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概要写作精讲 1 2020届二轮复习 书面表达专题 主要内容 一篇好的概要所具备的特点 概要写作中存在的问题 案例分析 一篇好的概要所具备的特点 What is a summary? a short retelling of the main idea of a text or a topic. Examples: a news report a description of a movie a blurb on the back of a book … What makes a good summary? a. A good summary should include: 1. the main ideas 2. important details b. A good summary is short, true and fair. (客观、准确、公正;不渲染、不加入自己的主观评价或观点) c. A good summary is written in your own word and in a clear order that the original text is presented in. 概要写作高考要求 评分时主要从以下 4 个方面考虑: 1. 对原文要点的理解和呈现情况 2. 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性 3. 上下文的连贯性 4. 对各要点表达的独立性情况 提供一篇 350 个单词左右的文章 (体裁一般为说明文或议论文), 要求考生基于该短文写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 概要写作要心怀读者,假定读者看不到原文本,你写的文本是否 make sense 。 写概要时,要想象你是在对你的朋友描述或解释这篇文章。 1. Unable to find the structure 2. Unable to find the key points 3. Unable to rewrite in your own words 4. Unable to write with beautiful language 概要写作中存在的主要问题 Read it thoroughly to get the topic and structure of the passage Underline topic sentence and important details in each paragraph ( leave out unimportant details ) Rely on your memory first to rewrite the main idea of each part Revise it to ensure that your writing is to the point and clear and the language is well written . 概要写作的过程 Free reading is the best kind of homework for the students to do. Students get to choose what they want to read. Some students might read an adventure story. Others might read a mystery. Students can choose to read about topics they do not learn about in class. Students can take their time reading at home instead of having to read only in class. 案例分析 请阅读下面这段文字并写概要: Free reading is the best kind of homework for the students to do. ① Students get to choose what they want to read . Some students might read an adventure story. Others might read a mystery. Students can choose to read about topics they do not learn about in class. ② Students can take their time reading at home instead of having to read only in class. 案例分析 第一句 copying 第二句 minor details 最后一句 confusing order 看看下面这篇概要的问题在哪儿? Free reading is the best kind of homework for the students to do. Students could read adventure stories or mysteries . I like mysteries best. They can use free reading to learn about different topics. They can also take more time to read outside of class. Students can choose what they read. 第三句 your own opinion Free reading is the best homework for students. It allows students to choose what to read and learn about and also ensures them more time to read. Random reading should be acknowledge d as the superb assignment for students which empowers them to obtain more alternatives and guarantees ample reading time. Students should have free reading as their homework. It is important for students to choose what they read and learn about. Reading at home can give students more reading time. 主位缺失,逻辑混乱。 这篇概要的主位应该是 free reading, 不是 students 或 reading at home 。 辞藻华丽, 晦涩难懂 12 1. 包含文章所有要点,每个要点独立,逻辑清晰。 2. 按照原文出现的顺序,用自己的语言表达,字数 60 左右。 3. 表达连贯,内容客观、清晰,不渲染,不参入自己的观点。 4. 语言准确、严谨、简练、高级。 总结:什么是一篇好的概要?

