一年级英语下册Unit3 Taste and smell Period3牛津上海版

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一年级英语下册Unit3 Taste and smell Period3牛津上海版

3 Module 1 Using my five senses Touch ,touch, touch your nose. Smell, smell, smell the flower. Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. Ha, ha, ha. Taste, taste, taste the noodles. Taste, taste, taste the eggs. Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. Go, go, go. Let’s chant Let’s play Let’s play Look and say Yummy, Yummy. Look and say It’s sweet. sour It’s sour. Taste the apple. It’s______.sweet How is the apple? It’s______.sour How is the lemon? Taste the lemon. Different foods have different tastes. 不同的食物有不同的味道 Let’s talk How are the foods? It’s yummy. It’s sweet. It’s sour. Think and match 2.Lemons, please. 1.Can I help you? 3.Smell the lemon. 4.It’s nice. 6.Oh, it’s sour. 5.Taste the lemon. Let’s read _______, please. It’s ______. It’s _____. ______ the apple. ______the apple. …? Let’s read Apples, please. It’s nice. It’s sweet. Taste the apple. Smell the apple. Can I help you? Let’s read Let’s read soup, please. It’s nice. Yummy, yummy. Taste the soup. Smell the soup. Can I help you? Let’s read food taste sour sweet juicy yummy Taste and tick Let’s enjoy Hello, Maggie. Hi, Dan. pineapples grapefruit watermelons and Unit3. Tell the story with .

