【英语】2018届人教版选修6一轮复习:Unit3 Ahealthylife单元教案设计(41页)

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【英语】2018届人教版选修6一轮复习:Unit3 Ahealthylife单元教案设计(41页)

Unit 3 A healthy life单元教案设计 本单元的中心话题是“健康生活”。语言知识的选择和听说读写等语言技能的训练主要围绕如何摒弃恶习、怎样成为健康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟、吸毒、艾滋病、学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。本单元的目的在于让学生远离有害身体健康的活动,并养成良好的习惯。‎ 本单元的主要教学内容如下表所示:‎ 类别 课程标准要求掌握的内容 话题 Health problems:smoking,HIV/AIDS,and drugs;attitudes towards HIV/AIDS abuse v./n. 滥用;虐待 comprehension n. 理解力 词 汇 stress vt.加压力于n.压力;重音 appendix n. 附录;附件 strengthen v. 加强;巩固 pill n.药丸;药片 ban vt.禁止;取缔 n.禁令;谴责 survival n.幸存者;幸存 effect n.效果;效力 sex n.性别;性 due adj.欠款的;预定的;到期的 needle n. 针;针头 automatic adj.无意识的;自动的 prejudice n.偏见;成见 mental adj.精神的;智力的 judgement n.看法;判决;判断 desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的 abortion n.流产;中途失败 disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的 cigar n.雪茄烟 ashamed adj.感到羞耻或惭愧的 tough adj.困难的;强硬的 awkward adj.局促不安的;笨拙的 addicted adj.入迷的;上瘾的 quit vt. 停止;离开 pregnant adj.怀孕的 accustom vt.使习惯于 abnormal adj.畸形的;异常的 cigarette n.香烟;纸烟 breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的 alcohol n.酒;酒精 unfit adj.不健康的;不合适的 adolescent n. 青少年 illegal adj.违法的 withdrawal n.收回;撤退;戒毒过程 male adj.男性的;雄性的 lung n.肺 female adj.女性的;雌性的 packet n.小包;小盒 embarrassed adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的 chemist n.药剂师;化学家 automatically adv.无意识地;自动地 词 汇 due to由于[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K][来源:Z.xx.k.Com]‎ be addicted to 对……有瘾 decide on 对……作出决定 be accustomed to 习惯于 feel like(doing)想要做 ban smoking 禁止吸烟 in spite of 不管;不顾 during adolescence 在青春期 take risks(a risk)冒险 withdrawal symptoms 脱瘾过程症状 get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ feel ashamed 感到羞愧 at risk 处境危险;遭受危险 chances of survival 生存的可能性 句 型 ‎1.It_seems_amazing_that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.(it作形式主语)‎ ‎2.However,what_I_did_know was that_my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.(名词性从句)‎ ‎3.When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit,I knew it_was_time_to quit smoking.(It is time to do sth.是该干……的时候了。)‎ ‎4.I do_hope so because I want you to live_as_long_and_healthy_a_life_as I have.(强调;比较结构)‎ ‎5.Every_time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.(every time 引导时间状语从句)‎ ‎6.It_is_only_when the disease has progressed to AIDS_that_a person begins to look sick.(强调结构)‎ 功 能 禁止、警告和允许(Prohibition,warning and permission)‎ Don't... Do...    You should(not)...  It would be a good idea to...‎ Don't forget to... You don't have to... It's OK/all right to...‎ It's not a good idea to... Mind your head/step! Is it OK if I...?‎ I wonder if I could smoke here. Would/Do you mind if I...?‎ 语 法 ‎“it”的用法(the use of “it”)(1)‎ It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.‎ It is not easy to stop smoking...‎ It is no good crying over spilt milk.‎ It is a beautiful day.‎ It is 10 kilometres to the castle.‎ 教 学 重 ‎1.Get students to know about healthy life.‎ ‎2.Have students learn some useful new words and expressions about healthy life and let them use effective ways to master them.‎ ‎3.Enable students to grasp and use the expressions of prohibition,warning 点 ‎ and permission.‎ ‎4.Let students learn the new grammar item:the use of “it”.‎ ‎5.Develop students' listening,speaking,reading and writing ability.‎ 教学 难点 ‎1.Enable students to master the use of “it”.‎ ‎2.Let students learn to write a letter of advice.‎ ‎3.Develop students' integrative skills.‎ 课 时 安 排 Periods needed:6‎ Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending Period 2 Language Study Period 3 Grammar—the Use of “It”(1)‎ Period 4 Listening and Speaking Period 5 Reading and Writing Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment Period 1 Warming Up,‎ Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending 教学内容分析   ‎ This is the first teaching period of this unit.The central part of this period is two sections in the reading passage titled Advice from Grandad and How Can You Stop Smoking?‎ Warming Up presents issues about health for students to discuss.‎ Pre-reading provides some questions to help students focus on the topic of the reading passage and get the students to realize the harm of smoking.Teachers may provide students some advice on how to give up smoking.‎ Reading is in two parts.The first part is a letter from a grandad to his grandson.Grandad lives a long and healthy life,but he has ever been addicted to nicotine,so he lists reasons for being addicted and the harm of smoking.The second part gives advice about how to stop smoking.‎ Comprehending consists of three kinds of exercises for the students so as to help the students to get a better understanding of the text,that is to say,to help the teacher to check how much the students have understood the text.Exercise 1:fill in the form about the content of the text;Exercise 2:discuss the content of the text;Exercise 3:write down an outline on how to persuade people to give up smoking within five sentences.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To know the meanings of the following new words and phrases:‎ ‎ cigarette(香烟),alcohol(酒),abuse(滥用),stress(压力;加压力于),adolescent(青少年), ban(禁止),due (欠款的;预定的;到期的),tough(困难的), addicted(上了瘾的),accustom(使习惯于),withdrawal(收回;戒毒过程), automatic(无意识的;自动的), mental(精神的;智力的), quit(停止;离开), effect(结果;效力), lung(肺),pregnant(怀孕的), abnormal(畸形的;异常的), breathless (气喘吁吁的),unfit(不健康的;不合适的),strengthen(加强), decide on(对……作出决定),packet(小盒;小包), feel like(doing)(想要做),desperate(绝望的;拼命的), chemist (药剂师;化学家),disappointed(失望的;沮丧的), ashamed(感到羞耻的或惭愧的)‎ ‎2.To learn about some health problems and how to live a healthy life.‎ ‎3.To develop the students' reading ability by skimming and scanning the passage.‎ ‎4.To develop the students' speaking ability by talking about health problems.‎ Process and methods ‎1.While doing Warming Up the teacher can lead in the topic of this unit by showing students some pictures of healthy or unhealthy activities.Students can practice their oral English by describing the activities.By reading a passage,students can have a better understanding of what is a healthy life.‎ ‎2.During Pre-reading the teacher can go around the classroom and discuss the questions with several students.This discussion should be student-centered and help students understand the harm of smoking.The teacher should lead the students to look at the title and layout of the two sections in the reading passage and try to find out the main idea of the text by skimming.‎ ‎3.While doing Reading and Comprehending,the teacher may first ask the students to read the text quickly to get the general idea of each paragraph.After reading the passage,students are ‎ encouraged to answer some questions and study the organization of the text.‎ ‎4.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage,the students should be required to discuss some questions about the text at the end of the class.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To get the students to reflect on some health issues which may concern them in the future and make sure they will be less likely to become addicted to risky behavior.‎ ‎2.To develop students' sense of cooperative learning.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.To enable the students to learn about health problems and to develop their reading ability.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to describe a healthy person or a healthy activity.‎ Step 1 Warming up ‎1.Warming up by looking and talking Ask the students to look at the following pictures and see what they are doing,then judge which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy ones.The students should be encouraged to describe the pictures in their own words.‎ Picture one:They are singing.(Healthy)‎ Picture two:They are drinking alcohol.(Unhealthy)‎ Picture three:They are doing Taiji.(Healthy)‎ Picture four:They are eating too much.(Unhealthy)‎ Picture five:He is smoking.(Unhealthy)‎ Picture six:They are playing basketball.(Healthy)‎ ‎2.Warming up by reading the following passage.‎ Nowadays,it is a fashion to eat healthy food,such as organically-grown food,and do exercises to keep healthy.In brief,people are trying to live a healthy life.But what should be done to live a healthy life?Different people have different ideas.Someone says to live a healthy life is to have a strong body.Some people think keeping psychologically healthy is very important.In my view,it's essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy.‎ To keep physically healthy,you should do sports like running,playing basketball,etc.Today more and more people go to the fitness centers.There are some popular ways of fitness like yoga which is a sensation in many big cities today.I think it is very useful for us to do some exercises every day.In this way,we can have a strong body.‎ More importantly,to keep psychologically healthy,you should have a good attitude towards people around you.We often say:“Attitude is everything.” It means good attitude leads to a good mood.In this way we can keep psychologically healthy.It is more sensible to have positive attitude.When you meet with some hardship,you should not be sad.You should have confidence in yourself and do something for relaxation.You should say to yourself:“I can make it.I am one in a million.I am special in this world.” In this way,you definitely have a good mood and work efficiently.‎ In a word,to live a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way.We should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.In our daily life we should do some exercises and have a positive attitude towards life.We can also turn to some specialists for advice.Only in this way can we live a healthy life.‎ After reading the passage,let students answer a question:What's a healthy life?‎ Suggested answer:‎ To be truly healthy,a person must be well in mind,body and spirit.‎ Step 2 Pre-reading ‎1.Discussion:‎ ‎(1)Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?‎ ‎(2)In what ways is smoking harmful?Do you think smoking should be banned?‎ ‎(3)What advice would you give to someone who wanted to stop smoking?‎ ‎2.Skim the text and answer the following questions.‎ ‎(1)Who wrote the letter and to whom?‎ ‎(2)How many parts does the reading text consist of?‎ ‎(3)What is the purpose of the letter?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.(1)Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media.Some think it's cool.Maybe some want to lighten some stress.‎ ‎(2)Mentally and healthily.I think smoking should be banned.‎ ‎(3)Let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports,playing music,reading,playing chess and so on.‎ ‎2.(1)A grandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James.‎ ‎(2)Two parts.The first part is a letter and the second part is an Internet page.‎ ‎(3)This letter aims to explain how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give up smoking.‎ Step 3 Reading and comprehending ‎1.Fast-reading Ask students to skim the passage so as to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph.‎ Paragraph one:______  Paragraph two:______  Paragraph three:______‎ Paragraph four:______  Paragraph five:______‎ A.The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James' problem of smoking.‎ B.Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.‎ C.Telling the writer's hope for his grandson.‎ D.Telling the harmful effects of smoking.‎ E.From the life the writer is leading now,we can know the importance of healthy life.‎ Suggested answers:E A B D C ‎2.Detailed-reading ‎(1)Ask students to read the text carefully to get some specific information and do the true or false questions.‎ ‎①James is addicted to smoking now and couldn't give it up.‎ ‎②James' grandad is also addicted to cigarettes now.‎ ‎③Smoking doesn't affect the health of non-smokers.‎ ‎④Grandad quitted smoking at last.‎ ‎⑤James' grandad knew much about the harmful effects of smoking when he was young.‎ ‎(2)Ask students to scan the reading passage for detailed information and do the following multiple choices.‎ ‎①The first two sentences of the letter shows James' grandpa______.‎ A.lives a healthy life   ‎ B.is addicted to sitting in the garden C.has nothing to do at home D.is tired when returning from a long bike trip ‎②In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?‎ A.Using scientific theory.       B.His failure in love.‎ C.His sports activity. D.His own experience.‎ ‎③According to the letter,James' grandpa______.‎ A.didn't give up smoking B.used to be a member of the school football team C.is lonely D.wrote down the advice from his experience ‎④______forced James' grandpa to give up smoking.‎ A.That he ran too slow B.That he was taken off the school football team C.His girlfriend D.His parents ‎⑤Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?‎ A.A person's smoking can have bad effects on other people.‎ B.It's not easy for a person to give up smoking.‎ C.Smoking has no effects on sports performance.‎ D.People can become addicted to cigarettes in different ways.‎ ‎(3)Read the second part of the text and choose the correct words or phrases to fill in the blanks.‎ Choose a day that is not ______ to quit smoking.Make a list of all the ______ you will get from stopping smoking.______ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.______ the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking.Develop some other habits like walking,drinking some water,cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy.If you feel nervous or stressed,try to do some ______ exercises like deep breathing.You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group.If you feel really bad,ask a doctor or ______ for help.The most important thing is to keep trying.Don't feel ______ if you ______ and have a cigarette,because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking.Never give up and you will succeed.‎ Suggested answers: ‎ ‎(1)①T ②F ③F ④T ⑤F ‎(2)①~⑤ ADBBC ‎(3)stressful;benefits;Throw away;Reread;relaxation;chemist;ashamed;weaken ‎ Step 4 Language study Deal with any language problem if any(words or sentences students might not understand)to help the students to have a better understanding of the text.‎ Step 5 Listening,reading aloud and underlining Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence.Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook after class as homework.‎ Collocations:due to,be addicted to,be accustomed to,do damage to,go out with,take off,quit smoking,decide on,be determined,feel like,reach for,feel stressed/ashamed Step 6 Studying the organization of the text Keys for reference:‎ Each paragraph of the reading passage begins with a topic sentence.‎ Step 7 Discussion ‎1.What kind of person do you think James' grandfather is?‎ ‎2.What do you think can be done to protect non-smokers especially women and babies from those who smoke?(I think that.../In my opinion.../I believe that.../It's easy to do...)‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.He is fit and healthy and leads an active life.He cares for his grandson's well-being and loves him.He is knowledgeable.‎ ‎2.In my opinion,we should separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places.‎ Step 8 Homework ‎1.Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.‎ ‎2.Write a short passage about how to give up smoking(search as much information as possible).‎ Step 9 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅰ.8 reasons for smoking No,not at all dear readers,this article is not meant to promote smoking but to point out several reasons why one would like to smoke.Of course,it is a habit and so repeated over and over again but there are factors behind an individual's smoking habit.‎ Smoking tobacco is now very common even among teenagers and while administrations in the countries are trying to prohibit smoking on the other side they are also aware about the revenues generated each other through tobacco.‎ Let us have a quick look at the reasons for smoking:‎ Few people smoke as they have an idea of feeling masculine.‎ Nicotine has a characteristic of gripping its patient with constant craving for some more.‎ Social gatherings and meetings have also led to increase in smoking.‎ Alcohol and other addictions also support the character of tobacco in giving high.‎ Few people think that smoking a cigarette gives an impression of being carefree.‎ Few smokes due to their burning emotions of heart break.‎ Smoking habit is also found to be given in inheritance by parents.‎ Some diet losers have caught the idea that smoking burns calories and have shunned the bad effects of smoking from their mind.‎ Ⅱ.Smoking hurts mind as well as body Middle-aged adults who smoke tended to perform poorly on tests of memory and reasoning compared to non-smokers,adding to the list of reasons not to smoke,French researchers said on Monday.‎ Analyzing previously collected data on about 5000 British civil servants,the researchers found those who smoked were more likely than people who never smoked to be in the lowest-performing of five groups in tests of memory,reasoning,vocabulary and verbal fluency.‎ Smoking was associated with mental decline in middle age,as it is with dementia and a host of physical ills later in life,they found.‎ ‎“Smoking in middle age is associated with memory deficit and decline in reasoning ‎ abilities,” concluded Severine Sabia and colleagues from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Villejuif,France.‎ Compared to smokers,people who said they had quit cigarettes were more likely to adopt healthier behaviors,such as drinking less alcohol,being more physically active,and eating more fruit and vegetables,Sabia reported in the journal Archives of Internal.‎ The participants were aged 35 to 55 at the beginning of the study,which followed some subjects up to 17 years.‎ The study also demonstrated how difficult it can be to conduct long-term research on smokers:more than twice as many smokers as non-smokers refused to take the memory test again or were not able to be re-tested,in some cases because they died in the interim.‎ Period 2 Language Study 教学内容分析   ‎ The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words,phrases and sentence patterns in Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language.There are altogether 51 new words and phrases in these five parts.11 of them are marked with triangles,which show that the students needn't learn them by heart.It is enough to recognize them when meeting them while reading the passage.The other 40 should all be remembered,among which the following 16 words and expressions are even more important:abuse,effect,disappointed,stress,ban,desperate,ashamed,automatic,mental,strengthen,due to,feel like,in spite of,take risks(a risk),get into,decide on.They are all very useful and important.So are the sentence patterns “I didn't know,for example,that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.” “However,what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.” and “Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.” We ought to pay more attention to them.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get the students to learn to use the following important new words and phrases freely:abuse,quit,effect,disappointed,stress,ban,desperate,ashamed,due to,feel like,in spite of,take risks(a risk),get into,addicted to,accustomed to.‎ ‎2.To get the students to understand and use the following important and useful sentence patterns:‎ ‎(1)I didn't know,for example,that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.‎ ‎(2)However,what_I_did_know was that_my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.‎ ‎(3)Every_time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.‎ Process and methods ‎1.To help the students to understand the meanings of the above useful new words and expressions in the context,and then give some explanations about them,and at last offer some exercises to make students master their usages.‎ ‎2.To ask the students to make up their own sentences by imitating the above sentence patterns.‎ ‎3.At the end of the class,make students do more exercises for consolidation.In doing so,they can learn,grasp and use these important language points well.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To stimulate students' interest in learning English.‎ ‎2.To develop students' sense of cooperation and teamwork.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.Important new words and expressions:stress,ban,desperate,ashamed,due to,feel like,in spite of,take risks(a risk),get into,addicted to,accustomed to.‎ ‎2.Important and useful sentence patterns:‎ ‎(1)Objective clauses;noun clauses ‎(2)Adverbial clauses introduced by “every time”.‎ ‎3.Some difficult and long sentences in the text.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Ask some students to tell something about the reason why people become addicted to nicotine,the harm of smoking and how to get rid of it.‎ Step 2 Reading and finding Get students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Learning about Language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book.‎ Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions ‎1.Turn to Page 20.Go through Exercise 1 in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.‎ ‎2.Give them several minutes to finish the exercises.They first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.‎ ‎3.Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.‎ Step 4 Vocabulary study Ⅰ.简单知识扫描 ‎1.abuse(P17)‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.‎ 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品事件。‎ ‎(2)His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.‎ 他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。‎ ‎(3)He greeted me with a stream of abuse.‎ 他见到我就连声辱骂。‎ ‎(4)Several of the children had been physically abused.‎ 其中几个儿童身体受到了虐待。‎ ‎(5)Don't abuse your friends.不要辱骂你的朋友。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ abuse n./v. 滥用;辱骂;虐待 ‎2.quit(P18)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit,I knew it was time to quit smoking.‎ 当我因为不健康而被校足球队除名之后,我才知道该是我戒烟的时候了。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)I've quit my job.我已辞职。‎ ‎(2)You must quit smoking.Most important of all,you should start taking exercise.‎ 你必须戒烟,更重要的是,你该开始运动。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ quit vt.& vi. 停止;辞职;离开;退出 quit(doing)sth.“停止做某事”,注意quit后须用动名词(而不能用动词不定式)作宾语。‎ ‎【知识链接】‎ 辨析:quit,abandon和desert都含有“放弃”“遗弃”的意思。‎ quit指突然或出其不意地“放弃”,现一般指 “停止”。如:‎ She quitted her job.她放弃了自己的工作。‎ abandon强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物。如:‎ She abandoned her child.她遗弃了她的孩子。‎ desert强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”。如:‎ The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.那个士兵叛国助敌。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 翻译句子:你越早戒烟越好。‎ Suggested answer:You cannot quit smoking too soon.‎ ‎3.effect(P18)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ When I was young,I didn't know much about the harmful effects of smoking.‎ 年轻时我对吸烟的危害了解得不多。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)Her speech has produced little effect on the listeners.‎ 她的演讲没对听众产生什么影响。‎ ‎(2)It had an almost immediate effect on his thinking.‎ 这对他的思想几乎立即产生了影响。‎ ‎(3)It had had such a bad effect upon him.它对他有很大的不良影响。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ effect表示“对……的影响”,其后通常接on和upon。‎ ‎【知识链接】‎ carry/put/bring into effect实行;take effect生效;in effect实际上。例如:‎ ‎(1)The plan has been carried/put/brought into effect.这项计划业已实行。‎ ‎(2)The new law will take effect next May.这项新的法律将于明年五月生效。‎ ‎(3)In effect he has no choice.实际上他没有选择余地。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 完成句子 ‎ ‎(1)这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。‎ The advertising campaign______.‎ ‎(2)新的税收制度将于明年实行。‎ A new system of taxation will ______ next year.‎ Suggested answers:(1)didn't have much effect on sales (2)be brought into effect ‎4.disappointed(P19)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Do not be_disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking.‎ 即使非得经过多次戒烟才能最后把它戒掉,你也不要失去希望。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.‎ 他们对比赛结果非常失望。‎ ‎(2)I was very disappointed with myself.我对自己很失望。‎ ‎(3)He was disappointed to see she wasn't at the party.‎ 看到她没出席晚会,他很失望。‎ ‎(4)I'm disappointed that the tickets were sold out.票卖光了,我很失望。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的。常用句型:‎ be disappointed at/with sb./sth.‎ be disappointed to do sth.‎ be disappointed that...‎ Ⅱ.重点知识探究 ‎1.stress(P17)‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)In fact,stress isn't a bad thing as it is often supposed to be.‎ 事实上,压力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。‎ ‎(2)I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.‎ 我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。‎ ‎(3)The director stressed that point in particular.‎ 厂长特别强调了那一点。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ stress n. 重压;压力 vt.着重;强调[来源:学。科。网]‎ place/lay/put stress on sth.着重强调某事 ‎【知识链接】‎ stressful adj.产生压力的;使紧迫的 ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)根据汉语意思,用stress的短语完成句子 我们必须强调自力更生。‎ We must ______ ______ ______self reliance.‎ ‎(2)选择填空 We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son's illness had put him under great ______.‎ A.emotion    B.excitement     C.crisis     D.stress Suggested answers:(1)lay stress on (2)D ‎2.ban(P17)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Do you think smoking should be banned?‎ 你认为吸烟应该被禁止吗?‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The parent's group called for a total ban on violent video games.‎ 该家长组织呼吁彻底禁止暴力电子游戏。 ‎ ‎(2)A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently.‎ 最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。‎ ‎(3)The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.‎ 政府已经禁止使用化学武器。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ ban n.禁令 vt.禁止;取缔 a total ban on sth.对……的禁令 ‎【即景活用】[来源:Z*xx*k.Com]‎ Translate the following sentence into English:[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ 这剧院内禁止吸烟。‎ Suggested answer:There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.‎ ‎3.addicted(P18)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ You see,during adolescence I also smoked and became_addicted_to cigarettes.‎ 你知道,当我还是青少年时我就吸烟了,而且我很快就对香烟上瘾了。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)She is addicted to chocolate.她嗜吃巧克力。 ‎ ‎(2)My children have become hopelessly addicted to television.‎ 我的几个孩子都成了电视迷,简直不可救药了。‎ ‎【归纳总结】 ‎ be/become addicted to 嗜好……;对……上瘾 ‎【知识链接】‎ ‎(1)addict vt. 使沉溺;嗜好(addict oneself to沉溺于;醉心于)vi. 使人上瘾 n.耽溺者;上瘾者。例如:‎ He addicted himself to drugs.他使自己沉迷于麻醉品。‎ Drugs are addicting.麻醉品会使人上瘾。‎ There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug.‎ 瘾君子为了得到毒品什么事都做得出来。‎ ‎(2)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的 ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)Although she is only 16 years old,she ______ drugs for two years.‎ A.addicts B.has addicted to ‎ C.has addicted D.has been addicted to ‎(2)What makes us worried is that the number of the people ______ to drugs is ______.‎ A.addicted;increased B.addicting;increased C.addicted;increasing  D.addicting;increasing[来源:学科网]‎ Suggested answers:(1)D (2)C ‎4.accustomed to(P18)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed_to having nicotine in it.‎ 这就意味着一段时间后,你的身体变得习惯于吸食尼古丁。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)I am accustomed to humble fare.我习惯于粗茶淡饭。‎ ‎(2)I'm not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise.‎ 我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。‎ ‎(3)You will soon get/become accustomed to the job.‎ 你将会很快习惯这个工作的。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ be/get/become accustomed to(doing)sth.习惯于(干)……(注意to为介词)‎ ‎【知识链接】‎ ‎(1)accustom vt.使习惯 ‎ accustom oneself to(doing)sth.使自己习惯于;养成……的习惯。例如:‎ Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings.‎ 孩子们很快就会适应新环境。‎ She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early.‎ 她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。‎ ‎(2)accustomed adj.经常的,惯常的。例如:‎ I like to see her accustomed smile.我喜欢看她惯常的微笑。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)—They are quiet,aren't they?‎ ‎—Yes.They are accustomed ______ at meals.‎ A.to talk   B.to not talk  ‎ C.to talking  D.to not talking ‎ ‎(2)He is now ______ to the hot weather.‎ A.accustomed  B.accustom  ‎ C.accountable  D.acquainted Suggested answers:(1)D (2)A ‎5.due to(P18)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ I think my long and active life must be due_to the healthy life I live.‎ 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The accident is due to your careless driving.‎ 那意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心。‎ ‎(2)His absence was due to the storm.他因暴风雨而缺席。‎ ‎(3)Her worldwide fame is due to his support.她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。‎ ‎【归纳总结】 ‎ due to 归因于;归功于 ‎【知识链接】‎ due adj. 表示“到期的;应付(给)的;预定的;预定要到达或发生的”等含义。例如:‎ The bill is due.这张票据已到期。‎ The meeting isn't due to start until four.会议预定要到四点才召开。‎ The guests are due to arrive very soon.客人很快就会到。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)The old man said that the accident ______ careless driving,so a lot of money ______ be paid by the driver.‎ A.was due to;was due to B.dued to;was due to C.is due to;was due to  D.is dued to;was due to ‎(2)The sports meet,originally ______ be held last Friday,was finally delayed because of the bad weather.‎ A.due to B.thanks to ‎ C.owing to D.according to ‎ Suggested answers:(1)A (2)A ‎6.feel like(P19)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Every time you feel_like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.‎ 每当你想抽烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你已经是不抽烟的人了。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)She doesn't feel like going to school any more.(或She feels like not going to school any more.)她不再喜欢去上学了。‎ ‎(2)I don't feel like waiting around for him to make up his mind.‎ 我不能干等着他拿主意。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ feel like(doing)sth.作“想要(做)某事”讲,其否定形式为feel like not doing ‎ 或don't/didn't/doesn't feel like doing...,feel like后还可接名词、代词。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 翻译下列各句 ‎(1)你想要休息一下吗?‎ ‎(2)你愿意的话,我们就出去散散步。‎ ‎(3)我病后不想吃东西,不过还是勉强咽了一点。‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)Do you feel like a rest?‎ ‎(2)We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.‎ ‎(3)After being ill I didn't feel like eating but I managed to force something down.‎ ‎7.desperate(P19)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ If you feel desperate,you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you,like nicotine chewing gum.‎ 如果你的确感到没办法,你还可以找个医生或药剂师来谈谈,帮你想办法,如含尼古丁的口香糖等。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)If foreign aid dries up,the situation will be desperate.‎ 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。‎ ‎(2)He's desperate for a glass of water.‎ 他极想喝杯水。‎ ‎(3)They invoked help in the desperate situation.‎ 他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。‎ ‎(4)He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.‎ 他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ desperate adj. 不顾一切的,拼命的;绝望的;极严重的 ‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ Read the following sentences and translate them into Chinese:‎ ‎(1)Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.‎ ‎(2)She clung to the edge of the boat in a desperate attempt to save herself.‎ ‎(3)I was absolutely desperate to see her.‎ ‎(4)The children are in desperate need of love and attention.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来。‎ ‎(2)为了活命,她拼命地抓住船帮。‎ ‎(3)我极想见到她。‎ ‎(4)这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。‎ ‎8.ashamed(P19)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ If you weaken and have a cigarette,do not feel ashamed.‎ 如果你因意志衰弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)He is ashamed of his failure (having failed).‎ 他对自己的失败感到惭愧。‎ ‎(2)I am quite ashamed to have to trouble you.‎ 真不好意思,我得要麻烦你。‎ ‎(3)He was ashamed that he had made some careless mistakes.‎ 他很惭愧犯了些粗心的错误。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ ashamed adj. 羞愧的;惭愧的(通常只用作表语)‎ ashamed 的重要搭配:后接介词of,be ashamed of...“以……为耻辱”;后接不定式,be ashamed to do sth.“以干……为耻”;后接that从句。‎ ‎【词汇辨析】‎ ashamed与shameful[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ashamed 意为“感到羞耻,觉得惭愧,不好意思”,表示主语主观认为是可耻的;‎ shameful 表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”。如:‎ He was ashamed of being unable to answer the question.‎ 他因为不能回答那个问题而感到羞愧。‎ To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act.‎ 偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)我昨天表现不好,现在感到很惭愧。(根据汉语意思完成句子)‎ I behaved badly yesterday and I ______ ______ ______ myself now.‎ ‎(2)He was ______ of having asked such a silly question.‎ A.sorry B.guilty ‎ C.ashamed D.miserable ‎(3)You should be ______of your ______conduct.‎ A.shameful;ashamed  B.ashamed;shameful ‎ C.shame;shameful  D.ashamed;ashamed ‎ Suggested answers:(1)am ashamed of (2)C (3)B ‎9.in spite of(P20)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ In_spite_of all his efforts he failed.‎ 尽管他努力了,他还是失败了。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)He continued with his plan to build a flying machine,in spite of/despite the mockery of his friends.‎ 他不顾朋友们的嘲笑,继续他建造飞行器的计划。 ‎ ‎(2)In spite of/Despite the bad weather,we went fishing.‎ 我们不顾恶劣的天气而去钓鱼。 ‎ ‎(3)In spite of/Despite my efforts at persuasion,he wouldn't agree.‎ 尽管我努力劝说,他还是不同意。 ‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ in spite of 与despite同义,用作介词,表示“尽管;虽然;不顾”。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎______ what others say,I think he is a very nice person.‎ A.Because of  B.Instead of   ‎ C.Except   D.In spite of Suggested answer:D ‎10.take risks(a risk)(P20)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking_risks.‎ 他认为每一步他都要下定决心而不去冒险。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)—I think I will climb Mt.Everest.我想我会去爬珠穆朗玛峰。‎ ‎—You shouldn't take risks like that.你不应该去冒那种险的。‎ ‎(2)My father always says that gambling with your money is taking a big risk.‎ 我爸爸总是说赌博是件非常冒险的事。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ risk n. 危险;风险;冒险。常用搭配:‎ run/take the risk of doing sth.冒险干……‎ at the risk of(doing)sth.冒着(干)……的危险 at risk有危险 例如:‎ ‎(1)I wouldn't run/take the risk of being late for work.‎ 我是不会冒上班迟到的危险的。‎ ‎(2)He saved the child at the risk of losing his own life.‎ 他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出。‎ ‎(3)The future of the company was at risk.这个公司的前途堪忧。‎ ‎【即景活用】 ‎ They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.‎ A.to risk going B.risking going ‎ C.for risk to go D.risk going ‎ Suggested answer:A ‎11.get into(P20)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to_get_into the habit in the first place!‎ 当然,对付毒品的最好的方法就是在一开始的时候就不要养成吸毒的习惯。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)He got into debt.他欠下了债务。‎ ‎(2)The girl has got into the habit of playing with her hair while reading.‎ 那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ get into 陷于 get into the habit of...染上……的习惯(相当于fall into the habit of...或者form the habit of...)‎ ‎【知识链接】‎ get into trouble惹上麻烦 get into debt负债累累 get into a temper大发脾气 get into the way of习惯于;学会 ‎【即景活用】‎ Nowadays many young people get into ______ habit of smoking in ______ public and can't kick it.‎ A.the;the  B./;/ ‎ C./;the  D.the;/‎ Suggested answer:D Ⅲ.词汇综合运用 ‎1.用括号中所给的单词或短语翻译下列句子。‎ ‎(1)尽管有禁令,许多人仍冒险酒后驾车。(ban;in spite of;take the risk of)‎ ‎(2)另外,汤姆还习惯于开快车。(be accustomed to)‎ ‎(3)这将他置于麻烦中。(get into)‎ ‎(4)他为自己做了如此蠢的一件事而感到羞耻。(be ashamed of)‎ ‎(5)由于他的不良驾驶记录,他被迫停止驾车。(due to;quit)‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)In spite of the ban on drunk-driving,many people take the risk of being caught.‎ ‎(2)Besides,Tom is also accustomed to driving fast.‎ ‎(3)This got him into trouble.‎ ‎(4)He was ashamed of having done such a silly thing.‎ ‎(5)He was forced to quit driving due to his ill record.‎ ‎2.连句成篇(按照一定的逻辑顺序适当调整句子的顺序,把上面的句子连成一篇小短文。必要时增加适当的连词。)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ ‎ In spite of the ban on drunk-driving,many people take the risk of being caught and Tom is one of them.Tom is also accustomed to driving fast,which got him into trouble.One day,an accident happened to him.As a result,he was forced to quit driving due to his ill record.He was ashamed of having done such a silly thing.‎ Step 5 Sentence focus ‎1.I didn't know,for example,that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.‎ 比如,当时我不知道吸烟会对心脏和肺造成如此大的危害,还有吸烟的夫妇很难怀孕。‎ 谓语动词didn't know后跟了两个由or连接的宾语从句。要注意的是,当一个及物动词后跟了两个或两个以上的宾语从句时,第一个引导词that可以省略,但从第二个开始就不能省略that。本文中还有两处这样的句子:‎ ‎(1)She said my breath and clothes smelt,and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow.‎ ‎(2)I also noticed that I became breathless quickly,and that I wasn't enjoying sport as much.‎ ‎2.However,what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.‎ 但是,我的确知道我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。‎ 此句中what I did know 是一个主语从句,was后是that引导的一个表语从句,在这个表语从句中,谓语动词thought后有一个宾语从句I smelt terrible,省略了其引导词that。‎ ‎3.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.‎ 每次你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你(已经)是不吸烟的人了。‎ every time 在句中引导时间状语从句,相当于一个从属连词,这类词还有each time(每次),(the)next time(下次),any time(随时),the last time(上次),the first time(第一次)等。如:‎ He felt nervous each time she spoke to him.每次她和他讲话时他都感到紧张。‎ He didn't tell me the last time I saw him.我上次见到他时他没告诉我。‎ 另外,remind sb.that 意为“提醒某人某事”,that从句为宾语从句;remind构成的常用结构还有:remind sb.of...;remind sb.to do sth.。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)—Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?‎ ‎—Yes,I gave it to her ______ I saw her.‎ A.while  B.the moment ‎ C.suddenly  D.once ‎ ‎(2)这让我想起了我们在假期里一起做的事情。(翻译句子)‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)B ‎ ‎(2)This reminds me of what we did together during our holidays.‎ Step 6 Using words and expressions Turn to Page 20.Ask the students to do Exercises 2 and 3.The following procedures may be followed:‎ ‎1.Go through the two exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.‎ ‎2.Give students several minutes to finish them individually.‎ ‎3.Check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step 7 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.Do Exercise 2 in the exercise book.‎ ‎2.Learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.‎ Step 8 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Period 3 Grammar—the Use of “It”(1)‎ 教学内容分析   ‎ This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the use of “it”.The impersonal pronoun “it” is used frequently in English and has many different functions.“It” can be used in the subject or object position,to stand for an infinitive,-ing form or a clause.The impersonal pronoun “it” can be used to talk about time,distance,weather,etc.“It” can also be used for emphasis.‎ In this period we will focus on only part of its usages,that is,the use of “it” when the subject of a sentence is a clause,an infinitive,or the -ing form.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To let the students learn the use of “it”.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to use “it” correctly and properly.‎ Process and methods ‎1.To ask the students to read the reading passage again,pick out the sentences with the word “it” in them and write some on the blackboard.‎ ‎2.To ask the students to discover how “it” is used in various ways.‎ ‎3.To ask the students to do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 21 for students to master the use of “it”.‎ ‎4.To ask the students to summarize the use of “it”.‎ ‎5.To ask the students to do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 57 and some other additional exercises for consolidation.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To get the students to become interested in grammar learning.‎ ‎2.To develop the students' ability of comparing and summarizing.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.To get the students to master the structure and usages of the pronoun “it”.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to learn how to use “it”.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ ‎2.Dictate some new words and expressions.‎ ‎3.Translate the following sentences into English:‎ ‎(1)她对电视入了迷。‎ ‎(2)虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点到达了火车站。 ‎ ‎(3)我每次去访问他,他都不在。‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)She is addicted to television.‎ ‎(2)We arrived at the station in spite of the storm.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎(3)Every time I call on him,he is out.‎ Step 2 Warming up ‎ Ask the students to reread the passage and find out the sentences with the word “it” in them.For example:‎ ‎(1)It is a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden.‎ ‎(2)It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.‎ ‎(3)Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.‎ ‎(4)It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve.‎ Ask the students to think about the use of “it” according to the above four sentences.‎ Step 3 Grammar learning Ask the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the structure and usages of“it”.‎ ‎1.The personal pronoun “it” and the impersonal pronoun “it”.‎ ‎(1)Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder but it didn't help.‎ ‎(2)—Who is knocking at the door?‎ ‎—It's me.‎ ‎(3)It's about five kilometers from here to the railway station.‎ ‎(4)It's getting colder and colder every day.‎ ‎2.“It” is used in the subject or object position.‎ ‎(1)She thought it no use telling him about that.‎ ‎(2)I remember I made it clear to you that I was not coming.‎ ‎(3)It's important to do proper memory work in the study of a foreign language.‎ ‎(4)It is no use learning without thinking.‎ ‎(5)It is a pity that you didn't see such a good film.‎ Step 4 Summing up Try to help the students draw the following conclusions.‎ ‎1.“It” is a very useful word and can be used in many ways.‎ ‎2.The personal pronoun “it” can substitute something that is mentioned before.In some certain situations,“it” can stand for an unidentified person or a baby.‎ ‎3.The impersonal pronoun “it” can be used to talk about time,distance,weather,etc.‎ ‎4.“It” can act as a subject or an object,while the real subject or object can be put backwards in the form of an infinitive,-ing form or a clause.‎ Step 5 Grammar practice Ask students to do the following exercises:‎ ‎1.Rewrite the sentences using “it” structures given.‎ ‎(1)Giving up smoking is difficult.(It is...)‎ ‎(2)Most people believe smoking causes cancer.(It is believed...)‎ ‎(3)The night was dark and stormy when the old man started his journey.(It was a...)‎ ‎(4)Don't quit on a stressful day.(It's no use...) ‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)It is difficult to give up smoking.‎ ‎(2)It is believed that smoking causes cancer.‎ ‎(3)It was a dark and stormy night when the old man started his journey.‎ ‎(4)It is no use trying to quit on a stressful day.‎ ‎2.Do the remaining exercises in Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures on Page 21.‎ ‎3.First ask students to do the exercises individually,and then let them discuss and check their answers with their partners,and finally give them the correct answers and deal with any problems they might meet.‎ Step 6 Getting more about the grammar ‎1.it作形式主语的几种句型 ‎①It+be+形容词/名词(difficult/necessary/a rule/a duty)+for/of+sb.to do sth.‎ ‎②It+be+形容词/名词(difficult/necessary/a rule/a duty)+that clause ‎③It+be+过去分词(said/reported/known)+that clause ‎④It+be+形容词/名词(useless/no use/no good)+doing ‎⑤It+takes sb.some time+to do sth.‎ ‎⑥It+seems/appears+that clause ‎⑦It+seems/appears+as if clause ‎2.it作形式宾语的特殊用法。某些及物动词或短语不能加宾语从句,此时须先用it作形式宾语,然后接宾语从句。此种用法常用于like,dislike,hate,appreciate,depend on,see to等后。如:‎ I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.‎ You may depend on it that they will support you.‎ I'll appreciate it if you close the door for me.‎ I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.‎ ‎3.it 引起的几个易混的时间句型 ‎1)It's time for sb.to do sth.和It's(about/high) time that sb.did sth.(should do sth.)。例如:‎ It's time for us to go to bed.‎ It's(about/high)time that we went/should go to bed.‎ 注意:It's (about/high) time that句型中,谓语动词须用虚拟语气,即用动词的过去式或“should+动词原形”(should不能省略)。‎ ‎(2)It/This/That is+the first/second time+that sb.has/have done sth.和It/This/That was the first/second time that sb.had done sth.例如:‎ This is the fourth time that she has rung you today.‎ It was the second time that I had visited the Great Wall last year.‎ ‎(3)It will be long/hours/days/years before sb.do/does sth.和It was long/hours/days/years before sb.did sth.例如:‎ It will be two years before we meet again.‎ It was a long time before I got to sleep again last night.‎ ‎(4)It is/has been+years/days/weeks since sb.did sth.和It was years/days/weeks since sb.had done sth.例如:‎ ‎—What was the party like?‎ ‎—Wonderful.It's years since I enjoyed myself so much.‎ It was years since I had began to learn English.‎ ‎(5)It is/was+具体时间点+when clause。例如:‎ It's 6 o'clock when I go home from school every day.[来源:学,科,网]‎ It was five o'clock when they finished the job.‎ 注意:在本结构中,when引导的从句是定语从句,具体时间点是先行词。‎ Step 7 Summing up Try to help the students draw the following conclusions.‎ ‎1.There are many sentence patterns in English with “it” in them.“It” has many functions.‎ ‎2.When “it” acts as a subject or an object,the real subject or object can appear in the form of an infinitive,-ing form or a clause.The impersonal pronoun “it” can be used to talk about time,distance,weather,etc.‎ Step 8 Playing a game ‎1.Get students to form groups of 6.‎ ‎2.Let students play the game “What is it?”.Spend some time making up clues to identify several objects/illnesses/habits in this unit.Then read your clues to your partner and see if he/she can identify them.Choose the best ones to read to the class.‎ EXAMPLES:‎ It is a bad habit for both males and females.‎ It is something you shouldn't start because you will be addicted to it.‎ It is something which is illegal.‎ It is a very expensive habit and so it will waste your money.‎ Step 9 Closing down by a quiz Show students the following on the screen or give out test papers to them.‎ ‎1.It took us over an hour______ along the street.‎ A.walk  B.to walk  ‎ C.walking  D.walked ‎ ‎2.I think it a great honor______ to visit your country.‎ A.to invite B.inviting  ‎ C.having invited D.to be invited ‎3.Many people now make______ a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas.‎ A.themselves B.it    ‎ C.that   D.this ‎ ‎4.______ is very clear to everyone that he is round and tall like a tree.‎ A.This   B.What   ‎ C.That   D.It ‎ ‎5.In the United States,bus travel doesn't cost much as train travel,______?‎ A.don't they B.does it   ‎ C.do they  D.doesn't it ‎6.Someone is at the door;who is______?‎ A.this   B.that   ‎ C.it    D.he ‎ ‎7.______ raining hard for three hours without stopping.‎ A.It is   B.It was   ‎ C.It has been  D.It had been ‎ ‎8.—Has the boy got his bicycle now?‎ ‎—Yes,the police gave______. ‎ A.him to him B.it to it   ‎ C.it to him  D.him to it ‎ ‎9.It is important ______their offer. ‎ A.reject  B.rejects   ‎ C.to reject  D.rejecting ‎ ‎10.Has ______been decided when we are to hold the sports meeting?‎ A.that   B.this   ‎ C.it    D.what ‎ ‎11.Will you see to ______ that the luggage is brought back?‎ A.which  B.it    ‎ C.this   D.that ‎12.What she said discouraged you,______?‎ A.did it  B.didn't it  [来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ C.did she  D.didn't she ‎ ‎13.____________ (已经有三年了)since his father passed away.‎ ‎14.____________ (不久) the police arrived.[来源:学。科。网]‎ ‎15.____________(已经八点了)when he got home.‎ ‎16.____________(应该……的时候了) she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.‎ ‎17.____________(这是第一次) that these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1~5 BDBDB 6~10 CCCCC 11~12 BB ‎13.It is/has been three years ‎14.It was not long before ‎15.It was already eight o'clock ‎16.It is(high)time that ‎ ‎17.It is the first time Step 10 Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ Period 4 Listening and Speaking 教学内容分析   ‎ The emphasis of this period will be placed on listening and speaking.There are altogether three texts for the students to listen to in this period:one is in the Student's Book and the other two are in the Workbook.The first one(on Page 23,Listening and speaking)is a dialogue between two girls—Tina and Sara.Tina wants Sara to go to a disco with her,but Sara is nervous about going because she is afraid that it would not be safe to attend such a social gathering.So Tina is giving Sara some advice about how to remain safe at a social gathering where alcohol and drugs may be present.‎ The second one(on Page 55,Listening)is a conversation between a doctor and a student.Li Yue is a high school student.She began to feel sick all the time during her final year.So she went to see the doctor and they are talking about Li Yue's problems.‎ And the third one(on Page 58,Listening Task)is a speech given by Li Yue which is about stress and how to avoid stress.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To understand the meanings of the following key words while hearing them in the tape:abortion(流产),cigar(香烟).‎ ‎2.To enable the students to understand the listening texts.‎ ‎3.To help the students learn how to give,warning,permission and prohibition.‎ Process and methods ‎1.Smoothing away language problems if any before listening.‎ Before asking the students to listen to the tape,help them to smooth away any language problems such as new words and expressions that they may not understand while listening.‎ ‎2.Listening for needed information.‎ Before asking the students to listen to the tape for the first time,give them one or two questions about the general idea of the text so as to lead the students to concentrate only on the needed information.Then ask them to listen to the tape for a second or even a third time for some ‎ specific information by giving them some detailed questions to answer.‎ ‎3.Speaking freely and making conversations.‎ The students may be asked to give their own points of view and attitudes towards certain subject mentioned in the text.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To stimulate students' sense of communication and cooperation.‎ ‎2.To help students realize what is healthy life styles and how to stay away from bad behavior.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.The understanding of the listening texts.‎ ‎2.The expressing of,warning,permission and prohibition.‎ [来源:Z*xx*k.Com]‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Get students to retell the text.‎ ‎2.Check the answers of the exercises in Learning about Language and explain the difficulties.‎ Step 2 Listening ‎ ‎1.Listen to Text 1(Page 23)and do the following exercises.‎ ‎(1)Listen for the first time and tick Sara's concerns.‎ AIDS( ),drugs( ),abortion( ),smoking( ),alcohol( ),strangers( ),money( ),dancing( ),orange juice( ),cigar( )‎ ‎(2)Listen again and complete Tina's sentences.‎ ‎①Just say“no”.You ______.‎ ‎②It is OK to______.‎ ‎③It would be a good idea to______.‎ ‎④If someone offers you a cigarette,______.‎ ‎⑤Well,I'll______.Let's______.‎ ‎(3)Listen to the tape for a third time and check the answers.‎ ‎2.Listen to Text 2(Page 55)and do the following exercises.‎ ‎(1)Listen for the first time and choose the main idea of the dialogue.‎ A.Li Yue is busy preparing exams.‎ B.Li Yue is feeling unwell due to stress.‎ C.Li Yue has too much work to do.‎ ‎(2)Listen for the second time and choose the best answers to the following questions.‎ ‎①What's wrong with Li Yue?‎ A.She gets a lot of headaches. ‎ B.She is preparing exams. ‎ C.She relaxes a lot.‎ ‎②What caused her problem in the doctor's opinion?[来源:学_科_网]‎ A.Doing a lot of homework.  ‎ B.Stress.  ‎ C.Feeling tired all the time.‎ ‎③The doctor advises Li Yue to______.‎ A.exercise an hour every day ‎ B.do no more schoolwork ‎ C.keep study and relaxation balanced ‎④What will the doctor do?‎ A.Do tests for Li Yue. ‎ B.Prescribe some medicine for Li Yue.  ‎ C.Teach her some ways to deal with stress.‎ ‎(3)Listen for the third time and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎①Well,don't ______.We'll ______.‎ ‎②But you will actually do better______.‎ ‎③If the problem is stress,we can talk about ______.‎ ‎3.Listening task on Page 58.‎ Before listening,ask students what they think “health week” is.‎ ‎(1)Listen to the tape for the first time and give the main idea of the dialogue.‎ ‎(2)Listen to part one for the second time and complete these sentences.‎ ‎①You see,______was ______ that all I did was study______.‎ ‎②I never ______,and in the end I______.I started to have ______,I ______,I______ and I ______ all the time.‎ ‎③In the end,I couldn't study any more because ______ in class.‎ ‎(3)Listen to part two for a second time and choose the best answers to the following questions.‎ ‎①What did the doctor tell Li Yue about?‎ A.Taking some medicine.‎ B.Keeping a balance between study and relaxation.‎ C.Studying even harder.‎ ‎②Which is not Li Yue's advice?‎ A.Doing some exercise. ‎ B.Meeting friends. ‎ C.Holding a party.‎ ‎(4)Listen for a third time,check answers and discuss the following questions.‎ ‎①Do you agree with Li Yue's advice?Why?_____________________________‎ ‎②What do you do to relax?___________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.(1)drugs,smoking,alcohol,dancing ‎(2)①don't have to do anything you don't want to ‎②drink orange juice or something instead ‎③have something to eat before you go out,like rice or noodles ‎④don't take it ‎⑤teach you;Let's get my CD player and start practicing now ‎2.(1)B (2)ABCA ‎(3)①get upset;sort it out ‎②in your exams if you balance study with some relaxation ‎③ways to relax and still get your schoolwork done ‎3.(1)Stress and how to avoid it.‎ ‎(2)①what I did;to worry so much;from morning to night ‎②relaxed properly;became ill;headaches;didn't sleep well;didn't feel like eating;was tired[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎③my head hurt so badly that I kept falling asleep ‎(3)①B ②C ‎(4)①I don't agree with it.I need to study all the time./I thought it was good.It fits in with my experience.‎ ‎②Answers may vary.‎ Step 3 Speaking Since the students have learned much knowledge about healthy life by both reading and listening.It's necessary for them to talk about it now.Teach them how to give warning,permission and prohibition by showing them the following sentences on the screen.‎ ‎(Slide show)‎ ‎1.Permission ‎ Is it OK/all right to...? Would you mind if...? I wonder if I can...‎ Do you mind if...?‎ ‎2.Warning ‎ It is not a good idea to... Be sure/careful to... Watch out for...‎ Mind your head/step! Don't forget to...‎ ‎3.Prohibition Do/Don't... You can't/may not... You shouldn't/mustn't... You are not to... You are not allowed to... You are not supposed to...‎ Ask the students to look at the talking topics shown on the screen and discuss with their partners and then make up their own dialogues.(Show the following on the screen.)‎ Talking Topics ‎1.Asking if you can leave bags/a bicycle at an airport/restaurant while you are away for a while.‎ ‎2.Making suggestions to help someone avoid problems you have already met with and overcome.‎ ‎3.Think of some rules in classroom or school and try to express them using appropriate structures.‎ Give the students three minutes to prepare and practice,and then ask two groups to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the whole class.‎ Step 4 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅰ.Three Powerful Steps to Relieve Stress Step 1 Exercise Taking time to exercise will not only improve your body and its physical appearance,it will assist in releasing the stress hormones that have been building up.A daily vigorous walk,jogging,weight lifting,aerobics,swimming,bike riding,dancing or a dance class,football,basketball,etc.are all great ways to relieve the chemical stress hormones.‎ Step 2 Eating Right[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ Eating a balanced diet will not only make you feel better it will relieve some of the stress and certainly won't add to it.When you eat a diet high in sugars,cholesterol,and fat,you add to the trauma in your system.Concentrate on a high protein,veggie,fruit diet and you will see remarkable improvements.Also whole grains promote production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin for a greater sense of well-being.When you combine healthier eating with exercise your body will respond favorably and the stress levels will start to decrease.‎ Step 3 Change Your Mindset If you walk around all day saying “I'm so stressed”,you will be.Positive thinking is crucial to relieving the mental stress.Our minds are so powerful that we can actually increase our stress by the way we think and the things we speak.If you develop a new mindset that is positive in nature and optimistic,studies have shown this to be a reliever of stress.Meditation is a prime way to change your mindset and refocus on the positives and what is really important.Try yoga or visualization imagery to assist.‎ Ⅱ.Reasons Why People Find Relief in Smoking Smoking is a harmful habit and makes one addicted once they start doing it.However,what are the reasons why people still continue to smoke?These people know the harmful and if long term,even life threatening effects of smoking but it seems nobody heeds the warning.‎ The number of teenagers smoking today has increased tremendously.Their parents do their best to stop them from starting the habit;however,most of them are unsuccessful.Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation.It is the time that they are confused which role to take in society.Most of them usually have identity crisis at this age and smoking makes them feel better.Once they start smoking,they soon love the feeling of contentment it brings them.Thus,they continue doing it.Peer pressure is also a great factor to this.A teenager would like to belong to a group.Being alone and no friends when you are a teenager is hard.Having some people to support you and accompany you in any social activity feels great.At this stage,teenagers feel their parents don't understand them.Everything that their parents tell them and do is against their will.They still can't understand all the things their parents are doing for them which are for their ‎ own good.Those who are non-smokers are often convinced by smokers to engage in this activity.Usually,they would smoke and drink overnight.Teenagers feel that if they won't join the group,they would lose their friends and will be left alone in which they don't want to happen.This is the reason why they continue smoking to be accepted by them.Later in life when they finally decide to stop,it becomes hard as they are already addicted to it.‎ There are also some people who smoke because of the nature of their jobs.Those who work in a very cold area or at sea smoke to keep their bodies warm.At this time,smoking brings them good benefits.Call center agents and those who work at night love drinking their favorite cup of coffee and smoking at the same time while waiting for their shift at work.This is to keep them awake and attentive to answering their clients and finishing their assigned task.However,they don't consider the long term ill effects of smoking.Smoking is addictive.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ Smokers are also those who are experiencing feelings of depression.They find it hard to face the challenges life brings most especially if their problems are too hard to handle.They feel that what can make them feel better is by smoking and drinking.Yes,it is true that smoking could make them feel better but it is just a temporary feeling of relief.‎ Period 5 Reading and Writing 教学内容分析   ‎ The teaching materials of this period contain two parts.The first part is the reading passage on Page 22 titled HIV/AIDS:Are You at Risk? which is about what is HIV/AIDS,how it is contacted and how to protect oneself from getting the disease.The second part is the writing task on Page 24,which asks the students to write a letter to Li Xiaolei to give her some advice on her problems.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To enable the students to know something about what is HIV/AIDS,how it is contacted and how to protect oneself from getting the disease.‎ ‎2.To get the students to learn the following useful new words and ‎ structures:judgment(看法;判决;判断),awkward(局促不安的;笨拙的),It is/was...that/who...,be likely to.‎ ‎3.To help the students learn how to write a letter giving advice.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎4.To foster the students' ability in skimming and looking up information in reference books and improve the students' reading ability.[来源:学科网]‎ Process and methods Reading for specific information,summarizing,discussing and practicing.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To arouse students' awareness of the harm caused by HIV/AIDS.‎ ‎2.To help students not to put themselves at risk out of ignorance and take a sympathetic attitude towards those who already suffer from the disease instead of looking down upon them.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.The understanding of the reading passage.‎ ‎2.The following key sentences:‎ ‎(1)For a person to become infected,blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus,has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection.‎ ‎(2)Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.‎ ‎(3)It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.‎ ‎(4)Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.‎ ‎3.Teaching the students how to write a letter giving advice.‎ Step 1 Revision Check the answers to the grammar exercises on Page 21 and explain the difficult ones.‎ Step 2 Lead-in by reading the following sentences By the end of 2003,an estimated 42 million around the world were living with HIV/AIDS.‎ During the year,5 million people became infected and an estimated 3 million people died.‎ About one-third of people living with HIV/AIDS are 15-24 years of age.More than 7 million people in Asia and the Pacific are living with HIV/AIDS.‎ Step 3 Pre-reading[来源:学,科,网][来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]‎ It is likely that many students have incorrect information about the disease,so teachers should first get students to talk about something about HIV/AIDS by asking the following questions:Can ordinary people be at the risk of contracting HIV?In what way can people get infected?What measures can people take to protect themselves?Will people die if they have HIV?‎ Step 4 Fast reading This passage can be divided into three sections.Scan the text and find out what's the main idea of each section.‎ Section 1:_____________________________________________________________‎ Section 2:________________________________________________________________‎ Section 3:_______________________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ Section 1:Background information about what the disease is.‎ Section 2:Ways to protect yourself.‎ Section 3:To make some false beliefs disappear.‎ Step 5 Detailed reading ‎1.Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.‎ Information about HIV Weaken a person's (1)______.‎ Spread through (2)______ or the fluid made during sex.‎ Ways to protect yourself Don't share your (3)______ with anyone else.‎ Use a condom if you have sex with a male or a female.‎ Some wrong statements You can tell by (4)______ someone whether or not they have ‎ HIV.‎ If you hug,(5)______ someone with AIDS or visit them in their home you will get HIV/AIDS.‎ ‎2.Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).‎ ‎(1)You can only get HIV from injecting drugs.‎ ‎(2)It is very likely that you will die if you get infected with HIV.‎ ‎(3)If you look healthy,you cannot have HIV.‎ ‎(4)It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom.‎ ‎(5)Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will give you HIV too.‎ ‎(6)If you have HIV,you will always get AIDS eventually.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.(1)immune system (2)blood (3)needle (4)looking at (5)touch or kiss ‎ ‎2.FTFTFT Step 6 Discussion Divide the students into groups of six and discuss the following question.‎ Has your attitude towards people with HIV/AIDS changed after reading the passage?If so,how?If not,why not?‎ Ask one student of each group to report their answer,and the other students can challenge his report.‎ Step 7 Language study Show the students the following language points in a slide show.‎ ‎1.judgement(P23)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Before you read this text,what judgements did you make about people with HIV/AIDS?‎ 在阅读这篇课文之前,你对感染艾滋病病毒的人有什么看法?‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)He passed judgement on the guilty man.‎ 他对那个罪犯作出了裁决。‎ ‎(2)Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.‎ 她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。‎ ‎(3)In my judgement,we should accept their apology.‎ 依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ judgement n.看法;判断;判决;in one's judgement 在某人看来 pass judgement on作出裁决 ‎【词汇辨析】 ‎ judgement,discrimination和sense 这些名词均含“识别力、判断”之意。‎ judgement指经过训练或磨炼或凭经历而得到辨别或判断事物的能力或品质。‎ discrimination指辨别精微事物的能力,甚至平时观察不到的也可识别出来。‎ sense指不带幻想、感情或偏见地观察事物,并能作出明智、公平的选择与决定。‎ ‎2.awkward(P24)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Then she offered me a cigarette and I felt so embarrassed and awkward.‎ 然后她递给我一支烟,我感到非常尴尬与不安。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The heavy ax was awkward to use.‎ 这把重斧头不好用。‎ ‎(2)Your refusal puts me in an awkward position.‎ 你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。‎ ‎(3)At the formal party,I felt very awkward and out of place.‎ 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ awkward adj. 局促不安的,笨拙的 ‎3.For a person to become infected,blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus,has to get inside the body through broken skin,or injection.(P22)‎ 携带病毒的血液或体液必须通过皮肤上的创口或通过注射才能进入人体,使人受感染。‎ 句中有一个that引导的定语从句,修饰blood or sexual fluid;to become infected是不定式短语作person的后置定语。‎ ‎4.Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.(P22)‎ 你可以按照这里列举的一些注意事项去做,以确保自己安全。‎ things后跟了一个定语从句you can do;动词不定式短语to make sure you stay safe表示目的,make sure后接宾语从句you stay safe,省略了连接词that,stay 在此处是一个系动词,意为“保持”,后接形容词。例如:‎ They are going to stay awake to see the lunar eclipse.‎ 他们打算不睡觉等着看月食。‎ ‎5.It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.(P22)‎ 只有当这种病发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。 ‎ It is/was...that/who...是强调结构,它可以用来强调句中的某些成分,如主语、宾语、状语等,但不能用来强调谓语和表语。原句是: A person begins to look sick when the disease has progressed to AIDS.‎ ‎6.Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.(P22)‎ 女性感染病毒的可能性比男性稍微大一些。‎ be likely 后接不定式或从句,表示“可能会……”。如:‎ He's likely to arrive late this afternoon.‎ 他今天下午可能会迟到一会儿。‎ It's likely that they will camp out tonight.‎ 他们今天晚上可能要在外面露营了。‎ Step 8 Writing ‎ ‎1.Read this letter and imagine you are Wang Ping,the adviser who deals with students' problems.Write a letter to give Li Hua some helpful advice.‎ Dear Wang Ping,‎ Can you help me,please?I have tried to stop smoking several times.I am OK for two days and then I feel really sick and irritable and I have to start smoking again.I know smoking is a bad habit,but I just can't seem to give it up.Do you have any useful tips?‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎2.Before the students write the passage,guide them to do the following things.‎ ‎(1)Help students decide the tense of the letter.‎ ‎(2)Ask them to note down 3-5 tips they would like to include in their letter.‎ ‎(3)Let them discuss with each other how they will organize their letter.‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Li Hua,‎ I am sorry you have had so much trouble to stop smoking,but I am glad you are still trying.I hope the tips below will help you.‎ First of all,don't give up.The more often you try,the more likely you are to eventually succeed.When you feel irritable,don't automatically reach for a cigarette to make you feel better.Take a few moments to relax.Start by breathing deeply and lifting your arms out to the side and over your head.‎ It is a good idea to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit when you are quitting smoking.This will help to remove the nicotine from your body faster and you won't feel so sick.It is normal to feel a little stressed when you first give up smoking,but try to remember that it will only last a few days and then you will begin to feel much better.[来源:学.科.网]‎ Keep up the good work,Li Hua,and remind yourself how much healthier you will be when you finally quit.‎ Good luck and best wishes!‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Wang Ping Step 9 Homework ‎1.Master the language points in the text.‎ ‎2.阅读下面这封摘自 21st Century的一名中学生的来信,并据此写一封回信(信的开头已为你写好。词数120左右)。回信应包括如下要点:‎ ‎(1)鼓励Amy坚定求学信心,志存高远。‎ ‎(2)就Amy的目前状况,提两到三个建议。‎ Dear Editor,‎ I am a new student at No.1 Middle School of Chongqing.My home is far from Chongqing,so I must live at school.This is the first time for me to get away from my parents.I feel very sad.When I left home,I could hardly tear myself away from them.I do not want to be alone at school,and I am a shy girl.I have been crying in bed at night these days.I want to stay at home forever.I miss my parents very much.Could you tell me what to do?‎ Your early reply is expected. Regards,‎ Amy ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Amy,‎ Thank you for your letter.I am so glad to have a talk about your present situation with you.‎ People often miss their parents the first time they leave home.Most people do have to leave home for higher education or employment.You cannot live with your parents forever.I think you should realize that present separation will help your academic development and your improvement of personal ability.‎ You need to make friends in your school,sharing ideas with your classmates who are physically closest to you now.Maybe you will still miss your parents,but your new friends will bring happiness and joy to your new life.Also I suggest you enjoy yourself by taking an active part in different kinds of activities in school.You will get much pleasure from it.‎ Wish you happy every day.‎ Faithfully yours,‎ Editor Step 10 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ What We Still Don't Know About AIDS?(艾滋病还有哪些未解之谜?)‎ In the 20 years since the first cases of AIDS were detected,scientists say they have learned more about this viral disease than any other.‎ Yet Peter Piot,who directs the United Nations AIDS program,and Stefano Vella of Rome,president of the International AIDS Society,and other experts say reviewing unanswered questions could prove useful as a measure of progress for AIDS and other diseases.‎ Among the important broader scientific questions that remain:‎ ‎1.Why does AIDS predispose infected persons to certain types of cancer and infections?‎ A long-standing belief is that cancer cells constantly develop and are held in check by a healthy immune system.But AIDS has challenged that belief.People with AIDS are much more prone to certain cancers like non-Hodgkins lymphomas and Kaposi's sarcoma,but not to breast,colon and lung,the most common cancers in the United States.This pattern suggests that an impaired immune system,at least the type that occurs in AIDS,does not allow common cancers to develop.‎ ‎2.What route does HIV take after it enters the body to destroy the immune system?‎ When HIV is transmitted sexually,the virus must cross a tissue barrier to enter the body.How that happens is still unclear.The virus might invade directly or be carried by a series of different kinds of cells.‎ ‎3.How does HIV subvert the immune system?‎ Although HIV kills the immune cells sent to kill the virus,there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS.So scientists ask:Can the elements of the immune system responsible for that variability be identified?If so,can they be used to stop progression to AIDS in infected individuals and possibly prevent infection in the first place?‎ ‎4.What is the most effective anti-HIV therapy?‎ In theory,early treatment should offer the best chance of preserving immune function.But the new drugs do not completely eliminate HIV from the body so the medicines,which can have dangerous side effects,will have to be taken for a lifetime and perhaps changed to combat resistance.The new policy is expected to recommend that treatment be deferred until there are signs the immune system is weakening.‎ ‎5.Is a vaccine possible?‎ There is little question that an effective vaccine is crucial to controlling the epidemic.Yet only one has reached the stage of full testing,and there is wide controversy over the degree of protection it will provide.HIV strains that are transmitted in various areas of the world differ genetically.It is not known whether a vaccine derived from one type of HIV will confer protection against other types.‎ ‎6.In the absence of a vaccine,how can HIV be stopped?‎ Without more incisive,focused behavioral research,prevention messages alone will not stop the global epidemic.‎ Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment 教学内容分析   ‎ This is the last teaching period of this unit,so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit.It includes the following parts:Summing Up,Learning Tip,Checking Yourself and some other consolidation exercises.‎ Summing Up summarizes the whole unit from the aspects of topics,vocabulary and grammar.The teacher can first use this part to let students sum up what they have learned in this unit and then let them find out what they can't understand very well.‎ Learning Tip gives students instructions on how to get the general idea of the text.Let the students think about what they already know about the topic and what new information they will find.‎ Finally,ask students to finish Checking Yourself on Page 61 in the Workbook.This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit.It is very important to improve their learning.Of course,a testing assessment is also needed.‎ In this period,the teacher should also provide more practice to consolidate what students have learned in this unit.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get students to master all the useful new words and expressions in this unit.‎ ‎2.To have students understand the new grammar item “the use of ‘it’” better,and enable them to use the following structures correctly:It+be+(difficult/necessary/a rule/a duty)+for/of sb.+to do sth.;It/This/That is+the first/second time+that sb.has/have done sth.;It is/has been+years/days/weeks since sb.did sth.;It will be long/hours/days/years before sb.do/does sth.‎ ‎3.To develop the students' ability to use the important language points in this unit.‎ Process and methods Design some additional exercises for students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To encourage students to learn more about healthy life styles and know more about HIV/AIDS.‎ ‎2.To help students take a positive attitude towards people with HIV/AIDS.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ Using what they have learned in this unit to solve real problems.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.‎ Step 2 Lead-in Ask the students to turn to Page 24.Think about what they have learned in this unit and tick the boxes to see how well they have learned them.‎ Step 3 Summing up Five minutes for the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit by themselves.Then check and explain something where necessary.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(Students' answers may vary.)From this unit I have learned what a healthy lifestyle is and how to get rid of smoking.I have also learned something about HIV/AIDS and some HIV/AIDS programs.‎ From this unit you have also learned:‎ useful verbs:abuse stress strengthen ban quit accustom phrasal verbs:decide on feel like(doing) take risks get into useful nouns:effect cigarette alcohol adolescent withdrawal lung packet chemist comprehension appendix pill survival sex needle prejudice judgement abortion cigar useful adjectives and adverbs:due automatic mental desperate ashamed disappointed awkward tough addicted pregnant abnormal breathless unfit illegal male female embarrassed useful expressions: due to in spite of take risks get into at risk be accustomed to new grammar item:the use of “it”‎ Step 4 Practice Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.‎ Ⅰ.Word spelling ‎1.His behavior was beyond c______.I could not understand why he did so.‎ ‎2.Tom's i______ behavior led to his being arrested,which made his parents disappointed.‎ ‎3.To our delight,there are a great many s______ from the fire for the timely rescue.‎ ‎4.All the ______(女性的)workers in this factory got a present on March 8.‎ ‎5.My father has q______ smoking.‎ ‎6.The door opened ______(自动地)as we approached.‎ ‎7.Some ______(青少年)have got into the habit of taking drugs.‎ ‎8.M______ health is as important as physical health.‎ ‎9.There is still some time left and we shouldn't get ______(绝望的).‎ ‎10.The English teacher s______ the importance of reading aloud,which is necessary for improving English.‎ ‎11.In my opinion,the Internet does______(加强)the relationships between my friends and me.‎ Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Use each expression only once and ‎ make changes where necessary.‎ ‎1.The television station apologized for the bad picture,which was______ the bad weather conditions.‎ ‎2.The father said that his son had been a good student before he______ computer games.‎ ‎3.Let's think it over together and ______ a plan for action.‎ ‎4.Having lived there for a long time,the young man ______ the foreign food.‎ ‎5.Do you ______ going to a movie?‎ ‎6.You should ______ these old tables and buy some new ones.‎ ‎7.He ______ when he crossed the old bridge because it was under repair.‎ ‎8.I feel that it is important to ______ the habit of planning to achieve great wealth.‎ ‎9.______these difficulties,I know you will win the competition.‎ ‎10.I ran to the office all along and was ______when I got there.‎ Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English according to the underlined sentence patterns.‎ ‎1.Neither_did_I_know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.‎ They couldn't do without practice;______(实践没有理论也不行).‎ ‎2.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.‎ You must present your library ticket ______(你每次借书时).‎ ‎3.What_I_did_know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.‎ ‎______(我确实知道)is that smoking does harm to health,but I still can't give it up.‎ ‎4.It_seems_amazing_that at my age I'm still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.‎ ‎______(这看起来不可能)she will refuse the offer of help.‎ Ⅳ.Multiple choice ‎1.Once you have become ______ to cigarette smoking or alcohol,it is hard to ______ it even ‎ though you try hard.‎ A.used;get away with           B.addicted;get rid of ‎ C.adapted;get down to     D.accustomed;get off ‎ ‎2.You have really ______ our trust and expectation.How come that you have got yourself involved in family and child abuses?‎ A.let down B.disappointed C.abused D.broken ‎ ‎3.______ the thick fog hanging around the airport,his plane which was ______ at 11:30 landed two hours late.‎ A.Thanks to;believed to arrive    ‎ B.Owing to;about arriving ‎ C.Because of;supposed arriving ‎ D.Due to;due to arrive ‎ ‎4.For the benefit of non-smokers,the Mayor stressed the importance and urgency to ______ in public places.‎ A.rid smoking  B.stop smoking ‎ C.ban smoking  D.prevent smoking ‎ ‎5.She is so accustomed to ______ around all the time that his sudden withdrawal from her world caused her great panic.‎ A.him being  B.being   ‎ C.him to be   D.have him around ‎ ‎6.It is generally believed that constant reading and comprehending can ______ our mental ability of comprehension while physical exercise can help build up our body.‎ A.stress   B.effect   ‎ C.strengthen   D.decide ‎ ‎7.Though many of the heavy smokers have realized the serious effect that smoking has ______ their health,they continue to smoke instead of ______.‎ A.for;giving it up B.on;leaving  ‎ C.to;abandoning  D.on;quitting ‎ ‎8.______the fact that there was great prejudice against women entering men's profession then,she succeeded as a manager of a big company.‎ A.While   B.In spite of  ‎ C.Despite of   D.As ‎ ‎9.______ as the patient's lung structure was,the doctors still decided to ______to perform the operation on him.‎ A.Informal;take a chance     ‎ B.Normal;take a risk ‎ C.Abnormal;take risks     ‎ D.Abnormal;take chances ‎ ‎10.It is ______of you to make your teacher ______ in front of so many students on purpose.‎ A.shameful;embarrassed     ‎ B.ashamed;embarrassed C.a shame;embarrass      ‎ D.ashamed;embarrassing ‎ ‎11.Even though he knew he would put his own life ______,he still felt ______the newly discovered herb to find out what it would ______.‎ A.at a risk;like to try;feel like ‎ B.at risks;like trying;feel [来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]‎ C.at risk;like to try;feel as ‎ D.at risk;like trying;feel like ‎ ‎12.When a desperate man becomes desperate ______ money,love or sex,he will stop at nothing to get what he wants,turning to illegal means or even risking ______his own life.‎ A.for;to lose  B.for;losing  ‎ C.with;to lose  D.at;losing ‎ ‎13.The date for the next round six-party talk ______ but whether progress will be made remains ______.[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]‎ A.has agreed;to be seen ‎ B.has been decided on;to be seen ‎ C.has been reached;being seen ‎ D.has been determined on;being seen ‎ ‎14.It is ______ for a girl to become pregnant before marriage in China but in some developed Western countries it is a quite ______and acceptable behavior.‎ A.embarrassed;normal     ‎ B.disappointing;ordinary ‎ C.awkward;common      ‎ D.embarrassing;general ‎ ‎15.If one or both of the parents ______ into the habit of smoking,they are likely to ______ their children into the habit,which gets them into a lot of health problems.‎ A.have got;get  B.has got;get  ‎ C.have fallen;fall  D.has formed;get ‎ ‎16.One should not make flattery an/a ______ part of one's behavior in life.‎ A.natural   B.normal   ‎ C.automatic   D.genuine ‎ First get the students to do the exercises.Then the answers are given.The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.‎ Suggested answers:‎ Ⅰ.1.comprehension 2.illegal 3.survivals 4.female 5.quitted 6.automatically ‎7.adolescents 8.Mental 9.desperate 10.stresses 11.strengthen Ⅱ.1.due to 2.became addicted to 3.decide on 4.has got accustomed to 5.feel like  6.throw away 7.took a risk 8.get into 9.In spite of 10.out of breath Ⅲ.1.neither could practice without theory 2.every time you borrow books 3.What I do know 4.It seems impossible Ⅳ.1~16 BCDCA CDBCA DBBCA C ‎ Step 5 Learning tip Ask the students to turn to Page 24.Read through the passage and make sure they understand it.Encourage them to do as the passage tells because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning.‎ Step 6 Assessment ‎1.Checking yourself(on Page 61 in the Workbook)‎ First get the students to think about these questions individually.Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience.The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.‎ ‎2.Testing assessment Ⅰ.Complete the following sentences according to the texts.‎ ‎1.I think my long and active life ______(要归功于)the healthy life I live.‎ ‎2.Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding ______(戒掉它很困难).‎ ‎3.You see,during adolescence I also smoked and ______(吸烟上瘾).‎ ‎4.This means that after a while your body ______(习惯了)having nicotine in it.‎ ‎5.As you know,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it ______(自动地).‎ ‎6.When I was young,I didn't know much about the ______(吸烟的危害性).‎ ‎7.If you ______(感到没办法),you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎8.Every time you feel like smoking,______(提醒你自己)that you are a non-smoker.‎ ‎9.______(尽管)all his efforts he failed in the exam at last.‎ ‎10.If you develop AIDS,your ______(生存的几率)are very small.‎ Ⅱ.Multiple choice ‎1.I hate ______when the light turns green,people don't move until it is about to turn red again.‎ A.it   B.that  ‎ C.these   D.them ‎2.I was disappointed at this novel.I had expected ______ to be much better.‎ A.that   B.it   ‎ C.one   D.this ‎3.John speaks in a low voice;______ is difficult to know what he is saying.‎ A.it   B.that  ‎ C.so   D.which ‎4.My watch is missing.I can't find ______ anywhere.‎ A.one   B.ones  ‎ C.it    D.that ‎5.______ Mary was free on Monday morning.‎ A.That happened    B.It is happened that C.It happened to     D.It happened that ‎6.______is kind______ you to have taken good care of my baby.‎ A.This;to  B.It;for   ‎ C.It;of   D.That;of ‎7.Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but______ didn't help.‎ A.it   B.he  ‎ C.she   D.which ‎8.I don't think______ possible to master a foreign language without hard work.‎ A.this   B.that   ‎ C.its   D.it ‎9.Jessica heard a terrible noise,______ brought her heart into her mouth.‎ A.it   B.which  ‎ C.this   D.that ‎10.Is______ necessary to complete the design before the weekend?‎ A.this   B.that  ‎ C.it    D.he ‎11.______ will be good to do some exercise every morning.[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]‎ A.It   B.There  ‎ C.Those   D.You ‎12.We think ______our duty to pay taxes to the government.‎ A.that   B.this  ‎ C.its   D.it ‎13.______ four years since I joined the army.[来源:学科网]‎ A.It was  B.There is  ‎ C.It is   D.There was ‎14.______ appears to me ______ the report must be true.‎ A.That;it  B.It;that   ‎ C.It;it   D.That;that ‎15.The climate of Shanghai is better than ______of Paris.‎ A.that   B.it    ‎ C.which   D.what Suggested answers:‎ Ⅰ.1.must be due to 2.it difficult to give it up 3.became addicted to cigarettes 4.becomes accustomed to 5.automatically 6.harmful effects of smoking 7.feel desperate 8.remind yourself 9.In spite of 10.chances of survival Ⅱ.1~5 ABACD 6~10 CADBC 11~15 ADCBA Step 7 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ ‎2.Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 3.‎ Step 8 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎

