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2019 届二轮复习短文改错专题记叙文类型解读 之二 2019 届二轮复习短文改错专题记叙文类型解读之二 (一) During May Day, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals and went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very much interesting. I also went with my parents to visit my grandparents and to eat minority foods. minority’s We rode horses on the grassland and had fun local children. It was very excited. After that, I hold a party and invited some of my best friend to visit my house. friends held exciting with His mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, so we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of cartoon films at home, that were wonderful. which happily and My (一)本文讲述作者如何庆祝五一假期。 1. 去掉interesting前的much 此处very是副词,可修饰interesting,因此much显然是多余的。 2. minority→ minority’s 此处指的是“少数民族的”,故要用其所有格形式。 3. 在fun后加with 固定短语have fun with意为“和……玩得开心”。 4. excited→ exciting 因“物”作主语要用 -ing形容词。类似的词有很多,如:surprise, embarrass, amaze等。 5. hold→ held 这是一篇记叙文,主体时态要用一般过去时。 6. friend→ friends 因some of后应用可数名词的复数形式,表示“一些最好的朋友”。 7. His→ My 根据上一句文意可知,此处理应是指“我的妈妈”。 8. so→ and 此处要用并列连词and。 9. happy→ happily 修饰动词played要用副词。 10. that→ which 非限制性定语从句不能用that引导。 tasty adj. 美味的 grassland n. 草地 the sea world 海洋世界 ride horses 骑马 have fun 玩得开心 after that 之后 take photos 照相 cartoon films 动画片 (二) Last year my brother and I went to Beijing for vacation. After our plane landing, we went to the hotel. We had made our reservation six month earlier, but the woman at the service counter said they had been a mistake. there months landed a We are told that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, but for the week after. I didn’t understand what this would happen and my credit card had already been charged with the reservation. for why were What’s bad, the hotel had been fully booked. When we were wondering what to do with, the manager came out. She apologized and gave them a spare VIP room on the top floor. us worse (二)本文讲述去年我和哥哥去北京度假的时候在旅馆发生的一个误会,最后旅馆经理出面解决了误会。 1. 在vacation前加a 由固定搭配for a vacation意为“度假”可知,且vacation是可数名词,故要加a。 2. landing→ landed 此处land(着陆)作谓语,根据全文语境可知要用过去时。 3. month→ months 由前面的six可知要用复数形式。 4. they→ there 此处是there be句型。 5. are→ were 本文是记叙文,主体时态是一般过去时。 6. what→ why 引导宾语从句,由语境逻辑可知,此处应该是指“为什么会发生这种事”。故用why合适。 7. with→ for 由固定短语charge sb. for sth.意为“因某事向某人收费”可知。 8. bad→ worse 由常用连接性词语What’s worse意为“更糟糕的是”可知。 9. 去掉what to do后的with 此处what to do作宾语,意为“该怎么办”,with显然是多余的。 10. them→ us 由文意可知,gave的对象应该是“我们”,而不是“他们”。 reservation n. 预订 charge vt. 收费 book vt. 预订 spare adj. 备用的 credit card 信用卡 service counter 服务台 (三) Mary has been award the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class. In the hot afternoon of last Saturday, Mary went downtown and walked from one store to another, looked for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest. looking On awarded While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure times in comfortable classrooms, she spent the whole afternoon searching for and selecting. Finally, she finds the right clothes. found time Deep moved by her efforts, we tried our best and won first prize in the contest. Mary is warm-hearted so cares about the class. She deserves the honor and we should learn from him. her and the Deeply (三)本文报道了玛丽成为班级 “ 每周之星 ” 的事迹。 1. award→ awarded 此处显然是Mary被授予每周之星的头衔,故要用被动。 2. In→ On 在具体的某一天下午要用介词on。 3. looked→ looking 此处look是非谓语,与逻辑主语Mary存在主动关系,故要用现在分词,作伴随状语。 4. times→ time 此处time意为“时光”,是不可数名词。 5. 去掉searching后的for 此处searching后无宾语,故不需加介词for。 6. finds→ found 本文是叙述过去的一件事,应用一般过去时态。 7. Deep→ Deeply 修饰后面的动词moved要用副词。 8. first前加the 在序数词前要用定冠词。 9. so→ and 表顺承关系要用并列连词and。 10. him改为her 本文Mary是女性,故要用宾格her。 leisure n. 安逸 search vt. 寻找 select vt. 选择 move vt. 感动 effort n. 努力 deserve vt. 值得 costume n. 服装 warm-hearted adj. 热心的 go downtown 到市区 learn from 向……学习 (四) Today was my father’s birthday. I got on the subway train after I have bought his birthday present. And when I was on the subway train, I imagined the situation which I gave the present to my father, and my father would be very happily. happy where had At the next station, there is a lady who had no seat in front of me. She also had two heavy bag. After a minute, I stood and offered the seat to him. She was quite happy and grateful to my help. for her up bags was She said “Thank you!’’ to me, which made me to feel proud. Today was the best. I felt a fun to help other people. the (四)作者叙述了在父亲生日那天的经历,在给父亲买完礼物后乘坐地铁回家时遇到一位女士,并给她让座,然后谈了自己的感受。 1. have→ had 根据上下文可知叙述过去的事情,此处买礼物是发生在上了地铁之前,从句谓语应用过去完成时。 2. which→ where 此处先行词the situation在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导定语从句。 3. happily→ happy 此处用作表语,应用形容词形式。 4. is→ was 根据上下文可知叙述过去的事情,应用一般过去时。 5. bag→ bags 由前面的two可知要用复数形式。 6. 在stood后加up 由固定短语stand up意为“站起来”可知。 7. him→ her 根据上下文,我把座位让给了她(那位女士),故用her。 8. to→ for 由固定搭配be grateful (to sb.) for sth.意为“因某事而感谢(某人)”可知应用介词for。 9. 去掉feel前的to 由常用结构make sb. do sth.可知应用不带to的不定式。 10. a→ the 因fun是不可数名词,前面不能加a,又因特指帮助别人的事,应用the表示特指。句意: 今天最棒了, 我感受到了帮助别人的快乐。 grateful adj. 感激的;感谢的 subway train 地铁列车 in the front of… 在……前面 offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 (五) I wanted to visit Hangzhou before returning back to London. One of my tasks were to decide where to go. I took out my guidebook which there was lots of informations about the city’s famous sights. information where was At that moment, the attractive young lady came up to me and introduced himself. She offered to show me the city. She suggested we first go to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge. I liked the idea. around herself an Therefore, I was worried about crossing the Broken Bridge. If it were broken, I would fell in and drown. It was probable not a good idea, so I politely refused her invitation, closing my book and walked away. closed probably However (五)本文讲述作者在不知道要去哪里旅行的时候,遇到一位年轻女士,并在交流中产生误解的故事。 1. 去掉returning后的back 因return本身就是“返回”的意思,不与back搭配。 2. were→ was 主语是one,故系动词要用单数was。 3. which→ where 或在which前加in因where在定语从句中作地点状语。 4. informations→ information 因information是不可数名词。 5. the→ an 这里是第一次提到young lady,不表示特指,泛指某一位,故要用不定冠词。 6. himself→ herself 主语是an attractive young lady,故要用herself。 7. 在the city前加around 由习惯搭配show sb. around意为“带领某人参观”可知。 8. Therefore→ However 根据前后语境逻辑可知,此处存在转折关系,故用However。 9. probable→ probably 修饰整个句子,要用副词probably。 10. closing→ closed 分析句子结构可知,此处close作谓语,和refused, walked构成并列谓语,故时态要保持一致。 task n. 任务 guidebook n. 旅游指南 sight n. 景点 drown vi. 溺死;淹死 politely adv. 礼貌地 at that moment 就在那时 come up to 接近;靠近 offer to do… 主动提出做…… fall in 坠入;掉入 walk along… 沿着……走 (六) I still remember one of my experience of hiking on the Mount Tai. Before the trip, I think it a piece of cake to get the top of the mountain. However, after reached the middle of it, I started to feel tired from. out reaching to thought experiences I was thirsty and my legs was so painful. Although I faced such a great difficulty, but I was determined to finish the trip as I was full convinced that nothing is impossible. fully were So I must moved on! Finally, I reached the top of the mountain. How happy I was and how a beautiful view I could enjoy on the mountain! what move (六)作者讲述爬泰山的经历。 1. experience→ experiences 因one of后加可数名词的复数。 2. think→ thought 全文是一篇记叙文,故谓语动词要用过去时。 3. 在get后加to 由固定短语get to意为“到达”可知。 4. reached→ reaching 因after是介词,后面的动词要用动名词。 5. from→ out 或去掉from由固定短语tired out意为“筋疲力尽的”可知,或tired作表语,显然from是多余的。 6. legs后的was→ were 主语legs是复数名词,故谓语也要用复数。 7. 去掉but 因前面有Although,此处不能再用but。 8. full→ fully 修饰形容词convinced要用副词。 9. moved→ move 情态动词后必须用动词原形。 10. how→ what 此为感叹句句型,感叹词后是名词(a beautiful view),故要用what。 hiking n. 徒步旅行 thirsty adj. 口渴的 painful adj. 痛苦的 convinced adj. 深信的 a piece of cake 小菜一碟 be determined to do 下决心做 nothing is impossible 一切皆有可能 a beautiful view 美丽的景色 (七) Today is Mother’s Day. We wake up very early in the morning. My sister Jane and I planned to do anything for our mother to give her surprise. a something woke First, I put a bunch of flower on her desk and Jane went to the kitchen to made breakfast. After mother got up, she was surprising to see the beautiful flowers. surprised make flowers Then, we said to her, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mum! Thank you to everything that you have done for me. We love you forever.” Heard this, mother was moved to tears. Finally, we served her breakfast. She was proud of what her daughters had been done for her. Hearing us for (七)本文讲述母亲节作者和姐姐为母亲准备早餐的事情。 1. wake→ woke 此处讲述的是今天早上的事情,属于已过去的事情,故用一般过去时。 2. anything→ something 肯定句用something。 3. 在surprise前加a 因surprise是可数名词,习惯搭配give sb. a surprise意为“给某人一个惊喜”。 4. flower→ flowers 由前面的a bunch of…(一束……)可知要用复数。 5. made→ make 不定式后用动词原形。 6. surprising→ surprised 因主语是she,故用surprised。 7. to→ for 由固定结构thank sb. for sth.意为“因某事感谢某人”可知。 8. me→ us 根据上下文语境可知,双引号里面的话是My sister Jane and I说的,对应的介词宾语应该是us。 9. Heard→ Hearing 此处hear是非谓语,且与逻辑主语mother存在主动关系,故用现在分词。 10. 去掉had后的been 根据上下文语境可推知,是她的女儿为她(妈妈)所做的一切,显然不需要用被动。 a bunch of… 一束…… be proud of… 为……感到自豪 be moved to tears 感动得流泪 serve sb. breakfast 给某人端来早餐 (八) One day a guide dog and a blind man got on the bus together. The bus was full people and there were no spare seats. One man, however, soon got up and left. The dog took the blind man to the seat and there was a little space. but of a The dog begin to push the people on each side with his nose. He pushed and pushed when the people moved down and finally there were enough space for two. was until began The blind man then sat down and the dog got on the seat beside the blind man. He lay and soon fallen asleep. Everyone on the bus smiled at the dog’s clever in making space for the blind man and for herself. himself cleverness fell (八)本文中聪明机智的导盲犬让人大赞。 1. the→ a 文中首次提到bus,故应用不定冠词。 2. 在full后加of 由固定短语be full of意为“充满、挤满”可知。 3. and→ but 根据上下文逻辑可知,此处显然存在转折关系,故用并列连词but。 4. 去掉little前的a 根据上下文语境可知,此处是指“几乎没有空间”,指的是否定概念,故去掉a。 5. begin→ began 本文是记叙文,谓语动词要用过去时。 6. when→ until 引导时间状语从句,表示“直到……”。 7. were→ was 后面的主语space是不可数名词,故要用was。 8. fallen→ fell 此处fall作谓语,根据上下文时态可推知用一般过去时,故用fell。 9. clever→ cleverness 作介词宾语用名词形式。 10. herself→ himself 上文中提到的导盲犬用了he,此处反身代词应用himself。 space n. 空间 guide dog 导盲犬 spare seat 空位 on each side 在两边 move down 往里挤;后退 make space for… 为……腾空间

