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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 贵州天柱县 2017 高考英语九月(一轮)阅读理解选练题(二) 阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。 The Renaissance,considered by modern scholars to have been the time between 1,300 and 1,600,was a period of European history when many new inventions and beliefs came into being. The Renaissance is traced back to rich Italian cities such as Florence,Milan,and Venice.In these cities businessmen started to spend their extra money on things like painting and education,and to consider new techniques of banking and systems of government.A new type of scholar,the humanist(人文主义者)arose.Humanism was concerned with humankind and culture.Latin and Greek,literature and philosophy, music and mathematics were among the subjects humanists studied. The Renaissance gave rise to new forms of painting and sculpture.During the Renaissance,artists were no longer regarded as mere artisans(工匠).Many artists drew on mathematics in order to become more accurate in their measurements(度量)and to make sure an object was presented in realistic proportions.They also studied the way light hits objects and the ways our eyes perceive it.A new kind of paint,called oil paint, was invented. The Renaissance affected all of the society.Many people became interested in politics, and the world outside their towns.They became explorers,businessmen,etc.The effect on religion was especially strong.In the Middle Ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven.But the increase in arts and education gave people things to look forward to in life,and made them lose interest in the church. The Renaissance produced many great minds.Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest,although he was not regarded that way at the time.Among his many works of art were Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.He is also regarded as a great inventor,and is credited for coming up with the idea of the helicopter. 1. According to the second paragraph,the Renaissance________. A.occurred all over Europe B.started in Italy C.influenced art,finance,and physical education D.was the most popular in Florence 答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The Renaissance is traced back to rich Italian 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 cities such as Florence,Milan and Venice.”可知,文艺复兴运动始于意大利,所以正确 答案为 B 项。 2.Which of the followings took place during the Renaissance? A.People stopped going to church. B.New forms of painting emerged. C.Oil paint became very popular. D.The humanists disappeared. 答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The Renaissance gave rise to new forms of painting and sculpture.”及“A new kind of paint,called oil paint,was invented.”可知,油 画这种新的绘画形式在文艺复兴时期出现了,所以正确答案为 B 项。 3.We can learn from the passage that________. A.during the Renaissance many explorers and mapmakers appeared B.businessmen started the Renaissance C people's interest in education declined D.the humanists took power during the Renaissance 答案:A 细节理解题。根据第三段及第四段的“Many peopole became interested in politics,and the world outside their towns.They became explorers,businessmen,etc.” 可知,在文艺复兴时期出现了许多探险家、商人和制图师,所以正确答案为 A 项。 4.Which of the following statements about Leonardo da Vinci is NOT true? A.He created The Last Supper. B.He was a great inventor. C.He was the first to imagine the helicopter. D.Many people of his time considered him a genius. 答案:D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest, although he was not regarded that way at the time.”可知,莱奥纳多·达·芬奇在他所 生活的时代并没有被认为是天才,所以正确答案为 D 项。 5.What does the author mainly talk about in this passage? A.The Renaissance in Europe. B.The birthplace of the Renaissance. C.The effects of the Renaissance. D.Some famous artists in Europe. 答案:C 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了文艺复兴给整个社会所带来的影响,以及这个时期社 会上所出现的新现象。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 【广东省 2012 届高三考前冲刺卷(六)】C By analyzing the DNA of the world’s oldest people,Boston University scientists said they have discovered a genetic signature(特征)of longevity.They expect soon to offer a test that could let people learn whether they can live to a very old age. The researchers said they had no plans to patent the technique or profit from it.Instead,they expect to make a free test available on the Internet later this month to promote longevity research. The test might show something that people wouldn’t like to know,the BU scientists warned.Genetic testing often reveals attractive but incomplete information,and it is sometimes difficult to know how to respond.People with genes for extreme longevity could face a series of difficult decisions about their careers,retirement savings, insurance coverage,medical treatments and marriages in old age. Scientists have long sought to crack the genetic code of healthy aging.On average, people in developed countries can expect to live between 80 and 85 years,largely as a result of improvements in diet and public health.But the oldest of the old—the “wellderly”—live two to three decades longer,often free of mental and physical diseases. The free test will be available through a public website maintained by the New England Centenarian Study.But to take the test,people will have to provide their own complete genome—which currently can cost thousands of dollars from genesequencing companies. 36.What’s the best title of the text? A.New Discovery of Long Life B.New Functions of DNA on Long Life C.Scientists Invented Genes For Longevity D.The Discovery of the Genetic Code of Healthy Aging 37.The scientists started the program to ________. A.make more money from it 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 B.do research on long life C.become known all over the world D.find out the function of genes 38.People who live longer in developed countries ________. A.do not work very hard B.do much exercise every day C.have a balanced diet D.never need to take any medicine 39.If you hope to take the test,you ________. A.must be healthy enough B.will spend a lot of money C.will be charged by the website D.have to take a series of examinations 40.According to the text people living extremely long ________. A.will meet with many social problems B.must save enough money for future use C.will usually suffer from hunger D.will have to face many natural disasters 36.D [主旨大意题。波士顿大学的科学家们通过分析世界上一些长寿者的 DNA,发现了长 寿的基因标志。] 37.B [由短文的第二段可知“这些研究人员不计划给这项技术申请专利,也不想以它牟利。 他们想在互联网上推出一项免费的长寿基因检测服务,以推动长寿研究”。] 38.C [由短文的第四段可知,“发达国家的人平均预期寿命长,这很大程度上应归功于饮 食和公共卫生状况的改善。”] 39.B [由短文的最后一段可知,“要参加实验必须提供基因,而基因测定要花很多钱。”] 40.A [由第三段的最后可知,“拥有长寿基因的人有可能要面临一系列有关自己今后生涯 的困难决定,如怎样规划退休储蓄、选择何种保险,如何处理医疗及老年婚姻问题。”] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2013 界广东省湛江市二模】 Dave Bruno works as an online marketing manager. Several years ago, one weekend Bruno and his family did a major house cleanup and then donated several bags of unneeded items to the local Goodwill store. “After all were done, I looked around and realized that I still had too much stuff”, says Bruno, “It occurred to me that maybe I wanted to lead a simple life but in reality I behaved differently.” That realization prompted the 39-year-old father of three to try an experiment, “The 100 Thing Challenge”. With the goal of breaking free of what he calls a “bad habit of consumerism…Bruno was determined to live for one year with just 100 personal items. He cut down his possessions to 94 items, including a Bible, laptop, guitar, wedding ring, car and clothes. He created some guidelines for the experiment since his wife and daughters did not participate-family-shared and household items did not count as personal items. He also grouped together some basic things such as underwear and socks. Bruno began blogging about his new lifestyle and eventually wrote a book, The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul. Since completing the experiment, Bruno has continued to live by the motto: reduce, refuse, and rearrange and maintains just 110 personal things. “ Nearly three years of living with a minimal amount of personal possessions, I’m no longer in the habit of consuming for the sake of consumption(消费),” he wrote in his blog last week, “That has freed me up for all sorts of better endeavors than shopping—like spending time with family and writing a book and planning for business opportunities.” Bruno’s project has also inspired others to live minimally, many of whom post their own 100 Thing Challenge updates on YouTube. “The reality is that the 100 Thing Challenge is surprisingly easy”,says Bruno, “ I ’m not saying there were no challenges or disappointments. I miss some things, but not that much. Frankly, it’s far easier to live with less stuff than with excessive trash.” 31. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 1? A. Bruno regretted to have an easy life. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 B. Bruno had a special behavior in reality, C. Bruno and his family led a happy life. D. Bruno would have liked a life with fewer items. 【答案】D 【解析】句意猜测题。根据下文 The 100 Thing Challenge 可知 Bruno 想用更少的东西在日 常生活中,故选 D。 32. The things were included in Bruno’s 94 items EXCEPT _____. A. socks B. a Bible C. cookers D. a wedding ring 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。根据 He cut down his possessions to 94 items, including a Bible, laptop, guitar, wedding ring, car and clothes.只有炊具没有提到,故选 C。 33. It can be inferred in the last paragraph that _____. A. it is less possible for people to live simply B. Bruno met some difficulties in the experiment C. many people were inspired to update their blogs D. getting rid of the habit of over-consumption is easy 【答案】B 【解析】推理判断题。根据 I ’m not saying there were no challenges or disappointments 可知 Bruno 在实验中也遇到了一些困难,故选 B。 34. What can we learn from the passage? A. Bruno hasn’t blogged for a long time. B. Unneeded things should be thrown away. C. Bruno has succeeded in the experiment. D. The family show interest in the experiment. 【答案】C 【解析】推理判断题。根据 Bruno’s project has also inspired others to live minimally 可推知有人愿意去效仿这说明 Bruno 的实验成功了,故选 C。 35. What is the best title for the passage? A. Live with 100 Things B. Defeat 100 Challenges in Life C. Survive by Your Motto D. Consume for Consumption’s Sake 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 【答案】A 【解析】标题归纳题。根据短文的内容主要叙述了 Bruno 做实验用 100 项的生活用品来进行 简朴的生活,故选 A。 【广东省 2012 届高三考前冲刺卷(六)】D “I got married at 16,”says the smiling Mona Lisa,made famous in Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting.She breaks her silence to wave to the audience and answers their questions. Thanks to 3D technology , holographic images( 全 息 影 像 )and voice recognition technologies,Mona Lisa can speak and move.It is the first time the advanced technologies have been fused together in one exhibition,which gives audiences the opportunity to experience the wonders of advanced technology. Threedimensional,or 3D,technology creates visual illusions(错觉)and enables people to see images in the round that are actually only twodimensional. Although 3D technology is a difficult scientific concept,it is already being widely used in people’s daily lives.With the development of new threedimensional digital technologies,it has been changing people’s ways of communicating and working. Digital cameras that record in 3D have been brought to market. Manufacturers have also launched 3D digital photo frames,which can broadcast 3D photos.Processing software allows flat photos in the frame to achieve 3D visual effects that can be seen by users without wearing special glasses. After nine years of research,China took the lead to establish a 3D Internet marketing platform.Internet users can go shopping in a 3D environment just like in the real world by selecting goods,checking reviews and trying out recommended goods. Web 3D technology will be used in more fields such as automobiles and travel.In traveling,tourists can enjoy scenic spots,monuments and sites.They also can take to guides and other tourists,who are represented as 3D virtual figures. In Suzhou,the first online 3D police station in the world has been established.It 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 has eight functions including various online businesses,public services,warning tips and communication between the police and the public. 41.Why can Mona Lisa speak and move? A.Because it is a robot. B.Because it can really speak and move. C.Because the original painting is threedimensional. D.Because 3D creates visual illusions. 42.The underlined word“fused”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “______”. A.combined B.focused C.applied D.developed 43.3D technology is already being used in people’s lives in ______. A.shopping B.work C.travel D.communication 44.How can we appreciate 3D photos? A.By taking photos with 3D cameras. B.By wearing special glasses. C.By putting photos into 3D digital photo frames. D.By installing a software into the photos. 45.We can learn from the last two paragraphs that ______. A.in 3D travelling,we can only talk with the guide B.3D travelling is no different from a traditional one C.the 3D police station will replace the one in real life D.the 3D police station is of great help 41.D [根据第三段可判断 Mona Lisa 可以说话和活动是 3D 制造出了一种视觉幻觉。] 42.A [根据“advanced technologies have been...together in one exhibition”,可 判断出 fuse 的意思是“结合起来”。] 43.A [根据倒数第三段可知正确答案为 A 项。] 44.C [第六段中提到,使照片具备 3D 效果的是相框。] 45.D [根据最后两段的内容可知 3D 警察局对人们生活帮助很大。]

