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提高训练篇 - Test 11‎ 完形填空(共15小题;共22.5分)‎ Students learn their lessons in class. In class, 1 teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of 2. Is this the 3 way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is 4 way to learn, that is, students can 5 themselves. For example, if you cannot remember something 6 you are doing your homework, you can read your books to find the 7. This is the way to teach yourself. And it is not a(n) 8 thing. We can do this at any place and at any time. How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is 9. Read something you are 10 in, or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The questions are something you don't 11, or you want to know more about. You can write down these questions. A 12 student is usually good at asking questions. The 13 is to answer the questions yourself 14 thinking hard, by reading books, and 15 by asking other people. These are the ways of teaching yourself. And you must do this all by yourself. If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.‎ 1. A.studentsB.teachersC.workersD.doctors 答案:‎ B 2. A.learningB.readingC.writingD.drawing 答案:‎ A 3. A.firstB.secondC.lastD.only 答案:‎ D 4. A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others 答案:‎ A 5. A.teachB.learnC.studyD.read 答案:‎ A 6. A.beforeB.afterC.whenD.because 答案:‎ C 7. A.wordsB.sentencesC.answersD.articles 答案:‎ C 8. A.easyB.boringC.difficultD.diffeient 答案:‎ D 9. A.writingB.rememberingC.drawingD.reading 答案:‎ D 10. A.excitedB.interestedC.surprisedD.relaxed 答案:‎ B 11. A.learnB.readC.understandD.meet 答案:‎ C 12. A.kindB.badC.cleverD.stupid 答案:‎ C 13. A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth 答案:‎ C 14. A.inB.atC.onD.by 答案:‎ B 15. A.some timeB.some timesC.sometimesD.sometime 答案:‎ C 补全短文(共10小题;共10.0分)‎ My little 10-year-old daughter Sarah taught me a lesson about life. She was born with something 16. with her left foot, so she has to wear a brace(支架) all the time. One day, when she came back home, she told me that she had finished the "field day". On the "field day" children usually have lots of races and 17. competitive events (比赛项目). I thought Sarah must have had many 18. during the races because of her left foot. I didn't want this to get her 19. , so I hoped to give her a 20. words of encouragement. But before I could say something, she said, "Dad, I 21. two of the races!" I couldn't 22. it! Then Sarah said, "I had an 23. ." I knew it. I thought she must have been given a head start. It meant that she must have been 24. to run first. But again, 25. I could say something, she said, "Dad, I didn't get a head "start. My advantage was that I had to try harder!"‎ 16. 答案:‎ wrong 解析:‎ 由后面的so she has to wear a brace all the time可推测,Sarah的左脚有毛病,故填wrong.‎ 17. 答案:‎ other 解析:‎ 本句意为:在田径日,孩子们通常有很多赛跑项目和其他比赛项目。other意为"其他的",符合句意。‎ 18. 答案:‎ difficulties/problems/troubles 解析:‎ 由后面的 during the races because of her left foot可知,Sarah在比赛过程中肯 定会遇到很多的"难题或麻烦",故填difficulties, problems或troubles.‎ 19. 答案:‎ down 解析:‎ get sb. down意为"让某人失望",为固定搭配。‎ 20. 答案:‎ few 解析:‎ 本句中的words是可数名词,故应用a few来修饰。a few words of encouragement意为"几句鼓励的话语"。‎ 21. 答案:‎ won 解析:‎ win the race意为"在比赛中获胜"。‎ 22. 答案:‎ believe 解析:‎ 联系上下文可知,作者无法"相信"Sarah在比赛中获胜这件事,故填believe.‎ 23. 答案:‎ advantage 解析:‎ 由本文最后一句"My advantage was that I had to try harder!"可知,此处应填advantage.‎ 24. 答案:‎ allowed 解析:‎ 由上文"I thought she must have been given a head start."可知,作者原以为她"被允许"先跑一步,故此处应填allowed.a head start意为"先行一步"。‎ 25. 答案:‎ before 解析:‎ 由上文孩子的表现及"But again..."可推测,在作者说话"之前",孩子先开口说,故应填before.‎ 阅读理解(共15小题;共30.0分)‎ A Many things can affect our feelings, such as the environment, the people around us and the way we think of the things.‎ The environment affects your feelings. On the one hand, if the environment around you is pleasant, you are most likely to be a happy person. On the other hand, if your environment is full of fighting and argument, you might feel sad more easily than others.‎ The people around us affect us more easily than the environment. The way they talk, the way they act and react(反应), and the way they live can influence our feelings easily.‎ Many people like to copy other people in some way.‎ The last one is the way we think of the things. Different people take different ‎ actions when they face the same thing. This shows people their feelings.‎ You could say "Why do I have black hair while everyone else has yellow hair?" or you could also say "Oh! I have black hair, so I must be very special!" Can you see the differences between these?‎ 26. What does the underlined word "affect" mean in Chinese?A.影响B.感动C.刺激D.改变 答案:‎ A 27. According to the passage, there are things that can affect our feelings.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five 答案:‎ B 28. If your environment is full of argument, you might .A.feel sad more easily than othersB.be a happy personC.feel boredD.want to talk with other 答案:‎ A 29. When different people face the same thing, they .A.don't say anything about itB.don't know how to show their feelingsC.take different actionsD.take the same action 答案:‎ C 30. What does the passage mainly tell us?A.Different kinds of feelingsB.The importance of environmentC.The things that can affect our feelingsD.The difference between happiness and sadness 答案:‎ C B I like to make friends with children whom I go to school with, or live in the same neighborhood with. Isn't there an expression that describes this? It says, "A friend close by is better than a family member far away."—Jane I stay away from bars and clubs because usually people would go there to drink. Not everyone does but you'll never know what can happen in a small room with many people. I have seen people made a fool of themselves when they're drunk(醉的).—Bush I like people who are innocent(天真无邪的). They're not young but their eyes are young and they see the goodness in people. They are smart enough to protect themselves but kind enough to open their heart to another person and lend a helping hand.‎ ‎—Rose Have you ever made a fool of yourself? I once fell over a wall and the rose bush(灌木) outside the hospital, just as a policeman was ‎ passing me, he turned and tried to catch me. Luckily, he laughed, "You're Cook!" —Cook 31. Jane likes to make friends .A.who live nearbyB.who love schoolsC.who are friendlyD.who live far away 答案:‎ A 解析:‎ 由第一个框中的"I like to make friends with children...or live in the same neighbourhood with."可以推测出,Jane喜欢与居住得近的人交朋友。‎ 32. Why does Bush stay away from bars and clubs?A.Because Bush has a friend that often goes to bars.B.Because he has seen some people drunk there.C.Because he has seen some children enter bars.D.Because Bush doesn't have friends.‎ 答案:‎ B 解析:‎ 由第二个框中的最后一句可知,Bush看到了一些喝醉酒的人所做的蠢事,所以他不愿意去酒吧。‎ 33. If you like helping others and have a young heart, you may .A.have the same hobby as JaneB.become one of Cook's friendsC.know what happens in a small barD.become one of Rose's friends 答案:‎ D 解析:‎ 由第三个框中的内容可知,Rose喜欢单纯且乐于助人的人,所以如果你具备这些条件,你就会成为她的朋友。‎ 34. From the third paragraph, we know that .A.Rose is an ugly but kind girlB.Rose can't take good care of herselfC.Rose likes clever and helpful peopleD.most of Rose's friends are more beautiful than her 答案:‎ C 解析:‎ 由第三个框中的smart和lend a helping hand可知,Rose喜欢聪明和乐于助人的人。‎ 35. The underlined sentence "You're Cook!" means " ".A.Don't run away. I know you.B.Cook, you've made a big mistake.C.I know you well, and you made me laugh.D.I know you; I'll report you to your father.‎ 答案:‎ C 解析:‎ 警察原来想抓Cook,走近一看,原来是熟人,所以警察打消Cook是坏人的念头,只是觉得好笑罢了。‎ C One who watches the film often feels that whatever happens in the film could happen to him. Jane was on her way home after she watched a spy(间谍) film at her friend's ‎ house. A young girl had been followed and murdered in the film. So she felt a little frightened when she was walking to the station. She got on the train. There were so many people traveling with her that she felt much safer. A man sitting opposite her and reading a newspaper, glanced(看一下) at her. She thought nothing of it until she saw him staring(盯着看) at her. Remembering the film and feeling very uncomfortable, she got off the train and went to the bus stop. When the man got on the same bus, she found that he was following her. When she got off the bus, the streets were almost empty. She walked as quickly as possible. She could hear footsteps following her but she didn't dare to look around. After what seemed to have been hours, but in fact only a few minutes, she reached the front door. She felt for her keys but was unable to find them. The footsteps stopped behind her. She felt a hand on her shoulder. And then she heard a pleasant voice, "I am sorry if I frightened you. I'm your neighbor. I thought I recognized you on the train, but I wasn't sure."‎ 36. What did Jane do at her friend's house?A.She was followed and murderedB.She watched a film about spyC.She found her neighborD.She read a newspaper 答案:‎ B 37. How did Jane go home from her friend's house according to the passage?A.First by train, then by busB.First by bus, then by trainC.By trainD.By bus 答案:‎ A 38. Why did Jane get off the train and go to the bus stop?A.Because there were many people on the trainB.Because she didn't like the trainC.Because she saw a man staring at herD.Because she hated the man 答案:‎ C 39. What did the man want to do to follow Jane according to the passage?A.He wanted to murder JaneB.He wanted to frighten JaneC.He wanted to make friends with JaneD.He wanted to see if Jane was his neighbor 答案:‎ D 40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The train was almost emptyB.The bus was crowdedC.It took Jane a few minutes to get home after she got off the busD.The man knew Jane well 答案:‎ C 阅读与表达(填空式)(共5小题;共5.0分)‎ Which do you think is cleverer, a dog or a pig? Do you like keeping a pig as a pet? Many people think that pigs are dirty and slow to learn things. But in fact they are wrong.‎ A report says that pigs are smarter than either your cat or dog, and they are the fourth cleverest animals on the earth. Yet few people know very much about these misunderstood(被误解的) animals. Do you agree? Here's a fact about this.‎ Matthew Bell is a young man from New Zealand. He likes sports and pets. When the weather gets warmer, he always goes surfing. But he is not alone. There is a pig playing with him. The pig is Zorro. He is only three months old. He has been surfing with his owner since he was just 3 weeks old. He likes playing with people. When people touch his body, hair or tail, he is always happy.‎ In March, 2013 there was a video about Zorro who is surfing on the Internet. Soon Pig Zorro became one of the most popular pigs in the world.‎ 根据短文内容,补全所缺的信息。(每空一词)‎ 41. 答案:‎ slow 解析:‎ slow 由第一段中的"Many people think that pigs are dirty and slow to learn things."可知,许多人都认为猪学东西很慢。‎ 42. 答案:‎ fourth 解析:‎ fourth 由第二段中的they are the fourth cleverest animals on earth可知,猪是世界上第四最聪明的动物。‎ 43. 答案:‎ pets 解析:‎ pets 由第三段中的"He likes sports and pets."可知,Matthew Bell喜欢运动和宠物。‎ 44. 答案:‎ ‎3weekold 解析:‎ ‎3weekold 由第三段中的"He has been surfing with his owner since he was just 3 weeks old."可知,Zorro在仅三周大时就开始学冲浪了。‎ 45. 答案:‎ surfing 解析:‎ surfing 由最后一段可知,Zorro在2013年3月以其与主人一起冲浪而出名。for是介词,其后的动词要用Ving形式。‎

