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第二讲 如何写美句子 作文要想在考试中得高分,不仅要写对,还要写美。语言层次方面,要在词汇和句式这两个方面下功夫。 运用高级词汇 1. 运用抽象名词 主语位置 the absence of, the abundance of, the acceptance of, the analysis of, the anticipation of, the arrival of, the invention of, the awareness of, his concern of, the criticism of, the demand, his eagerness, the examination of, his explanation of, the exploration of, his praise of, the failure to, the growth of, the investigation of, the increase of, his justification of, the knowledge of, his obsession with, the pursuit of, his reaction to, a search of, her selection of, the support of, his willingness to 宾语位置 cause the loss of, encourage the participation, escape criticism, acknowledge the failure/the truth, anticipate the progress, demand the permission, question the validity, permit the waste of, accelerate the growth of, applaud the decision, experience the change, undergo the examination, prove his innocence/ignorance, recognize the seriousness of, lack individuality/flexibility, assert the innocence, realize the importance of, question the wisdom of , have an understanding/appreciation of, give thought to, gain an insight into, earn the respect/reputation of , show indifference/willingness to 介词位置 with reluctance/enthusiasm , in spite of/despite indifference/resistance/ advance/hostility , under consideration/discussion/the leadership of , beyond belief/hope , because of the ignorance , confusion of , failure of , due to/owing to the failure , demand for , shortage of/lack of [ 跟踪练习 1 ]  完成下列句子 ( 运用抽象名词 ) 1.Heavy ____________ to TV will affect one ’ s studies. 过多接触电视,会影响一个人的学习。 2.It promoted a growing ______________ of the advantages of these small plastic cards. 这让越来越多的人意识到这种小塑料卡的好处。 3.A five-day week has found an immediate ____________ and much ____________ ever since. 自那以后,一周五天工作制立即受到了人们的热烈欢迎和拥护。 exposure realization welcome popularity 4.Because of the increasing ____________ of cars, public transportation has been allowed to wither and degenerate. 由于越来越多的人使用小汽车,因此公共交通日渐萎缩。 5.The experience acquired and the lesson learned in this line can awaken us students to the ____________ of handling problems on a human basis. 在这方面得到的经验和汲取的教训能使我们学生意识到处理人际关系问题的必要性。 6.We are all deeply concerned about reports of _________________ of our environment as a result of technological _________________ , __________________________ , and __________________________ to the ____________ of nature. 我们深切关心有关破坏环境的报道,这些破坏是由于只顾发展技术不考虑后果、人口增长过快以及缺少对保护自然的考虑造成的。 use necessity destruction recklessness overpopulation the lack of consideration preservation 2. 运用副词 修饰形容词 absolutely necessary 绝对必要 ( 完全地,绝对地 ) amazingly accurate 惊人地准确 ( 令人惊奇地 ) take completely different attitudes towards 对 …… 采取完全不同的态度 ( 完全地 ) emotionally unstable 情绪不稳定 ( 感情上,情绪上 ) an entirely new environment 一个全新的环境 ( 全部地,完全地 ) especially useful 特别有用 ( 尤其,特别 ) extremely sorry 非常抱歉 ( 极其,非常 ) increasingly popular 越来越受欢迎 ( 越来越多地 ) physically and psychologically healthy 身心健康 ( 身体上;心理上 ) not necessarily harmful 未必有害 ( 必然地 ) 修饰动词 accidentally step on one’s foot 不小心踩到某人的脚 ( 偶然地;意外地 ) grow 25% annually 每年增长 25%( 一年一次地 ) behave appropriately 举止得体 ( 适当地,合适地 ) read very awkwardly 读起来很拗口 ( 笨拙地 ) weep bitterly 哭得很伤心 ( 痛苦地 ) face them bravely 勇敢地面对他们 ( 勇敢地 ) make friends casually 随便交朋友 ( 随意地 ) depend chiefly on oneself 主要靠自己 ( 主要地 ) differ considerably 大不相同 ( 相当大 / 多地 ) help sb enormously 对某人有很大帮助 ( 巨大地 ) 修饰动词 treat everyone equally and considerately 平等且周到地对待每一个人 ( 平等地;体贴地,考虑周到地 ) make efforts constantly 不断努力 ( 不断地 ) think critically/dialectically 批判性地 / 辩证地思考 ( 批判性地;辩证地 ) definitely influence our growth 肯定会影响我们的成长 ( 明确地,肯定地 ) deliberately damage shared-bikes 故意损坏共享单车 ( 故意地,蓄意地 ) desperately need affection 极其需要关爱 ( 极度地,绝望地 ) 作插入语 Personally , I applaud this policy. 就我个人而言,我赞成这个政策。 ( 就个人而言,亲自地 ) Additionally , he’d better turn to his teachers for advice. 此外,他最好向他的老师征求建议。 ( 另外,此外 ) Admittedly , such a project is meaningful. 诚然,这样的项目是有意义的。 ( 诚然;无可否认 ) Unexpectedly , my mother praised me. 出乎意料的是,我的妈妈表扬了我。 ( 出乎意料的是,意外地 ) Clearly/Obviously , they have left. 显然,他们已经离开了。 ( 明显地 ) 作插入语 Consequently , the government is taking action to solve the problems. 因此,政府正在采取行动解决这些问题。 ( 所以,因此 ) Fundamentally , it is a conventional practice. 从根本上说,这是一种传统的做法。 ( 从根本上说,基本上 ) Generally , I am in favour of the view. 一般来说,我赞成这个观点。 ( 一般地,通常 ) [ 跟踪练习 2 ]  根据提示用副词填空 1.Using bicycle contributes ____________ ( 极大地 )to people ’ s physical fitness and eases traffic jams. 2.A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling.____________( 显然 ) , they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a person ’ s education is a most important aspect of his life. 3.It is ____________( 普遍地 ) thought that our society has been dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human has made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades. greatly Obviously commonly 4.Although people ’ s lives have been ____________( 惊人地 )changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that shortage of funds is still one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because tuition fees and prices of books are soaring day by day. 5.______________( 因此 ) , the extra money obtained from a parttime job will be a support for students to continue their study life. dramatically Consequently 3. 替换低级词 (1) 动词替换 期望: expect → anticipate 提到: mention → refer to 改变: change → transform 违反: break → violate ; disobey 选择: choose → select 珍惜: value → cherish , treasure 消失: disappear → vanish , fade away 完成: complete → fulfill , accomplish 鼓励: encourage → inspire , motivate 解释: explain → interpret , account for 意识到: realize → be aware of/that... 应该: should → be supposed/obliged to 交际: communicate → socialize/interact(with sb) 知道: know → be acquainted with , be informed of 影响: influence → exert a deep/profound impact on 考虑: consider → take sth into account/consideration 决定: decide to → made up one ’ s mind to , be determined to 参加: take part in → join in , participate in , get involved in 准备: prepare for → get prepared for , make preparations for 消除: remove → eliminate , get rid of , wipe out 面临: face → be confronted/faced with , in face of , encounter 同意: agree → applaud , approve of , in favour of 反对: disagree → frown upon , object to , oppose( v t .) , be opposed to 成功: succeed → make it , (efforts) pay off , (career) take off 相信: believe → insist , be fully convinced of/that... 上升: rise/increase → mount( v i .) , soar 猛增 ( v i .) , shoot up( 迅速增加 ) , on the rise 下降: fall → decline( v i .) , lessen , decrease , slump down( 暴跌 ) 重视: value → attach importance to , can ’ t highlight/emphasize the importance of sth too much (2) 形容词替换 有空: free → available 激动: excited → thrilled 仔细: careful → cautious 便宜: cheap → economical 昂贵: expensive → costly 富有: rich → wealthy , well-off 无用: useless → fruitless , in vain 有活力: energetic → dynamic , vigorous 清楚: clear → apparent , obvious , evident 聪明: clever → intelligent , brilliant , smart 流行: popular → be well-received , catch on 足够: enough → adequate , abundant , sufficient , ample 贫困: poor → povertystricken( 赤贫的 ) , poor and needy 现在: now → at present , nowadays , currently , in recent years 大多数: most → the vast majority of , a large proportion of 有益 / 有用: helpful/useful → beneficial , constructive , rewarding 必要: necessary → fundamental , indispensable , essential 忙于: busy → be occupied in doing/with sth 许多: much → a considerable amount of , large quantities of , a great deal of 著名: famous/well-known → outstanding , distinguished , enjoy a good reputation 可能: possible → likely , probable , promise to( 有希望 ) , chances are that... 各种各样: all kinds of → diverse , a large variety of , large varieties of , a wide range of (3) 名词替换 职业: job → profession , occupation 顶峰: top → peak , summit 风俗: custom → convention 选择: choice → option , alternative 对手: competitor → rival , opponent 老师: teacher → instructor , educator 责任: responsibility → obligation , liability 性格: character → individuality , personality 老人: old people → the elderly , senior citizens 青少年: young people → youngsters , youths , adolescents 能力: ability → capability , competence 问题: problem → issue , disaster , crisis , dilemma , concern 成功: success → achievement , accomplishment , fulfillment (4) 其他替换 也: too → as well( 句尾 ) 有时: sometimes → occasionally 例如: for example → for instance 仅仅: only → merely , barely , solely 除了: except → with the exception of 和: and → plus , as well as , along with , with 但是: but → however , nonetheless , nevertheless , on the contrary 事实上: in fact → virtually , in reality , in effect , as a matter of fact 如果: if → provided/providing(that) , as long as , on condition that 关于: about → concerning , regarding , with regard to , in reference to 因此,所以: so → therefore , consequently , accordingly , as a consequence 经常: often/usually → frequently , constantly , regularly , more often than not 首先: first/firstly → initially , first and foremost , to begin/start with , above all 其次: second/besides → additionally , on top of that , what ’ s more , moreover 最后: finally → ultimately , last but most importantly , last but not least , eventually [ 跟踪练习 3 ]  用较高级词汇代替黑体的单词或短语 1.I will thank you if you can reply to me at your earliest convenience. ____________________________ 2.I should say sorry for being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon._____________________ 3.Our class thought of the idea to make better use of used materials.________________ 4.The teacher directed the gifted students towards the more difficult courses.________________ 5.Would you please help me to turn down the radio ? ________________ 6.He has decided to be a teacher when he grows up.____________________________ would appreciate it if you could owe you an apology for came up with challenging do me a favor determined/made up his mind to 7.Communication method plays an essential role in the relationship between parents and children.________________ 8.When you are bored with the people sometimes, you ’ d better find a quiet place, listening to some classical music.________________ 9.We should try to improve ourselves through learning and prepare for the future.________________ 10. In order to benefit citizens, our government adopted effective measures to put much emphasis on education.________________ decisive/critical fed up with take pains to For the sake of 运用高级句式 运用特殊句式 在写作中,特殊句式的运用,能体现文章的节奏感与表达效果。 1. 运用强调句。用 It is...that... 句型或用助动词进行强调,突出语意。 因为这些原因,我最终做出了这个选择。 I finally made this choice for these reasons. → It was for these reasons that I finally made this choice. 2. 运用倒装句。可增强说服力。 直到那时我才意识到语言在积极和消极方面都有很强的力量。 I didn’t realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways until then. → Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways. 3. 运用省略句。达到言简意赅的效果。 (1) 希望你能找到一份好工作。 I hope that you will find a good job. → Hope you will find a good job. (2) 今天早上,在路上散步的时候,我看到两个旅行者正在看地图,看起来很迷惑。 This morning , when I was walking on the street , I saw that two travelers were reading a map , looking puzzled. → This morning , when walking on the street , I saw that two travelers were reading a map , looking puzzled. 4. 运用虚拟语气 确实到了孩子和父母行动起来做出改变的时候了。 It is time for both children and parents to take action to make small changes. → It is high time that both children and parents took/should take action to make small changes. 要是没有你的帮助,我不可能在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。 If you hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have won the first place in the English Speaking Competition. → Without your help, I couldn’t have won the first place in the English Speaking Competition. 5. 运用被动句 英文中被动语态的使用比汉语要多,要普遍,在写作时也应该注意多用被动语态,以赢得更高的分数。 Nowadays, we are using more and more English words in the Chinese language. → Nowadays, more and more English words are being used in the Chinese language. [ 跟踪练习 4 ]  升级句子 1.Not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits impress us.( 强调句 ) → ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.He didn ’ t realize the love we have for our families is important until he went through real hardship.( 强调句 ) → ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. We students study happily and effectively only in this way.( 倒装句 ) → ____________________________________________________________________ It is not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits that impress us. It was not until he went through real hardship that he realized the love we have for our families is important. Only in this way can we students study happily and effectively. 4. 建成后,新体育馆将成为我们学校的新地标。 ( 省略句 ) When it is built up/set up, the new stadium will become the new landmark in our school. → _______________________________________________________________________ 5.It is true that many things determine our future. → ___________________________________________________________( 被动语态 ) 6.I suggest that you (should) make friends with people having different characteristics or backgrounds.( 被动语态+形式主语 ) → ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When built up/set up , the new stadium will become the new landmark in our school. It is true that our future is determined by many things. It is suggested that you (should) make friends with people having different characteristics or backgrounds. 1. 运用定语从句 如果他们经常考试作弊,就会养成坏习惯,这会对他们的人生产生坏影响。 If they often cheat in the exams , they will form a bad habit , which will have a bad effect on their life . 我可以清楚地记得事故发生在一个下雨的星期天下午。 I can well remember the incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon . 运用三大从句 2. 运用名词性从句 我确信在你的巨大努力下,你的生活会丰富多彩。 I am sure that with your great efforts , you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life here. 它反映出当今的一个普遍现象:孩子们是家庭的焦点,肩负着父母的希望。 It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families , shouldering the hope of their parents . 负责任是创造一个更好的社会所必须要做的。 Being responsible is what it takes to make a better society . 3. 运用状语从句 如果我们能制定出一些人们要遵守的参与规则,情况会好转。 Things will turn for the better if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey. 无论多么普通的工作,都在社会中起一定的作用,因此值得我们应有的尊重。 No matter how ordinary a job is , it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect. 一些骑电动车和自行车的人朝四面八方往来穿梭,忽视交通灯和其他车辆。 Some riders of e-bikes and bicycles come and go in all directions , ignoring traffic lights and other vehicles. 随着英语单词在媒体和日常生活中越来越流行,一本汉语词典收录了 239 个英语单词,这使公众分成了相反的两派: “ 赞成 ” 和 “ 反对 ” 。 With English words getting popular in both media and daily life , a Chinese dictionary has included 239 of them , leaving the public divided into two opposing groups : “For” and “Against” . 运用非谓语动词 [ 跟踪练习 5 ]  完成句子 1.By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself , ______________________________________________________. 通过为别人服务,一个人会关注别人而不是自己,这样做能开阔眼界,并从中受益。 2.The teacher explains grammar rules in simple words , _______________________________________. 老师用简单的语言解释语法规则,这让学生很容易理解。 3.__________________________________ has a life-long effect on their children. 父母的言行会影响孩子一生。 which can be very eye-opening and rewarding which are easy for students to follow What parents say and do 4.Being a good listener is a good quality and that ’ s ______________________________. 倾听是一种优秀的品质,那是维系友谊所需要的。 5.One big advantage of the course is __________________________________________. 这门课程的一大好处是它能够帮助学生掌握英语写作技能。 6.WeChat is great for keeping in touch , _______________________________________ _____________________________. 微信是很好的联系方式,电话留言和手机短信现在很少使用了。 7.______________________________________, we felt more and more confident and couldn ’ t wait for it. 随着比赛的临近,我们感到越来越自信,迫不及待地要参加。 what it takes to keep friendship that it helps students acquire English writing skills while telephone messages and text messages are seldom used now As the competition was approaching 8.Nowadays it is convenient for people ________________________________________. 现在人们用手机付账非常方便。 9.__________________________, I figured it was time to get serious about losing weight. 称完体重,我想是认真考虑减肥的时候了。 10._________________________________, we failed to complete the task on time. 碰到这么多麻烦,我们没能按时完成任务。 to pay bills with the mobile phone Having weighed myself Faced with so much trouble 掌握一些高级句型是高考英语作文提分的关键! 1.Nothing is +形容词比较级 than to +动词原形; Nothing is + more +形容词+ than to +动词原形 运用高级表达 Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 2....cannot emphasize the importance of...too much.( 再怎么强调 …… 的重要性也不为过。 ) We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 3.There is no denying that +主语+谓语 …… ( 不可否认的 …… ) There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 4.It is universally acknowledged that 从句 ( 全世界都知道 …… ) It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 5.There is no doubt that 从句 ( 毫无疑问 …… ) There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 毫无疑问,我们的教育制度令人不满意。 6.An advantage of...is that +句子 ( …… 的优点之一是 …… ) An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won ’ t create/produce any pollution. 使用太阳能的优点之一是它不会产生任何污染。 7.The reason why +句子 is that +句子 ( …… 的原因是 …… ) The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air/supply fresh air to us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能为我们提供新鲜的空气。 8.So +形容词+ be +主语+ that +句子 ( 如此 …… 以至于 …… )( 倒装句 ) So precious is time that we can ’ t afford to waste it. 时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起它。 9. 形容词 / 名词 ( 前不加冠词 )/ 动词原形+ as +从句主语+ be/ 助动词,主句主语+谓语 …… ( 虽然 …… )(as 引导让步状语从句的倒装 ) Rich as our country is , the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.(by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不 ) 虽然我们的国家富有,但是我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。 10.The +形容词比较级, the +形容词比较级 ( 愈 …… 愈 …… ) The harder you work , the more progress you will make. 你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read , the more learned we will become. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。 11.On no account can we...( 我们绝对不能 …… ) On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 12.It is conceivable that 句子 ( 可想而知的 ) It is obvious that 句子 ( 明显的 ) It is apparent that 句子 ( 显然的 ) It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。 13.Since +从句+过去式,主句+现在完成式。 Since he went to senior high school , he has worked very hard. 自从上高中,他一直很用功。 14.For the past +时间,主语+现在完成式 ...( 过去 …… 年来, …… 一直 …… ) For the past two years , I have been busy preparing for the examination. 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 15.It is time +主语+过去式 ( 该是 …… 的时候了 ) It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。 1.A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 2.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 3.Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。 4.Content is better than riches. 知足者常乐。 5.A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 6.A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入,祸从口出。 7.Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 运用谚语和名言 8.Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 9.A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 10.A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 11.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 12.An idle youth , a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 13.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。 14.Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。 15.It ’ s never too late to learn. 活动老,学到老。 16.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 17.Roses given , fragrance in hand. 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 18.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是 1% 的灵感加 99% 的汗水。 19.When the Lord closes a door , somewhere else he opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。 20.Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free. 恐惧禁你双足,希望赐你双翼。 衔接与过渡词语的运用是语言连贯性得以实现的重要途径。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接性语言是非常必要的。考生应掌握的连接性词语如下: 巧用衔接和过渡 1. 表示时间顺序的过渡性词语 at the beginning/end of , in the end , afterwards , since then , meanwhile , immediately , after that , from then on , all of a sudden , at present , after a while , at the same time , in the past , to begin with 2. 表示递进关系的过渡性词语 3 . 表示并列和转折关系的过渡性词语 4 . 表示条件和让步关系的过渡性词语 what ’ s more , moreover , furthermore , besides , in addition , to make things worse , the most important of all , worst of all , especially , in particular however , while , otherwise , on the contrary , despite , in spite of , after all , nevertheless , as well as , neither...nor... , not only...but also... , either...or... , not...but... as/so long as , on condition that , unless , in case(of) , even if/though , as 5. 表示因果关系的过渡性词语 6 . 表示列举事实或观点的过渡性词语 7 . 表示总结的过渡性词语 because(of) , now that , thanks to... , due to... , consequently , as a result/consequence(of) , therefore/thus , since such as , for example/instance , take...for example , that is to say , as follows , in other words , on the one hand...on the other hand , for one thing...for another , personally , in my opinion/view , as far as I ’ m concerned , as for me in short , in brief , in a word , to sum up , all in all , on the whole , in general , generally speaking , in conclusion [ 跟踪练习 6 ]  使用恰当的过渡性词语完成句子 1.________________________________ , success is important , and so is failure , because it ’ s the mother of success. 总之,成功非常重要,失败也很重要,因为失败是成功之母。 2._________________________ , I can earn money by doing it to help my parents ; _________________________ , I can gain some experience from it , which will do good to my future life. 一方面,我能通过做这样的事赚些钱来帮助父母;另一方面,我能从中获得一些经验,这会对我将来的生活有益。 In a word/To sum up/All in all On the one hand on the other hand 3.___________________________________ , children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas. 结果,孩子们变得太依赖父母,以至于他们没有独立的思想和创造性的想法。 4.____________ he couldn ’ t come ____________ he did not want to. 他要么是不能来要么就是不想来。 5.__________________ a research , the total number is reduced to less than 1 , 000 now. 根据一项调查,现在总数已减少到不足 1 000 只。 As a consequence/result/Consequently Either or According to

