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2020 届二轮复习连词 熟读深思 Not only had Niu Lang lost his parents, but (also) he was often bullied by his elder brother . [ 1 ] What he only had was an old and weak cattle, but [ 2 ] he took good care of it. Other men at his age had children already, while [ 3 ] Niu Lang didn’t get married yet. One day, the cattle said unexpectedly, “I’d like to help you, for [ 4 ] you have attended me so carefully. Follow me, and [ 5 ] you will get a wife!” So Niu Lang went to the bank while several beautiful fairies were bathing in the river. Then he did as the animal told him, hiding the youngest fairy’s clothes away and [ 6 ] telling her, “I am afraid that you will either lose your clothes or [ 7 ] marry me.” As a result, the youngest fairy Zhinv became his wife. Both Niu Lang and [ 8 ] Zhinv lived happily. However, the Goddess of Heaven was angry with her granddaughter marrying a human, so [ 9 ] she said to Zhinv, “Go back to heaven, otherwise [ 10 ] I will punish you!” Hearing this, Zhinv was not delighted but [ 11 ] worried. Niu Lang was about to run after them anxiously when [ 12 ] the Goddess of Heaven was making the Milky Way with her hair adornment ( 发簪 ) to stop him. Neither Zhinv nor [ 13 ] Niu Lang was happy, as they missed each other so much. Seeing this, the Goddess of Heaven let them cross the Milky Way to meet once a year with the help of magpies. 汉语译文: 牛郎的父母死了,而他的哥哥老是欺负他。他唯一的财产就是那头又老又弱的牛,不过牛郎很爱惜这头牛。有些人和牛郎年纪一样,可是早就当爹了,而牛郎还是孤零零的。有一天,老牛开口说话了:“你照顾了我,我想要帮助你。跟我来,你就会找到你的意中人的!”于是牛郎就去岸边了,而这时河里正好有几个美丽的仙女在洗澡。牛郎照老牛的吩咐,把最小的仙女的衣服藏了起来,并对她说:“要不你就嫁给我,要不你的衣服就别找啦!” 织女成了牛郎的妻子,并和他快快乐乐地过起了日子。但是,王母娘娘知道孙女和凡人结婚了,就很生气。她对织女说:“马上跟我回天庭,不然我就重罚你!”织女没有办法,只好回天庭了。牛郎正在她们后头焦急地追赶时,王母娘娘用发簪划了一道银河,把牛郎给拦住了。织女和牛郎都很想念对方,日子都过得很悲伤。于是,王母娘娘让喜鹊在银河搭桥,准许他们一年见一次。 1. not only…but also 表示“不但 …… 而且 ……” ,用于连接两个性质相同的词、短语或句子。为了强调,可将 not only 置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装。 2. but 表示转折关系的并列连词 , 此处连接两个句子。 3. while 表示对比,意为“而”。 4. for 用作并列连词,表示“因为”。 5. and 在 “祈使句, and +主谓结构”中,祈使句表示一个条件, and 后的句子表示结果。意为“那么”(暗示一种条件)。 熟读深思 6. and 用于连接两个并列的现在分词短语。 7. either…or… 连接两个相同成分的词、短语或句子,选择关系,表示“不是 …… 就是 ……”“ 或者 …… 或者 ……” 。在本句中连接两个并列的谓语动词。 8. both…and… 在句中连接两个并列的主语,表“两者都”。 9. so 表示因果,连接两个并列分句, so 意为“因此”,其后的分句表示结果。 10. or/otherwise 在“祈使句, or/otherwise +主谓”结构中,祈使句表条件, or/otherwise 后的句子表相反的结果。 11. not…but… 意思为“不是 …… 而是 ……” 。 12. when 表示一件事情正在发生或就要发生,突然发生了另一件事,只能用 when 。固定搭配 was/were about to do 或 was /were doing…when… (刚要做 / 正在做某事突然就 …… )。 13. neither…nor… 连接两个并列成分,表“既不 …… 也不 ……” 。 并列句与高考 1. 在语法填空中很可能要求考生填入一个适当的并列连词。 若并列的两个或几个单词、短语或句子之间没有连词,填表示联合、选择、转折等意义的连词。例如: He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ________he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher. 解析 : 空格前后都是句子且这两句之间没有关联词,应填关联词;又因后句的 he felt very happy 与前句的 He was very tired 是转折关系,故填 but 。 2. 短文改错中,主要错误有 so 与 because 连用, although 与 but 连用 , and 与 but 或 or 或 so 之间的混淆。 Bring the flowers into a warm room ____ they’ll soon open. 固定结构:“祈使句 +and+ 句子”前面的祈使句暗 示一种条件, and 后面的表结果。 and 一、单句填空 灵活运用 2. I have tried to advise her ________ she won’t listen. 因 won’t listen 与前面的 advise her 是转折关系 , 而这两句之间是逗号且没有连词 , 故填连词 but 或 yet 。 but/yet 3. I then realized she had no arms ____ legs , just a head , neck and torso. 在否定句中表示并列,用 or 。 4. He took the old man not just across the river , ____ to his home. 搭配 : not just…but (also)… 不但 … 而且 ; 句意为 : 他不但送老人过河 , 而且送老人到家。 or but 5. He found it increasingly difficult to read, ____his eyesight was beginning to fail. 补充说明原因用 for 。 6. Start out right away, ___ you’ll miss the first train. 这是“祈使句 +or+ 陈述句”句型。 or for 8. We are going to the bookstore in John’s car. You can come with us ___ you can meet us there later. 表示选择。 or when 7. We were swimming in the lake ____ suddenly the storm started. 表示正在做某事时 , 突然又发生另一件事。 9. Some of us don’t have much pocket money, ___they feel unhappy. 前因后果,引出结果,用 so 。 10. 79.3 % of the surveyed netizens say that their main motivation is to help their parents to live a better life ____67.7 % claim that they work hard in order to change their own fate. 表示对比或对照,相当于“而,却”。 so while 二、单句改错 1. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have an important meeting to attend. although→ because 因“我有一个重要的会议要出席”是“我不能去机场接你”的原因,引导原因状语从句,用 because 。 2. The climate here is pleasant. It is neither too hot or too cold. or → nor 因 neither…nor.. ( 既不 …… 也不 ……) 是固定搭配。 3. Although he was the wealthiest man in the town, but he didn’t feel happy at all. 去掉 but 因已有连词 Although ( 虽然 ) 了,后面就不再用 but 了。 4. He could have won the match. Otherwise, he broke his leg. Otherwise → However 句意是:他本来可以赢这场比赛的,然而,他摔断了腿。 5. You have to review all your lessons, and you won’t pass the exam. and→ or 因“祈使句 +or( 否则 )+ 陈述句 ( 用一般将来时 )” 是固定句式。 6. The chance to win the match is slim, so they won’t easily give up. so → but/yet 前后意义是转折关系。 7. Last year, Sandra immigrated to Spain and she didn’t seem to adapt to the life there, she move back to China. (1) and → but 根据句子意思,前后是转折关系,用 but 。 (2) 在 she moved 之前加上 so 这两个句子之间缺少连词,而且“返回”是“不适应”的结果,引出结果的分句用 so( 因此 ) 。 8. I will be free all the weekend, therefore, either Saturday and Sunday is OK. (1) therefore → so 因 therefore 只能做副词,不能作为连词连接两个句子;或在 therefore 前加 and 。 (2) and → or 因 either…or 是固定搭配。 9. As the lecture is uninteresting and dull, so more and more listeners began to leave. 去掉 so 因前面已有连词 As ( 因为 ) 了,就不再用连词了。 10. All of us are in favor of the idea of doing sports every day, but it is beneficial to our health greatly. but → because 后句表示原因,引导原因状语从句用 because 。

