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‎2018届人教版选修6Unit2Poems单元学案设计 一重点词汇回顾 ‎1 Others try to convey certain emotions.其他的试图来表达某种感情。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 ‎(1)vt.传达或表达(感情、观点、思想等)‎ Words can’t convey my sorrow.‎ 语言不能表达我的悲哀。‎ The song conveys how deeply he loved his country.‎ 这首歌表达出他对祖国是多么地热爱。‎ ‎(2)vt.运送,传送,输送 Your luggage will be conveyed by helicopter from the airport to your hotel.‎ 你的行李将用直升机由机场运到旅馆。‎ The survivors from Sichuan Earthquake have been conveyed to safe places.‎ 四川地震中的幸存者已经被送到安全的地方。‎ 归纳拓展 convey one’s feelings表达感情 convey news/information to sb.把消息/信息传达给某人 convey meanings传达意思 convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传达……‎ convey sth./sb.from...to...把……从……送到……‎ convey表示将人或信息等从甲地带到乙地时,其后不能用副词back。‎ If you convey this suggestion back to your manager, we shall obtain a solution to our problem.(×)‎ If you convey this suggestion to your manager, we shall obtain a solution to our problem.(√)‎ 如果你把这个建议向你们经理转达,我们的问题就会得到解决。‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)请代我向她表达最美好的祝愿。‎ Please convey my best wishes to her.‎ ‎(2)管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。‎ Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.‎ ‎2 List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.清单诗的诗句长短灵活且短语可重复,这就形成了这种诗的模式和节奏。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 These sentences all have the same grammatical pattern.‎ 这些句子的语法模式都相同。‎ She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.‎ 她穿着有玫瑰图案的连衣裙。‎ Over the next months their work pattern changed.‎ 在以后的几个月中,他们的工作方式改变了。‎ 归纳拓展 changing patterns of behaviour/work/weather行为/工作/天气的变化模式 an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式 follow a (similar) pattern同出一辙 set the pattern for...为……树立榜样 翻译句子 ‎(1)这些凶杀案似乎同出一辙。‎ The_murders_all_seem_to_follow_a_similar_pattern.‎ ‎(2)该课程的成功为新雇员的培训树立了榜样。‎ The_success_of_the_course_set_the_pattern_for_the_training_of_new_employees.‎ ‎3 Teasing,shouting,laughing(爱)取笑,吆喝,大笑(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 You must not tease your little sister.‎ 你不应该取笑你的小妹妹。‎ Don’t tease that cock. It may turn on you.‎ 别逗那只公鸡,它会扑咬你的。‎ The teacher helped them tease out the meaning of the poem.‎ 老师帮助他们弄清楚那首诗的含义。‎ 归纳拓展 tease sth. out探讨,梳理清楚 tease sb. for sth.缠着某人强求……‎ tease sb. to do sth.强求某人做……‎ She is always teasing her mother 她总是缠着母亲要钱。‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。‎ Don’t_get_upset_—_I_was_only_teasing.‎ ‎(2)过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。‎ I_used_to_get_teased_about_my_name.‎ ‎4 Week in, week out Endless周而复始,永无止境(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 A video game will provide endless hours of fun.‎ 电子游戏将带来无穷的乐趣。‎ I’m tired of his endless chatting.‎ 我讨厌他喋喋不休的闲聊。‎ 归纳拓展 endlessly adv.无休止地,无穷地 ending n.结局,结尾 end vi.结束,中止;vt.使终止,使结束;n.末尾;结束 end up最终……‎ end with...以……作为结束 翻译句子 ‎(1)有无数种可能性。‎ The_possibilities_were_endless.‎ ‎(2)男人们没完没了地谈论着当地的房产价格。‎ The_men_talked_endlessly_about_local_property_prices.‎ ‎5 A fallen blossom一只落花 Is coming back to the branch.要回到枝头。‎ Look,a butterfly!看,却是只蝴蝶!(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Look at the naughty boy, he is hanging from the branch.‎ 看那调皮的孩子,他正吊在树枝上。‎ The Min River is a branch of the Changjiang River.‎ 岷江是长江的一条支流。‎ The bank has branches in all parts of the country.‎ 该银行在全国各地都有分行。‎ 归纳拓展 branch v.分叉;分道;拓展新领域 I decided to branch out on my own.我决定自己开业。‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)政府所有部门都必须削减开支。‎ All_branches_of_government_must_cut_costs.‎ ‎(2)公司现在已经开展了保险销售的新业务。‎ The company has now branched out into selling insurance.‎ ‎6 Never looking back,不回头 Transformed into stone.化为石。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her.‎ 她过去十分腼腆,但在国外呆了一年以后她完全变了。‎ A complete change of climate transformed the area from a desert into farmland.‎ 气候的彻底改变使该地区由沙漠变为农田。‎ 归纳拓展 transformation n.‎ transform sth./sb. into...把……变成……‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)这个国家只用了20年就成为了一个先进的工业强国。‎ In only 20 years the country has_been_transformed_into an advanced industrial power.‎ ‎(2)这家公司已从家庭企业变成一家拥有5 000名工人的大企业。‎ The company has_been_transformed_from a family business into one with 5,000 workers.‎ ‎7 A lot of Tang poetry has_been_translated into English.许多唐诗已被翻译成英文。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Can you help me to translate the poem into English?‎ 你能帮我把这首诗翻译成英语吗?‎ Translating an article is no easier at all than creating a new one.‎ 翻译一篇文章丝毫不比写一篇新的更容易。‎ Can you translate your meaning into gestures?‎ 你能用手势把你的意思表达出来吗?‎ 归纳拓展 translation n.[C,U]翻译,译文 translator n.[C]翻译,译者 translate...into...把……译成……‎ 有“把……译成……”之意的短语还有:‎ put...into...;turn...into...;change...into...‎ 其被动式为be translated/put/turned/changed into...‎ Can you translate/put/turn/change this passage into English?你能把这篇文章译成英语吗?‎ This novel has been translated/put/turned/changed into English.这篇小说已被译成英文了。‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)该我们把思想变成行动的时候了。‎ It’s time to translate our ideas into action.‎ ‎(2)我希望所有的努力都会变成利润。‎ I hope all the hard work will_translate_into profits.‎ ‎8 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有如此多诗的形式可选择,学生可能最终想写他们自己的诗了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 He worked very hard and eventually made himself ill.‎ 他工作非常卖力,最后病倒了。‎ Eventually he was tired of trying so hard.‎ 他最终厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试。‎ eventually,at last eventually指的是“作为结果而终于发生”。‎ at last通常表示“在久久等待以后终于发生”。                                                      ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)如果人口按现在的速度增加,最后地球上剩下的资源将不够维持人类生命。‎ If the population goes on increasing at the present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left on earth to sustain human life.‎ ‎(2)经过漫长而严酷的冬天,春天终于来临。‎ At_last the spring came after a long severe winter.‎ ‎9 We would have won if we hadn’t_taken_it_easy,_if we hadn’t run out of energy.如果我们没有放松、如果我们没有耗尽精力,我们就会赢了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened.‎ 别紧张,确切地告诉我们究竟发生了什么事。‎ If we hadn’t taken it easy, we would have passed the exam.‎ 如果我们没有放松的话,我们就通过考试了。‎ take things/it easy,take one’s time ‎(1)take things/it easy意为“放松,不要紧张”。指心理上“别紧张”,相当于“Don’t be nervous.”。‎ ‎(2)take one’s time意为“不慌不忙,从容不迫”或“拖拉,慢吞吞”。指时间上不用慌张,因为“There’s enough time left.”。                                                      ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)医生劝我放松一下,工作不要过于劳累。‎ The doctor told me to take_things/it_easy and stop working so hard.‎ ‎(2)不用急着赶回来——慢慢来吧。‎ There’s no need to rush back—just take_your_time.‎ ‎...if we hadn’t run_out_of energy.……如果我们没有耗尽精力。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 We have run out of coal and have to burn wood.‎ 煤用完了,我们只好烧木头。‎ When they ran out of their oxygen, they had no chance of surviving.‎ 当他们用完了氧气,就没有可能生存下去。‎ run out,give out run out表示“用完;用光;耗尽”时,是不及物动词短语。‎ Our gas is running out = We are running out of gas.‎ give out可以表示人的力气“用完”或人“精疲力尽”,还可以表示“发出;分发;宣布”等。‎ Her legs gave out and she collapsed.她腿一软就倒了下去。                                                      ‎ 归纳拓展 run across偶然碰见 run after追赶,追求 run around到处跑 run away逃跑;跑开 run into使……撞在……上;(非正式)偶然遇见 run off逃跑;离弃 run over(开车)压过,碾过;反复练习 完成句子 ‎(1)我们的补给很快耗尽了。‎ Our supplies soon ran_out/gave_out.‎ ‎(2)车内的汽油快用完了,我得趁它还没用完,赶快找到加油站。‎ My car’s running_out_of petrol. I must find a gas station before it runs_out.‎ Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made_up_of five lines.另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是五行诗,由五行组成。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Five men and two women made up the medical team to be sent to Iraq.‎ 五男两女组成这个要派往伊拉克的医疗队。‎ ‎60% of the student number is made up of girls.‎ 女生占学生人数的60%‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)make up ‎①创作 The teacher asked us to make up a poem about Christmas.‎ 老师要求我们创作一首有关圣诞节的诗。‎ ‎②化妆 Most women make up every day now.‎ 现在多数女性每天都要化妆。‎ ‎③弥补 John must make up the lessons he missed.‎ 约翰得把他落下的功课补上。‎ ‎④补上,凑数 We still need 5 dollars to make up the money.‎ 我们还差5美元凑齐那笔钱。‎ ‎⑤编造 I told the children a story, making it up as I went along.‎ 我给孩子们讲了个故事,边编边讲。‎ ‎(2)be made by...由(某人)制造 be made in...由(某地方)制造 be made of...由……制成(能看出原料)‎ be made into...制成……‎ be made from...由……制成(看不出原料)‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)我们班由65名学生组成,其中包括35个男生和30个女生。‎ Our class is_made_up_of 65 students, including 35 boys and 30 girls.‎ ‎(2)手表虽小,但却是由几十个更小的部分组成的。‎ Small as a watch is, it is_made_up_of tens of smaller parts.‎ Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry—Tang poems from China in_particular?你知道吗?说英语的人也酷爱其他的亚洲诗,尤其是中国的唐诗。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 The whole meal was good but the wine was excellent in particular.‎ 整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更是好极了。‎ It was a good concert — I enjoyed the last song in particular.这场音乐会不错,我特别喜欢最后一首歌。‎ 归纳拓展 in particular = particularly in particular常用在anyone/anything/anywhere/no one/ nothing/nowhere等不定代词的后面。‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)你是否特别想跟某个人说话?‎ Was there anyone in particular that you wanted to talk to?‎ ‎(2)——晚饭你有什么特别想吃的菜吗?‎ ‎——没有,什么都行。‎ ‎—_Is_there_anything_in_particular_you’d_like_for_supper?‎ ‎—_No,_nothing_in_particular.‎ ‎13 Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending.进行适当的连线配对。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time in an appropriate way.‎ 详细的情况将会在合适的时间以恰当的方式告诉你。‎ His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion.他郑重其事的讲话方式适合于那个场合。‎ 归纳拓展 an appropriate response/measure恰如其分的反应/恰当的措施 be appropriate for/to适合……‎ It is appropriate that+should+do(should可以省略)‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)运动服不适合在正式婚礼中穿。‎ Sports clothes are not appropriate_for/to a formal wedding.‎ ‎(2)他的音乐在这个节日里演奏是完全合适的。‎ It is entirely appropriate that his music be_played at this festival.‎ ‎14ending n.结尾,结局(尤指故事、电影、戏剧或小说)‎ Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending.进行适当的连线搭配。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 The movie had a happy ending.‎ 那部电影有个圆满的结局。‎ I don’t like TV series with sad endings.‎ 我不喜欢有悲惨结局的电视剧。‎ ending,end ending指故事、小说、电影、戏剧等的结尾、结局。‎ end用作名词,指时间或动作的末尾、结束。                                                      ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)她喜欢阅读有快乐结局的小说。‎ She likes to read novels with_happy_endings.‎ ‎(2)这个月底我们将有一次考试。‎ We’ll have an exam at_the_end_of this month.‎ ‎15 If there had not been an exchange programme, he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad.如果没有这个交流项目,他也不会找到帮他到国外留学的赞助者。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 The two sides agreed on an exchange of prisoners of war.‎ 双方同意交换战俘。‎ He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.‎ 他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。‎ We exchanged addresses and promised to write to one another.‎ 我们互留了地址,答应要给彼此写信。‎ Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?‎ 我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑?‎ 归纳拓展 in exchange for...作为……的交换;以……换……‎ exchange A for B用A来交换B exchange sth. with sb.与某人交换某物 exchange rate汇率 翻译句子 ‎(1)对不起,我可以和您调换座位吗?‎ Excuse_me,_but_may_I_exchange_the_seats_with_you?‎ ‎(2)为什么不把这条蓝色的短裙换成红色的呢?‎ Why_not_exchange_the_blue_skirt_for_a_red_one?‎ ‎16 If there had not been an exchange programme, he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad.如果没有这个交流节目,他也不会找到帮他到国外留学的赞助者。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 The US has always been a key sponsor of the peace process.‎ 美国一直都是该和平进程的主要支持者。‎ Please call me if you are interested in sponsoring a child.‎ 如果你对资助孩子感兴趣请现在就拨打电话。‎ The UN will sponsor a women’s conference this summer.‎ 联合国将于今年夏天举办一届妇女大会。‎ 归纳拓展 sponsor of...……的发起者/组织者 sponsored adj.(活动)有组织赞助的 sponsorship n.资助金 翻译句子 ‎(1)作为其社区关系工作的一部分,这家公司赞助了此次锦标赛。‎ The_company_sponsored_the_championships_as_part_of_its_community_relations_work.‎ ‎(2)“地球观察”是一个支持科学研究的国际组织。‎ Earthwatch_is_an_international_organization_that_sponsors_scientific_research.‎ ‎17 Add at least five more lines.另外至少再加五行。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Add a few more names to the list.‎ 再往名单上加几个名字吧。‎ Please add some sugar.‎ 请加点糖。‎ 归纳拓展 add to增加,增添 add up to总计(达)‎ add up(把……)加起来 add sth. to sth.把……和……加在一起 完成句子 ‎(1)电费上涨增加了我们的困难。‎ The rise in electricity costs has added_to our difficulties.‎ ‎(2)他所花的钱总计达5 000多元。‎ The money he spent added_up_to more than 5,000 yuan.‎ ‎18 A place away from darkness一个远离黑暗的地方(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Darkness was falling fast.‎ 黑夜很快降临了。‎ Darkness comes early in winter.‎ 冬天天黑得早些。‎ in (the) darkness,in the dark 两者虽都表示“在黑暗中”,但也有区别。‎ in (the) darkness一般指一时的情况。‎ The room was in complete darkness.室内一团漆黑。‎ in the dark一般指经常的情况,且in the dark有“全然不知,蒙在鼓里”之意,而in (the) darkness没有这种用法。‎ Cats can see in the dark.猫在黑暗中能看得见东西。                                                     ‎ 用in the darkness,in the dark填空 ‎(1)I could not see her face in_the_darkness.‎ ‎(2)He doesn’t tell me his plan. So I was completely in_the_dark.‎ ‎(3)The front rooms were all in_the_darkness.‎ ‎19 Slowly the old man carries his load.老人慢慢地挑着担子前行。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Teaching loads have increased this year.‎ 今年的教学工作量增加了。‎ The truck carried a load of furniture to the town.‎ 这辆卡车载着家具去了城里。‎ 归纳拓展 a load of = loads of sth.大量的……‎ take up one’s heavy load承担重任 load vt./vi.使承载,使负荷;把子弹上膛,把胶卷装入相机 load... with...用……装载……‎ load sth. into/onto...把……装入/到……‎ Were there any problems loading these goods into/onto the boat?‎ 把这些货物装到船上有困难吗?‎ She loaded my plate with grapes and plums.‎ 她在我的盘子里放了葡萄和李子。‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)日落时分,他担着柴火下山了。‎ At_sunset,_he_came_down_the_hill_with_his_load_of_firewood.‎ ‎(2)虽然她还年轻,却要担负养活一个大家庭的重担。‎ Young_as_she_was,_she_had_to_bear_the_load_of_supporting_a_large_family.‎ ‎20 Before listening, think about what might inspire you to write poetry.在听之前,仔细想一下使你产生写诗的灵感是什么。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 I was inspired to work harder by her example.‎ 她的榜样激励我更加努力地工作。‎ The memory of his mother inspired his best music.‎ 对母亲的怀念使他产生灵感,促使他谱写了其乐曲中的最佳作品。‎ His driving hardly inspires confidence in his passengers.‎ 他开车的技术难以令乘客放心。‎ 归纳拓展 inspiration n.灵感;启发灵感的人(或物)‎ inspiring adj.激励人心的;启发灵感的 inspired adj.富有灵感的 inspire sb.鼓舞某人 激起某人……‎ inspire sb. with courage 激起某人勇气 inspire confidence in sb.激起某人的信心 完成句子 ‎(1)我们用互动表演来激励孩子们快乐地阅读和写作。‎ We use interactive displays to inspire children to_read_and_write for pleasure.‎ ‎(2)这是一个激励人心的关于爱情与决心的故事。‎ This is an_inspiring_story of love and determination.‎ ‎21 Do you think the speaker in the poem is_more_likely_to be a girlfriend/boyfriend or a parent?你认为诗中的发言者更有可能是一个女朋友、男朋友,还是一位父亲或母亲?(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 It is likely to rain.天像要下雨了。‎ She is likely to ring me tonight.她今晚可能给我打电话。‎ likely,possible,probable 三者均为表示“可能的”的形容词。possible表示客观上潜在的可能性;probable表示有几分根据的猜测,比possible所指的可能性大些。likely表示有充分根据的预测。possible和probable的主语只能是物,而likely的主语既可以是人,也可以是物。‎ It’s likely to snow this evening.今晚很可能下雪。‎ ‎(=It is likely that it is going to snow this evening.)‎ He’s likely to come tomorrow.他明天很可能来。‎ ‎(=It is likely that he will come tomorrow.)‎ Possible, if not probable.‎ 即使不见得发生,至少是可能的。‎ That is not only possible, it is probable.‎ 那不仅是可能的,而且是很可能会发生的。                                                     ‎ 佳句背诵 ‎(1)该研究表明有些人更有可能患背痛的毛病。‎ The study shows some people are more likely to suffer back problems.‎ ‎(2)看起来利率有可能上升。‎ It seems likely that interest rates will increase.‎ ‎22 To hold_on winter mornings直到冬季的早晨(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 They held on in their route though it was raining hard.‎ 尽管雨下的大,他们按原定路线继续前进。‎ Hold on a minute till I put my coat on!‎ 等一下让我穿上外套。‎ The climber held on till the rescuers reached him.‎ 登山者坚持到营救的人到他身边。‎ 归纳拓展 hold on to紧紧抓住;保留(某物)‎ hold back阻挡;抑制 hold up举起,抬起;维持良好状态 hold office当政,执政 完成句子 ‎(1)告诉他等我一会儿;我一会儿就来。‎ Tell him to hold_on a moment; I’ll come soon.‎ ‎(2)接线员对打电话的人说,“请勿挂断”。‎ ‎“Please hold_on”the telephone operator said to the caller.‎ ‎23 Write a list poem starting_with “If I...”写一首以“如果我……”为开头的诗歌。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 His illness started with a high fever.‎ 他的病从发高烧开始。‎ The teacher asked the students to read poems, starting with Tom.老师请学生们朗读诗歌,从汤姆开始。‎ 归纳拓展 begin with以……开始;先做……‎ to start with/to begin with首先,第一(在句中作插入语)‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)句子第一个词的第一个字母要大写。‎ The_first_word_of_a_sentence_should_begin_with_a_capital_letter.‎ ‎(2)首先,请允许我把怀特先生介绍给你。‎ To_start_with,_let_me_introduce_Mr._White_to_you.‎ ‎24 Slowly the blackbird lets_out a cry.黑尾鸟慢慢地发出叫声。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 He let out a cry of pain.他大声喊痛。‎ They were let out of prison last week.‎ 他们上星期从监狱里被放出来了。‎ Don’t let out the plan to the press.‎ 别把计划泄露给新闻界。‎ 归纳拓展 let alone更不用说,更谈不上 let go放手,放开,释放 let sb./sth. alone对某人/某事放任不管,置之不理 let down把……放下来;使(某人)失望 let in允许进入;容许,许可 完成句子 ‎(1)是汤姆泄的密。‎ It was Tom who let_out_the_secret.‎ ‎(2)听到这个好消息,这个孩子高兴地叫了起来。‎ Hearing the good news, the boy let_out_a_cry_of_joy.‎ 二 重点句式回顾 ‎1 用法点拨 Have you found out the reason why he left school?‎ 你弄清他为什么辍学了吗?‎ The reason why so many people rushed to California was that another gold mine was found there.‎ 这么多人涌向加利福尼亚是因为那儿又找到了一个金矿。‎ Many people rushed to California.That’s because another gold mine was found there.‎ 许多人涌向加利福尼亚,那是因为那儿又找到了一个金矿。‎ Another gold mine was found.That’s why so many people rushed there.‎ 加利福尼亚又找到了一个金矿,那就是这么多人涌向那儿的原因。‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)the reason why... 干……的理由,后接句子;the reason for... 和它同义,后接名词或动名词。‎ ‎(2)句型 that’s why... 和 that’s because... 的区别在于前者引出“结果”,而后者接“原因”。‎ 用 that’s why,that’s because 的适当形式填空 ‎(1)Hitler hated Jews.That’s_why Einstein left Europe for America.‎ ‎(2)I failed in the exam.That’s_because I suffered from a serious headache then.‎ ‎2 用法点拨 though strange 是让步状语从句的省略,补充完整是 though they were strange,though 是从属连词,当从句的主语与主句的主语相一致,并且从句的谓语动词是 be 时,常常省略从句主语和 be。‎ Though tired,she still kept on running.‎ 尽管很疲劳,但她继续跑。‎ Though not large,the room was well lit.‎ 这个房间虽然不大,但是采光很好。‎ though,although 在用作从属连词表示让步意义时,它们的语义是相同的,只是 although 语气更强一些,而 though 更普遍些。它们的区别在于:‎ ‎(1)though 能用来构成特殊语序的让步状语从句,而 although 不能;‎ Rich though he is,he is not happy.‎ 虽然他很富有,但是他并不幸福。‎ ‎(2)though 可用作并列连词,表示 and,but,yet,however 等含义,而 although 不能;‎ He is looking fit,though.‎ 但是,他看上去很健康。‎ ‎(3)though 可用作副词,放在句末,而 although 没有这个用法;‎ ‎(4)though 可以用 even 修饰,构成 even though (即使,尽管,虽然),而 although 不能用 even 修饰。‎ She wore a fur coat,even though it was a very hot day.‎ 虽然天气很热,但她却穿着一件皮大衣。                                                      ‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)尽管又冷又饿,我们没一个愿意放弃的。‎ Though_cold and hungry,_none of us would give up.‎ ‎(2)那道数学题很难,然而我还是把它算了出来。‎ The maths problem is very difficult. I worked it out, though.‎ 二 单元语法回顾 虚拟语气(二)‎ ‎1.与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句 在该类条件句中,条件从句中的谓语动词用had+过去分词,主句中的谓语动词用would/should/might/could+have+过去分词。‎ If he had known the facts, he could have told us what to do.‎ 如果他了解事实,他就能告诉我们怎样做。‎ If I had been less cautious, I might have been more wise.‎ 如果我不那么谨慎,我或许更明智。‎ If he had received the present,he should have thanked her.‎ 如果他收到了礼物,他是应当向她道谢的。‎ ‎2.对将来情况假设的虚拟条件句 该类条件句表示将来实现的可能性不大。if从句中的谓语动词可以用三种形式,即should+v., were to+v.或动词的过去式,主句中的谓语动词用should/would/could/might+v.。‎ If you dropped the glass, it would break.‎ 杯子摔下来会打碎的。‎ If I were to go to the moon some day, I could see the surface of the moon with my own eyes. = If I should go to the moon some day. . . = If I went to the moon some day. . .要是有一天我上了月球,我就能亲眼看到月球的表面是什么样子了。‎ If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.‎ 如果明天下雨,会议就将被推迟。‎ If there should be a flood, what should we do?‎ 万一发生水灾,我们该怎么办?‎ 注意:有时从句中的谓语动词由should+动词原形构成,主句的谓语却不一定用虚拟语气,这种情况实现的可能性虽小,但也不是完全没有可能。‎ Ask her to ring me up if you should see her.‎ 万一你见到她,让她给我打电话。‎ 现将虚拟条件句的三种情况列表如下:‎ 假设情况 条件从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式 与过去事实相反 过去完成式(had+过去分词)‎ +have+过去分词 与现在事实相反 过去式(be的过去式常用were)‎ +动词原形 与将来事实相反 ‎①过去式②should+动词原形③were to+动词原形 ‎3.有关虚拟条件句的几种情况 ‎(1)条件从句中的谓语部分有were,should和had时,if有时可以省略,这时从句中的主语和谓语要用倒装语序。‎ Were I you,I would go with them.‎ 如果我是你的话,我就跟他们一起去。‎ Should I have time,I would call on her.‎ 我要是有时间就去看她。‎ ‎(2)if it be not for...也是一种条件虚拟语气从句。‎ If it had not been for the help of our teacher, we should not have made so much progress.‎ 如果没有老师的帮助,我们就不会取得这么大的进步。‎ If it had not been for me, you would not be free.‎ 要不是我,你就不会自由。‎ Had it not been for his help,I wouldn’t have succeeded.‎ 如果没有他的帮助,我就不会成功。‎ 注意:句中的if it weren’t for.../if it hadn’t been for... 相当于but for...,意为“多亏了……,要不是……”。这两个句型倒装时not总是在it之后,即were it not for.../had it not been for...。‎ ‎(3)有些条件句中主句的谓语和从句的谓语表示的动作在时间上并不一致,这类句子称为错综时间条件句。‎ If you’d listened to me,you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.如果你听了我的话,你现在就不会有这样的麻烦了。(过去→现在) If I were you,I wouldn’t have missed the movie last night.如果我是你,我就不会错过昨晚那部电影。(现在→过去) If they had left home early,they would arrive in half an hour.要是他们早离开家的话,再过半个小时就该到了。(过去→将来) If Monica should arrive today,she must have started three days ago.如果莫尼卡今天到达的话,那她一定是在三天前就动身了。(将来→过去) ‎ (4)有时虚拟语气的条件是通过词或短语表示出来的。‎ There wouldn’t be such modern industry without electricity (=if there weren’t electricity).‎ 倘若没有电,就不会有现代工业。‎ He is ill.Otherwise (=if he weren’t ill) he could come.‎ 他病了,否则他会来。‎ A gentleman (=If he had been a gentleman he) wouldn’t have said so.‎ 一位绅士是不会那样说话的。‎ Given more time (=If we were given more time),we would do it better.‎ 再给些时间,我们会做得更好。‎ ‎(5)有些句子虽不含条件从句,但仍用虚拟语气,这种句子称为含蓄条件句。‎ I would do anything for her.‎ 我愿意为她做任何事。‎ We could have won the battle.‎ 我们本来可以赢得那场比赛。‎ 单元知识综合运用 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A The Winners Club is a bank account particularly designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户)where you receive a keycard so you can get to your money 24/7—that's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!‎ It's a club with impressive features for teenagers:‎ No account keeping fees!‎ You're no millionaire so we don't expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!‎ Excellent interest rates!‎ You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits(储蓄)without taking them out in a month.‎ Convenient Teenagers are busy—we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet…You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your parttime job!‎ Mega magazine included Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.‎ The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian(so we can organize that cool keycard)but it is easy. We can't wait to hear from you. It's the best way to choose to be a winner!‎ ‎21. The Winners Club is a bank account intended for ________.‎ A.parents B.Teenagers C.winners D.adults ‎22. Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?‎ A.Special gifts are ready for parents. B.The bank opens only on work days.‎ C.Services are convenient for its members. D.Fees are necessary for the account keeping.‎ ‎23. The Winners Club provides magazines which ________.‎ A.encourage spending B.are free to all teenagers ‎ C.are full of adventure stories D.help to make more of your money ‎24. What is the purpose of this text?‎ A.To set up a club. B.To provide parttime jobs.‎ C.To organize keycards. D.To introduce a new banking service.‎ B ‎ In today's world of smart phones and notebook computers, most people have at least one time-telling thing with them. Since these digital products are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? According to some consumers, the answer is yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is “an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function.” Many young adults think so and use their smart phones to tell time. It is said that fewer young people wear watches today than ten years ago. As a result, some people say that the watch industry is at a crossroads.‎ ‎ However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches redeem popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality watch that doesn’t just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers took pride in their products’ accuracy. But in recent years, the watch industry has changed itself into an accessory business. And today, the image a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells.‎ ‎“Complications” — features that go beyond simple timekeeping — are an important part of a watch’s image. Today’s watches offer lots of features that meet almost any personality. These features include compasses, USB drivers, and even other functions .‎ ‎ Creativity also plays a key role in designing today’s watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don’t even look like watches. The company’s popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell time. It looks more like a fashionable bracelet than a watch.‎ ‎ Whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative talent of a love sports, consumers want their watches to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what’ s on their wrists. Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!‎ ‎25. What can we know from the first paragraph?‎ A. As most people see, watches are out of fashion. ‎ B. The watch industry will close down sooner or later.‎ C. Some people feel that watches have been of no use. ‎ D. There are so many choices of watches for teenagers today. ‎ ‎26 .Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to _________.‎ A. tell that today’s watches need more imagination ‎ B. show why Shinshoku watches are popular ‎ C. advertise Shinshoku watches made by Tokyoflash ‎ D. make a comparison between watches and bracelets ‎27. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?‎ A. Japanese Watches Stand Out ‎ B. Watches Tell More Than Time C. Watch Industry Is in a Bad Situation ‎ D. Watches Are Becoming Less Popular ‎ ‎ C We Chinese are not big huggers.A handshake or a pat on the shoulder is enough to convey our friendship or affection to one another.So when our newly-acquainted Western friends reach out to give us a hug,some of us feel awkward.Many questions go through our head.Where should I put my arms? What distance should I maintain? Should our chests touch?‎ But it isn’t just people from cultures that are conservative in expressing physical contact who find hugging confusing.Hugs can cause discomfort or even distress in people who value their personal space.‎ In a recent article for The Wall Street Journal,US psychologist Peggy Drexler said that although the US remains a “medium touch” culture,Americans do seem to be hugging more.From politicians to celebrities,hugs are given to friends,strangers and enemies alike,whether they are willing or not;and the public has been quick to pick up the practice.‎ Public figures know that nothing expresses fellowship or affection like a good hug.US First Lady Michelle Obama has put her arms around icy foreign leaders like Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the Queen of England.Pop superstar Lady Gaga is also a hug enthusiast,telling her fans that “I will always,always,try my very best to wrap my arms around you when I meet you.”‎ But not all are grateful to be hugged,even by the most influential and famous.To them,any hug is offensive if it’s not sincere.Amanda Hess,writing for US magazine Slate,says ‎ public figures should stop imposing hugs on everyone they meet.For them,a hug is rarely a gesture of sincere fellowship,or affection.It’s all part of a show.‎ ‎28.Chinese people don’t enjoy hugs because_______.‎ A.they are conservative in physical touch B.they don’t know how to hug correctly C.they think a handshake is the best way to convey friendship D.they feel awkward to communicate with westerners ‎29.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “pick up the practice”?‎ A.Enjoy the medium touch culture. B.Follow the trend.‎ C.Give hugs to enemies. D.Resist physical touch.‎ ‎30. Public figures like giving hugs to________.‎ A. thank public people B.show sincere friendship C.express enthusiasm D.win fellowship or affection ‎31. What can we learn from the last paragraph?‎ A.People are grateful to hugs of any kind B.A hug is a gesture of friendship.‎ C.A famous person’s hug is usually sincere D.An insincere hug is a part of show D The young boy was sitting on the ground in the refugee(难民)camp playing with an empty tin.Other children were standing around watching him with envious(嫉妒的) eyes.‎ ‎ Envy? Of an empty tin?‎ ‎ This tin was indeed no worthless piece of trash—it was a splendid truck,complete with wheels and grille(铁栅) and floor.The vehicle even had remote control,a frayed piece of string from the“engine”to the hand of the owner.‎ ‎ The tin had lost all its original markings.But its first load had probably been sardines(沙丁鱼).Later the tin had been left with other rubbish behind the refugee ‎ camp clinic,and the boy had found it on one of his daily expeditions (探险)into the“big world”.‎ ‎ For thousands of refugee children,a tin 1ike this rates high on their list of wants.It can be used for many purposes,as jewellery(珠宝),as a toy,for drinking or as a medicine box.‎ ‎ Many refugee children would consider it the happiest day of their lives if they received a handful of marbles(弹珠) as a present.‎ ‎ They dream of gifts which children in developed countries take for granted.Maybe a book to read, or a pencil and an exercise book of their very own.‎ Their imagination can create toys,but it cannot create books.Someone else must provide them.A more costly and valuable gift they cannot imagine.‎ ‎32. How do you think the young boy may feel when he gets something to read?‎ ‎ A. depressed B. frustrated C. excited D. frightened ‎33. Other children envied the young boy because the boy .‎ ‎ A. had something to play with B.got some sardines to eat ‎ C. received a handful of marbles D.had a real truck toy ‎34. What is implied in the last paragraph of the text?‎ ‎ A.The society should donate some toys for the refugee children.‎ ‎ B.The refugee children are more imaginative rather than creative.‎ ‎ C.The refugee children are more creative rather than imaginative ‎ D.The society should offer the refugee children things for study.‎ ‎35. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?‎ ‎ A.An Enviable Toy Present B.Sardine Tin—A Precious Toy C.A Splendid Truck Toy D.A Poor Refugee Camp 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ When it comes to the benefit of volunteering , a lot of people think it,s all about the warm feeling after helping someone . 36 . As is known , charity work requires a wide variety of people to do a wide variety of things for everything to work . It means that there are some surprising benefits for volunteers . For example , volunteering :‎ Teaches you new skills .‎ From helping making websites to teaching immigrant kids your native language , or to arranging events for charity , volunteering can really be almost anything . It means that when you get involved in charity work , a lot of the time you will face challenges . 37 .‎ Can teach you what truly matters .‎ It`s a great way to find new perspectives(角度) on life . When you`ve been at it for a while , you just might find yourself re-evaluating your advantages . 38 . One of my friends went from wanting to be a lawyer to discovering a true passion for teaching .‎ ‎39 . Maybe it is not surprising , but what might surprise you is how genuine these friends are . Some of my long-term friends are people I`ve met through volunteering .I`m not that kind of guy that makes friends purely for connections , but sometimes it`s very convenient to have a broad network . ‎ Summed up in one line : volunteering helps you grow . 40 . You meet a wide variety of people who don`t have a lot in common with .You learn to get along with people involved in many different walks in life .You learn to know what you are to do . So if you`ve ever considered volunteering , what are you waiting for ? ‎ A. Helps you make new friends ‎ B. Can help improve social skills ‎ C. You might even decide on a completely new path to take in life .‎ D. As it turns out , that`s far from the only benefit . ‎ E. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems .‎ F. Through overcoming the challenges , you learn completely new skills ‎ G. Not only as a person , but it helps you develop your skill as well . ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When my aunt , Holly , was 15 years old , she suffered from MS , a disease that attacks the central nervous system .What is scary is that it is not clear what causes MS or when it will 41 . When it first struck Holly , she had just finished her ‎ political science degree and held an admirable _ 42 . Her leg weakened , and she 43 that she felt like she was a little child again , relearning to 44 . We kept our fingers crossed so that by 45 her legs regularly , she could return to normal . But soon , she lost both her job and her long-time boyfriend The girl , 46 happy and active , became moody and quiet , 47 to go out because her hands 48 so much when she held anything . It is a completely 49 feeling to watch a healthy relative take a turn for the 50 . But we , the whole extended family , all held on 51 Holly`s illness. Instead of going golfing every week , Grandfather worked around the house . Grandmother , almost 70, continued to work to help pay 52 bills . My parents remained 53 all the time through my aunt`s worst mood changes . Even my sister and I were there just for her 54 . ‎ The hardest part was the feeling that Holly was unable to 55 anything we did for her , complaining about everything and everybody . Finally came the day when we saw her 56 , when we all went to cheer her on in the annual MS walkathon (a walk that MS patients take to recover ) . Despite the freezing wind , I 57 the rest of my family . When the walk was over , Holly 58 introduced my sister and me to her friends who had come along to support her . I was able to see how just a little care can mean more than physical 59 .‎ Most importantly , I have learned through this whole 60 with my family that , whatever we have to suffer , we have a wonderful support group around us that will always catch us before any of us falls ‎ ‎41. A. gain B. disappear C. strike D. lose ‎42. A. record B. job C. baby D. ambition ‎43. A. warned B. predicted C.told D. joked ‎ ‎44. A. run B. walk C. think D. speak ‎45. A. treating B. moving C. resting D. stretching ‎46. A. once B. later C. forever D. never ‎ ‎47. A. surprised B. discouraged C. embarrassed D. disappointed ‎48. A. waved B. seized C. clapped D. shook ‎ ‎49. A. strange B. happy C. meaningless D. helpless ‎50. A. better B. worse C. more D. less ‎51. A.to B.through C. with D. after ‎52. A. individual B. extra C. private D. medical ‎53. A. concerned B. relaxed C. active D. crazy ‎54. A. profit B.comment C. relief D. reward ‎55. A .notice B.receive C. believe D. appreciate ‎56. A. change B.devotion C. attitude D. pain ‎57. A.persuaded B. left C. joined D. searched ‎58. A.quickly B.unwillingly C. enthusiastically D. forgetfully ‎ ‎59. A. treatment B. punishment C.beauty D. excitement ‎ ‎60. A. accident B. experience C. training D. movement ‎ ‎ 第二卷 (非选择题 共50分)‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ Do you like travelling? Staying 61 (health) while 62 (travel) can help to ensure your trip is a happy and enjoyable one. 63 you are travelling abroad, here are the tips you need to make your trip much 64 (easy):‎ Make sure you have got signed passport and visas. Also, before you go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport! Make two copies of your passport identification page. This will help a lot if your passport is 65 (steal). Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives. Carry the other with you in a separate place from your passport. ‎ Read the Public Announcements or Travel Warnings for the countries you plan to visit. Get yourself familiar 66 local laws and customs of the countries to 67 you are travelling ‎ Leave a copy of your itinerary(旅行日程) with family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.‎ Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not carry too much money or 68 (necessary) credit cards. If we make enough 69 (prepare), we will succeed. Have 70 good time! ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节: 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Smiling is a universal language but can give us courage , confidence and comfort.‎ I still remember how upset I am when it was my turn to recite a poem before class . Feel nervous and shy , I forgot almost everything . I decided to give up , but all my classmates , especial my teacher kept smiling at me encouragingly. Their smile warmed me so much that I got over the difficulty and eventually made it up . I think smiling not only makes us happy but also help build up our confidence. Furthermore , they will improve the relationship between us . It is smiling that brings harmony us . Only when you smile at the world does the world smile at you . Therefore , keep smiling and show your best to the world. ‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你在上周日乘坐一辆公交车,该公交车司机的不文明行为让乘客很愤怒。于是你向公交车公司写一封投诉信。要点如下:‎ ‎1. 司机的不文明行为(聊天、紧急刹车、态度粗鲁等)。‎ ‎2. 希望尽快查清此事。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Sir,‎ ‎ I am Li Hua. I am writing to ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 、 Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 英语试题参考答案 ‎21-24 BCDD 25-27 CAB 28-31 ABDD 32-35 CADB ‎36-40 DFCAG ‎41-45 CBDBA 46-50 ACDDB 51-55 BDACD 56-60 ACCAB 语法填空:‎ ‎61.healthy 62. travel(l)ing 63. IfWhenWhile 64. easier 65. stolen ‎ ‎66. with 67. which 68. unnecessary 69. preparations 70. a 短文改错:‎ ‎1. but ---and/which/that 2. am---was 3. Feel—Feeling 4. especial---especially 5. smile--smiles ‎ ‎6.﹨up 7. help----helps 8 .they--- it 9 .^to us 10 . does--will ‎ 书面表达:‎ Dear Sir,‎ ‎ I am Li Hua. I am writing to complain about one of your bus-drivers’ improper and rude behaviors.‎ ‎ Last Sunday, I was taking a bus whose driver not only kept on talking with a man loudly but also drove very fast. So some passengers advised him to concentrate on driving, but he didn’t pay any attention. What’s worse, he drove even faster. Then another passenger couldn’t bear it, asking the driver to keep the passengers’ safety in mind. But the driver stopped the bus so suddenly that all the passengers nearly lost their balance. However, he didn’t apologize but said rudely “It’s none of your business.” I sincerely hope you can investigate this incident and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again . ‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua

