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2020/5/17 1 1.冠词有:a 、an 、the 定冠词:the 2.冠词分为: 不定冠词:a、an 2020/5/17 2 冠词的用法: a/an 都表示一个 an 用在单词发音中元音音标开头 的单词 a 用在单词发音中辅音音标开头的 单词 a/an 第一次提到 the 再次提到 Eg. an orange an apple 2020/5/17 3 定冠词 the 的用法(5种): 1.特指某些人或物 eg.The book on the desk is mine. 2.双方都知道的人或事物 eg.Open the door, please. 3.指上文提到的人或事物 eg. He lives on a farm, the farm is not big. 4.世界上独一无二的事物前 eg. The sun is bigger than the moon. 2020/5/17 4 5.形容词最高级前 Eg: The island is the biggest of the three. 2020/5/17 5 不用冠词的情况: 1.星期、月份、季节、节日前不用, 2. 但中国传统节日要用the. 3.2. 国家城市不用the 4.3. 称呼头衔前不用 on Monday 在星期一 in June 在六月in spring 在春天 at Christmas 在圣诞节 in Shenyang 在沈阳 Mr.Wang 王先生 on the Mid-Autumn Day 在中秋节2020/5/17 6 例题: 冠词 (a/an) 1.I have __ book. 2.__ cat can catch insect. 3.Lucy spends ___ hour doing her homework everyday. 4.Bob’s father is __ engineer. 5.John is __ honest boy. 6.__ apple __ day keeps the doctor away. 2020/5/17 7 7.Let’s have __ rest for __ while. 8.Mother bought me __ uniform yesterday. 9.I have __ pencil __ (a, the) pencils is red. 10.___(a, the /) sun is shining brightly in __ (a, the, /) sky. 11.__ (a, the) dictionary on __ (a, the) desk is mine. 12.Is __ (the, /) Mary (a, the,/) youngest girl in our class. 13.Can you play (a, an, the, /) violin? 14.We go to school by (a, the, /) bike in (a, an, the) morning every day.2020/5/17 8 2020/5/17 9 § 根据所学知识用a, an, the, / 填空 § My name is __ Michael. § I’m in __ grade three this § term. My mother is __ § doctor and my father is __ § actor. Today is __ Saturday. § Now, my father is talking § on __ phone. My mother is having __ breakfast. My grandmother is watering __ flowers in __ garden and I’m watching __ TV. Look! This is my zone. There is __ beautiful umbrella in my bedroom. I like __ umbrella very much because I bought it in __ Paris. These are all my presents.2020/5/17 10

