplishment as it was done long before the invention gunpowder and explosives. Li Bing found another solution.He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed.After eight years of work,the 20metrewide canals had been carved through the mountain.‎ Once the system was finished,no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently.Today,Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature.Unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall,Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.‎ ‎28.What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?‎ A.Reducing flooding and watering farmland.‎ B.Protecting the mountain and reducing flooding.‎ C.Watering farmland and improving water quality.‎ D.Drying the river and supplying cities with water.‎ ‎29.What was the main cause of the Minjiang Rivers flooding?‎ A.Heavy rains. B.Melting snow.‎ C.Low river banks. D.Steep mountains.‎ ‎30.How was Li Bing able to break through the rocks of Mount Yulei?‎ A.By using gunpowder.‎ B.By flooding the rocks with water.‎ C.By applying a heating and cooling technique.‎ D.By breaking the rocks with hammers and spades.‎ ‎31.Why is Dujiangyan greatly admired by scientists today?‎ A.It preserves much of the natural river life.‎ B.It took very little time to complete the project.‎ C.The building techniques used were very modern.‎ D.It has raised the living standards of the local people.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文介绍了古代著名的水利工程——都江堰,它是中国科学史上的一个奇迹。至今都在发挥作用。‎ ‎28.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.”可知,都江堰的作用是灌溉土壤和泄洪。故选A。‎ ‎29.B 细节理解题。根据第二自然段的最后一句“They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.”可知,岷江的洪水问题主要是冬天山上的积雪融化导致的。故选B。‎ ‎30.C 细节理解题。根据第四自然段的倒数第二句“He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed.”可知,李冰是用加热石头和用水冷却的方式使石头爆裂成小块,从而移开大石。故选C。‎ ‎31.A 推理判断题。根据最后一自然段的最后一句“Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.”可知,都江堰至今都受科学家所推崇是因为都江堰能让水自然地流入到岷江中,并且使生态系统和水生物和平共处。故选A。‎ ‎[五]‎ Researchers have created a backpack that has a computer and medicines in it that can help even untrained soldiers save the lives of wounded troops. Wounded soldiers have a better chance of survival if they get help soon after being hurt and are quickly taken to a hospital or clinic. But soldiers who do not have medical training may not know how to help their injured friends.‎ Doctors and engineers have developed what they call an “intelligent backpack”.It has a computer and electronic measuring devices. The backpack also has robotic instruments and medicines ready to give to injured troops.‎ About 16 doctors and engineers from the University of Pittsburgh,Carnegie Mellon University and several other places are working on the project. The U. S. Department of Defense has given money to the project.‎ Ron Poropatich leads the project. He is a retired army surgeon. He says the backpack will help soldiers care for those who are injured. The devices included in the backpack can monitor a person heart rate and blood pressure. The robotic instruments can even tell whether the soldier has a collapsed lung.‎ The intelligent backpack's computer can compare information gathered about the injured soldier with thousands of similar cases,and quickly tell the best methods to use to save the soldier's life.‎ Sometimes,it is not always possible to quickly remove the injured soldier from the battlefield. So,Dr. Poropatich says,the researchers hope to create a backpack that will have devices,that can keep a soldier alive for a long time. Dr. Poropatich hopes the backpack and its instruments will be ready for testing animals in about three years.‎ ‎32.What can we learn from the first paragraph?‎ A.The backpack can play a big part in the battlefield.‎ B.Most of the soldiers can't use the backpack correctly.‎ C.Soldiers should have taken medical training.‎ D.War or battle has brought harm to the world.‎ ‎33.How many kinds of items are mentioned in the backpack?‎ A.4.        B.5.‎ C.3. D.2.‎ ‎34.What can we know according to Ron Poropatich?‎ A.The project got support from the whole world.‎ B.The robotic instruments can monitor lungs.‎ C.The injurer's heart disease can be cured.‎ D.The devices can adjust soldiers' blood pressure.‎ ‎35.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?‎ A.Researchers and Their Wonderful Discovery B.Medical Care Tested on the Wounded Soldiers C.Emergency Medical Care in a Backpack D.Robotic Devices Used in the Battlefield ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要是向我们介绍了苏格兰美丽的风景,尤其是其中的the Inverlochy Castle和在Ben Nevi上钓鱼等活动。‎ ‎32.D 推理判断题。第二段的“When evening gently sweeps the hillside into orange light,the rivers,teeming with fish,can turn into streams of gold. As you settle down with just a fishing pole and a basket on the bank of River Orchy,near the Inverlochy Castle,any frustration(烦恼) will float away as gently as the circling water”,说明是通过描述美丽的景色来组织这一段落的。故D正确。‎ ‎33.B 细节理解题。第三段中的“But it's not just what goes up matters;what comes down is unique.More than 900 metres high,on the mountain's north face,lies an allimportant source of pure water.”说明这条河最大的特色是它的水。故B正确。‎ ‎34.C 主旨大意题。本文主要描述的是苏格兰的美丽景色,目的是吸引游客到苏格兰去旅游观光。故C正确。‎ ‎35.D 推理题。第一段中的“...at a quiet place like the Inverlochy Castle. When Queen Victoria visited the castle in 1873,she wrote in her diary,‘I never saw a lovelier spot.’”首先说明Castle这是一个好地方,然后以女王为例更是为了说明这个地方很好。故D正确。‎ ‎ [六] ‎ Tipping isn't a big part of British culture,unlike in North America,where waiters and waitresses are paid below minimum wage. Tips are usually appreciated,but offering a tip of some services can cause confusion.‎ In casual restaurants,where you pay for your order at a counter but food is brought to your table,tipping is uncommon. You are welcome to leave a pound or two if you wish. In restaurants ‎ where you place your order with a waiter or a waitress and receive your food and bill at your table,it's customary to tip around 10 percent. In some restaurants,a service charge may be added to the bill automatically,typically 10 or 12.5 percent. In this case,you don't need to add a further tip. When you pay by credit card,the machine may ask if you want to add a tip.Check your bill to see if a service charge has already been added before paying-if so you don't need to add a tip on the machine. You can request the service charge be removed from your bill if you are unhappy with the service. In some cases a restaurant may print “service not included” on the bill or menu. This is a request for a tip. You're not forced to offer anything,but 10 percent would be normal in this situation. Tipping in cafes and fast food restaurant is not expected.‎ If you use a taxi,round the fare up to the nearest pound shown on the meter. On a journey from or to the airport in a booked minicab you might wish to trip 2 or 3 pounds if the driver helps with your bags.‎ Be sure to check a country's tipping culture before you start your tip. For more information,visit TripAdvisor.com.‎ ‎28.According to the text,________ in British culture.‎ A.it is necessary to tip if you are served in cafes B.it is confusing to tip if you receive your bill at your table C.it is customary to tip if “service not included” is printed on the bill D.it is compulsory to tip even if the service is unsatisfying in some restaurants ‎29.When you pay by credit card,________.‎ A.the service charge can be added on the machine B.the service charge must have been included in the bill automatically C.the service charge can't be refused D.the service charge needn't be checked before you pay ‎30.If the British taxi meter shows 58.4 pounds,you are expected to pay ________.‎ A.58.4 pounds B.59 pounds C.61 pounds D.64 pounds ‎31.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Introduction of TripAdvisor.com B.Occasions for Tipping C.Advice on Tipping in Restaurants D.British Ways to Tipping ‎【语篇解读】 文章介绍英国文化中的给小费知识。‎ ‎28.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“In some cases a restaurant may print ‘service not included’ on the bill or menu. This is a request for a tip.(‎ 在一些情况下,餐厅可能会在账单或菜单中印上“不包括服务”。这是对小费的要求。)”,故C(如果“不包括服务”被印在账单中,通常都要给小费。)答案正确。‎ ‎29.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“When you pay by credit card,the machine may ask if you want to add a tip. Check your bill to see if a service charge has already been added before paying-if so you don't need to add a tip on the machine.”可知,用信用卡付款时,服务费可以被加到账单里。故选A。‎ ‎30.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“If you use a taxi,round the fare up to the nearest pound shown on the meter.”(如果你使用出租车,给车费仪器表显示的最接近的整数英镑就可以了。)可知,与58.4英镑最接近的整数是59英镑。故选B。‎ ‎31.D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍英国文化中给小费的一些常识。故选D。‎ ‎ [七] ‎ For many people who live in cities,parks are an important landscape. They provide a place for people to relax and play sports,as well as a shelter from the often severe environment of a city. What people often overlook is that parks also provide considerable environmental benefits.‎ One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. According to one study,an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving. Parks also make cities cooler. Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect:building materials such as metal and concrete(混凝土) absorb much more of the sun's heat and release it much more quickly than trees and grass. Because city landscapes contain so much of these building materials,cities are usually warmer than surrounding rural areas. Parks and other green spaces help to lessen the Urban Heat Island Effect.‎ Unfortunately,many cities cannot easily create more parks. However,cities could benefit from many of the positive effects of parks by encouraging citizens to create another type of green space:rooftop gardens. While most people would not think of starting a garden on their roof,human beings have been planting gardens on rooftops for thousands of years. Some rooftop gardens are simple container gardens that anyone can create with the investment(投资) of a few hundred dollars and a few hours of work.‎ Rooftop gardens provide many of the same benefits as other urban parks and garden spaces,but without taking up the muchneeded land.In the summer,rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the sun,which can significantly reduce cooling bills. In the winter,gardens help control the heat that materials like brick and concrete release so quickly,leading to savings on heating bills. Rooftop vegetables and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for city settlers,making their diets healthier. Rooftop gardens are not only something everyone can enjoy but also a smart environmental investment.‎ ‎32.The underlined word “emits” in the second paragraph probably means ________.‎ A.gives out B.takes up C.carries away D.breathes in ‎33.Which of the following contributes to the Urban Heat Island Effect?‎ A.More building materials.‎ B.More trees and grass.‎ C.More parking lots.‎ D.More rooftop gardens.‎ ‎34.When it comes to rooftop gardens,what can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.They make people much happier.‎ B.They provide more benefits from urban parks.‎ C.They help to save money and keep a healthy diet.‎ D.They have become very popular in recent years.‎ ‎35.What's the author's attitude towards rooftop gardens?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Supportive.‎ C.Critical. D.Objective.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。城市公园有很多的好处,例如:吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,减少城市热岛效应等。但是,很多城市中的公园有限,作者建议可以建造屋顶花园;屋顶花园具有一般公园的好处,不占用多余的空间,可以给人们提供健康的食物,帮助人们节省费用。‎ ‎32.A 词义猜测题。由第二段中的“One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. According to one study,an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving.”可知,公园里的植物可以吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气。一亩的树吸收的二氧化碳相当于汽车行驶11,000英里排放的二氧化碳的量。故该画线单词意思应为“排放”。结合选项,A选项正确。‎ ‎33.A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect:building materials such as metal and concrete(混凝土) absorb much more of the sun's heat and release it much more quickly than trees and grass.”可知,建筑材料吸收太阳的热,其释放热的速度比树林和草释放热的速度要快,从而导致了城市热岛效应。故A选项正确。‎ ‎34.C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“In the summer,rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the sun,which can significantly reduce cooling bills.In the winter,gardens help control the heat that materials like brick and concrete release so quickly,leading to savings on heating bills.Rooftop vegetables and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for city settlers,making their diets healthier.”可知,屋顶花园可以帮忙节省夏季的降温费用,冬季的取暖费用。而且,屋顶花园中种植的蔬菜等可以给人们提供新鲜的食物,让人们吃的更健康。结合选项,C选项正确。‎ ‎35.B 观点态度题。作者在最后一段介绍了屋顶花园的好处。很明显,作者是支持屋顶花园的。B选项正确。‎ ‎ [八] ‎ Imagine having an idea,drawing it on paper,bringing it to a store and seeing it turned into a physical object. This is now possible with the help of 3D printers. Such machines were once used just by universities and big companies,but now,stores with 3D printing services are appearing around the United States.‎ Bryan Jaycox and his wife opened The Build Shop LLC in Los Angeles two years ago. The store is filled with tools like a laser cutter,an industrial sewing machine and 3D printers. The Jaycoxs offer 3D printing classes and services for anyone who is interested.‎ ‎“I think 3D printing is going to be huge.It's going to have a huge effect on society as a whole.”One of the students in a recent class was KiChong Tran.He plans to open a 3D printing business in Cambodia.‎ ‎3D printing services are becoming available for American consumers. The UPS Store is a nationwide retailer(零售商) that provides shipping,copying and other services. The UPS Store recently put 3D printers in three of its independentlyowned stores. Burke Jones owns one of the stores in San Diego.‎ ‎“The demand has been amazing. It's been much more than I would have imagined.” The UPS Store plans to add 3D printers in three more stores. At The UPS Store,the cost of the object depends on the amount of materials used. The store charges up to $95 an hour to design the object with computer software that creates a digital file to guide the printer.‎ Mr. Jaycox predicts that within five years,3D printing technology could become more popular.But KiChong Tran says even current technology can make a difference in a developing country like Cambodia.‎ ‎“With 3D printing,you can give them tools;you put it in their hands so they are responsible more for their own development and they learn skills beyond just learning English and becoming a tour guide or something like that or working at a bank;you can actually create things that give value to the world.”‎ He says it's not just in Cambodia but anywhere where there is a 3D printer that it can turn a good idea into reality.‎ ‎28.The purpose of the passage is to ________.‎ A.attract consumers to buy 3D printers B.explain the importance of 3D printing C.introduce a new technique-3D printing D.describe the rapid development of technology ‎29.The Build Shop LLC is a store ________.‎ A.promoting 3D printers B.offering 3D printing classes and services C.selling sewing machines D.known for tools like laser cutters ‎30.At the UPS Store,the price of a 3D object depends on ________.‎ A.the person who makes it B.the materials to make it and time to design it C.the size of the object D.the labor service it needs ‎31.The attitude of KiChong Tran towards the development of 3D printing technology is ________.‎ A.positive B.objective C.uncertain D.critical ‎28.C 主旨大意题。文章通过讲述3D打印技术在日常生活中的迅速发展及广泛应用情况,主要是向我们介绍这种新技术。故选C。‎ ‎29.B 细节推理题。根据第二段中的“The store is filled with tools like a laser cutter,an industrial sewing machine and 3D printers.The Jaycoxs offer 3D printing classes and services for anyone who is interested.”可知A、C、D三项表述不准确,B项“提供3D打印课程和服务”符合原文。故选B。‎ ‎30.B 细节推理题。根据第五段中的“At The UPS Store,the cost of the object depends on the amount of materials used. The store charges up to $95 an hour to design the object with computer software that creates a digital file to guide the printer.”可知,UPS Store收费是根据所使用材料的数量和设计产品花费的时间计算的。故选B。‎ ‎31.A 推理判断题。根据最后两段中“you can actually create things that give value to the world.”和“anywhere where there is a 3D printer that it can turn a good idea into reality.”可知,KiChong Tran对3D打印技术的前景充满希望,是肯定的态度。故选A。‎ ‎ [九] ‎ China is fully prepared to export a full supply chain of highspeed railway technology,according to industry experts.‎ China Railway Corp,the national rail operator,said exports of railway equipment and railway construction projects are proceeding well,and breakthroughs are being made in a number of projects overseas.‎ Among the projects,the first fullchain commission,the Jakarta to Bandung highspeed railway in Indonesia,which includes technology,design,construction,equipment manufacture,supply of resources,operations management and staff training,has been granted a construction permit and work is proceeding smoothly.‎ ‎“China's railways have established a comprehensive and advanced technology system,which is able to provide overseas customers with solutions from many different perspectives,including financing,construction,operations,and research and development,” said Yang Zhongmin,the CRC's deputy chief engineer,who added that China's railway system is competitive in terms of technology and economy of use. According to Yang,the nation's railway equipment and infrastructure(基础设施) service businesses have entered markets in Asia,Europe,North America and Africa.‎ Last year,Joko Widodo,president of Indonesia,and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak,rode Chinesemade bullet trains.‎ Yang Hao,a professor of rail transportation management at Beijing Jiaotong University,said China has a major advantage in that it is able to export a full range of railway technology:“For example,it is inconvenient to import the technology for the signaling system from one country and civil engineering technology from another.”‎ ‎32.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?‎ A.China will help some countries build high speed rails.‎ B.High speed rail technology has become China's new international business card.‎ C.China has established an advanced railway system.‎ D.China has become the strongest in high speed rail in the world.‎ ‎33.The underlined word “proceeding” in the 2nd paragraph can be replaced by ________.‎ A.advocating B.prepared C.completed D.progressing ‎34.Which of the following is NOT included in China's solutions for overseas customers?‎ A.Construction.‎ B.Research and development.‎ C.Marketing.‎ D.Operation.‎ ‎35.What is the main advantage of China's railway system?‎ A.It can export a full range of railway technology.‎ B.It can export the technology for the signaling system.‎ C.It can export civil engineering technology.‎ D.It can provide financial help for other countries.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文属于说明文。文章主要向我们描述了高铁技术已成为中国新的国际标志,中国的铁路系统的主要优势是它可以出口全方位的铁路技术。‎ ‎32.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段Yang Hao,a professor of rail transportation management at Beijing Jiaotong University,said China has a major advantage in that it is able to export a full range of railway technology可知,文章最好的标题为高铁技术已成为中国新的国际标志。故选B。‎ ‎33.D 词义猜测题。根据第二段“China Railway Corp,the national rail operator,said exports of railway equipment and railway construction projects are proceeding well,and breakthroughs are being made in a number of projects overseas.”可知,中国铁路总公司,国家铁路运营商说,铁路设备出口和铁路建设项目进展顺利,已突破多个海外项目。由此可推知,划线词意为“进展”。故选D。‎ ‎34.C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“which is able to provide overseas customers with solutions from many different perspectives,including financing,construction,operations,and research and development”可知,中国的海外客户的解决方案中不包括营销。故选C。‎ ‎35.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Yang Hao,a professor of rail transportation management at Beijing Jiaotong University,said China has a major advantage in that it is able to export a full range of railway technology”‎ 可知,中国的铁路系统的主要优势是它可以出口全方位的铁路技术。故选A。‎ ‎[十]‎ For thousands of years,people thought of glass as something beautiful to look at.Only recently have they come to think of it as something to look through.Stores display their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars that hold food and drink allow us to see the contents. Glass is used to make eyeglasses,microscopes,telescopes,and many other extremely useful and necessary objects.‎ Until the Second World War,most of the glass used for optical(光学的) instruments was imported from Europe. However,during the war Americans could not get European glass,and they were forced to make their own. There-‎ fore,new kinds of glasses were developed that had been previously unknown.‎ These new effects were achieved by mixing other chemical elements with the sand. Some of these new glasses are very strong and can resist many kinds of shocks. Legend has it that a very hard glass was invented by a Roman who showed his discovery to the Emperor. When the Emperor saw the glass he feared that it would become more valuable than gold and silver,making his treasure worthless. Therefore,he had the glassmaker killed,and the secret was not discovered again for hundreds of years.‎ In the present century,safety glass was invented for use in modern cars and planes. Safety glass is made by placing a layer of plastic between two layers of plate glass. When the outside layer of glass is broken,the pieces do not scatter(散开) and injure people. Some glass of the type is strong enough to resist bullets(子弹).‎ Although nowadays plastics have replaced glass under conditions where glass might be easily broken,there are new uses being developed,for the greatest advantage of glass is that its component(组成的) parts are inexpensive and can be found all over the world.‎ ‎28.As time goes by,glass ________.‎ A.is regarded as transparent(透明的)‎ B.is used to make things look pleasant C.is seen as more than decoration D.is widely used to replace steel in making containers ‎29.Why did Americans make their own glass during the Second World War?‎ A.The war blocked the way of glass import.‎ B.The glass made in Europe was out of date.‎ C.They refused to use the European glass.‎ D.They were able to make a new kind of glass.‎ ‎30.Why does the author tell us the legend?‎ A.To prove the Roman was the first inventor of hard glass.‎ B.To support the Americans were as clever as the Romans.‎ C.To give some information about hard glass.‎ D.To provide a historical event concerned with hard glass.‎ ‎31.Why are new uses of glass being developed?‎ A.Because glass is not as safe as plastics.‎ B.Because glass is cheap and easily obtainable.‎ C.Because glass is not as strong and durable as plastics.‎ D.Because glass is more and more widely used.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 文章主要讲述了玻璃的发展史。‎ ‎28.C 细节理解题。根据第一段末句“Glass is used to make eyeglasses,microscopes,telescopes,and many other extremely useful and necessary objects.”可知玻璃发展到现代,其用途已经不仅仅局限在装饰方面。所以选C。‎ ‎29.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“However,during the war Americans could not get European glass,and they were forced to make their own.”可知,美国在二战期间自己研制玻璃的原因是世界大战阻止了玻璃的进口。所以选A。‎ ‎30.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Legend has it that a very hard glass was invented by a Roman who showed his discovery to the Emperor.When the Emperor saw the glass he feared that it would become more valuable than gold and sliver,making his treasure worthless.Therefore,he had the glass maker killed,and the secret was not discovered again for hundreds of years.”可知,作者讲述了一些质地坚硬的玻璃。所以选C。‎ ‎31.B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,构成玻璃的原料容易获得,且不昂贵。所以选B。‎

