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1 小卷速测(七) 完形+阅读 B+C (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ.[2020·原创] 完形填空 Polly walked quickly to the bus stop. “Sorry, Miss,” the bus driver said, “It is too foggy(有 雾的) for the bus to run. Take the 1 to Green Park, and you might be able to get a taxi there.” When Polly got off at Green Park, she found few people at the exit(出口处). The fog was so 2 that there was no one in sight. Polly 3 towards Park Street. As she walked along the street, she heard the sound of footsteps. She could feel her heart beating with 4 . She wanted to run, 5 she couldn't move. The footsteps seemed 6 . Then an old man's voice came out of the darkness, “Is anybody there?” Polly answered, “Hello, I think I'm 7 . I live at 86 King Street.” “Maybe I can 8 you.” the old man said. “ 9 take my hand,” said the man. “Come with me. You'll be all right.” He took Polly's hand. In his right hand the man carried a 10 . Polly heard it hit the step. “I'm quite lost now. Are you 11 you know the way?” “Of course…Here we are. King Street.” He stopped. “Thank you so much,” said Polly. “Would you like to come in and rest for a while?” “It's very nice of you,” said the man. “But I'll be 12 . There may be more people lost today. You see, the fog gives me the chance to 13 the help that people give me when it's sunny. A(n) 14 person like me can't get across the road without help, except in a 15 like this.” ( )1.A.bus B.subway C.taxi D.plane ( )2.A.thin B.light C.thick D.small ( )3.A.tried out B.handed out C.set out D.checked out ( )4.A.fear B.anger C.love D.joy ( )5.A.and B.so C.for D.but ( )6.A.farther B.faster C.nearer D.heavier ( )7.A.lost B.nervous C.relaxed D.worried ( )8.A.carry B.hurt C.help D.fetch 2 ( )9.A.Just B.Actually C.Never D.Still ( )10.A.stick B.map C.bag D.ticket ( )11.A.smart B.sure C.stupid D.sorry ( )12.A.in B.on C.against D.off ( )13.A.pay back B.pay for C.pay off D.pay out ( )14.A.old B.sick C.weak D.blind ( )15.A.rain B.wind C.fog D.storm Ⅱ. 阅读理解 Passage 1 [2020·原创] In April, 2018, Teen World magazine asked students to take a survey about how pets play a part in their lives. Over 6,400 teenagers looked through the survey on our website and 371 students took part in it and fully completed the survey. Here are some of the results: About 93% of the students have owned a pet. The types of pets are different. “My family was against owning a pet” was the No.1 reason (34%) why students did not own an animal. Other top reasons are allergies(过敏) and pets cost too much money. 89.5% of the students support animal rights. 67% of the teens like dogs better than cats. The animal shelter was the No.1 location where students' families bought their pets (24.8%) followed by pet stores (21%) and as a gift from a family member. 38% of the teenagers report that it's “sad” to visit a zoo instead of “fun”. 66% of the young people report that a pet's death is the hardest thing about owning an animal, 3 other hard things like day-to-day care, the cost or other reasons. To see all the results, you can go to our website to download the full survey report. 1.What's the survey about? ( ) A.What kind of pets students own. B.How pets play a part in students' lives. C.How much pets cost. D.Why students own pets. 2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why students did not have a pet? ( ) A.Pets cost too much. B.Pets owners had allergies. C.Family members didn't agree to keep pets. D.Pets needed day-to-day care. 3.According to the chart of Question 5, which was the least popular pet? ( ) A.Snakes. B.Cats. C.Horses. D.Dogs. Passage 2 [2019·深圳改编] When Justin Tong was a child, other kids felt sorry for him. His parents always had him doing lots of housework such as carrying out the rubbish and sending newspapers. But when he grew up, he was better off than his childhood friends and lived a happier and healthier life. This is the finding of a 40-year study that followed the lives of 456 children in London. It showed that the children who had worked hard in childhood had a richer and a happier future. “Children who worked in the home or community gained competence(能力) and came to feel they were worthwhile members of society,” said Daniel Brown,the psychologist( 心 理学 家) who made the discovery. “And because they felt good about themselves, others felt good about them.” Brown's study followed these children in great detail. Interviews were repeated at ages 25, 31 and 47. Under Brown, the researchers compared the children's mental-health scores with their childhood-activity scores. Points were awarded for part-time jobs, housework, effort in school, and ability to deal with problems. 4 Working at any age is important. Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence—the underpinnings(基础) of emotional health. They also help him understand that people must cooperate and work toward common goals. The most competent adults are those who know how to do this. Yet work isn't everything. As Tolstoy once said, “One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love, to work for the person one loves and to love one's work.” 4.What do we know about Justin Tong? ( ) A.He enjoyed a happy life. B.He felt sorry for the other kids. C.He always sold newspapers. D.He seldom collected rubbish. 5.Who will probably succeed in the future according to Paragraph 2? ( ) A.Children who enjoy happier and richer lives. B.Children who work in the home or community. C.Children who take part in Daniel Brown's study. D.Children who feel good about people around them. 6.How did Brown follow the children in his study? ( ) A.By giving housework and praise. B.By interviewing and giving scores. C.By setting goals and showing love. D.By solving problems and testing them. 7.The purpose of the passage is . ( ) A.to talk about an interesting study B.to introduce Justin Tong's success C.to tell us about childhood activities D.to encourage children to work hard 5 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.[主旨大意]本文为小说《雾都孤儿》节选改编,主人公 Polly 在大雾中迷路,遇陌生老人相助带路,在途中 她意识到老人可能是个盲人,因此她更加焦急。当她安全到达家时,老人急于离开去帮助别的在雾中迷路的人, 以答谢那些在晴天帮助过他的人,用爱回报社会。 1.B 2.C 考查形容词辨析。 大雾很浓,以至于看不见人。 3.C 考查动词短语辨析。tried out 试验,handed out 分发,set out 出发,checked out 检查。根据下文 towards Park Street 可知此处应选 C,意为朝着 Park Street 出发。 4.A 考查名词辨析。Polly 听到声音因为害怕而心跳加快。 5.D 考查连词辨析。Polly 因为害怕想跑,但是她没有办法移动。 6.C 考查形容词辨析。脚步声渐渐地近了。 7.A 考查形容词辨析。Polly 说出她的地址,她认为自己迷路了,通过下文 10 和 11 之间的句子也可以推断出。 8.C 考查动词辨析。老人伸出手给予帮助,通过文章最后一段也可以推断出。 9.A 10.A 考查名词辨析。老人一手拿着拐杖,撞击着地面,让 Polly 隐约感觉到老人可能是个盲人。 11.B 考查形容词辨析。Polly 认为自己作为健全人都在雾中迷路了,她不确定这位可能是盲人的老人能把她 带回家。 12.D 考查副词辨析。be off 离开。 13.A 考查动词短语辨析。pay back 回报,pay for 付款,pay off 还清债务,pay out 付款。 14.D 考查形容词辨析。老人说明了自己是个盲人,在天气好的日子自己无法单独过街。 15.C 考查名词辨析。“在雾天”,与文章首尾呼应。 Ⅱ.Passage 1 1—3 BDA Passage 2 [主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文。Justin Tong 因为小时候总是被爸妈叫去做家务,最后比他的伙伴 们都成功。通过 Justin 的例子,结合专家 Daniel Brown 的一个做了几十年的调查,通过采访和给一些孩子打 分,发现童年时期帮助做家务的孩子长大后会更快乐,更成功。 4.A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“he was better off…and lived a happier and healthier life” 可知。故选 A。 5.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“It showed that children who had worked hard in childhood had a richer and a happier future.” 和 之 后 的 “Children who worked in the home or community gained competence…feel they were worthwhile members of society”。故选 B。 6.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Interviews were repeated at ages 25, 31 and 47.”和“Under Brown, 6 the researchers compared the children's mental-health scores with their childhood-activity scores.” 可知选 B。 7.D 主旨大意题。本文不论是 Justin Tong 的例子,还是 Daniel Brown 的调查结果都旨在说明做家务、努力 工作,会使孩子长大后更快乐、更成功。

